Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera buat semua
Haloo semua.
Woow.. nampak gaya thread yang aku mulakan nie dah memang
ramai gila yang follow. Tak sangka plak. Asalnya niat aku cuma
just nak mengenalkan korang dengan business model yang aku
Tak sangka in the end cukup ramai yang follow.
Bila ramai yang follow.. bermakna ramai yang ada minat nak buat
duit secara serius.
Bermakna ramai yang buat niche marketing ni dan cuba jaya tengok
apa yang berkesan.
Bermakna ramai yang buat promosi guna BUM marketing dan
ultimately PPC jugak.
Dan itu juga bermakna.. ramailah yang sangkut dengan PPC
Tak buat sales langsung lah.
Atau habis sampai USD 100 ke USD 200 dalam Adwords jer.
So hari nie jom kita sembang sikit pasal 'silent killer' dalam dunia
Internet marketing yang cukup-cukup dahsyat nih. Yakni Google
First sekali.. especially untuk warga yang dah join Wealthy Affiliate..
kalau korang kerap main dalam forum WA tuh.. occasionally korang
akan jumpa thread memohon bantuan oleh newbies selalunya
yang bermasalah dalam PPC.
Most of the time.. orang yang menghadapi masalah dalam PPC
adalah mereka yang masa mula terus lompat buat PPC. Diorang
tak start dengan BUM marketing dan oleh itu ada certain information
yang diorang miss.
Contoh terutamanya termasuklah keyword research sendiri.
Bila belajar buat keyword research dengan BUM.. fail atau
tidak.. duit konfirm takkan habis. Tapi bila buat dengan PPC..
kalau gagal duit melayang.. kalau berjaya.. memang banyak la
dapat duit.
Tapi isu ni tak boleh lah nak paksa sesiapa buat BUM dan jangan
buat PPC dulu. Kalau korang nak tahu.. aku dulu pun start dengan
PPC terus.
Agaknya tuhan tolong ke berkat ke apa tah.. first round buat terus
Aku sendiri memang tak mula dengan BUM / article marketing..
pasal aku malas gila nak tulis artikel.
Pada pandangan aku objektif perniagaan niche marketing secara
basis nya adalah untuk mewujudkan satu bentuk perniagaan yang
memang sama dengan real life businesses tetapi dengan perbezaan
- Mudah dikendalikan dan di uruskan (mainly websites and email)
- Tak ada kos yang melampau banyak untuk mula
- Automatik
Point last sekali. Automatik. Waktu tuh aku figure kalau business
ni sepatutnya automatik kenapa aku kena taip artikel plak
Sebenarnya macam ni.
Business ni tak automatik seperti yang korang kerap jumpa kat
internet tuh.
Mesti selalu korang dihidangkan dengan ebook atau produk yang
menjanjikan 'Jutaan Ringgit / Dollar dalam Tempoh Paling Singkat
Secara Autopilot!!'.
Kalau ada.. then that is the first sign of scam.
Especially bila kita bercakap tentang 'super guru' dari luar negara.
Bila mereka jual produk mereka.. mereka janjikan bermacam-macam
janji yang memang menjadi idaman setiap lapisan masyarakat di
muka bumi nih.
Diorang letak gambar kereta mustang lah.. hummer H3.. Ferrari..
mansion bernilai juta dollar.. bermacam-macam lagi lah.
Sebenarnya diorang tak tipu. Kalau korang mintak verification
daripada mereka.. memang diorang boleh verify yang diorang
memiliki benda-benda tuh semua (we are talking about the so
called gurus mcm Ewen Chia, Justin Blake - I hate this fella,
Andre Chaperon, Frank Kern etc.. etc. Not some poser yang claim
dia buat USD 1,000,000 setahun dan cuba jual ebook dia berharga
USD 49. Itu selalunya kalau korang mintak verify dia tak boleh kasi
Masalah bagaimanapun adalah.. diorang tak inform orang ramai
bahawa semua tuh nak dapat dia tak semudah itu. Diorang tuh
dah keluarkan banyak usaha dan itu semua diperolehi hasil
titik peluh mereka.
Takde benda yang semudah tu jer nak dapat. Kalau niat nak ubah
hidup.. memang benda tu semua kena letak effort yang banyak.
Itulah benda yang aku belajar setelah cuba banyak kali dalam
permainan duit internet nih.
So kawan-kawan.. kalau ada orang offer teknik buat duit sampai
juta-juta yang effortless.. that is the first sign of a potential
scam. So hati-hati.
Jadi.. apa sebab aku tiba-tiba cakap pasal effort pulak??
What this has to do with PPC and Google Adwords??
Aku ada mention tentang automatik dan kemudian aku
mention pasal effort.
Simple.. to play PPC will require lots of effort and patience
from your part. First time cuba.. kemungkinan besar tidak
berjaya itu ada.
Kena ingat.. bila pilih PPC bermakna kita keluarkan duit.
So key kejayaan dalam PPC adalah, kalau first, second or
third time cuba tapi tak nampak apa-apa.. jangan panik.
Rileks.. ada sebabnya kenapa tak berjaya.
Sort pelan-pelan.. mcm orang lain selalu cakap.. kayuh
Jangan kelam sangat nak duit jer kerja. Setiap benda ada
learning curve nya.
So biasa kan diri and eventually you guys WILL make it.
Macam aku.. mungkin beruntung sebab aku cuba jaya
straight dengan bantuan dari WA. Asalnya tak paham
banyak juga. Cara buat keyword research.. cara nak start
Google Adwords.. cara nak buat direct linking etc.. etc.
Tapi lepas aku kumpul enough information.. dan dengan
guidance yang aku perolehi dari WA sendiri (aku ada PM
certain people dalam tuh dan bertanyakan mereka).. tak
sangka pulak first time try dah earn money.
But.. tak semua orang mcm tuh.
For example kita tengok Dominant Star. Dulu gila anime..
asyik layan Gundam Seed ramai-ramai dalam thread Hiburan.
Lepas tuh fanatic Tenjou Tenge sekejap.
And then.. diperkenalkan dengan Forex.
Sebab main Forex habis banyak duit.. untung tak nampak..
dia hutang dengan bank banyak.
Memang sadis la. And then diperkenalkan dengan niche
So dia try.. and just like everyone else yang kelam nak duit
cepat.. dia tak mula dengan BUM / article sebaliknya straight
away mula dengan PPC.
Aku tak ingat berapa exact amount (kalau nak tau tanya Dominant
Star sendiri) but dia habis memang cukup banyak pada Adwords
But dengan duit dan masa yang banyak habis.. comes experience
as well.
Sekarang dia antara top person yang aku kenal pandai Adwords.
Susah nak tengok campaign dia kena Google Slap (aku rasa tak
pernah pun).
Senang cerita.. kalau korang fail.. just go on jugak. Cuba sedaya
upaya and jangan join 'The Quitters Club' mcm yang ramai buat
bila first time dah cuba tak nampak hasil.
Kesian diorang.. kalaulah diorang tahu.
Banyak sangat aku merepak.. jom jump straight to the important
stuff. The key to Google's million dollar revenue.. and the key to
our own financial freedom.
So.. rata-rata umat manusia yang follow thread ni.. by now should
know what the heck is Google Adwords.
It is quite unfortunate.. sebab memang mustahil nak cover Google
Adwords and related stuff dari mula sampai habis. Banyak sangat
Most trial and error person takes up to 5 years just untuk understand
the concept and system behind it.
Most other people.. prefer untuk beli ebook and so on. And yes.. this
is the fastest learning method available. But ada dua masalah dengan
cara ini.. iaitu satu, perlukan duit yang boleh tahan banyak. Kedua,
potential untuk membeli crappy stuff adalah amat tinggi.
Almost 95% daripada produk yang ada di luar tuh adalah crap stuff.
Either rehashed info, maklumat yang tidak tepat atau terlalu general..
mahupun maklumat yang out dated.
Dijadikan ebook dan dijual pada harga antara USD 27 / USD 29 sehingga
ke USD 97 atau USD 99.
Cukup susah nak cari produk yang betul-betul seperti apa yang kita
mahu. Selalunya sales letter jer power but produk memang crappy..
which is why aku personally suka Wealthy Affiliate. Sales letter promotion
Wealthy Affiliate adalah yang paling sampah dan teruk setakat ni pernah
aku tengok. Takde langsung elemen-elemen copywriting yang effective
dalam sales letter Wealthy Affiliate.
Aku pernah tanya Kyle kenapa mcm tuh.. dia kata kononnya sebab
1) dia taknak extreme sales letter untuk produk Wealthy Affiliate dan
2) dia nak orang lain sedar bahawa kalau nak buat business internet
ni tak perlukan copywriting skill yang tinggi.
Anyway.. memang ramai yang nak buat business ni guna Google Adwords
tetapi either keliru tak tahu apa nak buat.. atau memang tak tahu langsung
apa yang berlaku and the psychology behind everything taught.
So let's start...
#1 Keyword Research and Customer's Buying Cycle
Basis penggunaan PPC or Adwords dalam marketing and advertising
adalah customer kita type certain keyword yang tertentu.. and kita
punya ads keluar straight away di sponsored link yang berkenaan.
For sure.. kita nak tahu keyword apa yang customer kita akan guna
supaya kita punya iklan akan keluar.
Ada beberapa perkara yang kalau boleh kita pastikan ada pada kita.
First sekali.. cuba pastikan keyword kita tuh adalah low competition.
Maknanya pastikan competition tak banyak untuk keyword yang kita
bid. Kalau boleh elakkan competition yang terlalu tinggi.. dan elakkan
juga competition yang sedang-sedang.
Guideline nya?? Well.. tak ada. Just based on korang punya judgement
dan ambil lah keyword yang amountnya sedang-sedang jer.
Kita tak mahu competition tinggi sebab itu maknanya competition
memang super stiff.
But kita kena pastikan ada jugak competition sebab tak ada competing
ads bermaksud keyword itu tak profitable.
But actually this basis adalah agak ketinggalan zaman dan tak boleh
diguna pakai sangat pun. Puncanya.. banyak niche marketers yang
tak ada akal suka bid perkataan yang tak mendatangkan profit pun.
Diorang ni adalah golongan yang kita panggil 'noob' atau 'knuckleheads'.
Modus operandi diorang ni mudah jer.. diorang akan masuk dalam
certain niche yang panas.. buat random ads and landing page.
Angkut duit sebanyak mungkin and bila top player akhirnya mula
berkumpul.. diorang akan jump ke niche lain.
Mereka ni sekadar gangguan sahaja.. so tak releven pun kalau nak pay
attention sangat pada mereka.
Kedua.. tolong pastikan keyword yang korang bid tuh berada dalam
golongan late buying cycle. Explanation tentang buying cycle ni dah ada
dalam page sebelum ini. So feel free untuk refer back.
Salah satu characteristics utama keyword late buying cycle ini adalah
most of the time diorang sangat-sangat targeted dan long tailed.
Panjang.. contoh macam:
'weight loss for soon to be married woman'
'dog friendly hotels santa monica'
or maybe jugak..
'how to get my ex back'
Nampak tak??
Satu lagi characteristics untuk keyword late buying cycle adalah
produk name atau author.
Contoh macam:
'Beating Adwords review'
'Buy Perry Marshall's ebook'
atau jugak mungkin..
'Frank Kern's Mass Control review'
Itu antara contoh yang ada.
But as always.. be versatile dalam pemilihan keyword korang. Jangan
menurut peraturan sangat.. sebab semua niche cara nak attack dia lain
dan berbeza.
Samalah jugak dengan keyword..
#2 Adgroup
Bila dah ada keywords.. sudah tentu sekali korang nak set kan group
mana keyword tuh duduk kan??
Salah satu kesilapan paling besar bagi ramai orang yang baru mula
adalah mereka groupkan keyword tuh dalam satu kumpulan group
yang besar sampai 10 ke 20 keyword satu group.
Most of the time.. diorang ni akan kena Google Slapped lah. Dan bila
itu terjadi.. keyword mereka akan jadi super-mahal but ad placement
akan jadi lebih rendah.
Cara paling sesuai untuk grouping ad korang adalah dengan mengikut
satu rules yang dipanggil 'common keyword rules' atau 'theme'.
