salam...tumpang tanye otai2 kt cini....kalau kita gunakan direct linking macamne?apakh kelebhan tau kekurangan direct linking?bleh bagi pandangan x..
Direct Linking nih.. boleh kalau nak buat.
Some people memang buat direct linking.. dengan
tujuan testing samada niche tuh boleh jadi profitable
atau tidak (stage 1).
Aku tak pasti camner ngan orang lain.. Crimson Star
rasa aku.. mmg dia buat direct linking untuk a couple
of his niches.. but aku personally tak suka direct linking.
Camni.. aku ada satu mindset nih.. yang sentiasa fikir..
"come on.. it can't be that easy."
So mindset mcm ni sentiasa membuatkan aku fikir
kalau cara tu mudah sangat.. then it won't work for
Direct linking sama la.. terlalu mudah. Just carik produk..
buat iklan di Adwords.. and then launch campaign without
even a single website.
Mcm tak kena plak kalau nak buat USD 1,000,000 dengan direct
linking LOL.
So that's why aku always encourage orang buat web site untuk
drive traffic.
Sebenarnya ramai yang guna teknik direct linking nih..
cuma bezanya disini.. aku tak rekomen. Itu saja.
Direct linking cukup sesuai kalau nak tahu samada
sesuatu niche tu.. can be profitable or not.
Most people usually buat camnih.
Tgk komisyen yang diterima.. then jadikan ia sebagai
limit untuk testing melalui Adwords (not applicable through
articles / BUM)
Contoh.. ko promote produk harga USD 39.
Then ko buatlah direct linking.. through Adwords and
tunggu. Dapat tak profit. Kalau Adspend cecah USD 39
and masih belum ada profit... that means either your
ad is not working.. or the niche isn't suitable for you.
But direct linking is way too inferior banding dgn landing
page. Ko takleh buat pre-sell.. and tak leh collect list.
Rugi pada pandangan aku.
QUOTE (kgboy @ Oct 31 2008, 01:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
aku nak minta tips kat otai2 bab mcm mana nak buat research utk niche yg kami pilih. Biasanya we pilih product then niche sebb secara general bnyk product for one niche. kalau newbie like me nak buat landing page kena cut and paste atau create new one. Sori a bit slow learner.
Create a new one. Jgn cut and paste kecuali kalau ko dah
lama buat niche nih.
Supaya ko belajar teknik and taktik of creating a landing
page. Cukup penting untuk kita faham teknik and taktik
buat landing page ni.
But.. itu pandangan aku.
This business is universal.. so ko nak buat mcm mana pun
Nak cut and paste pun takpe.. but usually cut and paste is
inferior banding dgn new one.
Lagi-lagi kalau text semua sama.. grafik pun sama.. google
akan cap engko sebagai copy web site orang.. which then
makes your QS suffer a lot.
QUOTE (yuzafi @ Oct 31 2008, 02:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Benda nie kalau citer dengan org biasa mmg depa semua tak paham dan malas nak paham walaupun boleh buat duit.Aku sendiri nie pun jenuh juga bermula dari zero..perasaan nak tahu dan teruja membuatkan aku menahan mata membaca post2 otai yg lepas...klu tak nail-down lagi...benda nie nampak mcm terlalu subjective..dari soalan dengan jawapan yg. subjective memerlukan kita menjadikan ianya jawapan objective..ada 4 pilihan yg betul dan kena cari 1 yang paling betul..itu pemahaman asas aku tentang "Niche" nie...betul ker?
Yupp... even though life style aku boleh kata agak mewah la depan
kawan-kawan aku.. but none of them even bother untuk belajar
benda ni. Sebab diorang dah witness aku buat dan belajar dengan
teruk dan tekun habis dari bulan 1 ke bulan 4.. so dalam minda diorang..
benda ni sgt susah.
And diorang tak sanggup nak bersusah payah.
Most kawan aku actually tak tau aku dah pakai kereta idaman aku.. only a handful
jer yg tahu (tak sampai 6 orang.. sebab aku tak pernah bawak tayang depan
mereka.. except some yang ternampak kereta tuh depan rumah aku masa raya
baru nie atau dalam laptop aku
Masa Kai Kiske post gambar itu hari.. aku dah nak cakap itu
bukan kereta aku LOL.. nak cakap dia tipu.
Sebab aku ada mindset yang pelik skit.. pada aku kalau menunjuk
sangat.. then something will happen and benda-benda tu semua
boleh hilang sekelip mata.
Apa pulak aku merepek nih.. abaikan apa yang aku cakap kat atas tuh..
Anyway.. kalau ko decide untuk go with Niche marketing.. then ko
boleh rest assured yang ko dah jumpa business model terbaik
di dunia ni.
This business is way more superior daripada Forex atau mana-mana
stock trading..
1) Learning curve lebih kurang sama jer sebenarnya. Bezanya korang dah
jadi agak pening dengan niche sebab kami combine basic knowledge, intermediate
and advance knowledge serentak. Well.. sebab kami rasa intermediate and
advance knowledge tuh penting baru korang faham.
Orang mcm Ewen Chia and so on gurus.. selalu cakap:
"Make money on auto-pilot"
"Make more than USD 5000 per day working only 2 hours"
Dia tak tipu sebenarnya.. sebab Kai Kiske dah capai tahap tuh. But that sort
of statement IS MISLEADING. Dia membuatkan orang menyangka niche
ni program cepat kaya plak. So orang buat sebulan.. tapi tak nampak pun
USD 1,000,000 nya. Maka diorang pun quit. Puncanya sebab pendedahan yang
Sedangkan orang lain.. buat sampai 4 bulan baru nampak profit.. teruskan jugak
walaupun masa mula mmg susah.. sekarang dah puas hati drive kereta idaman.
