kami.. some people tak suka.
Mcm crown dia takkan masuk dah sebab dia kata forum ni
pelik sangat.. satu pasal guna IPB (mamat tuh ada sikit grudge
dengan IPB).. and second pasal forummers dia pun pelik dan
'menakutkan' dia.
Kind of a waste sebab mamat tuh memang dewa bab SEO. Aku
pernah kasi dia satu website lepas siap developer outsource aku
buat dan siapkan.. and crown dapat buat website tu muncul di first
page dalam 6 hari.
Paling busuk and lama 3 minggu.. but usually way faster than that.
Mamat tuh and team of 6 dia memang sempoi bab SEO.
Dia asalnya bukan warga WA pun.. kami cekup dia masa
jumpa kat singapore.. terus offer partnership dalam current
group yang ada.
Lepas tu baru kami umpan dia masuk WA.. dia plak kebetulan memang tgh
carik sleeping partner yang sanggup keluar modal sebab dia nak start business
SEO (naikkan website orang ke page 1 dengan price between $300 to $10,000).
So dia masuk WA dapat la banyak access dengan potential JV partner dalam
Kepakaran memang tinggi.. so memang amat malang kalau dia decide taknak
masuk dah.
Maybe ada yang memang rasa pelik dengan perihal IP kenapa
sama whatsoever although aku terang-terang cakap aku memang
tertanya-tanya in the first place why some would even bother
dengan benda ni sebab kami bukan ada jual apa-apa produk yang
memerlukan kami saling memuji diantara satu sama lain.
Or maybe cakap..
“Produk ni bagus.. aku dah try.â€
“Ha.. dengar tuh.. beli la.. apa lagi?â€
There’s always a workaround for that.. well.. proxy is one
way. Another would be going to cc and make a post from
Aku tahu ramai yg hebat dan pakar-pakar sampai boleh check IP..
well.. aku rasa korang nak h.ack akaun aku pun takde masalah kot
pasal one fella goes by the name affanto from either this forum or
another forum (aku tak ingat) pernah demonstrate benda ni dengan
cara meng’hijack’ aku punya id secara total.
Nasib baik dia kasi balik password (niat dia nak melawak).
So aku rasa pening bila si crown asyik membebel kat aku.. so aku
cerita la sikit apa-apa yang patut.
First of all.. aku rasa korang patut check apa yang terjadi antara
Dominant Star vs Crimson Star masa hujung tahun 2004 yang
buat semua warga putera especially regulars forum sembang
gelak sakan.
Waktu tuh.. Dominant blom register lagi.. but masuk as Crimson
Star dengan IP yang sama and buat lawak kelakar dalam semua
thread di dalam sembang. Spam.. trolling.. menghina ikan puyu..
semua dia buat. Sampai minah tu aku dah tak nampak muka
la sampai skang.
C-Fu (dewa sarcasm putera) sampai suruh mr. shanai ban dua-dua.
But lepas tu settle lepas Crimson Star ubah password log-in dia.
Dominant 'bertaubat' and register account sendiri (although dia masih
lagi attack orang itu.. attack orang ini sampailah putera down dua minggu
which results in most people lari ke lowyat and gforum).
Try tanya bebudak otai lama mcm cermin, cd-r (mod
kawasan sembang), armster, petabite, budakzonM,
heavenX, monkey.d.luffy.. hatta dewa tenuk (hackezkk)
pun tau kisah ni. In fact aku rasa even BrainDeadAngel
pun familiar dengan relationship CS and DS.
Pasal tu takde mod pernah ambil kisah walaupun sometimes
ada pertembungan IP antara kami bertiga.
Kes Crown plak... dia memang tak mau masuk sini sebab in his opinion..
"Buat apa aku nak ajar orang padahal benda ni semua aku yang
belajar sendiri.. banyak cantik!!!!"
Hari tuh kami layan starbuck kejap.. dominan open dia punya laptop
and so kebetulan crown and sekor lagi girl yang nak jadi anonymous (part of
our group gak) ada skali.. so kami ajak crown post kejap.. dia masuk la.
Pasal tu IP sama. Dominan log guna maxis sebab mamat tuh tak percaya
pada capability starbuck untuk block outsiders. Itu jer... kalau nak diikutkan
budak mcm crown tuh sampai mati pun takkan log masuk tanya@putera kat
rumah dia.
Pada dia tanya@putera is just one of the forums like wangcyber, carigold,
warrior forum and so on.. waste of time, effort and menyakitkan mata jer
kalau masuk (that's his opinion before.. skang aku tak tau).
Nak kena hulur laptop baru dia mau.
Itu pasal masa last meeting dia masuk jer guna lappy kami.. kami cakap
pada dia.. “Hang masuk tgk apa hang boleh kasi dalam tuh.. ilmu ada
menyumbang tak reti tak guna..â€
So dia masuklah. Pasal tuh IP sama.
Bukan lah apa. Aku just menerangkan jer sebab some of you (actually most)
masuk forum ni lepas banyak benda best dah jadi. Mcm perang si mus3na
dengan power.. c-fu gaduh dengan semua insan dalam ni (more like semua
insan attack dia.. maybe sbb sikap dia ke apa.. aku malas nak ambil tahu..
and then ada kusanagi no kenda.. mamat tm yang tolong aku banyak..
blablabla.. ntah mcm-mcm lagi la.