Prinsip ni sangat mudah.
Just group kan keyword ikut certain criteria keyword yang ada.
Kita ambil contoh yang ada dan mudah.. dari contoh Kyle pada page
sebelum ini:
-wealthyaffiliate review
-wealthyaffiliate university
-wealthy affiliate
-wealthy affiliate review
-wealthy affiliate university
-does wealthy affiliate work
-become a wealthy affiliate
-join wealthy affiliate
Lepas tuh keyword tuh di group kan menjadi:
Group #1 - Common Keyword: wealthy affiliate review
-review for wealthy affiliate
-wealthy affiliate review
-wealthy affiliate reviews
-wealthy affiliate website review
Group #2 - Common Keyword: wealthy affiliate university
-wealthy affiliate university
-join wealthy affiliate university
-wealthy affiliate university review
-wealthy affiliate university website
Bila group kan mcm ni.. nampak lebih teratur dan Google akan
kasi hadiah atau reward berupa QS yang lebih tinggi sekali gus
membawa kepada placement yang lebih tinggi dan CPC yang
jauh lebih rendah.
Ada reason lain kenapa kami tekankan gila-gila common keyword
theme nih. Aku akan sentuh dalam bab Ad copy nanti.
#3 Region
Yang ni pendek jer.
Most newbie fikir adalah baik untuk iklan mereka keluar serata dunia
atas basis bahawa lagi ramai nampak iklan mereka.. lagi banyak profit
mereka kaut.
Always ensure and pastikan yang korangnya iklan adalah berdasarkan
certain region sahaja.
Kaji dan buat research mendalam untuk kenal pasti top 10 country atau
region yang bermasalah dan berkaitan dengan niche korang.
And tetapkan dalam Google Adwords untuk target region tu saja.
Korang punya impressions / kadar iklan ditayangkan akan lebih tinggi..
dan sekali gus menyebabkan CTR lebih tinggi. Dalam masa yang sama
targeting certain region yang releven akan memastikan percentage buat
sales meningkat lebih tinggi. Kan bagus tuh.. btol tak!?
#4 Content Network
Content network ni kadangkala bagus dan kadangkala membunuh.
Sebenarnya memang bagus.. but sebab scam dari Adsense.. maka
most of the time ia bukanlah satu option yang di recommend
kepada orang ramai.
Most newbies tak di rekomen guna feature ni sebab kalau tak kena
cara boleh bankrupt dalam satu malam saja habis duit burn.
So how??
Content network adalah satu feature yang mana akan membuatkan
iklan kita muncul di web page 'partner' Google aka Google Adsense
punya site owner aka publisher.
Kadang kala.. ada banyak penipuan yang berlaku.. di mana untuk
meningkatkan kadar click.. tuan punya website buat something
sinister untuk memastikan kadar click rate iklan bertambah.
The good thing is pendapatan owner site bertambah melalui
The SUPER BAD THING is.. kita rugi duit. Puncanya.. orang yang click
iklan kita through Adsense tuh memang tak ada niat langsung dari
mula pun untuk membeli. Dia klik and dia blah. Tak naya kita??
However for certain niche.. Content Network can be a difference
between USD 1000 to USD 10,000 as well. Aku dah nampak benda
ni dalam STD Dating. Dengan Content Network sales melonjak
almost 200% ke 400%. Puncanya.. sebab customer lebih mudah
dicapai melalui Content Network dan diorang ni memang membeli.
Well.. susah nak cakap.
Nasihat aku.. study betul-betul kalau korang decide nak guna Content
Network. Kalau yakin go for it.. else don't do it!
#5 Quality Score
The infamous Quality Score.. most often referred to as QS.
Tak kira dimana.. kalau kita sembang pasal PPC and Adwords mesti
ada isu berkaitan QS dibangkitkan.
So what is QS?
Aku takkan terangkan berjela-jela sampai korang pening.
Cukup untuk korang tahu bahawa QS aka Quality Score adalah
lebey kurang mcm sistem skema pemarkahan yang dibuat oleh
Google untuk menentukan sebagus mana kualiti ads korang.
If they like it.. you get cheaper cost per click.. and higher ad
If they don't like it.. QS jatuh dengan teruk.. and later korang
akan deal dengan CPC mencapai $ 10 per click and ad placement
paling bawah skali.
So.. pastikan QS korang tinggi jer lah. Itu saja caranya.
Jangan lawan Google.. but ikut apa yang Google nak.
Key utama QS yang tinggi adalah relevancy.
Trick pertama adalah pastikan korang punya keyword dalam
adgroup korang cukup tight.
Maksudnya.. super releven dan follow common keyword
Usually aku punya adgroup tak pernah ada lebih dari 5 keyword
(yang mana kalau include match and exact type.. jumlahnya tak
lebih 15 lah).
Dan aku sentiasa follow common keyword technique. Not
only that... common keyword aku sentiasa above then 3. Or
minima.. 3!
Anything below.. and you'll most likely to receive Google Slapped.
Trick kedua.. jangan buat one page landing page / squeeze page.
Google tak suka.
Buat mini-site.
That's why kami asyik suruh buat mini-site yang penuh dengan
content. Supaya Google takkan kasi penalty bahawa ads korang
hanyalah ads semata-mata tanpa ada content walau sikit pun.
Always make sure that you have a mini-site.
Buat landing page biasa.. and taruk link ke content page and home
page dekat footer landers korang.
Google akan fikir site itu bukan sekadar nak berniaga but at the same
time provide information as well.. which is good.
Trick ketiga.. Crown pernah sentuh pasal ini.. iaitu pastikan korang
ada benda ni dalam landing page / mini-site korang. Iaitu:
About Us, Terms Of Services, Anti Spam Policy, Contact US.
Especially Terms of Services (TOS). Aku pernah remove TOS dari
aku punya Cover-Letter site and QS aku suffer dari Great jatuh ke
OK. Aku tambah and ubah suai skit.. jadi Great balik.
Maybe ada factor lain sebab ada a couple of other tweaks
yang aku buat.. but somehow aku yakin bahawa reason utama
memang adalah TOS.
Trick keempat.. pastikan keyword korang muncul dalam kawasan
Title Bar, Meta Keywords and Meta Description.
Menurut beberapa pakar.. Google dah tak ambil kisah sangat faktor
ini kecuali Title Bar. But somehow based on our own research.. kami
ada reason untuk percaya bahawa these three still plays a vital role
dalam penentuan QS.. although not as important as before.
Well.. just put it anyway.. bukan rugi pun.
Trick kelima.. image optimization. Yang ni mudah jer. Guna image yang
releven and taruk keyword yang korang nak optimize dalam image alt.
text tuh (kalau tak faham suruh BDA / Rizuwan atau sesapa jer la explain..
aku tak nak explain bab nih).
Ada lagi tak?? Ntah.. tak ingat. Kalau ada aku taruk lagi dalam forum
#6 AdCopy
Kadang kala.. keyword kita memang sempurna habislah. Kita punya
quality score pun tinggi habislah. Tapi takde orang beli. Bahkan
kadangkala tuh takde orang click pun. Heran.
Kalau macam tuh.. maka problem nya adalah dalam ad copy korang.
Either ad copy korang generic sangat.. terlalu sama dengan ad copy
orang lain.. atau memang plain boring. Well.. anything yang membuatkan
customer rasa takde faedah pun kalau click. That's the problem.
Kalau customer tak klik then korang takleh present korang punya produk
depan diorang.. which means no sales.
Ada beberapa teknik dalam aspek ini.
Teknik pertama adalah Call to Action phrase (ada gambar
sebenarnya but tanya@putera letak limit letak gambar jgn lebih 3..
so aku buang jer la sebab aku anggap tak penting).
Contohnya boleh taruk perkataan mcm mungkin Join Now..
Buy Now.. atau mungkin Get It Now.. anything yang
quite persuasive can be used.
Words mcm ni kinda effective jugak.
Cuba korang google a couple of product yang korang pernah
dengar dalam apa-apa niche.. mesti korang pernah jumpa
words mcm tuh.
Teknik kedua adalah WOW!! Factor.
Contohnya... buat something yang mcm nie (contoh aku amik dari
Google dengan keyword Commission Blueprint review):
Teknik ketiga adalah price. Teknik mudah jer.. iaitu just letakkan
price dalam korang punya iklan. Teknik ni dah konfirm memang berkesan
untuk menapis non-buyer but aku personally jarang amalkan.
Tengok contoh dia kat sini (again.. aku amik dari Kyle from Wealthy
Affiliate and just upload kat imageshack jer):
Nampak tak??
And then.. aku mention pasal common keyword and kaitannya
dengan Ad copy tadi kan??
So apa kaitannya??
Mudah saja.
Nampak tak bila korang usya-usya ads yang ada di tepi-tepi tuh..
ada certain keyword yang di bold kan.
Itu lah dia!!!
Bila korang follow common keyword rules.. lebih mudah untuk
tentukan keyword mana yang diberikan penekanan dan ads korang
akan lebih kerap keluar untuk keyword-keyword tuh.
Caranya.. masukkan common keyword tuh jugak dalam ad copy
Next customer for sure type perkataan tuh.. sebab
itu diorang sampai dekat ads korang..
And since korang punya keyword and ad both contains the
magic 'common keyword'.. korang punya ads akan nampak lebih
attractive.. lebih outstanding and ofcourse QS pun tinggi.
Highly relevant.. and konfirm akan attract customer.. sebab
perkataan tu dah diboldkan.. dan pengalaman aku.. kalau ads
korang ada perkataan diboldkan tuh.. CTR pun tinggi.. CPC pun
rendah. Duit pun jimat. Sales masuk.
Bak kata dominant taik bintang.. semua pun happy. Kan??
Finally.. tracking. Aku takkan cerita panjang tentang tracking
sebab benda ni Kai Kiske pernah ajar dalam a couple of page
before.. something yang cukup powerful yet tak ramai yang
A little bit of simple tracking can be the difference between $1000
and $10,000 or perhaps even $100,000 per year. Who knows right??
The key here is to understand what the customers is searching
for. So we can improve and put more effort on the things that
lacking. We can identify all sorts of problems as well just through
simple tracking.
Aku bukanlah dewa tracking so aku tak nak cakap banyak
pasal benda ni. But aku akan cerita benda ni..
Both Kai Kiske and aku sendiri employ a special sistem
and technique of tracking yang kami tahu.. tak ramai buat
either sebab diorang tak tahu.. mahupun sebab diorang
Dalam WA di ajar untuk bid keyword yang super spesifik and
targeted. Well.. we do it differently.
Kami spend $100 bidding keyword yang super general.. and then
through our means of tracking kami boleh track sebijik-sebijik
apa yang customer carik.
Kami expand dari situ and then baru kami buat super spesifik
keyword based on apa yang diperolehi daripada data yang ada.
This results in our rapid succession of hitting the customers
with the right hot buttons and literally 'force' them to buy.
Aku personally tak rekomen korang buat teknik ni.. buat masa
sekarang stick with WA 8 week action plan dulu. Kalau nak buat..
tunggu dah mahir baru buat.
Apa yang aku nak tekankan. TRACKING IS IMPORTANT!
Tak perlu keluar duit banyak.. just guna Google Analytics dan
guna benda yang BDA kasik dalam page sebelum ni.
Benda tu akan kasi tahu korang exact phrase yang traffic
korang type untuk sampai ke website korang.
Very powerful.
Aiseh.. banyak sangat la pulak. 3,460 patah perkataan.
Aku rasa pening kepala korang baca kot..
But.. well.. aku tak expect korang tumpu perhatian baca
sekaligus.. take your time.
Anyway.. good luck guys. Tangan aku dah lenguh gila nih.
Nak main Crysis: Warhead jap.
Have a good day..
Ah yeah.. I thought 'Caldina'.. rupanya mmg betul fairlady.. never mind then. Huhu...
ReplyDeleteBTW.. aku tak pasti you all dah ada blom.. but aku post la jugak:
The art of researching your niche. Enjoy... and have a good night.. hohoho...
*Link video diambil dari Andre Chaperon... bagus mamat tuh..
hohohoh.. perasan Caldina dia best. Meh challenge aku..
