Doktor Perubatan Buat MLM - Mau Cari Nahas Ka Dey?
Pesanan Ikhlas Aidid Mu'addib Kepada Pengamal Perubatan Berdaftar
Ada ramai
yang masih tak faham tentang situasi tentang Pegawai Perubatan yang berlesen
dengan Majlis Perubatan Malaysia dan penglibatan mereka dengan bzns komersial,
dan implikasinya dengan pengelentongan yang sudah jadi darah-daging industri MLM
yang bermotifkan wang-ringgit dan bukannya kesihatan (Kesihatan? What the?).
Kalau si Mat Rempit Bin Penyamun join Hai-O dan start menjajap produk penapis
air Bio-Auta (yang airnya dikatakan bebas bakteria dan boleh merawat gout) atau
korset bioceramic Tianjin (yang boleh rawat infertiliti dan kasi tetek gebu...
Tetek mende? What the?), lantak ko la dol - namanya pun Mat Rempit tak sekolah.
Tapi kalau Dr. Mohd Hafiz Bin Dato Osman buat keje lahanat mengelentong orang
Melayu dengan menggunakan advantage adanya title "al-duktur", dan terus-menerus
dapat berguni duit dan terus-menerus menayangkannya kat blog hipokrit yang ada
unsur blasphemy (infiniti tu sifat Allah, bukan sifat manusia/dunia) - well,
that's something else, isn't it?
Dah dekat
setahun dah aku buat keje ni wei. All you MLMers out there - listen here. Stay
as far away as you possibly can from Aidid Mu'addib, will ya? If you wanna show
you're soooo big and start dissing yours truly, either in your own blogs or
wherever - make sure I do not know anything about it, and I will never hear
about it. If I hear even a little whisper of my name being mentioned, I will
make sure I'll shove your own stinking shit down your throat, till you MLMers
puke shit-blood from your nose. And do not think you can run away, because I'll
chase you to the end of the world, and I'll make you suffer, until you repent
and return back every single cent you took from all those orang Melayu that you
swindled. Yes, return every single cent.... or else.
case-study kita seminggu-dua ni - Mamat mangkok-hayun ni ingat dia boleh lari
daripada kesalahannya dengan men-delete semua promosi Hai-O kat blog dia, dan
start tulis hadith dan ayat Al-Quran kasi blognya wangi, dan berusaha
sungguh-sungguh mahu kasi pihak KKM dan SKMM kompius kut. Wadefaknya dol? Mana
mahu larik dey? Lain kali, tulis la artikel yang ada nama aku lagik. Tulis,
jangan tak tulis. Lepas kena tangkap red-handed, terus delete blog entry eh?
Ingat boleh kelentong orang terus-menerus ek? Nah kau!
Mamat ni
masih menyombong gilabab, dan masih lagik menunjukkan sifat munafiqnya kat
blognya, dan masih belum lagik melakukan apa yang aku mahu dia lakukan. Tak nak
mengaku buat salah, tak nak membetulkan keadaan ha? Never mind... I don't really
care. It's not my ass that is smoking from the lies he concocted in his blog -
it's his.
What is
the big deal anyway in this barua Hai-O case? Kes ini aku highlight kat blog ni
sebagai peringatan kepada setiap doktor perubatan di luar sana yang ada hasrat
untuk buat duit dengan kaedah mengelentong (join MLM atau skim piramid le tu)
atau ingin melibatkan diri dalam apa-apa perniagaan komersial - jangan ingat
Malaysia takde undang-undang dan jangan ingat korang boleh buat perangai mat
rempit sewenang-wenangnya. Mamat dan minah rempit mungkin ada "free-market"
untuk join benda merapu MLM ikut suka dia orang, tapi kepada doktor perubatan,
no-way-jose. Aku tahu ramai doktor yang follow blog aku, dan ada lebih ramai
lagik medical student yang follow jugak - student yang masing-masing tengah
bertungkus-lumus memotong cadaver dan bukak buku sampai rabun mata dan dah tak
mandi 2 hari sebab next week nak exam. Ingat ni dik. Nak jadi doktor kemudian
hari - we have this thing that we called "Medical Ethics" or what I myself like
to call - "The Code". Actually, it has been called "The Code" since ages ago. I
didn't create the term. Hey
anyway... what is the code, man?