2) Risiko tak ada sangat macam Forex / stock market. Kalau one
niche is not profitable.. since this business is versatile.. korang
boleh jer jump kepada niche lain.
Hari ni promote produk related to Forex.. sebab skang ni recession.. orang pun
malas nak main Forex.. so sales turun.. then korang jump la kepada dating ke..
weight loss ke pulak.. whatever niche yg korang terpikir.
Style tak??
This business is way more superior daripada sebarang bentuk MLM
atau program yang kena cari downline.
Kalau korang paham.. tuan punya MLM tuh.. atau program cari downline
tuh.. pun marketers mcm kita jugak.. niche marketing!
MLM program tuh hanyalah produk dia.. dia sebenarnya buat niche..
dan niche dia adalah "make money online".
Hanya mereka yang join jer yang kita consider sebagai "join MLM".
And obviously.. real business dengan MLM.. korang boleh teka which one is
superior right??
Especially bila MLM kerap di associate kan dengan scam.
One downside yg cukup besar bila buat MLM adalah.. kita akan terikat
dengan company tuh. Which means bila company jatuh.. kita jatuh.
Not good considering effort yang kita dah letak dalam company.
Aku dah buat semua bentuk business yang wujud di internet nih.. MLM, Forex
1-up affiliate, PTC (bux-up, isabelmarco) and a couple more yang korang tak
pernah dengar pun.
Aku decide untuk stick dengan niche and drop semua yang lain.. sebab potential
untuk financial freedom and working freedom dengan work hour yang variable..
hanya aku nampak melalui niche.
To be exact.. niche adalah seratus peratus sama dengan business real-life.
Bezanya.. kita punya platform adalah internet and real-life punya platform adalah
kedai / office / syarikat.
Ada satu lagi beza.. disebabkan internet.. maka kos nak buat business ni jauh lebih
jimat berbanding kos real-life. Nak bayar letrik lah.. pekerja lah.. cukai etc.
Niche tak ada semua itu. Just websites.. and brain.. and you are good to go.
Just my point of view though.. tak setuju then feel free untuk paku. Although
even this is subjective.. but aku bercakap based on pengalaman aku buat semua
Masalah dengan niche ni satu jer. Untuk mula memang boleh tahan susahnya.
Aku tarik rambut jugak masa mula bulan 1 ke bulan 4 awal tahun ni (yes.. aku baru
mula tahun 2008).. but lepas tuh.. learning curve dah tak ada.. everything is just "follow
the flows of trends and marketing". It becomes easy and fun.
Prinsip aku cuma dua..
Satu.. jgn putus asa. Keep at it.. do it like crazy.. mula-mula mmg nampak
susah. But eventually hasil akan kelihatan kalau korang tak putus asa.
Fikir mcm ni.
Kita nak tembak satu botol air nih.. kita pun tembak satu das. Adakah korang
akan expect untuk terus hit it dengan satu das saja tembakan??
Cuba tembak sampai seratus tengok.. mesti ada 20 kena. Paling tidak pun..
5 confirm jamin kena target punya. Mesti ada yang hit botol tuh.
And target itu adalah kejayaan korang.. and peluru-peluru tuh adalah effort korang.
Kedua.. buat bukan sebab nak duit. Aku punya first profit masuk lepas aku
decide instead of nak duit.. aku mmg betul-betul nak tolong orang dalam
niche tuh. And they buy.. a lot!! People can sense whether you are being
nice and ikhlas dengan mereka atau tidak. If they can sense your are being
honest.. they will buy from you. So in the process of helping people.. you
are making money as well.
Not a good idea right??
QUOTE (Swing @ Oct 31 2008, 06:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tumpang mencelah....
Aku ni masih baru dlm bidang ni. Apa pun tak tau. Takda pengalaman langsung.
Mintak tunjuk ajar (ayat mcm dalam manga ni)
Bulan lepas jumpa thread ni terus aku join WA,quit job dan buat full time.
Tak tau apa2 sampai nak tanya pun tak tau nak tanya apa..hehe. .
Mostly semua persoalan aku cari jawapan kat forum WA tuh. Setakat ni memang banyak belajar kat WA ni.
Baca sampai tido, bangun tido, baca lagi banyak betul info.
So selepas sebulan belajar mende nih, sekarang baru la ada beberapa soalan nak tanya sifu. Sudah confuse.
Button Panic tu pun aku dah click minggu lepas..haha..cepat betul panic.
Soalan paling basic jer tentang research (lemah lagi bab research ni).
Lets say aku ada satu keyword,
1) Keyword tool result - 5000-6000 avg search
2) search google -
without " - 300,000
with " - 3,000
Takde pun ads kat tepi search result page.
3) Google trend - graf naik (tak tau jumlah, tapi rupa graf agak cantik)
4) Traffic Estimator (tak berapa faham tool ni)
-Estimated clicks/day
with " 0-1 without " 4-6
-Estimated Avg CPC
with " $0.24-0.37 without " 0.19 -0.31
-Estimated cost/day
with " $1 without " $1-$3
Product ada kat Clickbank dan beberapa affliate program lain.
So keyword/niche ni ok ker tak? Betul ker cara aku buat research ni?
Berapa min modal utk PPC?
Dah banyak buat research pasal banyak keyword/niche tapi bila research 2nd time macam tak ngam pulak. Pusing2 kat situ jugak.