Aku tak payah bawak kereta aku la.. aku bawak kereta bapak aku jer.. tgk ko leh lawan tak.. laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
QUOTE (Agip @ Nov 25 2008, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nak tanya skit r pasai kat dalam WA tuh..
Ape function Site Rubix eh??
Thats all 4 today..
Ahh... Site Rubix.
Aku sebenarnya masuk WA bukan sebab nak belajar.. but sebab nak bentuk relationship jer dengan USD 1,000 per day earner dalam forum dia.. such as Travis, Thad, Dave, C., and a couple more. Supaya future JV aku lebih mudah.
But I'm damn surprised to say that.. WA offers more than just a simple tutorial of making money online.
Yes guys.. its that great.
You mentioned about Site Rubix.. so let's talk a bit about it.
Site Rubix.. is a very simple and kinda 'poyo' sistem of making a website from scratch for those who KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT CREATING ONE.
Heck.. even normal 6 years grader can create a hell of a websites just using Site Rubix.
It's not suitable for massive important websites.. but it does a hell of a good job for quick websites / landing page for TESTING PURPOSES..
I mean.. if you are earning at least USD 500 per day.. you should know how important the testing aspects is..
What I did.. or do.. is I log in to WA.. used the Site Rubix and create around 5 to 7 mini-sites every week for 5 to 7 different new niches for testing purposes. I used to use Joomla and Weebly (ultimately Blog.. of course) for my testing phase.
But WA's own Site Rubix do prove to be a much more easy system to use. And I love every bit of it.
So I always use Site Rubix.. create a test campaign (PPC or Articles).. use Google Analytics and see if its profitable or not. If it is.. I then take the campaign to another level.. this time using Dreamweaver.. and put in Affiliate Prophet as my main means of tracking.
If it isn't profitable?? Yeah you guess it right!! We throw them out of window!! biggrin.gif
ReplyDeleteDua program yang aku suka untuk guna for test niche purposes.. adalah Xsitepro 2 (you have to pay for this).. and WA's Site Rubix.
In fact aku rasa kalau you guys tak reti buat website pun dah cukup berbaloi untuk langgan WA sekadar nak dapatkan hosting dia and Site Rubix tu.
Aku tertarik dengan video yang si Crimson Star post kan tu.
Talks a bit about personas.. and how to understand what your customers really want. A really good video. Go watch it fellas.
A little bit insight yang tak seberapa...
Perhatikan customer you all.. kalau diorang ada review seekers.. then presenting them with the best possible review type landing page is the best and they will definitely buy.
However kalau mereka adalah information seekers.. atau someone yang baru bermula dalam niche tu (for example.. maybe someone yang baru bermula dalam niche marketing atau baru nak bermula berhenti merokok).. then review type landing page WON'T BE THAT EFFECTIVE AT ALL.
The key to make sales for these type of people is TRUST!
"Oh abang Crown yang kacak.. mcm mana??"
Ler.. itu pun tak tahu??
You put them on a list!!
Subscribe AWeber. Buat list.. and kasi content banyak-banyak.
Diorang akan come to a level where they will respect you. Pada waktu tu.. tak kira lah apa yang korang promote diorang confirm akan beli.
One more thing.. dalam last post aku.. aku ada kasi tips pasal SEO kan?? TOS aka Terms of Services.
It's a good thing to have them.. but sebenarnya tak perlulah nak buat sampai habis masa banyak sangat. Aku log-in dari laptop Dominant Star.. and apparently malam tadi Crimson Star ada guna laptop dia kejap.. and you know what??
Aku baca la PM dia sikit-sikit (jahatnya aku!! wahh).. and ada 3 message tanya dia pasal SEO yang dia tak jawab (banyak sangat kot nak jawab.. kalo aku pun aku malas nak jawab.. padahal kalo reply pendek jer.. laugh.gif )
Since aku yang bangkitkan topik tuh disini.. let me explain now about it.
As far as a mini-site goes. You guys don't need to overdo it on the privacy and terms stuff. A simple about us, contact, and privacy page will do just fine. You really don't need a terms of service or anything like that unless you're a merchant. The most important thing is your content about the topic and products you're promoting. Be relevant.. takkanlah kalau korang just affiliate nak promote barang.. ada TOS jugak kan?? Be relevant and think on your own feet.
So.. if it is possible to put.. ofcourse the odds of getting a high QS should be higher but if putting it will just make your footer look ugly or maybe your landing pages look strange (promote produk orang tapi TOS dia ngalahkan merchant produk).. then don't. Bazir masa saja.
Just wanna emphasis jer.
That's all.. aku nak pegi huhahuha skit kat Gurney Plaza ngan awek aku. Dia ada sesi fotografi kat Greenlane kejap. Adios Amigos..
Malam ni kalo aku rajin aku type la sikit-sikit pasal SEO ke pulak.
finix n Crimson Star, rupenya korang msh igt aku..aku igt korang dh lupe kt aku haha...dulu kite pernah chat...last2 ko hilang...tup2 jadi otai IM...terlalu jauh aku ketggln..aku busy keje yg tiada kesudahan...gaji xseberape tapi keje nk mmps.. aku dh penat....bile aku bce kejayaan korang...aku jeless!..mmg jeless hahah...aku harap bantuan dan tjkajr korang semua
ReplyDeleteNo worries Don Juann... aku ngan Kerimson tolong ko sampai ko earn lagi banyak dari kami... jamin punya.. smile.gif
QUOTE (faxists @ Dec 2 2008, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bila aku nak buat nih?
Don kita race nak?sape dulu make sales
Uiks.. bro faxists pun ada. Memang makin meriah la macam ni. Welcome bro.. welcome blush.gif
Next is another article from the boring me.
Ada certain issues yang sering kali ditanya kepada aku lately.. some through
PM.. some through email.. issue dia cukup mudah.
Sebab banyak sangat pertanyaan on secara personal on daily basis.. aku address
this issue again untuk tatapan semua.
Have a good read..
How to Choose a Good Clickbank Product??
Kebanyakan orang yang buat benda nie... memang lebih suka pilih Clickbank
over other affiliate program simply because Clickbank offers digital products
such as ebooks and membership sites to sell.
Ini bagus dari satu segi.. sebab kos membuat produk-produk digital ni hanyalah
masa saja. Most of the time ia tidak melibatkan sesen pun duit kecuali kalau
product creation itu di outsource kan kepada orang luar atau in-house team.
Ini bermakna.. bila kos membuat produk itu tidak ada.. maka komisyen yang
akan diberikan untuk sesuatu produk itu adalah jauh lebih tinggi dan mahal
daripada conventional products yang terdapat dalam Commission Junction,
Share-a-Sale, Linkshare and so on. Most of the time sampai 75% commission
per sale.. which sometimes paid around USD 30 to USD 100.
Aku pernah promote satu produk hypnosis ni.. for the first week commission
dia around USD 37 something jer.. but after a week dia dapat pelepasan
ncrease price dia and suddenly commission jadi USD 100 per sale. Aku buat
average dua ke tiga sale seminggu (maybe sebab tak focus sangat kot.. after
all.. hypnosis is never my strong suite). So dari satu produk ini saja aku dah
boleh buat up to USD 300 per week. God knows what happen kalau korang
semua fokus pada produk ni.
ReplyDelete*For WA's subscribers.. cuba usya tgk bahagian Clickbank product dekat
dashboard korang tuh. Rasanya masih ada dalam top 20.. a wonderful product.
But sekarang aku dah stop sebab aku nak cuba tembus Weight Loss.. nak
tengok kalau aku berjaya atau tak.
Anyway.. that's the beauty of Clickbank's products.. the commission.
Another thing is.. ia adalah info-products kan??
Aku rasa pernah di mention benda ni.. but one other good thing about info
products adalah.. ia merupakan info-products laugh.gif
Faham tak??
Info-products kalau kita pecahkan.. jadi Information Products.
Bermakna we are selling information to our customers.
Ini berbeza dengan conventional products lain di mana kita hanya
menjual something yang memenuhi desire mereka (contoh kasut..
minyak wangi.. lampu chandelier.. pakaian.. laptop and so on).
Information Products selalunya hanya akan wujud bila ada permintaan.
Contoh kita tengah surf internet.. tiba-tiba nampak satu group dalam
Yahoo! yang ada common problem iaitu masalah rambut gugur.
Then we do our own research.. create an info-products (can be in the
form of ebook, video atau audio mp3) yang address this issue.. then
we sell it to them.
Info-products takkan wujud tanpa permintaan yang berbentuk permasalahan.
Conventional products pulak hanya wujud atas desire someone else.
Keinginan nak melawa depan orang ramai. Keinginan nak tunjuk dia lagi
kaya dengan pakai dompet harga RM 589 dari Louis Vuitton. And so on.
Desire and masalah.. mana lagi power as a marketing tool?? For sure masalah kan??
Desire tak boleh buat orang depressed. Masalah bukan saja boleh buat
orang depressed.. but at times boleh pergi lagi jauh dari itu.
See what I mean?? Sebab itu ramai suka pilih product from Clickbank.
Because it compliments this issue.
But then.. how do we pick a good Clickbank products??
Adakah kita just identify niche kita.. and terus masuk dalam Clickbank
pick the top #1 product and then promote??
Nope.. jangan buat macam tu. That is one reason why korang akan gagal lebih
laju lagi. Selalu characteristic orang gagal macam tu la biggrin.gif
Teknik dah betul dah kalau go and pick top #1 product within certain categories..
tapi ada certain benda korang kena check lagi lepas tu.
The first thing is gravity.
ReplyDeleteGravity ni menentukan seramai mana orang tengah promote certain product tu.
Dalam masa yang sama amount gravity menentukan sejauh mana berjayanya
sesuatu produk itu.
Ini cukup penting untuk korang tahu.. sebab kalau produk tuh punya gravity
rendah.. then that means product tu might not be selling well. In other word..
sales is not that good.
Gravity ni sebenarnya.. adalah jumlah orang yang buat at least satu sale untuk
produk itu dalam tempoh 30 hari yang lepas. Maknanya kalau average gravity
is 45.. that means dalam tempoh 30 hari yang lepas ada lebih kurang 45 orang
yang buat sekurang-kurangnya satu sale untuk produk itu.
This could mean one of them are making more than 100 sales.. or could mean
that another one of them only make 2 sales. Gravity tak kira berapa banyak
sales yang dibuat.. ia hanya kira berapa ramai orang yang berjaya buat at least
satu sale. Itu sahaja.
So.. dengan pengetahuan macam ni.. korang boleh guna common sense korang
sendiri untuk check samada produk itu bagus atau tak. Sebab selalunya kalau tak
ramai yang manage buat sale.. then obviously it is not a good product.
But if there's a lot of people making sales.. that means it might be a very good product.
The problem with gravity though.. is that sometimes kalau gravity tinggi sangat..
for example maybe 315. Itu bermakna bila korang decide untuk jual produk itu..
korang akan bersaing dengan 315 orang lain. Which means a lot of competition.
Aku personally will be looking for gravity above 100. Sebab ikut pengalaman..
selalunya yang below 100 ni kurang bagus.. samada ia adalah produk lama yang
'hype' nya dah habis.. atau maybe dia punya produk memang tak bagus pun.
Second thing is refd%
Ref% bermaksud berapa banyak percentage customers secara overall yang klik ke
laman web tuan punya produk.
In a more detailed explanation.. ref% is a percentage Referred by Affiliates.
Ini adalah percentage total number bilangan produk yang terjual.. yang di refer oleh
affiliates. Kalau nombor nya tinggi.. maknanya produk itu banyak di jual oleh affiliate
dan berbaloi untuk diconsider sebagai produk yang bagus. Kalau percentage rendah..
maka itu bermakna majoriti sales yang dibuat hanyalah oleh kompeni atau tuan punya
produk sendiri.
Dalam erti kata lain.. amount affiliate atau marketers yang berjaya jual produk itu
adalah rendah.. so ia satu faktor yang korang boleh consider dalam pemilihan produk.
Cari produk yang if possible.. tinggi ref% percentage dia.
But a little side note.. kalau refd% dia tinggi.. itu juga bermakna ramai yang promote
benda tuh. Which also means more competition.
But aku generally tak peduli sangat kalau refd% tinggi pun. Aku just pay attention..
pastikan gravity above 100.. and refd% dia tinggi. Itu dah memadai.