So no wonder some of you tak tau apa yang pernah terjadi dalam putera
ni. Penuh suka duka jugak. Memang aku pun rindu jugak zaman tuh but
sekarang semua dah hilang.
Ada yang dah kerja. Sambung belajar lah itu lah ini lah. Semua lesap.
Aku menerangkan ni pun.. sebab aku rasa:
1) Korang ada hak untuk tahu a little bit about us.
2) Aku taknak ada yang pecah kepala fikir
“HUH!! Dominant Star, Crimson Star and Phoenixwunin orang sama??â€
For most people or orang lama dalam Putera.. akan kenal Dominant Star
and Crimson Star yang kerjanya cuma balun tv or ps2 or anything related
dari stor sony lepas tu jual (legally ofcourse.. how legal.. ask them).
Diorang dulu kerja sony before quit their job 6 month lepas buat niche
That’s all yang aku nak explain (pasal aku pening kepala dengar
orang itulah tanya orang ini membebel kat aku). This is the first..
and the last.
All of us takkan bother dah dengan apa-apa question berkaitan
identiti or whasoever.
Hence kalau ada yang tiba-tiba masuk cakap:
“Aku tak percaya. Kalau betul korang orang berbeza.. then
prove it to us! Tunjuk gambar sekali dengan kereta korang.
Baru kami percaya.â€
Well.. at that moment we would be pleased to just leave
and never bother again. Afterall at this point some of us
(especially kai kiske and crimson star) believe that most
of you can already stand on your own.
Sebab tu korang lately cuma nampak aku dan Dominant
Star saja dalam ni.
And actually some of these fella tak rasa korang layak untuk
diberikan advance technique yang member kami guna.
Sebab walaupun ramai dah berjaya buat first sale..
but most masih lagi struggle dengan basic stuff (which
is why aku dan dominant disagree dengan kai kiske.. and
that is why kami masih disini).
So pandangan kami.. just stay and focus pada basic stuff dulu
and kami akan revea advance technique which some of them..
korang or mana-mana marketers Malaysia yang regular tak
pernah dengar pun.
Just prove to us yang korang bukan hangat-hangat tahi ayam
mcm most people outside.. prove to us yang korang boleh
buat.. prove to us yang korang sangat serius dan bukan main-main
and we will be there to guide you.. every single one of you.
Asalkan ada kesungguhan dari korang.. dan guidance dari kami..
aku berani jamin.. USD 500 sehari tak mustahil. Sebab aku dah capai
tahap tu.
Aku yang dulu sewel asyik tgk gundam seed and membebel
pasal Tenjou Tenge and Midori no Hibi boleh buat.. takkan
korang yang lagi matang and hebat dari aku tak boleh.
And even itu pun aku nak cakap..
Haha.. style tak?? Aku tak reti buat website yet aku earn usd 500 per
day on average.
Aku rasa kalau aku reti buat website sendiri amount tu boleh melonjak ke
USD 750 ke USD 900 sehari.. sebab per month at least USD 10,000
pergi ke maintenance website and development yang aku outsource
kat orang (upah per website pun dah USD 3000 untuk design skali..
so campur maintenance mmg melampau gak la).
Anyway.. semua apa yang aku cakap kat atas tu takde la apa sangat.
Just nak menceritakan jer.
Jangan salah faham or ingat aku marah ke apa ke.. aku cuma
nak pastikan korang dapat jawapan yang korang nak dan
tak tertanya-tanya dengan benda yang tak penting ni.
Recently WA ada launch dua course baru plak. Khusus untuk WA
member jer. Meaning outsiders WA memang tak boleh akses
course tambahan ni.
Available untuk WA punya pelajar jer.
The good thing is.. well.. it might be good.. and Kyle and Carson
include Beating Adwords, Who Loves Money and
Inside the List dalam course tu secara percuma.. which
melonjakkan value course tu sendiri lebih daripada USD 300.
The bad thing is.. masa semua orang join WA dulu.. dijanjikan
bahawa tiada apa yang perlu dibeli dah.
So dia jadi semacam kontroversi la pulak bila Kyle & Carson
release something untuk jadi sort of complimentary course
kepada pelajar WA yang mana KITA KENA BELI kalau
Ofcourse menurut Kyle.. benda ni TAK WAJIB.. dan for the past
3 years sendiri pun dah banyak dan cukup ramai dah orang yang join dan
berjaya dengan benda yang ada dalam WA jer tanpa perlu beli apa-apa course
But apparently 2 course tambahan yang dibuat ni lebih terperinci.. and lebih
kepada 'task & action' method.
Meaning dia bagi action plan dan kita follow.. probably. Certain people memang
lebih selesa dengan pembelajaran mcm ni.
The price for each is $67. Bagaimana pun recommendation kami.. joinWealthy Affiliate
pun dah cukup dulu. Sebab:
1) Beratus-ratus orang berjaya quit day job diorang before.. semuanya hanya depend
dengan forum dan juga 8 Week Action plan tanpa ada sebarang bentuk complimentary
or product tambahan pun.
2) Advanced accredential course tu kena beli. Boleh tahan mahal bagi rakyat Malaysia.. iaitu USD 67.
3) Kita tak pasti value and sort of info yang ada dalam tu mcm mana. Better tunggu guinea pig beli
dulu and wait for feedback.
Bagaimana pun kalau korang memang ada $67 untuk di spend. Then do as you like. Beli bagus gak..
boleh kita share info and insights sama-sama.