Am I thinking too much?
Domain name dah beli tapi mcm silap pilih nama. Terlalu specific.
( Gambar2 kereta sifu RX8, Ferrari etc dah jadi wallpaper aku. TQ! Sumber motivasi.... Kalau ada lagi gambar kereta sifu, kalau boleh
post jugak la. Super nice car ni memang tak pernah gagal memotivatekan aku.. hehe)
Aku ni masih baru dlm bidang ni. Apa pun tak tau. Takda pengalaman langsung.
Mintak tunjuk ajar (ayat mcm dalam manga ni)
Bulan lepas jumpa thread ni terus aku join WA,quit job dan buat full time.
Tak tau apa2 sampai nak tanya pun tak tau nak tanya apa..hehe. .
Mostly semua persoalan aku cari jawapan kat forum WA tuh. Setakat ni memang banyak belajar kat WA ni.
Baca sampai tido, bangun tido, baca lagi banyak betul info.
So selepas sebulan belajar mende nih, sekarang baru la ada beberapa soalan nak tanya sifu. Sudah confuse.
Button Panic tu pun aku dah click minggu lepas..haha..cepat betul panic.
Soalan paling basic jer tentang research (lemah lagi bab research ni).
Lets say aku ada satu keyword,
1) Keyword tool result - 5000-6000 avg search
2) search google -
without " - 300,000
with " - 3,000
Takde pun ads kat tepi search result page.
3) Google trend - graf naik (tak tau jumlah, tapi rupa graf agak cantik)
4) Traffic Estimator (tak berapa faham tool ni)
-Estimated clicks/day
with " 0-1 without " 4-6
-Estimated Avg CPC
with " $0.24-0.37 without " 0.19 -0.31
-Estimated cost/day
with " $1 without " $1-$3
Product ada kat Clickbank dan beberapa affliate program lain.
So keyword/niche ni ok ker tak? Betul ker cara aku buat research ni?
Berapa min modal utk PPC?
Dah banyak buat research pasal banyak keyword/niche tapi bila research 2nd time macam tak ngam pulak. Pusing2 kat situ jugak.
Am I thinking too much?
Domain name dah beli tapi mcm silap pilih nama. Terlalu specific.
( Gambar2 kereta sifu RX8, Ferrari etc dah jadi wallpaper aku. TQ! Sumber motivasi.... Kalau ada lagi gambar kereta sifu, kalau boleh
post jugak la. Super nice car ni memang tak pernah gagal memotivatekan aku.. hehe)
Huh?? Ko quit kerja ko terus?? Biar betul??
Domain name tuh apa?? Post sini kasi aku tgk.
And ya.. aku rasa you are thinking too much la.
Apa kata... ko buat jer niche yang satu nih.. tak
perlu lah mengharap duit sangat.. but fokus pada
keinginan nak bantu orang dalam niche tuh. Buat
seikhlas dan jadikan ia seseronok mungkin. Try satu bulan.
Then kalau tak nampak hasil.. baru kita anggap ia
sebagai non-profitable. Sebab ko dah habis masa
buat research and all.. rasa rugi plak kalau tak move on.
Aku nak tanya skit sebab nak Google pun tak tau nak google apa. Biasa website yg jual barang ebook nie, dia punya style lebih kurang jek:
ReplyDelete1. Penuh ngan testimoni yg pada pendapat aku, authur tu reka2 sendiri. Dan aku percaya ramai yg yakin tu testimoni tipu.
2. Suka sangat guna logo bebanyak.
3. Terlalu banyak janji manis dan tak berlapik. Macam produk super perfect sedangkan tengok design ebook pun hancur. In other words, OverHype.
Benda camnie dah jadi trend kan? Macam pakai template plak. Bukak je website, kalau kat atas guna SEMUA HURUF BESAR, pehtu kat tepi banyak gambar testimoni, confirm kalau scroll down akan jumpa banyak . Dah laa bersepah ngan hype.
So even aku dah buat presale, tapi bila visitor click button buy aku, still akan redirect ke presale producer tu plak. Takde plak URL utk direct ke page beli product. Maksud aku, producer tu letak form credit card sama ngan landing page dia yg penuh ngan overhype tu.
So nak tanya pengalaman org lama, ada ke mana2 statistik mengatakan teknik2 (overhype) kat atas tu benar2 berkesan? Sebab kalau tengok website yg professional, takde plak guna pendekatan camtu.
Satu lagi, korang biasa dapat email JV dari Nigeria kan? Yg kononnya nak share berjuta2 tu. Ramai ke yg terpedaya ngan email camtu? Aku rasa kalau dia berlapik sikit, misalnya kata nak share USD50k ke, maybe lebih mudah org kena.
Actually... tak semua testimonial tipu.
Sebab kami ada member di US yang kena balun dengan pihak berkuasa sana dengan sangat teruk sebab satu testimonial tipu jer yang ter'kantoi'.
Huhuhu.. sadis.
Usually.. mcm aku.. bila nak launch something aku akan pick-up around 100 daripada list aku and give them for free. And then.. mintak testimonial mereka.
Ofcourse ada psikologi nya disini... ko takleh main pick-up jer sesiapa untuk kasi diorang free product ko tuh.. MESTI DARI LIST KO.
Aku ada list nih.. tak besar size.. dalam 1200 camtuh jer.. niche dirahsiakan. Aku setiap minggu hantar diorang value content email yang ofcourse memang value lah (but bukan aku yang buat.. aku dera 'employee' aku buatkan.. LOL.. you know.. outsourcing.. hikhik)
Tujuan list ni cuma satu... bila ada keperluan testimonial.. aku akan 'paksa' diorang review untuk aku whatever product it is that I'm selling. Due to the massive value yang aku kasi pada mereka.. even kalau produk tu tak sebagus mana pun diorang AKAN CAKAP BAGUS!