And then.. cara ketiga nak tahu produk tu bagus atau tak.
Cukup mudah. Korang pergi sales letter tuan punya produk dan baca.
Perhatikan kualiti sales letter dia. Adakah bagus?? Atau lousy??
Kalau bagus.. tengok cara dia approach customer dia.
ReplyDeleteAnd then fikir.. kalau korang customer.. adakah korang akan beli produk itu??
Ini simple saja.. rasanya tak ada masalah untuk sesiapa pun buat.
Another thing about choosing Clickbank product is.. aku tak rekomen korang promote
something yang baru launch. Meaning new product.
Some people mungkin sekali tidak setuju dengan pandangan aku.. sebab waktu
paling mudah nak buat sale adalah waktu produk tu baru launch. Maka 'hype' dia
masih sangat tinggi.. search volume tinggi.. orang pun berebut beli.
But pada pandangan aku.. pilih produk yang baru launch (let say seminggu atau dua
minggu baru launch) selalunya bermakna competition is very high. Sure the gravity is
higher and so on.
Tetapi jangan lupa.. prinsip aku dalam pemilihan produk Clickbank bukan terletak
pada semudah mana nak buat sale.. but rather aku memberi penekanan tinggi
terhadap kualiti sesuatu produk tu.
Kalau kualiti tidak bagus walaupun kita banyak buat sale.. tak mustahil refund rate
dia jadi tinggi nanti.
Akan tetapi kalau kualiti dia bagus.. kita akan dapat customer yang sangat berpuas
hati dengan service kita.. and repeat customer is possible. Mereka juga akan lebih
cenderung untuk mendengar nasihat dan cadangan kita di masa hadapan.. which equals
to trust.
And trust.. in this business.. is equal to money.
So.. jangan terus promote produk yang baru launch.. let others do the dirty work for
us and discover if the quality is good or not.
Kalau korang decide untuk jump juga.. tiba-tiba product tu tak bagus. What happen then??
Kalau korang buat PPC itu bermakna korang akan habis duit yang sangat banyak. Kalau
buat BUM.. maka tenaga korang semua sia-sia saja lah.
Kalau lepas sebulan mcm tuh gravity still maintain.. ref% pun maintain.. maka possibility
it's a good product is very high. So start promoting that product after that.
Satu tempat yang aku paling suka guna untuk study produk-produk yang aku nak promote
adalah CBengine.
Ni link dia:
Cuba masuk situ and familiarize kan diri korang dengan option and apa-apa yang ada dalam
Dia ada juga paid version.. yang kononnya lebih baik.. but aku rekomen korang guna free
version sudah. Paid version kena bayar mahal.. tak berbaloi.
OK.. rasa takat tu jer hari ni.
Ada apa-apa nak tau tanya jer.. aku akan cuba explain sedaya upaya aku.
Have a good day smile.gif
Should I explain or should I not??
ReplyDeleteWell.. I choose to explain anyway..
A simple 'just 2 cent' from lousy me..
Usually we stick with the rules of above 100.
Because below 100 selalunya akan perlukan effort lebih dalam promotion.
I don't like that.
Really.. I don't.
So.. the way we have been doing things is to ensure the product is popular. Sama macam apa yang ko faham.
The limit.. for me there's no limit laugh.gif
Anything above 200.. and I'll treat it as a game to see who fall first.. me or the other affiliates.
Yes.. 200.
200 Is the best bet to stop.
Nasihat aku (just came up with this one..)
Cari gravity around 100 to 200.. 250 is still ok.. but kalau 300.. and above.. be prepared for some extreme competition.
Well.. stick with 100 to 200.. and you'll be safe happy.gif
Just nak compliment apa yang mangkuk ni cakap..
Another principe is.. selain dari search something yang gravity above 100.. korang boleh sentiasa ensure komisyen product yang aku promote tu adalah lebih dari USD 30.
USD 25 boleh lagi.. but aku tak pernah promote anything below USD 25. And lately pun aku tak pernah promote anything below USD 30.. kecuali kalau niche tu betul-betul dah tak ada produk lain dah.
And now.. the dark side of internet marketing.
Aku jadi muak pasal setiap hari at least 2 message tanya pasal 'own product'. Dah penat nak type and cerita explain sekor-sekor.. so aku explain jer la terus kat sini.
Aku terus terang cakap.. ada dua kunci utama kepada kejayaan ramai orang buat sampai USD 1,000,000 melalui internet sahaja. Dua reason. Dua punca. Dua benda.. apa-apa lah yang korang nak gelar.
Dua benda tu adalah:
1) Continuity Payment a.k.a Membership Site / Service
2) Product Sendiri
Yes.. aku akui.. dua benda ni adalah benda yang akan membuatkan korang jadi jutawan dalam dunia internet ni.
And ia sendiri adalah salah satu cabang yang cukup besar di bawah 'Niche Marketing' sendiri.
Sesiapa yang dah join WA aku rasa faham kot benda ni pasal ada mention dalam salah satu week pasal produk sendiri jer (Should I Become a Merchant??).
Now let's jump straight to the question.. soklan-soklan yang aku dah muak nak dengar:
"Bro CS.. sorry kaco.
Just nak tanya.. kenapa korang takde mention pasal product sendiri?? Asyik-asyik affiliate and Clickbank jer.. camner kalau saya decide nak buat product saya sendiri dan promote produk saya sendiri??"
Aku ubah sikit soalan tuh (actually ubah banyak.. pasal owner question cakap suruh ubah.... but isi sama jer)
Meh aku explain.
First.. about continuity or membership site tuh.. kita jangan sembang langsung lagi. Cukup jauh sangat ilmu dia untuk tahap permulaan. Susah and mampus korang nak follow nanti.
Cukuplah sekadar korang tahu bahawa salah satu method mudah di dalam dunia internet ni adalah.. korang boleh pick and promote something yang menawarkan sesuatu yang recurring.. mcm Phoenixwunin punya contoh dalam STD Dating, atau Patric Chan Chartered Membership (kalau ada yang berani promote niche 'make money online' la).
Kita sembang sikit pasal product creation / own product ni.
Don't worry.. this one will be short and quick.
Kenapa none of us tak pernah mention langsung pasal potensi buat produk sendiri nih?? None of us tak pernah ajar.. tak pernah kasi guide or anything yang compliment this aspects?? Menyentuh isu ini?? Why??
Sebab ia bukan satu bidang yang sesuai untuk most people yang baru belajar. Itu saja.
Kita tengok satu-satu.. why ia tak sesuai lagi??
ReplyDelete1) Thread ni secara khusus merujuk kepada 'Niche Marketing and Business'. So for sure at some point.. one of us will need to address this topic here suatu hari nanti. But sekarang kami rasa tak sesuai lagi. That's all. It's just not the right time. Sebab banyak aspek lebih penting untuk di master.. contohnya marketing.. promotion and so on.
2) Tahap dia jauh lagi tinggi daripada usual method of promoting other people's product.
3) Bila sebut pasal marketing and promotion. Kena faham something. Kalau promote produk orang pun dah kelam kabut.. mcm mana agaknya bila korang cuba buat produk sendiri ya?? Pemilihan niche.. outsourcing.. even product creation sendiri adalah satu bidang lain yang lebih tinggi dari tahap sedia ada.
4) Ni yang paling best. Bila ada product sendiri.. secara automatic isu ini akan tiba. But isu apa??
Customer service!
This brings in a problem of itself.
Bila promote produk orang.. tak perlu fikir tentang customer service and product related problems. Just goyang kaki saja.
Customer service adalah satu isu yang kerap dipandang remeh. Ramai marketers buat tak endah jer aspek ni. Tu sebab ramai ada produk sendiri tapi tak berjaya pun.
Customer service adalah presentation diri anda dihadapan customer. Kalau service baik.. customer suka.. baru diorang akan beli. Kalau service pun teruk.. hampeh.. layan tak layan jer.. orang pun at some point akan jadi fed-up and later decide untuk tak beli dah.
Ada banyak lagi reason.. but aku rasa cukup tiga reason basic itu dulu.
For now guys.. jangan fikir pasal product creation atau apa-apa yang berkaitan. Follow apa yang kami sediakan dan outline disini.
Jangan risau.. bila tiba masanya aku akan ajar semuanya pasal product creation and trick-trick related dengan product creation ni. Ada banyak strategi-strategi masyuk berkaitan dengan isu ini.
But so far aku nasihatkan abaikan dulu. Sebab topik ini jauh lagi sebenarnya. Even dalam WA sendiri product creation hanya dibincangkan pada minggu ke-6 -> 7 sahaja. Maknanya ia memang satu topik lain pada aras lebih tinggi.
Stick dengan apa yang ada dulu. Belajar promote barang orang sampai boleh buat USD 100 sehari. And we will move to product creation plak. Itu pun kalau terlalu ramai yang nak tahu sangat.
Secara jujurnya.. aku tak rekomen langsung sesiapa dive into product creation yet sampailah korang capai tahap at least USD 250 ke USD 500 sehari. Kalau tidak pengalaman tak cukup.. buat produk sendiri and gagal.. waste lots of energy.
Travis sendiri pernah cakap.. dia hanya rekomen buat product sendiri bila someone dah berjaya capai USD 1000 sehari. Dia buat dia punya produk sendiri- 'Magic of Making Up' lepas dia pecahkan rekod USD 1000 sehari dia. Hanya lepas setahun dia capai around $1000 to $1500 sehari baru dia buat produk sendiri.
ReplyDeleteSo guys.. jangan kelam kabut sangat sampai nak buat produk sendiri terus. Learn dari bawah.. ikut guideline sedia ada.. jangan terus nak lompat kepada G tanpa melalui A, B, C, D dan F dulu..
A simple tiga perenggan quote:
It is very difficult to become a good merchant if you are not a highly successful affiliate first. This is because you are going to have a tough time promoting your own product, recruiting new affiliates, and also understanding what resources and incentives are necessary to create good affiliates. If you are a successful affiliate already, it is much easier to become a merchant as you can see things from the perspective of your affiliates.
The great part about being an affiliate is the fact that you do not have to deal with the headaches of customer service, shipping, product delivery, emails, and refunds. These are things that can chew up your resources and eat away a lot of your time.
We are not saying that being a merchant is a bad thing as it does have it’s benefits (primarily other people promoting your products), however if you think that being a merchant is the only way to make a lot of money online, you are mistaken. You can make upwards of $10,000/day as an affiliate, so don’t ever feel like you have to become a merchant to become highly successful online!
Orait.. aku dah address benda ni.. so for now just focus pada apa yang ada. Jangan PM tanya pasal product creation.
Aku generally tak berapa suka layan PM.. but bila ada tuh sometimes aku jawab jugak. Kalau soalan dia bagus.. memang aku akan jawab on the spot.. kalau soalan dia dah banyak kali orang explain dalam ni.. maybe aku simpan dua tiga hari dulu tgk kalau ada masa baru aku reply.. kalau soalan itu ditanya oleh ramai orang yang lain pulak.. aku akan post disini terus untuk tatapan ramai.
Another issue is continuity or in other words membership site.
A real superb combination adalah own product + membership site.
Maknanya.. korang buat product korang sendiri dalam bentuk membership site.
Mungkin.. macam membership site dalam niche 'Forex' di mana people join.. bayar USD 29 ke USD 39 sebulan.. and kita pulak kasi lah tutorial ke.. video tutorial ke.. newsletter ke atau tutorship / mentorship kepada peserta kita.
You can make a lot of good money.. if you know how to leverage these two skills (continuity and own product techniques).
But kami tak nak peningkan kepala korang lagi. So we will leave this topic for now.
Bila tiba masanya.. aku sendiri akan detailkan segala-galanya yang penting tentang dua perkara ni.
Until then... blush.gif
Aku nak tanya tentang adgroup keyword and landing page.
ReplyDeletePerkara yang aku kurang faham....contoh:
Kalau aku buat adgroup dengan keyword tattoos for women dan chinese lettering tattoo, macam mana dengan landing page? Aku kena buat buat 2 landing page ker? Setahu aku kalau aku buat LP tentang Tattoos for women, then LP tu tak relevan lagi dengan chinese lettering tattoo. Bukan begitu ker? Aku tak berapa faham dengan create adgroup dalam 8 weeks action plan tu. Slow sket aku ni, english pun tak power.