Aku tgh discuss dengan Dominan.. and dia cadangkan aku
jadi guinea pig dia dan beli and test satu while dia akan
test yang article marketing punya.
Aku akan dapatkan then aku kasi feedback kat korang
semua samada berbaloi price $67 tu atau tidak.
And then korang yang dah join WA boleh decide untuk
dapatkan atau tak.
For now just stick with 8 week action plan and remember
to take action.
Anyway.. aku include forum post dari Kyle and Carson
untuk tatapan korang.
Hey Everyone,
Today is the BIG day, the day we launch Wealthy Affiliate Accreditation!
We have worked long and hard developing two accreditation courses for members here at Wealthy Affiliate. Although we have an abundance of resources here at WA that outline both Article Marketing and PPC, we felt that Lesson & Task based courses could really take someone from a newbie-intermediate to a subject matter expert.
We are offering a one week introductory offer to anyone that is looking to become an expert in the following areas:
(1) Article Marketing & SEO
(2) Pay Per Click Marketing (Google Adwords, YSM, MSN)
Many people struggle online because they are either misinformed or have information overload. They may have some of the right knowledge and some of the wrong knowledge, but when they are mixed, failure is inevitable.
We have spent the last 4 months and 100’s of hours developing our newest accreditation courses! They are task based and will walk you through everything you need to know to succeed with these marketing strategies.
They are based off of the EXACT processes we have followed to earn millions of dollars over the course of the last 7 years online.
How much?
Yes, these are paid. I know that most of you are not used to paying for something extra here at WA…and we do have some big things coming that are going to come with no extra fees at all.
However, we have decided to charge a nominal fee for the Accreditation courses…but we have definitely made them worthwhile. By the time someone finishes all the Lessons & Tasks, they will be making money and have a solid understanding of the marketing strategies.
We believe we are being more than fair with the pricing. We understand the economy and that people are not in the best of financial positions now, so here it is:
$67 for one course!!!
$107 for both courses ($30 off)!!!
These accreditation courses are only going to be offered for one week at this price and then will be moved back to their regular prices.
How are these courses different from WA and why do you need to pay for both?
We were initially going to launch these courses outside of WA…but decided to offer it exclusively to WA members. Why? Well, we want WA members to succeed and we want to continue feeding the success engine with powerful resources like these.
95% of the things we come out within WA are free (as you have become accustomed with), but this is an instance where we have to charge a nominal fee for the course. If you follow through these courses and complete the tasks, you will succeed.
That $67 will soon become a very insignificant investment!
You are also investing in your education, knowledge set and future. Think of an accreditation course in college or university. You are looking at a minimum of $1000’s and more times than not, you are being taught from a book, not experience.
Once you achieve your accreditation, other members will know it. You get Accreditation status within your forum account and a logo status within your WA Space. After you finish the lessons you will be savvy in the subject area and you will be more than capable of helping others and leveraging your knowledge in service offerings.
And HERE is where we have “fallen off our rockersâ€â€¦
We are ripening the pot for you. Making an offer that is so irresistible that you cannot afford to take part in this.
We are offering some really special bonuses with each course. Some will tell us we are crazy for giving away such bonuses, but we don't care! We wanted to give people absolutely no excuses not to buy the course, so here are the Accreditation BONUSES:
PPC Accreditation:
BONUS 1: A copy of Beating Adwords (no cost) - $67 Value
BONUS 2: A copy of Inside the List (no cost) - $67 Value
BONUS 3: Access to Lifetime Updates
BONUS 4: Full Support (of course)
Article Marketing Accreditation:
BONUS 1: A copy of Who Loves Money (no cost) - $77 value
BONUS 2: A copy of Inside the List (no cost) - $67 value
BONUS 3: 100 PLR Articles
BONUS 4: 1000 Hot Article Keywords
BONUS 5: Access to Lifetime Updates
BONUS 6: Full Support (of course)
We are giving away our top marketing e-books (which are all hot clickbank sellers) when you purchase either one of the courses. These books alone are worth more than the value of each accreditation!!!
How can you not take advantage of this!
This offer is only valid for one week…so if this is something you think you are interested in, go for it. If you cannot afford it, no harm done either…you can still achieve massive success with what is already offered here at WA!
If you have any questions, please let Carson and I know.
Kyle & Carson
Today is the BIG day, the day we launch Wealthy Affiliate Accreditation!
We have worked long and hard developing two accreditation courses for members here at Wealthy Affiliate. Although we have an abundance of resources here at WA that outline both Article Marketing and PPC, we felt that Lesson & Task based courses could really take someone from a newbie-intermediate to a subject matter expert.
We are offering a one week introductory offer to anyone that is looking to become an expert in the following areas:
(1) Article Marketing & SEO
(2) Pay Per Click Marketing (Google Adwords, YSM, MSN)
Many people struggle online because they are either misinformed or have information overload. They may have some of the right knowledge and some of the wrong knowledge, but when they are mixed, failure is inevitable.
We have spent the last 4 months and 100’s of hours developing our newest accreditation courses! They are task based and will walk you through everything you need to know to succeed with these marketing strategies.
They are based off of the EXACT processes we have followed to earn millions of dollars over the course of the last 7 years online.
How much?
Yes, these are paid. I know that most of you are not used to paying for something extra here at WA…and we do have some big things coming that are going to come with no extra fees at all.
However, we have decided to charge a nominal fee for the Accreditation courses…but we have definitely made them worthwhile. By the time someone finishes all the Lessons & Tasks, they will be making money and have a solid understanding of the marketing strategies.