From The
Malaysian Medical Council:
1. A general ethical principle is that a doctor should
not associate himself with commerce in such a way as to let it influence or
appear to influence his attitude towards the treatment of his patient. It is
improper for an individual practitioner to accept from a pharmaceutical firm
monetary gifts or loans or expensive items of equipment for his personal
Gifts, hospitality or subsidies offered to doctors by the
pharmaceutical industry ought not be accepted if acceptance might influence or
appear to others to influence the objectivity of clinical judgement. A useful
criterion in determining acceptable activities and relationship is, "Would you
be willing to have these arrangements generally known?" Some of the particular
directions in which dangers of unethical conduct may arise are as
It is undesirable for a doctor to have a special direct and personal
financial interest in the sale of any pharmaceutical preparation or medical
equipment he may have to recommend to a patient. If such be unavoidable for
any good and sufficient reason, he should disclose his interest when ordering
that preparation or article. This is not held to apply to the acquisition of
shares in a public company marketing pharmaceutical products.
Testimonials written by doctors on the value of proprietary products have
often been abused by the manufacturers. A doctor should refrain from writing
a testimonial on a commercial product unless he receives a legally enforceable
guarantee that his opinion will not be published without his
The Ethics Committee disapproves of the direct association of a medical
practitioner with any commercial enterprise engaged in the manufacture or sale
of any substance which is claimed to be of value in the prevention or treatment
of disease and which is recommended to the public in such a fashion as to be
calculated to encourage the practice of self-diagnosis and of self-medication or
is of undisclosed nature or composition.
The Ethics Committee takes a similar view of association of a medical
practitioner with any system or method of treatment which is not under medical
control and which is advertised in the public press. The practitioner is the
trustee for the patient and accordingly must avoid any situation in which there
is a conflict of interest with patient care. A general ethical principle is that
a practitioner should not associate himself with commerce in such a way as to
let it influence, or appear to influence, his attitude towards the treatment of
his patients. The association of a practitioner with any commercial
enterprise engaged in the manufacture or sale of any substance which is claimed
to be of value in the prevention or treatment of disease but is unproven or of
an undisclosed nature or composition may be considered as infamous conduct in a
professional respect.
practitioner has a duty to declare an interest before participating in
discussion, which could lead to the purchase by a public authority of goods, or
services in which he, or a member of his immediate family, has a direct or
indirect pecuniary interest. Non-disclosure of such information may, under
certain circumstances, amount to infamous conduct in a professional respect.
Where the practitioner has a financial interest in any facility or service to
which he refers patients for diagnostic tests, for procedures or for in-patient
care, it is ethically necessary for him to disclose his interest in the
institution to the patient.
In none of the above findings does the Ethics Committee pretend to interfere
with the right of a medical practitioner to be associated (save as above) with
any legitimate business enterprise, but if such enterprise concerns the sale
of a medicine or food, the practitioner should not allow his professional status
or qualifications to be used for advertising purposes outside the medical
Kepada Dr. Mohd Hafiz Dato
dan Dr. Aisyah@Azlindarita Bt. Mohd
Lu orang kulibatak Hai-O kantoi
palejadahnya dol?
Dr. Adrin Bin Kamarulzaman
dan Dr. Mizatul Ardiah Bt. Mukhtar,
Both of you in the clown-suit - tak payah nak
berbangga kalau keje sampingan tu mengencing orang Melayu. You two clowns are
busted. Now, bend over...
Ada lagik
ke bang? Ada kak...
Tu dia...
geng yang masih "dissing" kat Aidid Mu'addib dan buat fitnah bahawa bini aku pun
jual korset kejadah ni, sebab ada minah yang kawan atas kawan atas kawan dengan
bini aku cerita yang bini aku pun balaci Hai-O jugak wadefak... HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ingat aku tak tahu ke gossip haramjadah korang, geng gajah bunting wei? Aku tahu
banyak benda dol...