Just want to share...
Petikan dari post Travis dalam WA forum. "Sample Campaign Analysis"
"Yes...not to be brash...but this may be the crux of your problem...
This business is about money...not traffic...
traffic does NOT necessarily mean money...I have keywords that get 10 clicks a day...and I usually have 1 sale at least a day....
Do not rely heavily on Overture...
Overtures database is 6 months old! I made a killing on almost anything related to PSP when they came out...cuz all the IM'ers weren't seeing any searches for PSP...the overture estimates...ARE STILL WAY OFF.
If like in my ringtone example...if you think there are not HUNDREDS of searches a day on a HOT new song to get would be a mistaken chap! (you do not need Overture to tell you so)
IMO...this is one of the biggest illusions in IM....I NEED MORE TRAFFIC...when what you need are MORE CONVERSIONS....
I have another keyword phrase...that only gets 20 clicks a day...I average 2 sales a converts consistently at makes me $50 a day with a $6 to $7 ad cost...per day!
I have another keyword that gets about 40 clicks a month...I usually average 2 sales a month...and get this...commission is $100 per sale...
ReplyDeleteNOW...with all of that said...I like traffic as much as the next guy! And I work really hard doing research...and building landing pages that hits hot buttons like crazy...and I have campaigns that get 100's of clicks a day on 1 keyword...and I convert those at 2% to is great money...
But always put priority on SALES...not traffic
PS PSP Downloads will bring you a crap load of traffic...How are your sales?
PPS This one mindset was very much responsible from me losing money in PPC and getting to where I am today...
If I gave you $100 and said turn this into $200 because your LIFE depends on it...
What keywords would you choose?
Would you gamble it on "psp downloads"
psp movie download site
legal psp movie download site
how do i put movies on psp
watch godfather on psp
I would target people looking to BUY NOW!
psp downloads is a browsing keyword
best psp download someone that has cash in hand...and just wants to be assured he is making the best decision.
and then...would you send all that traffic to ONE landing page?...if your life depended on it...I bet you would create multiple landing pages.
REALLY...REALLY...think about this mindset and concept!"
Ini mungkin pnyelesaian salah satu masalah aku dlm cari keyword.
This business is about money...not traffic...
traffic does NOT necessarily mean money...
Lalalallalala... jalan-jalan dalam Putera.
ReplyDeleteLalalallalala... masuk thread nampak Arissa.
Wahhh..... larrrriiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha... nak tahu kos?? hohoho...
Ko tanya finix.
Ada kot dalam USD 500 ke USD 1500 untuk basic web.
Dia tak reti wat website so semua dia outsource.. (tulah.. tak mau belajar.. baru sekarang nak belajar.. hokkohkohkohkohkoh).
But orang mcm nie.. ko jgn risau takut diorang curik idea ke apa ke. Diorang takkan wat camtuh. Pasal itu mata pencarian mereka.
Most of the time diorang tak minat pun ngan niche marketing... their concern is only money and their customers. So no.. tak pernah aku dengar kes pembuat website curik idea.
Sambung balik..
Wahhh..... larrrriiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ph34r.gif
Crimson and his usual sarcasm. Always make my day.
I guess internet is your specialty anyway. Been doing the same old thing every now and then.
Of course I can't beat you on your own game right?
How about another set....a new one?
Are you as bold as you are on the internet?? Or perhaps you are just the man next door who would chickened out pretty quick and just do the usual "I don't fight girls since I'm a gentleman" kind of thing as all male usually does?
So.... care to take me on?? My Zed and your Caldina. Next Sunday. Usual place.
*Ups...I forgot. Caldina aren't allowed on the track. ~sigh... laugh.gif
QUOTE (Swing @ Dec 4 2008, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aku nak tanya tentang adgroup keyword and landing page.
Perkara yang aku kurang faham....contoh:
Kalau aku buat adgroup dengan keyword tattoos for women dan chinese lettering tattoo, macam mana dengan landing page? Aku kena buat buat 2 landing page ker? Setahu aku kalau aku buat LP tentang Tattoos for women, then LP tu tak relevan lagi dengan chinese lettering tattoo. Bukan begitu ker? Aku tak berapa faham dengan create adgroup dalam 8 weeks action plan tu. Slow sket aku ni, english pun tak power.
Just want to share my own opinion...if you don't mind reading my 'not worth even a dime' comment.
The thing about Pay per Click is.... just like what Travis suggest.... depends solely on the power of relevancy.
Let me ask you a question.
Let's say, I'm someone who have been diagnosed with... let say panic attack. I have all the symptoms. And the cause is...I am afraid of driving.
with me so far?
And as an affiliate... sells a product that is supposed to solve panic attack problems targeted to all sort of panic attack issues.
What next??
Well, as usual you created only one landing page (from now on I'll be referring to it as LP) and here's your headline:
Immediate Anxiety Relief
A Natural Technique To Stop
Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Fast!
Looks good. But you want to know the truth?? It is simply boring and dud...was it going to make you any sales? Is it going to make you any sales??
ReplyDeleteI'd say no.
In fact you'll be losing more money and just make Google richer....just like 95% of marketers out there.
Why would I say that? Because apart of being 'plain boring and an eye sore to everyone'.. it is just way too general.
If i were having panic can bet 99% chances I won't even look at your LP at all. As simple as that.
Got me so far??
So let say....another a bit of idea....and construct another LP. This time it sounds like this:
Immediate Anxiety Relief
A Natural Technique To Stop
Panic Attacks during Driving Now!! guess it right.
You just increase the potential of me becoming your customers to a profitable 80%!!
Got me??
Now let's address your question specifically...
Your problem don't know how to build your LP.
The real problems though.... you aren't so sure about how to approach and target your audience.
I've been browsing WA's tutorial section for a while....and I found that Kyle and Carson likes to gives emphasis on specifics and relevancies. They nailed it down until there's no way to hyper target it anymore.
Your first problems is your first keyword... tattoos for women.
Let me ask you another question.
Do you really think any women would go to your LP and buy when all they type in Google Search Engine is tattoos for women??
I don't think so...
So if you go on creating a LP targeting and emphasizing specifically on this one keyword...chances are you will lose a lot of money. In fact I am willing to bet $1000 dollars that you won't make even a dime bidding on that keyword. the articles of travis you quoted...that is a browsing keyword. Too general.
So do your research more...and learn how to build better keyword groups.
Now your other question is:
Aku kena buat buat 2 landing page ker? Setahu aku kalau aku buat LP tentang Tattoos for women, then LP tu tak relevan lagi dengan chinese lettering tattoo.
In the example I've given you before...obviously when you build your LP and gives emphasis on 'Panic Attacks while driving'...for sure you can't use it for people with panic attacks cure for children. That's obvious.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you do??
You create another LP...
This time...make it like this:
Immediate Anxiety Relief
A Natural Technique To Stop
Panic Attacks for Your Children. Give Your
Children a Happier Lifestyle They Deserve Now!!
So you now have two LP.
What if you have another?? Maybe keywords or you managed to identify a new market. Maybe Panic Attacks on the plane??
You create another LP specifically addressing those issues.
That is niche marketing. That is why people called it niche. It's about nailing down as specific as you can and make a killing for your income from these tiny winy little market. Be specifics. And when you are will be more inclined towards relevancy because you are approaching them with a more specific problems they are having.
Got me??
So in your case...yes! Create two LP. And make it as specific as possible.
And then show it to 'the great Crimson' so the so called expert can give his wisdom again in his usual sarcastic manner.
Though I would suggest you ditch your two keywords and go search for something more specifics.
Your final question:
Aku tak berapa faham dengan create adgroup dalam 8 weeks action plan tu. Slow sket aku ni, english pun tak power.
You can't even create a proper LP and you already bother yourself with Adgroups?? Well...... a first sign of failure I would say.
Sorry to discourage you. But really...while I am not that familiar with WA's tutorial yet...I did notice that they have organize their tutorials in such manner where you should master the previous lessons before moving toward something more advance.
But let's talk about it anyway....
Adgroups are created based on theme. Or in WA's own terms....'Common Keyword'.
You search for something common within a keyword. And group them as such.
Let's see travis' example:
psp movie download site
legal psp movie download site
how do i put movies on psp
watch godfather on psp
For these four my opinion the best way to group them is to build a foundation of 3+ keyword first.
The first one I can think of is:
PSP movie download (Adgroup #1)
Keywords under it should be-
psp movie download site
legal psp movie download site
And then...
Put Movies PSP (Adgroup #2) - I'd love to put 'On' as well but I figure Google won't take On as a legit keyword. So I decided on Put instead.
ReplyDeleteKeyword under it should be-
put movies on psp
put movies on psp tutorials
how do i put movies on psp
And finally...
Watch Godfather PSP (Adgroup #3)
Keyword should be-
watch godfather psp
watch godfather on psp
This is interesting by the way.
Because you can group your keywords like can start targeting available movies for PSP and create your adgroup specifically addressing each films respectively.
Just want to share...
Petikan dari post Travis dalam WA forum. "Sample Campaign Analysis"
Ini mungkin pnyelesaian salah satu masalah aku dlm cari keyword.
This business is about money...not traffic...
traffic does NOT necessarily mean money...
What Travis is trying to imply... is that you should find keywords that converts instead of focusing too much on traffic.
Find keywords that are more inclined towards making you sales. can bid on 'Weight Loss' keyword and judging from the amount of search made everyday.... you can safely assume that at least 100 will go to your website everyday (depending on your adspend ofcourse). But it's no use if no one is buying right?? That means the keywords aren't converting.
But try bidding on super specifics keywords like 'lose weight fast for a wedding'. Sure...the amount of traffic will definitely be lesser but....from 10 people you might make at least one sale. That is if your LP is targeted for 'people who wants to lose weight for their wedding'.
Simple right??
OK guys. I'm sorry for butting in and talk way too much nonsense. I'm still relatively new here chances are everyone here would know a lot more than me...that's for sure.
So please forgive me for my intrusion with my 'not worth even a dime' comment.
And please continue your discussion as usual.
Have fun everyone and I wish you all prosperous future with your niche business happy.gif
Takpe.....awek encik lg pandai dari saye. Saya nie sebenarnya apa pun x tahu. Cuma belajar sikit-sebanyak dari apa yang orang lain post dlm ni dan applikasikan sikit....tu jer. tongue.gif
ReplyDeleteThe Anatomy of Copywriting
Saya ada post something dekat thread business MLM di nun section satu lagi....yakni section business.
Kesian tgk diorang buat MLM tapi tak saya pun kasi la skit 'not worth even a dime' comment dalam tuh.
Tetiba rasa boleh beneficial sikit saya copy skit masuk sini.
Here's the headline I'm talking about happy.gif :
"Are You Ready to DISCOVER How a College Drop-out
Can Easily Make Over $4000/day Online Without
Selling, Advertising, Referring, Sponsoring
Or Owning a Website??"
Finally REVEALED... "Insider" Strategy That They Never
Want You to Know That Can Manipulates Your Prospect
to Join You and Made You More Money Than You Could
Ever Imagine Literally in 7 days!!
Jom kita study skit....kenapa headline mcm tuh adalah amat power walaupun bunyinya amat poyo tongue.gif
A little note before that....headline ni boleh digunapakai untuk promote apa-apa sahaja....asalkan ia berkaitan dengan buat duit.
Ini termasuklah course Forex cik Ran, online tutorship milik saudara ROBOTs, produk terbaru milik Ewen Chia, Perigiduit, prigicash, Hai-O, Luxor dan lain-lain. Success rate guarateed. tongue.gif
Kenape yer????
Before we move on....let's talk a little about the basic foundation of Copywriting.
Bila sebut copywriting nih.... sebenarnya semuanya adalah psikologi semata2.
Kenape pulak camtuh yer????
Setiap orang dlm dunia nih....ada desire atau keinginan masing2. The key is...understand what they specifically want in their mind....benda yg bukan zahir tapi lebih kepada sesuatu dlm fikiran dan abstrak....mcm kebahagian dan lain-lain. And then it will be easy to sell them anything.