We believe we are being more than fair with the pricing. We understand the economy and that people are not in the best of financial positions now, so here it is:
$67 for one course!!!
$107 for both courses ($30 off)!!!
These accreditation courses are only going to be offered for one week at this price and then will be moved back to their regular prices.
How are these courses different from WA and why do you need to pay for both?
We were initially going to launch these courses outside of WA…but decided to offer it exclusively to WA members. Why? Well, we want WA members to succeed and we want to continue feeding the success engine with powerful resources like these.
95% of the things we come out within WA are free (as you have become accustomed with), but this is an instance where we have to charge a nominal fee for the course. If you follow through these courses and complete the tasks, you will succeed.
That $67 will soon become a very insignificant investment!
You are also investing in your education, knowledge set and future. Think of an accreditation course in college or university. You are looking at a minimum of $1000’s and more times than not, you are being taught from a book, not experience.
Once you achieve your accreditation, other members will know it. You get Accreditation status within your forum account and a logo status within your WA Space. After you finish the lessons you will be savvy in the subject area and you will be more than capable of helping others and leveraging your knowledge in service offerings.
And HERE is where we have “fallen off our rockersâ€â€¦
We are ripening the pot for you. Making an offer that is so irresistible that you cannot afford to take part in this.
We are offering some really special bonuses with each course. Some will tell us we are crazy for giving away such bonuses, but we don't care! We wanted to give people absolutely no excuses not to buy the course, so here are the Accreditation BONUSES:
PPC Accreditation:
BONUS 1: A copy of Beating Adwords (no cost) - $67 Value
BONUS 2: A copy of Inside the List (no cost) - $67 Value
BONUS 3: Access to Lifetime Updates
BONUS 4: Full Support (of course)
Article Marketing Accreditation:
BONUS 1: A copy of Who Loves Money (no cost) - $77 value
BONUS 2: A copy of Inside the List (no cost) - $67 value
BONUS 3: 100 PLR Articles
BONUS 4: 1000 Hot Article Keywords
BONUS 5: Access to Lifetime Updates
BONUS 6: Full Support (of course)
We are giving away our top marketing e-books (which are all hot clickbank sellers) when you purchase either one of the courses. These books alone are worth more than the value of each accreditation!!!
How can you not take advantage of this!
This offer is only valid for one week…so if this is something you think you are interested in, go for it. If you cannot afford it, no harm done either…you can still achieve massive success with what is already offered here at WA!
If you have any questions, please let Carson and I know.
Kyle & Carson
So.. itu dia. The new course available within WA.
Aku akan cuba dulu.. and will let you guys know if it is
any good.
Especially for beginners
Will let you guys know the outcome..
QUOTE (Swing @ Nov 13 2008, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thx Dominant Star.
Baru rasa clear skit. Tau apa nak buat next. Memang aku rasa tak cukup research. Terlalu general. Anyway, ad tu untuk test saja. Invest sikit tp berbaloi gak. banyak belajar.
Ada satu soalan.
Masa set ad tu ada Display URL dan Destination URL. Boleh ker kalau aku letak Merchant Page kat Display URL dan aku punya affiliate URL/Landing page kat Destination URL?
Display URL: www.yummyarts.com
Destination URL: http://xxxxxx.247fun...net/?tid=CAKE01
Apa keburukan buat camtu? Atau cara aku tak betul?
Sekarang aku dalam proses buat landing page (niche lain)
3 product review style. Masih merangkak lagi nak buat hompej nih...huhu
*Nak tanya kat WA forum tapi internet aku ni terlalu lembab. Penat menunggu nak keluar satu page. Ada "angin" gak wireless nih.
Streamyx dah apply tak sampai2...
Baru rasa clear skit. Tau apa nak buat next. Memang aku rasa tak cukup research. Terlalu general. Anyway, ad tu untuk test saja. Invest sikit tp berbaloi gak. banyak belajar.
Ada satu soalan.
Masa set ad tu ada Display URL dan Destination URL. Boleh ker kalau aku letak Merchant Page kat Display URL dan aku punya affiliate URL/Landing page kat Destination URL?
Display URL: www.yummyarts.com
Destination URL: http://xxxxxx.247fun...net/?tid=CAKE01
Apa keburukan buat camtu? Atau cara aku tak betul?
Sekarang aku dalam proses buat landing page (niche lain)
3 product review style. Masih merangkak lagi nak buat hompej nih...huhu
*Nak tanya kat WA forum tapi internet aku ni terlalu lembab. Penat menunggu nak keluar satu page. Ada "angin" gak wireless nih.
Streamyx dah apply tak sampai2...
Display URL adalah URL yang ko punya customer nampak
masa dia tgk / baca ad tuh.
Jangan letak affiliate link.
Destination URL plak baru guna affiliate link.
Maknanya cara ko buat tu betul la
But itu kalau direct linking. As you know kami sangat-sangat tak recommend
ko buat direct linking.. sebab aku personally prefer ko ada landing
page sendiri.. supaya lebih teratur.
Kalau ko ada domain name sendiri.. contoh: cake-central.com
Maka Display URL: cake-central.com
Destination URL: http://www.cake-central.com/landing_page1 or whatever you want to call them
Nampak lebih kemas kan??
Something yang aku taknak korang keliru or confuse..
post kat atas tuh berkaitan dengan WA new offer tu spesifik aku
tujukan pada warga putera yang join WA dan tiba-tiba rasa
mcm nak beli course baru tu pulak.