Nice huh?? And somewhat tricky.. LOL
Logo ada kebaikan gak.
First.. aku dapati sales lebih banyak masuk through landing page yang banyak logo and gambar yang related to the niche as opposed to simple landers without graphic or gambar.
Second.. ko boleh letak alternate text untuk picture tuh.. put something related to your niche.. to be precise.. your keywords. Dulu.. Google akan spidered semua tuh and hence ko akan dapat SEO rank yang lebih baik. Skang tak tau.. but it never hurts to do so right?
Part no.3 tuh.. mainly di attribute kan kepada copywriting skill. But most of the time a good sales letter also comes with a good product. Tapi ada juga kes di mana product memang sampah tapi sales letter dia macam tahap dewa 100 petala langit punya TInju Maut Pendekar Laut. laugh.gif
Untuk soalan ko nak direct user untuk directly pergi ke buy dan tak lalu tuan punya produk punya website.. ada cara but only for some affiliate network.
So far yang aku jumpa adalah untuk Clickbank and WCCL groups. Karang aku post kat sini.
1. Macam mana nak collect list kalau jual produk orang? Apa yg aku boleh offer kat email diorang?
ReplyDelete2. Adakah kau buat produk sendiri?
3. Ho ho... teknik nie memang aku pakai. Sometimes kat forum tertentu, dlm smiley tu laa aku tanam backlink Tapi yg aku maksudkan is penggunaan symbol "right" yg berlebihan. Jelas sangat nak "paksa" org beli.
4. Aku tengah berjinak ngan ClickBank. Ada 4 produk (for the same niche) aku nak promote but semua URL yg ClickBank generate tu menyebabkan visitor aku akan sampai ke presale producer (yg berserabut tu). Aku dah basuh visitor aku ngan LandingPage kemudian drag ke Review Page. So kalau kali ke-3 visitor click masih lagi blum dapat beli, mesti diorang lari. Camne nak bypass kalau producer sendiri tak sediakan page khas utk order?
1. HUH??
Generic sangat la pemikiran ko bro laugh.gif (jgn mare.. mlawak)
Nak buat list tak semestinya guna produk. Come on man. Competitive person are the one who control the scene. You don't have something to offer.. then create one!
Nak buat bukan susah.. ko boleh offer newsletter 4 minggu tentang apa-apa yang ko rasa customer ko akan suka. Ko maybe juga boleh buat e-book 12 muka surat (actually.. kalau below 60 muka surat kita panggil benda tu e-report.. but whatever). Or maybe special program (kalau law of attraction.. program mcm attractor genie or subliminal power works best).
All you need is an idea. But where to get one?? Where to find ideas??
Banyak tempat.. Google salah satunya. And then forum.. and even berbagai-bagai tempat yang lain.
But yang paling masyuk sekali and aku suka adalah:
- Aku masuk Yahoo! Answers carik related topic yang menjadi buruan 'soon to be' customer aku. And find out apa yg diorang nak.
- Aku masuk ezinearticles and then carik 'idea' sebanyak mungkin untuk content aku.
- Aku buat la either e-report ke.. or newsletter ke.. or course. Aku prefer newsletter.. sebab ia sentiasa membuatkan kita punya subscriber bersedia untuk baca email kita sebab newsletter usually is fixed. Maybe once a week and maybe twice a week. Aku selalu buat once a week.
And then.. there you have it.. a good nice and nourish lists. Targetted as well. Ko nak wat apa pun boleh dengan list nih.
2. Yes.. aku ada produk sendiri dalam niche forex and natural health.
Untuk forex.. ia adalah sebuah membership site.. aku kasi banyak informasi and related stuff kepada member site aku.
Untuk natural health.. aku partnered dengan Baron Engrista and attack specifically Kanada. Meaning adwords kami hanya keluar di kanada sahaja.
So how do we create our products.. ideas and so on.
ReplyDeleteKami cari seorang yang expert dalam field ini.. and offer dia JV. For forex aku ada seorang expert yang uruskan semua content creation and aku just buat marketing and promotion.
For natural health.. Engrista sendiri ada member yang memang ada ilmu dalam benda mcm ni. So ideas is never an issue.
But ini berkenaan produk sendiri.. in your case man.. you don't need to do all this.
Two options for you..
Either you find your own ideas and create your own content (this is what I would recommend the most.. sebab korang masih dalam phase belajar.. so it is imperative for you all untuk alami and learn sendiri semua benda ni)
Kalau rasa banyak duit tuh.. then outsource la. Pay others to do the research and content creation for you.
3. Statistically speaking.. err.. I mean writing.. yes.. depending on the niche.. penggunaan simbol 'right' yang berleluasa boleh menaikkan kadar sale korang kepada tahap yang lebih 'uber'. But never use it excessively.
Well.. use your own discretion la. Rasa nak taruk.. taruk ajer.. tak nak pun tak apa.
Untuk review page.. aku rasa tak perlulah kalau nak taruk right ke apa simbol ke.. usually benda ni semua kita buat hanya bila kita ada produk sendiri jer. Meaning.. produk kita.
4. For Clickbank only.. don't share with others outside Tanya@Putera:
Nifty tools I would say.