Kita study headline tu skarang.
Are You Ready to DISCOVER How a College Drop-out
Can Easily Make Over $4000/day Online Without
Selling, Advertising, Referring, Sponsoring
Or Owning a Website??"
Are You Ready:
-Perkataan nih simply akan build up the hype. Contoh ready ke nak buat?? Serius ke nak buat?? Implies bahawa that something is important. So customer secara subconcious nya akan fikir benda itu teramat penting dan dia akan rugi kalau dia tak join / beli.
-DIscover??? Siapa yg tak pernah suka untuk discover something new kan?? Ini adalah perkataan yg cukup power. Discover...revealed... dua ni kalau kena tempat boleh increase conversion sampai 30%. Kengkadang lebih.
How a College Drop-Out:
-Simply bermakna bahawa sesiapa sahaja boleh berjaya!!! Kalau budak kena terajang kuar kolej buleh buat...takkan you all tak boleh?? Kan??? Lebey kruang camtuh la.
ReplyDeleteCan Easily Make:
-The important word here is Easily. Semua orang akan tertarik dgn benda yg mudah diperolehi. Just put this word and conversion akan naik.
Over $4000/day Online:
-Money!! Who wouldn't want one right?? Tapi ini adalah takde apa-apa skill copywriting disini.
Without Selling, Advertising, Referring, Sponsoring Or Owning a Website??:
-semua manusia didunia ni dilahirkan offense yer rakan-rakan tapi its the truth. People don't like to sell... people don't like to advertise... people don't like to refer... to sponsor... or to make a website. Too many hassle...too many work to do.
They want to earn money!! Lots of it.
So mention kemudahan-kemudahan ini pada mereka. The benefit. Very powerful.
OK tak???
With me??
Let's move on....
Finally REVEALED!!! "Insider" Strategy That They Never
Want You to Know That Can Manipulates Your Prospect
to Join You and Made You More Money Than You Could
Ever Imagine Literally in 7 days!!
Finally REVEALED!!!
-Finally!!! Akhirnya!!! Oh akhirnya!!!
Very powerful and emotionally great word. Terutama kalau calon customer kita dah lama cuba buat duit tapi asyik gagal saja. It will work out amazingly. Trust me. Sebab dia asyik buat yet no result...tiba-tiba kita dtg dan cakap ada teknik yg FINALLY!!! will solve their problem.
Kan... power kan???
"Insider" Strategy:
-Insider. Maknanya maklumat itu selama ini adalah rahsia. Tak ada orang tahu. Dan customer kita bakal mengetahui nya tak lama lagi. Sounds great and ofcourse tempting.
That They Never Want You to Know:
-Power pada ayat ini terletak pada "THEY!!" Bermaksud orang-orang expert yg selama ini buat sampai usd 1000 sehari tuh. people like travis... ryan deiss... engrista lal... and so on.
This sentence imply bahawa ada teknik secret yg wujud tapi diornag yg berjaya tak mahu kita gunakan. And now kita offer the secret to that super powerful strategy. Who wouldn't want right??
That Can Manipulates Your Prospect to Join You:
-Manipulates your customer. Manipulates your prospect. Power kan?? Siapa tak mahu kalau diberi kuasa untuk manipulasi org. Hehe...
Made You More Money Than You Could Ever Imagine Literally in 7 days!!:
-This one content. Copywriting dia terletak pada "More.... Ever Imagine... 7 Days!!
7 days tu paling power sbb 7 hari adalah masa yg agak singkat. Target prospek kita adalah seseorang yg nak buat duit sepantas mungkin. So... it will work.
Orait....nak berforum tmpt lain plak. Malas lah asyik sembang duit jerr....lama-lama kepala berkiblatkan duit jer... hidup pun musnah sbb asyik pikir duit jerr.
i see....
ReplyDeleteuseless ke? takpelah kalau mcm tuh. saya mintak maap byk-byk dan janji tak post dah
sorry ek....
harap maafkan saya...
The 'princess' has spoken.. in the most polite manner laugh.gif
But she is our 'top gun' anyway... so I'll stick with whatever she says. Hell.. I got my red horse all thanks to her. So why shouldn't I??
Though I do think it's about time you stop playing.. my dear 'princess'. biggrin.gif
Well, you scolded me for sharing my 'research - tracking method' with Conversion Prophet here.. so I guess it's time I do the same to you?? laugh.gif Just kidding.
To Phoenix.
If that boy really wants control of this place so much... let him have it. Let him do as he likes. It seems rather obvious that the way he can earn money is only through his method and he can't seem to be able to integrate or acknowledge any other method available. So no use keeping him in our list as potential JV. He might even backstab us one day if we let him in to our ranks.
Just for everyone's information (I feel compelled to tell this), Phoenix has been using video marketing and Web 2.0 for his LGN and niches long before this, infact he has lots of experience with videos. And suddenly 'that boy' came in and talks as if he is the only person who knows how to use Youtube to market his niches. This technique has been around for ages.. you are making me laugh boy. Not that we don't acknowledge videos, I do agree that videos or in our definition, Web 2.0 as a whole will bring in a new kind of breed or system to promote any product available on the net. But we've tested it way too much, and videos just can't seem to compete well with a well written landing page. Except videos of earning proof.. maybe paypal or clickbank. That does work well.
He even wants to mimic Ewen's and Irfan's outdated method so much... I say just let him have his way.
We all have more important things to do and I believe you are the same, right Phoenix?? The 'internet monk' has been thinking the same with me as well and that is why you don't see us both posting here anymore.
And I guess Phoenix, you do realize.. managing this whole thread has taken a lot of your precious time.. agree?? There's a limit of how much to give back to the society, that is, to do it without risking your own time management and niche businesses.
ReplyDeleteInternet is a great medium to make money and start business because of the leisure and luxury the internet offers that brings us the ability to work at our own pace and do it 'whenever we like'. With internet, we can choose to do it just 2 hours per day. Or 5 hours per day. Doesn't really matter. What matters most is we will have lots of free time to go about doing our favourite things and hobby.
This is the whole purpose of choosing internet business over real world business. So that we will have lots of free time everyday and able to relax beside the beach anytime we want.
But the whole idea won't materialized well if you can't have the time you are supposed to have just because you need to answer all the Personal Messages and address all the problems and issues being asked here at Tanya@Putera.
That's why we don't see people like Thad and Travis posting in WA a lot like the old days. Forumming wasted too much time and gives negative impact to our business.. if we can't manage it right.
My suggestions is, most people here already sign-up for Wealthy Affiliate right? So in that case, just let Kyle and Carson handles them and guide them to their success. You don't earn even a dime doing this.. but K&C do.
Well, they do have 'that boy' as well to guide them. He does sound like he's making more millions than us combined everyday and knows more than our knowledge combined.
It's a pity though.. last week before I went to Singapore for my 'closed door seminar'.. Arissa helped tweaked my squeeze page. And to my surprise she brings up the conversion from normal 5 to 10 sales a day (my own product.. priced at USD 97) to a surprising 15 to 30 sales a day.. through my own promotion alone without taking affiliates promotion and sales in calculation yet. A simple change of headlines and sub-headlines and also the videos placement from right to left. She's our top-gun in website design and copywriting.
But I guess that boy can surely make more sales than this right?
*I do have some interest with Area51 though. If there's a method or trick I'd like to share from now on.. it should be done in a closed forum specific for some people. Anyone care to tell me about this Area51 forum and how to access it?? PM me about it. And I'll also ask the 'internet monk' aka Ryan whether he wants to join in or not.
Amazing.. thread ni keluar rank #1 untuk certain keyword dalam Google bagi SERP.. if search through
ReplyDeleteReally amazing.. I think it might be fun to play along.
Let's start:
Aku punya style adalah split testing dan tracking. Aku memberikan emphasis yang cukup banyak pada dua benda ini. Style Phoenix adalah basic foundation... dan itu adalah apa yang dia terapkan dalam thread ini untuk mengelakkan kekeliruan dikalangan newbies dan newcomers.
Tapi itu tidak bermakna split testing dan tracking tak perlu dilakukan. IT MUST BE DONE!!! You guys have no idea how much $$$$$ you guys are losing if you decided not to.
Take for example..
Korang buat landing page dengan headline bermula dgn "Discover". And then launch campaign Adwords.. dgn setiap $100 yang dibelanjakan (we call it Adspend) korang dapat la dalam $150 in sales. Bila tolak kos adspend dan keuntungan.. maka korang akan dapat exact Return on Investment atau ROI iaitu $50.
Aku pun buat niche yang sama dengan korang dan gunakan landing page yang sama. Tapi aku split testing.
Landing page A aku letak "Discover".. landing page B aku letak "Revealed".. :
Landing Page A: "Discover: How a Stay at Home Mother Manages to Pull $1,000,000 in Profit in Just One Year"
Landing Page B: "Revealed: How a Stay at Home Mother Manages to Pull $1,000,000 in Profit in Just One Year"
and then aku guna tracking tools untuk find out hasilnya:
Landing Page A has 1457 visitors, 14 sales, profit = $546, EPV about 0.374
Landing Page B has 871 visitors, 14 sales, profit = $546, EPV about 0.626
Seperti yang korang semua nampak.. kedua-duanya ada profit yang sama.. made 14 sales as well. Yang berbeza cuma satu.. iaitu amaunt visitors yang masuk.
See something now??
Ini yang membezakan antara jutawan internet dengan orang biasa yang earn hanya $500 sebulan.
Dalam contoh di atas.. Landing Page A ada earning per visitor sebanyak 37 cent.
Landing Page B pula ada earning per visitor sebanyak 62 cent.
Perbezaan Landing Page A dan B adalah lebih kurang 25 cent.
Taknak cakap banyak.. tapi Earning per Visitor adalah penentu sejauh mana bagusnya landing page / website korang.
And obviously Landing Page B lebih high performing daripada A.. so that means B lebih bagus dan baik dari A.
Now look at this:
Aku kemudian jalankan hanya Landing Page B dan dapat the same amount of traffic yang sama iaitu 1457.. maka based on statistic kita akan buat sebanyak lebih kurang $912 profit atau sebanyak 24 sales!!! Lebih sepuluh.
Dari sini boleh nampak.. kalau korang tak buat split testing and tracking... korang dah hilang 10 sales bersamaan dgn $390 profit.
Itu sebab aku tekankan sangat tentang split testing and tracking.
ReplyDeleteTapi aku juga faham.. aku banyak gunakan tools yang advance dan mahal kalau nak beli (in fact some of the tools aku sendiri yang punya.. aku suruh programmer aku ciptakan untuk aku dan no one has access to it other than me and Phoenix.. and some of our friends).
But kalau ada duit banyak.. memang banyak tools-tools yang superb di internet ni. Boleh guna.
But kalau tak ada duit.. the best for you guys to use untuk accomplish matlamat split testing and tracking adalah 'Google Analytics' dan juga 'Website Optimizer'.
Tapi aku tak ada masa banyak untuk cakap tentang Analytics and Website Optimizer.. so instead of aku merapu banyak sangat.. better korang baca sendiri dari third party comment yang aku copy and paste directly dibawah:
Source: The Official Google Analytics Blog
Topic: Using Google Analytics with Website Optimizer
Post Time: Monday, April 16, 2007
Using Google Analytics with Website Optimizer
Often, Google develops a product and then watches as users innovate new uses that are exciting in their creativity and utility. Well, we just came across an excellent example that is close to our hearts.
As you may know, Google Website Optimizer was recently made accessible to all AdWords users. We've mentioned it a few times in this blog: it's a multivariate web page testing tool that can help you understand which web page designs really work. It uses a javascript code snippet very similar to Google Analytics'. For example, you may wonder, do more people buy products when your conversion link is: a.) a white button with "Buy NOW!" in lowercase, black, italicized Arial text to the right of the product name, or b.) the word "Purchase" in blue as a link with a blue underline to the left of the product name. What if you found out that version b. saw 70% more clicks than the version a. Wouldn't you use that version for all your pages? With Website Optimizer, you no longer need to guess. Instead, implement both designs and let your users tell you which works better. And then watch these small experiments affect your bottom line.