Kami recommend korang rilek dulu.. jgn kelam sangat beli ke
apa ke. Just stay cool.
Aku dah beli tadi and sekarang nak cuba sat..
Kalau bagus then aku akan inform korang.. kalau tak bagus then
korang yang dah join WA jangan beli.
Lagipun benda complimentary jer.. tambahan. Tak penting sangat pun
Alrite kawan-kawan.
ReplyDeleteAku dah angkut course tambahan K&C tuh..
apparently dia susun semula supaya nampak
lebih teratur.. tambah sikit info berdasarkan
apa yang ada dalam forum.
And voila.. jadilah course tambahan bernilai $67.
The bad thing is:
- Harga $67 which is equal to RM 235.84.
- Kena ada internet sebab nak akses dia mestilah
through Wealthy Affiliate sendiri. Tak boleh akses
- Basically re-hashed info (so far yang aku nampak)
dan perhaps will be off no value to most people dalam ni.
The good thing is:
- Aku ambil PPC.. and apparently focus dia pada
PPC memang mantap dan highly targeted. Dia
tumpu sepenuhnya pada PPC tanpa ada sebarang
bentuk distraction langsung. Aku percaya the same
goes for Article course.. dia akan tumpu sepenuhnya
pada BUM tanpa ada sebarang bentuk distraction juga.
- Task-based learning module. Most people in this
arena are either 1) not enough information or, 2) info overload.
Both results in procrastination which is equal to
no money (prinsip asas Dominant Star dalam bab
buat duit internet). So dengan Task-Based learning
module dia.. aku percaya pembelajaran lebih teratur
sebab each lessons are accompanied with a task that
YOU MUST DO before you proceed. So this
ultimately removes the problem of procrastination
because of either info overload or not enough information.
Great for newbie or orang yang confuse.
So.. tiga con and dua pro. Obviously
recommendation aku adalah stick
with 8 week action plan dah cukup.
You guys doesn't need these new course.
WA pada pandangan aku dah cukup lengkap..
ada semua yang korang nak. Forum dia mampat
dengan idea dan makhluk tuhan yang earn sampai
USD 1,000 sehari ke atas.
ReplyDeleteJust PM these people and you got yourselves a good
tutor / mentor already.
8 week action plan dia memang penuh dengan
basic stuff.. but forum dia supplement semua info
basic tuh dengan advance technique.
So for now.. don't get the new course.. unless:
1) Korang memang confuse habis dan tak
tau apa nak buat. (but in this case baik korang
post jer kat sini.. kita sama-sama sort.. kalau
tidak apa gunanya thread ni kan??)
2) Korang ada $67 to spare. Pada aku baik $67
tuh pergi ke adwords LOL.
Bukan nak cakap course baru K&C tu tak bagus..
but kita semua disini dah ada resource yang lebih
dari cukup. Tak ada masalah lah kalau nak buat
apa pun. smile.gif
Itu jer. Just a little heads up untuk you guys. smile.gif
QUOTE (yuzafi @ Nov 14 2008, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aku pun pernah kecewa jugak dgn maybank kad nie..pernah nk register Paypal tapi,sampai kay acct verification failed pasal kad x leh pakai.Aku heran jugak..malangnya,bila tanya maybank staff...semua dia cakap ok..aku ingat dia org pun tak tahu..main cakap jer...so,bila dah masuk kat sini baru aku tahu hampehnya kad maybank tue..promote jer kata boleh pakai worldwide..So,aku skng tga nk apply debit card lain...Tune Money ok tak...?klu ada yg pernah pakai..
Tunemoney style!!
Laju and pantas. Ko better off buat Tunemoney
daripada Public Bank.
But at the same time aku nak ko buat jugak Public Bank.
Sebab PB dengan Air Asia.. well.. aku lebih trust PB
untuk transaction future aku pasal Air Asia bukannya
bank pun laugh.gif
But for now ko apply both.
Tunemoney siap within a week. Use that untuk PB arrives
at your doorstep sebulan kemudian.
Satu domain name untuk beberapa niche not related.
Website/Landing page:-
and so on....
Itu ker maksud ko MivecGSR? Kalau betul aku pun baru nak tanya soalan yang sama.
Personal Progress:
Last week aku test adword dengan direct linking. Sekarang ni aku dah buat landing page. Dah launch and sedang buat evaluation and testing (try and error. Aku pun tak sure buat betul atau tak). Berapa max bid and limit per day yg sesuai untuk testing/beginners cam aku ni?
Aku tak berapa sure camna nak naikkan CTR and get more clicks. Start dari $5.00 per day ke $10.00 per day. Max CPC turunkan dari $0.50 ke $0.20. Clicks aku dapat lebih kurang 40. CTR 1-2% walaupun aku ubah CPC. Ok or not? Not really expecting any sales so soon.
Ada sifu2 yang sudi tengokkan campaign aku and give some advice or opinion? Kalau ok aku postkan campaign aku kat sini or PM. Any help is very much appreciated. Thx!
*Aku betul2 serius nak buat niche marketing nih. Harap2 sifu2 kat thread ni jgn lari dulu ok?
Accepted Phoenixwunin challenge. First Million..... huhu. Reply anytime. Kalu boleh jumpa lagi bagus. Aku sekarang full time buat ni. No time to waste.