QUOTE (MivecGSR @ Nov 3 2008, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
bro Phoenix, you really inspiring me.
camne rasa G-Force Rx8 skrg compare dgn GSR aritu? hehehe.
aku ada 1 soalan. let say kita punya niche gagal, so URL kita pun dh x relevan lg.
boleh ke kita tukar dgn URL yg lain, atau URL tu dikira burn camtu je? ada x sesape experience cmni
Tak lah.. depend on URL ko tu (nama dia maksud aku).. kita boleh jadikan ia mcm-mcm lagi. maybe blog.. and so on.
Apa url ko?? domain name apa?
Oh, tertinggal plak pasal landing page. Aku cuba menjawap persoalan kau tu sekaligus nak dapat comment from sifoo samada betul ke tak. Nie aku sinopsiskan pasal landing page yg aku dah paham.
ReplyDeleteFor business model: AdWords
Traffic driver = AdWords (atau diorang panggil PPC). Bila user Google, dia akan nampak iklan kau kat tepi. Iklan nie bila org click, akan sampai ke landing page.
Landing Page = Salah satu page dari website kau. kat sini laa kita letak ayat2 power utk membasuh visitor kita tentang penting nya beli produk. kat sini kita taruk link kepada Review Page
Review Page = kau review produk kat sini. kat sini laa kita taruk button "Buy" yg mengandungi affiliate link tu (reference URL). Bila user click button nie, dia akan sampai ke website producer sekaligus boleh beli.
Landing Page & Review page boleh disekalikan. Aku rasa ramai yg sekalikan. Tapi somehow, aku rasa ada kelebihan asingkan (depend on cara kau nak basuh visitor).
For business model: BUM Marketing
Trafic driver = Search engine. (err... actually kurang tepat nak cakap camnie).
Landing Page = Articel yg kau submit kat Squidoo misalnya. Bila org search kat Google, Google akan display content dari artikel kau ni. So kena pandai guna keyword supaya Google boleh jumpa artikel kau nie. Kat artikel nie laa kau basuh reader tentang penting nya beli produk. Then kita link kepada Review Page kat website kita
Review Page = Biasanya kita taruk dlm 2-3 produk utk solution yg sama supaya visitor rasa ada hak utk memilih. Then kita letak button "Buy"
ReplyDeleteFor both business model, utk setiap niche, kau buat beberapa landing page. Misalnya niche kasut rollerskating. So kau nak review pasal 3 jenis kasut Heelys, Nextag dan Proline.
Nie cth landing page pertama (utk org yg search keyword kasut utk anak)
Believe us, we are the expert ...bla...bla... pepandai laa kau basuh
Pehtu kau list 3 jenis brand. Kau kata laa brand Heelys tu yg paling bagus sebab bla...bla...
Nie cth landing page kedua (utk org yg search keyword proline shoes)
We have made it. bla...bla... basuh lagi
Pehtu kau list 3 jenis brand tadi (Heelys, Nextag dan Proline) but this time kau kata plak yg kononnya Proline tu paling power. Pependai laa kau goreng.
Kesimpulannya, landing page nie ada banyak yg mana kita promote benda yg sama tapi kita oleh ayat supaya spesifik utk user tertentu. So kalau pakai WordPress, sila buang link kat tepi "recent articles" sebab kita taknak laa visitor cuba click kat situ. Cuba bayangkan, dia dah yakin nak beli Prolink, pehtu dia nampak link kat tepi "The best shoes for ur chield". Bila dia click, kau kata plak brand lain lagi bagus. smile.gif
Why We Procrastinate
ReplyDeleteBefore we can solve the problem of procrastination we must understand why we do it. There are a few basic reasons:
(1) Feeling overwhelmed with a situation.
(2) Given up hope that a situation can be changed or affected.
(3) Afraid of failing.
(4) Too â€Å“Busy†to get the really important things done.
(5) Can̢۪t make a decision.
(6) Overworked, tired.
(7) Want to avoid work you don̢۪t like.
Each of these can be reduced down to the pleasure/pain principle which says that we do things to gain pleasure and to avoid pain. What follows is a method to overcome procrastination on the things that matter and to jettison excess baggage in your to-do list that only serves to weigh you down.
Method to Overcome Procrastination
1. Get clear about what you want in life. Procrastinators, you’ll love this! Take 20-30 minutes to do this quick goal planning exercise. Write down all your goals in some or all of these categories: career, education, relationships, financial, physical, mindset, creative, spiritual, public service, travel, leisure, and other. Once you have your list, then whittle it down to your top 10, then down to your top 5, and then your top 3. Do this by asking yourself, â€Å“Can I live without this?†Let your less important goals lie dormant on a â€Å“maybe†list that you can check on again in a few months.
2. Delete or delegate from your To-Do List those things that don̢۪t relate to your top 3-5 goals. Just say bye bye. And don̢۪t look back!
3. Link tasks you don’t like to your goals. It helps to mentally (and in writing) tie these tasks to one of your main goals or values. So for example, â€Å“Keeping a tidy and clean home and desk allows me to have clarity of mind which is something I highly value. By having clarity of mind I will be better able to work on my goals and have less anxiety.†By linking the task to the pleasure of being able to think clearly, I now have a reason that will motivate me to take action.
4. Plan your day each day. This is not a big task. It should only take about 10-15 minutes of quiet time. Do the most difficult and most important things first and work your way down to the easier stuff in the afternoon. You̢۪ll feel really good if you do this. Focus on that to motivate you to wait to check email and such until after you̢۪ve finished your first big task.
5. Plan your week just enough to loosely schedule in some of the big things you know you want to get done. Sometimes procrastination happens simply because a task is not scheduled.