However, Website Optimizer reports on only one metric -- conversions on links. What if you'd like to know how different versions of the same web page affect other metrics, such as Exit Rate, Average Time on Page, Navigational Analysis or New vs. Returning visitors. Now there's a way - you can integrate Website Optimizer with Google Analytics by making a few modifications to the javascript and to the tracking on the page. Shawn Purtell of ROI Revolution has documented a way to integrate the two that allows some very powerful analysis and action to be taken. For instance, you know that it takes roughly 45 seconds for a visitor to read a certain blog post on your site, but you've noticed in your Google Analytics reports that the average time on page is less than 10 seconds. Clearly, people are seeing your page and leaving before reading the content. Try a few different designs with Website Optimizer, and look at the results in Google Analytics to see which version works better.
This is an unsupported technique, but the folks over at ROI Revolution, a Google Analytics Authorized Consultant, would be glad to walk you through it and have fully documented it here. Great job Shawn, for some innovative experimentation.
Posted by Jeff Gillis, Google Analytics Team
Purpose aku adalah untuk korang fahamkan dulu tentang apa itu Analytics dan apa itu Website Optimiz
To Phoenix.
ReplyDeleteIf that boy really wants control of this place so much... let him have it. Let him do as he likes. It seems rather obvious that the way he can earn money is only through his method and he can't seem to be able to integrate or acknowledge any other method available. So no use keeping him in our list as potential JV. He might even backstab us one day if we let him in to our ranks.
Just for everyone's information (I feel compelled to tell this), Phoenix has been using video marketing and Web 2.0 for his LGN and niches long before this, infact he has lots of experience with videos. And suddenly 'that boy' came in and talks as if he is the only person who knows how to use Youtube to market his niches. This technique has been around for ages.. you are making me laugh boy. Not that we don't acknowledge videos, I do agree that videos or in our definition, Web 2.0 as a whole will bring in a new kind of breed or system to promote any product available on the net. But we've tested it way too much, and videos just can't seem to compete well with a well written landing page. Except videos of earning proof.. maybe paypal or clickbank. That does work well.
He even wants to mimic Ewen's and Irfan's outdated method so much... I say just let him have his way.
We all have more important things to do and I believe you are the same, right Phoenix?? The 'internet monk' has been thinking the same with me as well and that is why you don't see us both posting here anymore.
And I guess Phoenix, you do realize.. managing this whole thread has taken a lot of your precious time.. agree?? There's a limit of how much to give back to the society, that is, to do it without risking your own time management and niche businesses.
Internet is a great medium to make money and start business because of the leisure and luxury the internet offers that brings us the ability to work at our own pace and do it 'whenever we like'. With internet, we can choose to do it just 2 hours per day. Or 5 hours per day. Doesn't really matter. What matters most is we will have lots of free time to go about doing our favourite things and hobby.
This is the whole purpose of choosing internet business over real world business. So that we will have lots of free time everyday and able to relax beside the beach anytime we want.
But the whole idea won't materialized well if you can't have the time you are supposed to have just because you need to answer all the Personal Messages and address all the problems and issues being asked here at Tanya@Putera.
That's why we don't see people like Thad and Travis posting in WA a lot like the old days. Forumming wasted too much time and gives negative impact to our business.. if we can't manage it right.
My suggestions is, most people here already sign-up for Wealthy Affiliate right? So in that case, just let Kyle and Carson handles them and guide them to their success. You don't earn even a dime doing this.. but K&C do.
Well, they do have 'that boy' as well to guide them. He does sound like he's making more millions than us combined everyday and knows more than our knowledge combined.
ReplyDeleteI disagree.. sorry mate.
I'm the one who started this thread... so it is my responsibility to ensure that this thread will achieve it's objective. That is all. You can stick around if you feel like it and I will greatly appreciate that.. but if you feel these people are not worth your time.. then by all means I accept that and I will continue with what I'm aiming to achieve for this thread.
Have a good day Kai.. smile.gif
In general.. this is what I'm aiming to achieve with this thread:
1) To exposed this business model to everyone else. Most people have been in survey (Awsurvey etc..), pay to click (isabelmarco etc..) and online MLM (perigiduit, perigicash and all that).
By now if you guys noticed.. the people who are doing all these survey, online mlm and pay to click stuff is in fact the customers of people like us. These people are the customers of people like me. Customers to everyone else who succeed in the net.
THIS IS NICHE MARKETING. The owner of survey sites, pay to click sites and online MLM are niche marketers as well. And their product is the survey, pay to click and online MLM the rest of the people are doing.
So instead of becoming the customers the rest of your life.. why not dive in as the marketers themselves. Ofcourse these people are promoting their own stuff and products.. but over time we WILL go through product creation. Not to worries about that.
This thread will guide you to be on the higher class of internet business in making money online industry.
2) Most of you have probably stumbled across lots of place, services and products offering knowledge, mentoring and tutorials on how to start earning money through the net. And 99.99% of these products and services needs to be paid!!
And then you buy it.. only to realize that it is so damn general.. that you can't even understand what it talks about. All it says is register an account in Clickbank, search for products to promote and start making money.
If only everything is as easy and simple as that.
ReplyDeleteAnd then.. several weeks later you received an email from the owner of the product.. stating that he's releasing another product specifically made for people like you who wants to learn how to make $1,000,000 online. And you buy it. Only to realize that all the product are saying is to register an account with Google Adwords and promote the products you got from Clickbank through Adwords.
Yes.. these happens a lot to people who wants to learn how to make money online. They paid for something.. and are presented with some najis you guys can get from Warriors Forum for free of charge. Not to mention how general it is.. and how much money you need to pay just to get that general knowledge!
So the second aim of this thread is to provide a one for all place where everything is as specific as we can explained it to you.. and best of all.. FREE OF CHARGE!!.
Yeah.. then comes WA. People might ask: "Habis tuh Phoenix.. yang ko promote WA tuh apa benda?? Cakap ikhlas konon.."[/b]
Let me explain something about WA:
The sole purpose of this thread is not to make money from you. In other words it is not in MY interest to promote anything at all.
In fact it's not even in my interest to promote Wealthy Affiliate. But in the end I still have to do it because for someone serious about earning money in this game, the basic stuff in this thread is just not enough.
From time to time.. I will always refer something that I deemed might be worthy enough for you all to have a look at... and this is what I'm doing. I mention WA to everyone here because I deemed it is the best place I've ever found on the net that is the cheapest yet provide the best knowledge and resources when it comes to niche marketing.
We build our advanced method doing research and playing the PPC games with a basic foundation. And that basic foundation is the 8 Week Action Plan from WA. That is why I recommend anyone who has any interest in doing this business.. if financially possible.. to join Wealthy Affiliate. So that you will have the basic foundation like me. It will be much easier for me to share everything else I know off that WA never talks about when we have the same basic foundation implanted in our brain.
There's a couple of PMs I received.. asking me to be "a good mentor that cares for his student" and copy all the tutorials from WA into Tanya@Putera.
Of course I can go all out and describe everything from Week 1 to Week 8 from Wealthy Affiliate here as it is.. but K&C took more than 8 month to complete all the tutorials within Wealthy Affiliate.. so in that case if I took out all the tutorials from WA and put it here.. I will:
==> De-value the real value of Wealthy Affiliate. Making it not that valuable anymore.
==> It is ETHICALLY wrong! Doing this is just the same like stealing. And I don't like the idea of stealing something from Kyle and Carson who have spent some time making sure I am as successful as them. They are the one helping me out when I have problems within my niche (they have their own one-on-one mentorship where they will view your current campaign for you). Like they say.. "bila kita sendiri tak kenang budi orang.. satu hari nanti orang lain akan balas balik kat kita."
ReplyDeleteSo.. to the person who PM'ed me and asked me to copy everything from WA and put it here.. the answer is simply NO! You want it.. join WA. Don't want to join?? Stick with this thread. Don't want to put enough effort?? Then get lost. It's not like you are paying me or something anyway.. so no need for "alah.. boleh lah bro.. you dah terer giler babeng.. aku masih merangkak lagi... ko ckp nak tolong kan?? so baik ko copykan!"
Dari sudut pandangan Islam sendiri perbuatan macam tu dah memang salah pun.. so I have nothing more to say.
==> I gain nothing. Such a hardwork.. such a tiring effort.. but what do I gained?? Reputation?? Reputation doesn't worth a dime. Money?? No one is paying me a single cent.
I'm doing this free of charge and the only objective I had in my mind is to help as many people as possible to learn of the existence of this business and help themselves be as successful as possible. There are people offering me money and all in exchange of direct one-on-one tutorial or mentoring. I'm not interested in that. Why?? Because in that way only THAT PERSON will benefit from it. No one else will.
I am only interested in working with people who are willing to help other people and do what it takes to succeed. So even if if this idea isn't for you, I hope this thread contains enough information to get you to the other side of profitability in the highly profitable game of Internet Marketing.
So let's continue with the objective of this thread:
3) To be the only place where we will share advanced marketing strategies, techniques and methods that most of the time aren't available elsewhere. Well.. you might find it if you Google hard enough... but 90% of these techniques and methods are build by our own. We created it through multiple tests, trial and error and throughout lots of JV partnership through different marketers throughout the world.
We have our own mastermind group.. and we have access to different kind of groups as well who specialized in copywriting, PPC, split testing, tracking, SEO, article aka BUM Marketing, monetization models and funnel systems (angles and approaches to certain different kind of niches), website design and video marketing. Whether you want to believe or not is up to you.. none of my problems as you always have the chance of ignoring this thread completely.
The thing that I want to emphasis is... I want to make available everything to everyone here FREE OF CHARGE. No need to pay. What I ask in return is for you to take action. That is all.
Of course up until now the time hasn't come yet for all these advance thingy. Well.. Kai Kiske do reveal something interesting that I believe not many people know about a couple of pages behind (how we approach it in as broad as possible.. and suddenly nail it down further to hit the right market). But over time we will build the foundation within this thread and reveal one by one the techniques and methods freely to be used when the foundation is strong enough.
Any question.. feel free to ask away via PM or this thread. Of course I'd prefer it to be within this thread so that everyone else will be able to learn.
But should any of you decide to PM anyway.. all I ask is a little respect. Don't start pushing me like the fella above who wants everything in WA made available here.
That's all and Have a good day
slmt hari raya kekawan...
ReplyDeletewelcome back mr. Phoenixwunin..time kasih krn masih setia di sini..
aku dh hampir putus asa buat niche ni (guna SEO le...) ph34r.gif
dh berminggu aku tunggu utk website aku tersenarai dlm google n yahoo..sampai skang xde lg
mcm mana le nk buat SEO, kalu website pun xde dlm search engine.. wacko.gif
ada x sesapa yg stuck mcm aku?
nk kena guna PPC la gak ni... blush.gif
Jgn give up bro...try belajar lagi bab ni. Actually aku tak berapa tahu pasal SEO ni,
tp aku tahu nak dpt first position page dlm search engine can be a little bit tricky.
Sebenarnya dlm bab SEO ni, kena balik semula pada keyword research. Ko kena pastikan
betul2 keyword apa yg ko nak optimize utk website ko tu. Sbb klu tersalah optimized
keyword yg salah, peluang nak dpt first page mmg susah.
Klu ikut cakap cyberfly mmg betul, klu submit sitemap.xml kat webmaster tool, mmg senang nak
diindex oleh google. kekadang tak sampai satu hari pun.Tp indexing and nak dpt first page is two
different thing. So, ni la yg buat kan SEO ni mmg pening sikit klu tak faham betul2.
(and bagi aku yg malas ni, mmg leceh bab SEO ni, tp klu dpt master bab ni ko mmg best tahap dewa la... laugh.gif )
Okay, ini just a brief introduction pada sapa2 nak tahu sikit sebyk pasal SEO. Walaupun tak comprehensive sgt,
nnt klu ada masa, Mr. Crown boleh terangkan dgn lebih detail.
As I emphasized before, keywords research is important. So, apa sebenarnya yg perlu kita buat
and sbb apa kita kena fokus betul2 dlm process ni?
Okay, kita ambil contoh niche World of Warcraft. And kita nak buat website berkaitan WOW ni.