Another question. Ada tak sapa2 yang buat niche marketing untuk market Jepun? Apa yang aku tahu Jepun sgt positive pasal online bisnes ni. Maklum lah internet pun laju gila babas. Buy online is very common for them. Tapi macam susah sikit nak masuk market sana.
Interesting.. market jepun?
Secara jujurnya aku cakap.. aku tak interested dengan market Jepun langsung sebab speed is their way of life.
Mereka tak pernah ada masa untuk apa pun.. and most of the time untuk penetrate market Jepun ko kena cari something yang related dengan current budaya mereka.
Budaya mereka pula adalah sesuatu yang paling pantas berubah... gothic.. anime.. cosplay.. none of them matters now.
I wonder what sort of niche can you market to them. Although buying online is very common to them.. we are in niche market so it might be wise to target something yang memang niche. Kena ingat.. buying online pada mereka bukannya info product. Mereka membeli physical product selalunya.
Tell me.. what niche are you promoting in??
Anyway.. ko main adword yet haven't make any sales yet.. something is wrong in either your keyword selection (might be too general) or in your ad copy.
Sepatutnya pada kadar CPC $0.20 ko dah ada at least 10 sale dan dah earn paling teruk USD 50 sebulan dari niche itu.. paling teruk. Average should be USD 100 to USD 500 per month.
Tapi secara ringkas nya aku buat cam nie :-
ReplyDelete1. Cari barang dekat CB - sort by gravity
2. Komisen mesti US20 ke atas
3. Buat landing page - (review site page)
4. Masuk google trend tengok keyword digunakan banyak dicari negeri mana
5. Cari keyword tambahan dekat adword tool
6. Bid dengan harga yang tinggi
7. Fokus pada keyword yang bebetul sahaja.
(Aku tak buat split)
Tapi macammana bid degan harga tinggi seminggu modal RM11 jer? Aku dah beratus habis, tak balik modal lagi...huhu....
ReplyDeleteSkrg tgh diagnosis campaign. Apa problem..??????? wacko.gif wacko.gif
You mula dengan PPC.. you dah habis banyak..
obviously something is wrong there.
When the commission is not equal the ad spend..
then you have to stop your campaign.
In other words.. if the commission / profit you'd gain
per product is USD 30.. then if your adspend hits USD 30
and there's still no sale.. SOMETHING IS WRONG!
Usually you will get the highest CTR and quality score if
you have one keyword per group. There is no better way.
Always.. not more than 5 is encourage.. and that is the
way we have been doing things.
However, you can still get away with more keywords depending
on the relevance and the common keyword theme (you learn
about this all in WA) that you are targeting.
A great PPC campaign can still have up to 10 keywords per ad
group... where as a “good†one may have up to 20, but you are
opening yourself up to a Google slap at this point. Getting Google
Slapped is equal to death of your profitable campaign.
If you don’t play by Google’s game and rule, someone else will
and take your traffic (and revenue) in the process!
One mistakes that most of our mastermind group loves to see is
when newbies make mistakes especially in terms of ad grouping.
You see.. if possible we don't want them to succeed... you know..
market saturation issues etc.. etc.. simply to say.. no gain and benefit.
Malaysia is a wonderful country in that people in this country who are
doing internet businesses never exceed USD 50,000 per month yet.
Well.. maybe Patric did.. but most of Malaysian's IM-ers DIDN'T!
They even have trouble to earn USD 3000 per month.. what's more USD 50,000.
And.. we'd love to keep it this way. We always do.. especially in recession times.
But since Phoenixwunin is the one who started this thread here
(apparently he does really want you guys to succeed).. I figure sharing
a couple of insights on his behalf won't hurt.. hence the above tips.
Follow it guys.. a simple and short post but if you dissect it correctly..
you should have lotsa ideas to implement to your PPC campaign.
Anyway, to Swing..
If you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate.. you might want to PM either
Kyle or Carson and ask them to have a look on your campaign.. give
them your password and sign-in and let them do their work. That is if
you've follow the 8 Week Action Plan thoroughly and do every single
thing the 8 week action plan says.
ReplyDeleteIf you didn't.. and straight away PM them.. they might get upset and
you seriously don’t want that.
Know that the money you pay each month for Wealthy Affiliate subscription
includes personal mentorship from either Kyle or Carson.. but do also take
note that PM-ing them straight away without taking action / following what
they taught first is NEVER ENCOURAGE. If I were them I would be
happy to kick those people away from WA. So careful when you PM them.
LOL.. I think I just make it sound scary. It’s not that scary really.
Trust me I know.. just PM them if you have any trouble and they’ll get back
to you in latest.. 5 days after your PM.
Do make sure you've tried every single thing in 8 week action plan related to
PPC first.. and then they would be more than happy to help. After all if you stay
a member.. they'd earn money. So it is important for them to make sure that
you stay a HAPPY MEMBER.
Of course if you are not a member of WA yet but thinking of joining WA soon..
do join in through anyone's affiliate link here.. maybe threadstarter's (Phoenixwunin) link
maybe.. or anyone will do as long as it is done through affiliate link. Show
some appreciation to the people who have been helping you here. Don't bother
for mine though coz:
1) I don't like people signing up through my affiliate link coz most of the
time people will assume that I am too desperate for sign-ups.
2) I don't like to pamper any of you guys here. Sign-ups / referrals usually
will give me a hellish day almost every day.. coz they thought they sign-up
under me so they are entitled to personal mentoring from me.. which I don't
provide any at all. Receiving hundreds of PMs everyday is really an un-pleasant
3) I’m too lazy to log-in and search for my referral link.