ReplyDelete6. Allow for cheats and get rest when you̢۪re tired or have low motivation. Don̢۪t be so hard on yourself about the timing of a task and then you won̢۪t try to escape through procrastination so hard in the future. Just reschedule and get back on track later or tomorrow. Also, remember to check if the task relates to one of your goals. See #1,2, and 3 again!
7. Just do it, but don’t over do it. We often put pressure on ourselves to do certain tasks more often than we really need to, such as cleaning/tidying/laundry etc. So give yourself a break and set a schedule for these things that is not overwhelming. Do thing on a â€Å“Need to do†basis and let go of the notion that you need to keep up with some perfect schedule. Ever hear of the business concept â€Å“just in time†inventory, well this is â€Å“just in time†task management.
8. Break down big tasks into smaller components. We procrastinate on tasks that are vague and nebulous because we don̢۪t have clear instructions what to do next. Take a few moments to think about how to break down a larger task and schedule it into your calendar in pieces. This is good for when you are feeling overwhelmed.
9. Get help making decisions. Decisions are tough for me. I like to use the pro/con method and assign points. I also recommend getting help from a friend that you know is good with making decisions. Once you̢۪ve made your decision then break it down into tasks and schedule into your calendar.
10. Believe in yourself and in your ability to accomplish anything you want. If you̢۪ve lost hope, know that you can turn things around. Release the fear of failure. Failure is just a learning experience. Slow and steady wins the race. A little bit done every day adds up to a lot over a year. If you have to, just fake your belief until it becomes real. Remember, you can do it!
11. Trick & Treat Yourself. Do you keep avoiding cleaning up your desk or some other big task, even though you know will make you feel good to get it done? If so, do this: invite a friend or family member over for a date to â€Å“tackle the dreaded task.†All your friend has to do is sit in the room with you and make sure that you do the task. If you want you can let them help you, but it’s not necessary. After the task is done, you can treat you and your friend to either coffee, dessert, meal, movie, whatever!
(1) Know your most important goals and values.
(2) Only do tasks that contribute to those goals and values.
(3) Mentally link tasks to the pleasurable outcomes you seek.
(4) Plan your day & week.
(5) Do, but don̢۪t overdo. Rest when needed.
(6) Break down big tasks.
(7) Get help making decisions.
(8) Believe in yourself!
(9) Trick & Treat!
Aku dah lama tak masuk sini sibuk skit ngan kerja ngan meniaga,takde peluang nak masuk cni.kat setaun gak aku tak masuk.
ReplyDeleteFirstly aku TERUJA sangat bila baca ruangan ni.... tak sempat nak abiskan BERPINAU mata aku baca,naik semangat aku nak biz kat internet ni....,TAPI aku buta hurup pasal biz kat internet ni,aku minat sangat kat niche marketing ni.thanks kat Phoenixwunin yg memulakan trade ni.Phoenixwunin ko betu betul bagus, pasal ramai budak melayu yg tercari cari biz aper yg boleh beri jaminan masa depan.Bagi aku ilmu jangan kedekut pada BANGSA kita. kena ingat Bangsa KITA belum maju lagi dlm perniagaan jadi kita yg tau kena bantu kawan kita yg nak majukan diri.ko dan yg lain-lain yg membantu, aku tabik dan Aku banga kat korang muda-muda lagi dah buat biz. aku sngt bangga ANAK MELAYU sekarang.
Berbalik pada masaalah aku,masaalah besar aku, aku tak paham dan tak leh berbahasa inglish i love u tau la aku. takde ke kelas ke yg ko leh buat untuk ajar org yg macam aku ni yg buta hurup pasal komputer ni? aku SANGAT berminat utk menceburkan diri pada biz ni.
in the mean time blaja english. grammar tunggang langgang xpe. at least ppl can understand.
so bagi aku, ang leh target kepulauan melayu. Msia,Indon...spore?
so write sesuatu dlm bm...
aa..smbil aku tulis ni aku tpk, outsource pon leh gak. ang da siap pape dlm bm..then cari org utk wat keje ang dlm bi. byr org tu ikut keje cmne.. ok?
for moment aku tgh blaja PPC, so aku maybe start lmbt sket PPC campaign. aku just try out pre-sale aku ngn direct linking with a bit of article. article utk landing page (product review dah siap) cuma nk enhance and tokok tmbh biar nmpk attracted.
ReplyDeletewohhooo... Caldina...perfect 1...
Orait.. had enough fun already.. let's get to work our @ss seriously now...
First sale itu maknanya.. masuk from direct linking?
Let's talk a little about technique you are using.. kita tengok macam mana kita boleh expand you punya
niche and attack from different angle.
So first.. kasi tahu you punya technique yang earn you that sale.
Also aku nak tahu how many articles you fork out per day. Kalau bab artikel aku memang pandai.. but bab PPC maybe you nak
tunggu si jepun Kai Kiske komen (if he wants to.. coz that internet monk always think that his knowledge is his money LOL laugh.gif .. and usually only share about it when he has something to get in return) or maybe Dominant Star or Phoenixwunin himself.
To capal2...
This business does indeed require a lot of learning curve.. but kalau you dah buat real bisness online..
then all that's left to master is only technicalities associated with niche.
I have this one fellow student.. who has another business in his real life.. he owns a mortgage company.. and this fella is
so good.. that he took only 4 month to achieve USD 1000 per day. Yup.. he is THAT good (he is also inside Wealthy Affiliate..
though I don't feel oblige to tell you all what is his nickname there).