Oh ya,
ada satu lagik perkara berbangkit. Kalau korang perasan, kelima-lima doktor (dan
jugak pharmacist dan engineer cap ayam kat atas ni jugak) telah menggunakan gaya
promosi yang merupakan sokongan peribadi mereka kepada produk Hai-O... atau
dengan kata lain mereka telah mengeluarkan TESTIMONI terhadap produk yang mereka
cuba jual (sekaligus) kelentong kepada pengguna. Seterusnya masing-masing telah
berjaya naik pangkat dalam sistem perniagaan MLM Hai-O, yang mana gunakan duit
keuntungan daripada downline tu semua digunakan macam orang yahudi baru dapat
duit menyamun kat Wall Street, untuk masing-masing melaram macam orang kapiaq
dan bergaya sakan seumpama sakai kat Papua New Guinea baru pertama kali keluar
hutan banat - sebok menunjukkan trip melanc...ung anjuran syarikat Hai-O
(sebenarnya reward kerana mengencing sesama orang Melayu) kat prospek
masing-masing yang singgah kat blog - supaya lebih ramai lagik orang Melayu akan
berminat jadi downline dia orang. Anak dajjal wang-ringgit gilabab btol! Dah
elok-elok keje doktor... apekejadahnya dol?
Lembaga Pengiklanan Perubatan, di mana garis panduan yang jelas sudah wujud mengenai penggunaan 'testimonials'. Garis panduan berikut adalah bagi memperjelaskan peruntukan Akta Ubatan (Iklan dan Jualan) 1956 (Pindaan 1983) dan Lembaga Pengiklanan Perubatan 1976:
5.5.3 Criteria for testimonials
(a) Testimonials are allowed for products registered under category ‘X’ with the Drug Control Authority.
(b) Testimonials should not:
i. Contain any statement(s) which is exaggerated by the improper use of superlatives.
ii. Contain any medical statement(s) which refers of implies that the use of the product may be used for the purpose of diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease(s) or condition(s) of human beings.
iii. Contain any statement(s) that indicates or implies its effectiveness or superior quality and that good health is endangered because diets are not complemented with health supplements.
Nak menyombong jugak lagik korang balaci Hai-O eh? Berapa banyak Akta Perubatan korang dah langgar ni woi dogtor-dogtor Hai-O dey? Memang tak sayang lesen APC korang dah ye? Wang ringgit mengelentong orang buat MLM lebih sedap rasanya daripada duit gaji daripada berkhidmat sebagai seorang pegawai perubatan ha? Kerja keras membanting tulang bersengkang mata sebagai seorang doktor perubatan takde makna besar pada korang ha? Then, contact aje la Malaysian Medical Council tu dol - serahkan Full Registration Certificate and Annual Practicing Certificate korang - dan buat kerja MLM full-time sebagai pengelentong Hai-O. Setahun dapat 3-4 kali pegi melanc...ung ke obersi - downline orang Melayu korang yang sponsor what? Paris? Venice? Hong Kong? Perth? Penjara Kajang? Apa kesah? Assholes...
Pesanan Aidid Mu'addib kepada doktor dan penuntut
perubatan (yang berhasrat nak jadi duktur bila dapat ijazah nanti) di seluruh
Malaysia: Jangan libatkan diri anda dengan apa-apa MLM dan Skim
Piramid, dan jangan sesekali menyokong atau memberi testimoni terhadap apa-apa
produk komersial, kerana ianya melanggar Etika Perubatan dan sekaligus melanggar
Akta Perubatan yang telah termaktub dalam undang-undang
Malaysia... Kok keje jadi doktor rajin-rajin, tak boleh ka doktor
dey? Kalau nak duit sangat, nak kaya-raya macam yahudi... apekehenye nak jadi
duktur weh? Jadi penyamun mat rempit buat MLM, boleh kaya gak. Tak payah masuk
unibesiti pun....
P/S 2: Ini pun sama jugak la erk?
P/S 3:
Yang ni camane pulak dong?
Ada lagik?
Meh share kat sini meh...
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