4) Nanti you all tahu nickname aku dalam WA. I don't want that..
So.. wanna join WA search for other people's affiliate link. Phoenixwunin ke..
Dominant Star ke.. blablabla.. blablabla.. blah!
Jangan salah faham.. aku promosi WA bukan untuk personal gain whatsoever.
My aim for now is to ensure that at least if any of you decided to dive into
niche marketing.. you'd have ample guidance and tutorial that will definitely
be able to help you. Whether you take action or join is none of my concern.
Do as you guys like.
ReplyDeleteAs a side note..
You might wanna read this Swing:
I quoted it from Kyle@Wealthy Affiliate..
The Google Killer Bee hurts like no other. You invest a load of
your time and energy into creating a campaign only to see sting you
with high bid prices, low rankings, and more often than not, ads that
After 6 years in the Adwords game, I had one of my Adwords campaigns
stung by the Google slap for the first time. Boy was it ever a shocker
when I looked in this particular campaign to see no clicks because my ads
were shut off due to “poor†Quality Score.
I yelled at the computer screen…“What do you mean “low†Quality Score!â€
I have relevant ads, a high CTR (over 5% on average), my landing pages
were relevant, and I had internal links on my pages.
Any guesses as to what my problem was?
My ad groups were too big!
I am not talking about a huge 500 keyword groups. I thought my ad groups
with fewer than 20 keywords were tightly grouped, but apparently Google
was de-ranking me for this.
Alright, if Google is going to play this relevance game, I can play just as hard.
There comes a point where your campaign cannot be created any better…and
the only thing that I could do is tighten my ad groups to the point where they
were so targeted, Google could not have any more complaints.
Here is what I did:
I took an ad group like this:
-wealthyaffiliate review
-wealthyaffiliate university
-wealthy affiliate
-wealthy affiliate review
-wealthy affiliate university
-does wealthy affiliate work
-become a wealthy affiliate
-join wealthy affiliate
……and 10 more similar keywords
Then I created a “brand new†campaign and I ripped them apart into
smaller ad groups like this:
Group 1:
-review for wealthy affiliate
-wealthy affiliate review
-wealthy affiliate reviews
-wealthy affiliate website review
ReplyDeleteGroup 2:
-wealthy affiliate university
-join wealthy affiliate university
-wealthy affiliate university review
-wealthy affiliate university website
I kept the ad groups to a size of 5 keywords or less, following a common
keyword them. Notice in the first “wealthy affiliate review†and in the second
ad group, “wealthy affiliate university†is the common theme.
And then I wrote targeted ads for both groups, including ALL keywords
within the ad groups within the ad (this is critical).
Guess what happened?
My ads instantly showed up within the Google paid search results, my
keywords obtaining a “great†Quality Score (9/10 most of them), and
my new campaign was alive and thriving!
So, even if you are following the rules, Google continues to make things
harder for weak advertisers to succeed, and easier for strong advertisers
to become massively successful.
Ever since these changes within my campaign, my ads have never been
ranked higher and my CTR has exploded (many ad groups over 30% CTR)!!
Here is a little checklist that you need to follow to have a campaign that
Google absolutely loves:
Relevant keywords (3+ terms in length)
Small and tight ad groups (less than 10, ideally less than 5 keywords)
Relevant ads (that contain the keywords)
Relevant landing pages (that contain the keywords, but doesn’t spam them)
Multi-page site
Cover these basis and you are on your way to PPC profits….send the
Google bees back to their hive or sick them on your weaker competition!
Hope you enjoyed this and if you are having trouble with your Quality Score,
go over the checklist. Chances are you may be doing one or more things slightly wrong!
Take Care,
Wealthy Affiliates
PS. Want to become a PPC expert? We are just 8 days away from something
big, REALLY BIG! If you have ever wanted to master the PPC field you are in luck.
Masalah ko sekarang:
ReplyDelete1) Ad copy tu sendiri. Aku baca ad copy ko tuh tak rasa tempting langsung. Itu satu. Yang kedua ad copy ko terang-terang target only info-searchers. Boleh tak kiranya saudara emphasis kan lagi tatoo review tuh. Emphasis hanya pada women tak cukup power.
Contoh mcm Weight Loss la. Emphasis sekadar Weight Loss for women tak cukup. Kalau winning campaign most of the time dia akan emphasis.. weight loss for soon-to-wed women. Baru targetted. Ko nyer general sangat. Not good.
2) Susunan keyword ko tak ikut common keyword technique. Ubah dan follow balik based on techniques from WA 8 Week Action Plan. Maksima 5 keyword saja. Jangan lebey. Maknanya campur "xx" dengan [xx] jadi maksima 15 la. Jangan exceed amaun nih. Kalau tak nanti ko kena google slapped.
3) Silap ko sekarang adalah ko tak track campaign ko. Please start tracking your campaign NOW! Use Google Analytics. Kita nak tahu apa cacatnya campaign ko tuh. Mintak pada BrainDeadAngel special script dari ROIrevolutions untuk ko guna dalam Google Analytics ko. BDA should know what I'm talking about. Install dalam server ko and start tracking.
4) Landing page ko tak lengkap dan banyak masalah. First aku rasa ko tak buat research yang cukup tentang demographic and other information yang vital dalam niche ko especially tentang siapa pembeli.. and ultimately WHY diorang nak tattoo di atas badan mereka. Kedua landing page ko punya 'Call to Action' tak jelas and clear. Aku pun blur apa aku nak buat dalam tuh.