The thing is.. sebab dia sudah ada dia punya mortgage company sendiri.. he already master most
of the vital topics concerning copywriting and advertising.
The point of niche marketing is to get traffic as many as you want and convert them into buyers. Just like what you did
in your real life business.. (get as many people to see what you have to offer - you achieve this in a lot of different ways..
make them buy using as many technique as possible as long as it is ethically right).
Theoretically.. all there is to this business is just to bring that offer into the eyes of relevent people.. and help them to make
the decision to buy.
Cuma after 2005... direct-linking becomes so much irrelevant.. all thanks to stupid product owner who doesn't know how to write
good copy.. and ultimately the rise of competition.
Zaman kemuncak niche marketing and adsense.. the golden age.. is between 2005 and 2006.
So what happens after that??
Around 2006 however... Google buat 'the legendary joke of the century' bila dia ubah algorithm dia and that alone manage untuk
buat aku almost terjun bangunan bunuh diri after seeing how my profit stumbles from almost USD 45,000 to USD 75,000 per month
jatuh kepada USD 750 saja bulan itu.
Niche juga hadapi masalah bila Google punya algorithm berubah kepada 'it's all relevancy you goddammit!!' punya sistem.
This joke of the century membuatkan hampir 75% (statistically incorrect.. sebab aku rasa lebih) marketers quit this business and return to their
day job. We are talking people who earn around USD 300 to USD 500 per day. The average guy.
ReplyDeleteBut.. as we all know.. daripada 100%.. hanya 5% sahaja yang betul-betul buat duit dengan sangat banyak through niche.. and only 1% yang
layak earn title sebagai Wealthy Affiliates.. the likes of Frank Kern, Eben Pagan, Kyle, Carson and a couple more yang you all takkan kenal
pun if I mention sebab mereke memang underground marketer yang buat kerja semua secara senyap. Nak kenal dengan mereka ini.. you all
kena join party summit marketers yang mereka buat each year (awal tahun ni di housing Mike Dillard).
Enough about that.. the point I'd like to made here though.. is how lucky you guys to be introduced to this business model
at time like this (mid 2008). Why is that??
- Post-'joke of the year by Google'... and disebabkan itu you all semua dah belajar pada tahap susah terus yang mana memastikan you all punya profit and percentage kejayaan meningkat kepada 80% (dimana 20% itu hanyalah faktor diri you all sendiri samada ada kesungguhan atau tidak). There are still a lot of marketers who still can't adapt to the new system of Google.. earning only USD 50 to USD 250 per week while previously they are gunning between USD 100 to USD 500 per day.
- Most moron competition is down. Since so many people quit... one of the most competitive niche has seen a dramatic decrease in terms of competition (dating) which saw almost 75% marketers opt-out from the business and return to their old day job. So.. all the money is left right there for the taking guys. Get it!!!
-It's recession. While most Forex and stock players are jumping over the roof.. we can use it to our advantage. Find recession proof niche and start promoting them. Stuff like health, natural health (acne and longevity).. blablabla.. all those niches. Most other marketers doesn't see this.. but niche is all about finding problems and giving the solution to them people and buyers. So the problems is there.. recession.. so find something that solve that very problem people are facing. Make the thing most marketers afraid as your friend.. and make more money than everyone else. As always.. be super flexible and a little bit creative.
I have yet to dive into 'recession niche' coz I am very lazy to do that.. I enjoy driving fast car on the highway making other 'Wajalution and Wiralution' fret like a little mouse... but I'm damn lazy when it comes to niche marketing. I only dive into what I like coz that will help me curb my lazyness.. and currently I'm doing a JV with Dominant Star in natural health niche (which is something that I always love to learn about).
See?? That is another way to help you all curb your laziness and ensure that you do your niche marketing without procrastination. Do the thing you love the most.. smile.gif
These two reason above should ensure your survivality in niche business. Making USD 2500 to USD 3000 per day now is so much easier.. trust me.. I know. Damn easy I tell you.. seriously. Owning the kind of car like Ferrari is not a distance dream anymore.. it's achievable.
People who run their own business.. understand that with only 24 hours.. they can't do much. You should know this as well capal2.. and because of that.. outsourcing is there for the taking. People who have been making USD 2500 to USD 3000.. all of them outsource. But let's not talk about this for now.. wait until at least one of you achieve USD 100 per day and we will start talking about outsourcing.
I don't recommend anyone to outsource now... because you need to learn all the ropes and get the feel of doing this all by yourself first. Nobody care about your business as much as you do.. so don't be so quick to outsource everything you don't want to do. They don't care about you.. all they care is money. Be careful with this and remember my advice well... and you will succeed.
What else arr?? Forgot edy.. nevermind.. I remember then I post here. For now this is all for your reading mr. capal2.
Have a good day.
Heya fellas.. how do you do.
ReplyDeleteSo ini lah dia komuniti newbies internet marketing yang tengah dalam proses nak jadi kaya sangat tuh??
Hahaha... howdy everyone???
Alrite.. I don̢۪t want to talk nonsense.. coz I still have a lot to do after this. Takde masa sangat nak bazirkan pada korang sebab korang tak bayar aku sesen pun. Rite fellas??
â€Å“Now dude.. it’s good to have a new person in here.. but who the hell are you??â€
I figure as much.. you guys must be wondering. Who the hell am I right??
Now.. do I really have to tell everyone here who am I?? Nah.. the policy of freedom on the net doesn̢۪t says I have to.. so I have no intention of telling everyone here who I am.. where I live yada yada zilch blablabla.