Aku nak kuar kejap.. karang balik aku address balik semua isu tuh dengan lebih detail lagi.
ye2..aku sokong mmng giler expert lah kal0 ko dpt dominate markert japan...sebab..
ReplyDelete1.90% org jepun x pandai perbahasa english... malah even simple word...
2. ebay yg kaut keuntungan berbillion2 tiap tahun... test pg labur 12million kt jepun = habuk pown x dpt... rugi dptlah..
malah... pakar biz yg expert dari barat yg hebat pown bile pg jepun benggrap...
3.org jepun nih jenis yg teliti...dari segi pelaburan nk kuar duit sekupang pown..diorang kaji dulu...
inikan nk jual product yg harga puluh2 or ratus2 dollar...??..!!
4. org jepun susah nk beli brg kalau bukan dari bangsa dier sendiri "japan product it's always da best" <-- walaupun product tu cam @!$!$!%!!!
dan byk lagi... kal0 nk type... heher..
kal0 krg tgk japan punye plan biz...process run pown dah rase pening sakit pale aku tgk... patut lah selamber je dominate ekonomi dunia..
Well, aku sangat berminat ngan market Jepun and that is one of my goal in this business. Tapi nanti la bila dah ok nanti. Sekarang ni merangkak pun tak pandai lagi. Kalau ada yang berminat boleh kita buat sama2. Ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya market jepun ni. Yang aku tengok, diorang ni jenis loyal. Their business is built on trust. Once they trust you, they'll be your customer like forever. Diorang sanggup beratur sampai 2 jam semata2 nak makan semangkuk mee. Beratur 2 jam makan 2 minit..... wacko.gif
Kai is right, the keypoint is culture. Diorang ada dunia sendiri. Kalau tak paham culture diorang susah nak penetrate. Ebay tu masuk lambat. Yahoo dah masuk dulu. Yahoo masuk dan introduce low price unlimited broadband. It was very successfull, millions of subscribers in the first year. Every account automatically get Yahoo Auction account. Yahoo Auction meletup. Baru Ebay masuk. Siapa nak join Ebay kalau dah ada millions of potential customers in Yahoo Auction? Remember, they are very loyal and fanatic customers. That's how Nintendo, Mazda and even Nissan can bounce back.
Yen and Dolar tak jauh beza. Bukan cam Ringgit. Now the modern/younger generation sangat kagum dengan Amerika (west). Dioarng dah mula open. Contohnya Uniqlo. Japan brand but made in China. Satu lagi contoh 100yen shop. 99% adalah made in china. Kedai cam RM2 di Malaysia.
Banyak juga benda yang diorang suka dari luar. Salah satu contoh branded item. Macam Prada, Chanel, Gucci, Apple( dari imac sampai i-pod) etc. Memang diorang berebut. Ada banyak lagi benda yang diorang kena cari dari luar.
Aku tak tau macamana nak kaitkan dengan niche marketing. Aku pun belum faham betul2 bisnes ni. Aku saja tanya kat sini kalau ada yang dah try, or dah penetrate.
Banyak masalah nih brader swing..
ReplyDeleteKo nyer ad tak targetted. Keyword bercampur aduk.
However recent findings aku mendapati ads ko kuar di page satu pada ad placement nombor satu:
Hebat jugak laugh.gif considering you are having a losing campaign right now.
Masalah ko sekarang:
1) Ad copy tu sendiri. Aku baca ad copy ko tuh tak rasa tempting langsung. Itu satu. Yang kedua ad copy ko terang-terang target only info-searchers. Boleh tak kiranya saudara emphasis kan lagi tatoo review tuh. Emphasis hanya pada women tak cukup power.
Contoh mcm Weight Loss la. Emphasis sekadar Weight Loss for women tak cukup. Kalau winning campaign most of the time dia akan emphasis.. weight loss for soon-to-wed women. Baru targetted. Ko nyer general sangat. Not good.
2) Susunan keyword ko tak ikut common keyword technique. Ubah dan follow balik based on techniques from WA 8 Week Action Plan. Maksima 5 keyword saja. Jangan lebey. Maknanya campur "xx" dengan [xx] jadi maksima 15 la. Jangan exceed amaun nih. Kalau tak nanti ko kena google slapped.
3) Silap ko sekarang adalah ko tak track campaign ko. Please start tracking your campaign NOW! Use Google Analytics. Kita nak tahu apa cacatnya campaign ko tuh. Mintak pada BrainDeadAngel special script dari ROIrevolutions untuk ko guna dalam Google Analytics ko. BDA should know what I'm talking about. Install dalam server ko and start tracking.
4) Landing page ko tak lengkap dan banyak masalah. First aku rasa ko tak buat research yang cukup tentang demographic and other information yang vital dalam niche ko especially tentang siapa pembeli.. and ultimately WHY diorang nak tattoo di atas badan mereka. Kedua landing page ko punya 'Call to Action' tak jelas and clear. Aku pun blur apa aku nak buat dalam tuh.
Aku nak kuar kejap.. karang balik aku address balik semua isu tuh dengan lebih detail lagi.
Ok. Cepat betul reply. laugh.gif Thx!
Tak cukup targetted, mungkin sebab tu dapat beratus click tapi takda sale.
Sementara tu aku buat research lagi pasal demographic, pembeli and keyword.