Enough kalau you guys fellas-fellas sekali tahu bahawa aku adalah kawan kepada si Phoenix, Dominant Taik Bintang yang otak tak pernah betul... dan orang jepun yang tak reti-reti nak balik negara dia tuh (siapa?? Kai Kiske la.. siapa lagi.. hahahaha woi jepun.. pergi balik negara ko).
OK.. malas nak buat kacau banyak sangat. Aku tengah online guna laptop si dommy nih (kelakar gila nickname mamat nih dalam Putera.. huahuahua.. Dommy.. ya larr.. can I call you Dommy man??).
So on to the world of cyber market and all the strange techniques and blablabla yang orang buat ramai orang kaya raya dalam 3 bulan saja dan dalam masa yg sama berjaya membuatkan lebih ramai yang KAYAP dalam tempoh seminggu saja (golongan bodoh yang main Adwords lepas masuk Wangcyber, carigold, warrior forum and apa-apa forum lain.. yang tiba-tiba lepas tuh ada keyakinan yang dia pun boleh buat jugak. Pure Loser).
LOL.. syok rupanya berforum nih. Patutlah Phoenix tak pakai-pakai Ferrari.. asyik berforum sampai lupa business sendiri.. hahahaha
â€Goddamnit dude.. what the hell are you babbling about dude?? What’s your point? Are you retard or what??â€
LOL.. rilex.. rilex. Ko la retard.. aku tak habis cakap ko dah paku itu ini (but itu ayat aku yg tulis.. isk.. sapa yang retard nih.. ph34r.gif )
Hahaha.. on to the point before someone else murder me...
Bab SEO and cloaking nih ada la skit-skit specialty aku gak.. so let see kalau aku boleh kasi sikit insight pada you guys yang kelaparan sales nih.
So dah ramai masuk WA kan?? Semua pakai my-linker ke??
As for cloaking links. You guys got several options.. Oh.. and I usually stay away from my-linker for lots of reasons.
Option #1 - If you have your own domain then use a redirect to cloak your links
(there are 3 different types of redirect, HTML meta tag redirects , PHP redirect , and htaccess / 301 redirect )
Feel free to Google them for more info.. Meta tag redirects are the easiest/simplest to do but google doesn't like them too much (especially if you are doing PPC / adwords to the link)
I generally do Htaccess (301 redirects) or PHP.
Also another way to do cloak/redirects (if you have your own domain name) is "Profit Protector" . check it out, it's a free program, and it'll help create the redirect link for you. All you have to do is put in your affiliate link and give the page a title (it'll be what the visitor sees in the title bar) then the program will create a .HTML file. Upload that html file to your website (let's say you called the html file " dogtraining.htm " ... well if you uploaded that file to your website: .. ahah...............
ReplyDeleteIf you then gave someone the link http://www.traindogs...dogtraining.htm
they will be automatically forwarded to your Affiliate link
Cool stuff huh??
Told you.. I̢۪m damn good with this kind of stuff.
â€Alright brader.. you got some cool stuff up your sleeve.. but damn you man.. that’s for someone who has domain names. I ain’t got one bro.. what do I do??
Beg me and I̢۪ll tell you..
â€Alrite man.. we all at Tanya@Putera beg you to let us in on what you have.. lay it on us man.. we beg you!! Please..â€
Option #2 - If you don't have a domain name.. Well, another company besides Tinyurl (just as a side note.. I hate tinyurl) that you can use is :
Check out:
With them you can use redirects like:
so that's pretty cool.
Another thing I̢۪d like to bring to your attention fellas.. is something that we call... DUPLICATED CONTENT!!
Both Dommy of the Star and Rising Phoenix brings this matter to me:
â€Oh hail great Crown Master. We need your helpâ€
Hullo there dommy.. I like your new name.. so 1983 man. Oh and hey there Phoenix.. we told you never bought that puny 1.3l RX-8.. but you did anyway.. see what happen now?? You can̢۪t even smell the smoke of my car dude..
â€Sorry oh hail great Crown Master.â€
OK.. Ok.. lay it on me.
â€We are confuse about the duplicate issues. In one instance.. we can copy articles from ezine without being penalized at all. But in another instances.. we can’t post the same article twice to another article directory. Oh please enlighten us oh great Crown Masterâ€
Alrite.. no problem. I.. the great Crown Master will engrave upon you.. 0.01% of my insight!!
As far as all your questions on Duplicate content..
Watch this video. This should answer them.
Duplicate content is a myth =) it's not really an issue.
Google only gets upset when you have the same duplicate content on YOUR OWN site over and over again.
And fyi, truthfully having alot of content on your site and creating a minisite isn't really gonna do much for quality score with PPC.
With PPC the things that are gonna DRAMATICALLY effect your QS are:
Title Bar, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, Incoming Links (backlinks from relevant sites), image optimization, and last but CERTAINLY NOT LEAST:
make sure you have:
About Us, Terms Of Services, Anti Spam Policy, Contact Us links on your page.
if you do all that. you'll have great quality scores (so you still need a minisite afterall.. or else where the hell do you put all these about us, terms of services etc.. so go create that damn minisite!!)
However.. that being said, when it comes to having a better chance of being ranked for a particular phrase (for BUM dude..), you'll typically have a better chance of getting ranked if you use original content.
Got it fellas?? smile.gif
Oh yeah.. one more.
I forbid anyone from anywhere to share this puny information with anyone else. We need a lot of losers out there to ensure our own survivality in this business.. so let them stay confuse. You Puteranians.. get your ass working and show me that Ferrari of yours.. each one of you. Then we race and leave that someone̢۪s puny RX-8 sticking to our dust...