Tp sebelum kita nak mula buat content and pastikan kita nak jual produk apa, kita kena buat sedikit
research pasal keyword2 dlm niche ni. Dlm step ni byk tools yg kita boleh guna, Wordtracker,Keyword
Analysis Tool, WA Keyword Tool etc. But dlm contoh ni kita guna Adwords Keyword Tools. Cepat, tepat, free and easy... rolleyes.gif
ReplyDeleteSo, kita type keyword yg paling general bagi niche ni "world of warcraft", and terus kita dpt tgk search result
utk keyword ni utk bulan sebelumnya. And sebyk lebih kurang 7,000,000 hit for this particular keyword
alone and obviously we know competition will be extremely high. And if you want to tackle this keyword for
your website it is not a smart thing to do. Sama la macam general keyword yg lain contohnya "weight loss",
"panic attack", "make money online" and so on.
Pastu kita try type keyword ni kat dlm Google pulak. Ada lebih kurang 66,700,000 website competing for this keyword,
and aku rasa utk newbie macam kita ni, mmg agak sukar kita nak lawan website2 ni semua. Tp sebenarnya tak mustahil,
ada cara utk dpt first page rank walaupun keyword byk competition, tp skang ni kita mula dgn cari keyword yg kurang
competition sikit.
Okay, skang ni kita dig lagi utk cari keyword yg less competition. Still guna Adword keyword Tools, kita dpt tgk
additional keywords for consider. (sekali lagi, utk process ni ada byk lagi tools yg korang boleh guna, and tak semestinya
guna cara ni ajer). Dari list tu ada byk keyword yg kita boleh research dgn lebih detail lagi, but skang ni ada dua keyword
yg aku rasa best iaitu "leveling guide" dan "world of warcraft gold".
Kita expand kan lg keyword2 ni dlm Adwords dan Google. "world of warcraft leveling guide" = 14,000 search, 539,000 result.
"world of warcraft how to make gold" = 1900 search, 397,000 result.
Certainly dua keyword ni lagi senang kita nak optimized drp keyword yg general tadi. And lagi satu kelebihan keyword ni
ialah ianya cukup targeted sbb org yg taip "world of warcraft how to make gold" is more likely looking to buy
your product rather than people who just typing "world of warcraft" alone.
So, skang ni kita dah ada clear picture keyword apa yg kita nak guna utk tujuan SEO optimization. And langkah seterusnya ialah
buat content utk website kita nnt just base on this keyword.
Okay, i'll stop for now. Klu ada masa and korang nak tahu lagi, aku boleh terangkan sedikit sebyk. Tp buat masa ni, aku berhenti
dulu kat sini, sbb mana tahu nnt ada yg tak suka aku post kat sini.
Cheers and have fun!
Jgn give up bro...try belajar lagi bab ni. Actually aku tak berapa tahu pasal SEO ni,
ReplyDeletetp aku tahu nak dpt first position page dlm search engine can be a little bit tricky.
Sebenarnya dlm bab SEO ni, kena balik semula pada keyword research. Ko kena pastikan
betul2 keyword apa yg ko nak optimize utk website ko tu. Sbb klu tersalah optimized
keyword yg salah, peluang nak dpt first page mmg susah.
Klu ikut cakap cyberfly mmg betul, klu submit sitemap.xml kat webmaster tool, mmg senang nak
diindex oleh google. kekadang tak sampai satu hari pun.Tp indexing and nak dpt first page is two
different thing. So, ni la yg buat kan SEO ni mmg pening sikit klu tak faham betul2.
(and bagi aku yg malas ni, mmg leceh bab SEO ni, tp klu dpt master bab ni ko mmg best tahap dewa la... laugh.gif )
Okay, ini just a brief introduction pada sapa2 nak tahu sikit sebyk pasal SEO. Walaupun tak comprehensive sgt,
nnt klu ada masa, Mr. Crown boleh terangkan dgn lebih detail.
As I emphasized before, keywords research is important. So, apa sebenarnya yg perlu kita buat
and sbb apa kita kena fokus betul2 dlm process ni?
Okay, kita ambil contoh niche World of Warcraft. And kita nak buat website berkaitan WOW ni.
Tp sebelum kita nak mula buat content and pastikan kita nak jual produk apa, kita kena buat sedikit
research pasal keyword2 dlm niche ni. Dlm step ni byk tools yg kita boleh guna, Wordtracker,Keyword
Analysis Tool, WA Keyword Tool etc. But dlm contoh ni kita guna Adwords Keyword Tools. Cepat, tepat, free and easy... rolleyes.gif
So, kita type keyword yg paling general bagi niche ni "world of warcraft", and terus kita dpt tgk search result
utk keyword ni utk bulan sebelumnya. And sebyk lebih kurang 7,000,000 hit for this particular keyword
alone and obviously we know competition will be extremely high. And if you want to tackle this keyword for
your website it is not a smart thing to do. Sama la macam general keyword yg lain contohnya "weight loss",
"panic attack", "make money online" and so on.
ReplyDeletePastu kita try type keyword ni kat dlm Google pulak. Ada lebih kurang 66,700,000 website competing for this keyword,
and aku rasa utk newbie macam kita ni, mmg agak sukar kita nak lawan website2 ni semua. Tp sebenarnya tak mustahil,
ada cara utk dpt first page rank walaupun keyword byk competition, tp skang ni kita mula dgn cari keyword yg kurang
competition sikit.
Okay, skang ni kita dig lagi utk cari keyword yg less competition. Still guna Adword keyword Tools, kita dpt tgk
additional keywords for consider. (sekali lagi, utk process ni ada byk lagi tools yg korang boleh guna, and tak semestinya
guna cara ni ajer). Dari list tu ada byk keyword yg kita boleh research dgn lebih detail lagi, but skang ni ada dua keyword
yg aku rasa best iaitu "leveling guide" dan "world of warcraft gold".
Kita expand kan lg keyword2 ni dlm Adwords dan Google. "world of warcraft leveling guide" = 14,000 search, 539,000 result.
"world of warcraft how to make gold" = 1900 search, 397,000 result.
Certainly dua keyword ni lagi senang kita nak optimized drp keyword yg general tadi. And lagi satu kelebihan keyword ni
ialah ianya cukup targeted sbb org yg taip "world of warcraft how to make gold" is more likely looking to buy
your product rather than people who just typing "world of warcraft" alone.
So, skang ni kita dah ada clear picture keyword apa yg kita nak guna utk tujuan SEO optimization. And langkah seterusnya ialah
buat content utk website kita nnt just base on this keyword.
Okay, i'll stop for now. Klu ada masa and korang nak tahu lagi, aku boleh terangkan sedikit sebyk. Tp buat masa ni, aku berhenti
dulu kat sini, sbb mana tahu nnt ada yg tak suka aku post kat sini.
Cheers and have fun!
Good job dude...
I disagree.. sorry mate.
ReplyDeleteI'm the one who started this thread... so it is my responsibility to ensure that this thread will achieve it's objective. That is all. You can stick around if you feel like it and I will greatly appreciate that.. but if you feel these people are not worth your time.. then by all means I accept that and I will continue with what I'm aiming to achieve for this thread.
Have a good day Kai.. smile.gif
In my experience, newbies who talk big about earning $50-100K per month just never get their rear in gear to do the work required. They’re just talkers. I find it far more interesting to work with realistic people who know that things start small and over time momentum happens and then they’re earning more than they ever thought they could.
That's why I have no interest in this thread.
See for yourself what's happening around.
There are people promoting many programmes, services etc etc. Why?? Because these people know.. there will always be WANTS for their product and their customer mainly come from the kind of people who talk big yet nothing is happening to them.
It's a sad fact.. but it's happening everywhere.. even in this forum.
QUOTE (yurckk @ Dec 10 2008, 12:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've been away for a long time and see a lot of improvement and a lot of new members too.
I'm far away behind now, fairlady kept dusting my private jet (aww..only a bike).
This end of the year I'll be very busy with my work and for the next year too tho.
This is sickening me. Piss me off! Since I joined this thread, I kept saying to myself...
"come on, make a move!" but I'm restricted to a day job which is the barrier for me to
gain success from IM. But when I'm thinking back then, I wasn't grateful for what I've got.
A lot of poor people struggling and working for their "periuk nasik". They are grateful enough
if they can get what I've now. Wth am I talking about? Haaha... Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!
aku just earn income gold dlm forum WA tnpa aku sedar b4.
kirh2.. tu je aku mampu buat skrg? anak pestol! haaaahaha...
Gold dalam WA itu dah cukup enough. At least you are earning something.. so be grateful with what you have.
For your own IM, as long as you take action.. that will be enough. It's all momentum. If you keep at it.. you are building momentum.
And when your momentum hit certain degrees, that is when you will start make a killing on the net.
Trust me.. the problem with this business is always the system it self.
Most people who just join.. doesn't understand the system and how this system will make them money.. realistically speaking.
All they know is theory.. theory.. and theory. I can talk all day about theory if I want to.. but will it get you anywhere?? The answer is NO!! It won't.
You might get some AHA moments from it.. but will you earn money?? No you won't!! Until you start take some action and make it happen yourself.
It's ok if you failed the first time you try. It's ok if you failed the second time you try. It's ok even if you failed the 20th time you try. It's ok because eventhough you failed.. you are building momentum.
I earn what I earn now.. because I'm not one of the talkers. I'm an action taker!! So keep at it.. build your momentum.. and when your moments come.. your momentum at its peak.. you will make a killing on the net. ls.
Every day... everyone here must have stumbled across a lot of amazing product and services that promises you SUCCESS ON THE NET or HELP WITHIN NICHE ON HOW TO START EARNING MONEY and things like that.
99.99% things outside is a scam. The problem is there's no way to know it until you've buy and test it yourself. Easy way is to never buy.
Everything in this thread is already enough and should be able to take you to at least $100 per day.
If you find some of the info here to be confusing ot too general.. then by all means ask.
As long as you do... and keep following the thread... you WILL succeed.
When I say DO NOT BUY ANYTHING ELSE... I didn't mean everything. You do need the stuff like Affiliate Prophet and some other tools if you wanna go advance.. but for now... don't until you really think you are ready.. or you have the money to spend.
My reasoning is simple..
These people creating all these products are targeting people like you.. people like us.
Products to make searching for niche easier.. products to help build websites easier.. products to help search for keywords easier. Bla bla bla. Refrain from buying any of those unless we recommended that it is good. If you don't hear from us.. chances are that product is no good at all.
I know because I've tried possible 70% of the product ever existed on the net. And from this 70%.. on 1% are of any good. The rest just simply takes away your money and you can't and don't even know how to benefit from it.
Yes.. talking about benefit. if all you know is just buying every tools on the net which is supposed to help you in your niche business.. I don't think it will be any good to you anyway.. simply because you don't even know how to utilize the information you got.
That's why we emphasis on building the foundation.. the basics.. so you know how to approach you business in a correct way without depending on paid tools and materia
Still basics...
ReplyDeleteKita dah go through sedikit sebanyak berkenaan how to start. So just a recap sikit-sikit jer... sebab start dari lepas ni aku taknak sangat sembang pasal how to search for a niche and simple stuff like that.
First - Niche & Produk Selection
Kalau nak ditengok dari asas... ada dua method untuk cari niche apa yang korang nak promote.
A-) Cari niche dulu.
B-) Cari produk dulu.
Kita go through one by one as fast as we can.
Wealthy Affiliate ajar method A.. iaitu korang kena cari niche dulu.. baru produk. Reason dia adalah.. kalau korang jumpa niche dulu baru produk.. korang akan lebih menumpukan pada niche itu berbanding produk sendiri.
Bagi mereka yang follow thread ni dari mula.. for sure faham bahawa kalau nak buat duit melalui internet.. korang kena faham betul-betul niche tersebut and apa yang berlaku dalam niche itu. The wants.. the desire.. identify all the hot buttons within it.
menurut K&C.. bila korang start dgn produk dulu dan bukannya niche.. korang akan lebih cenderung melihat sesuatu market berdasaran produk itu... so bila korang nak fahamkan niche.. often times korang jadi keliru and in the end gagal target niche tuh dengan berkesan.
Tak faham kan??
Kita tengok contoh:
Aku guna approach A. Aku cari niche dulu.
Aku tgk apa yang hangat dalam dmoz and Yahoo! Answers. Aku jumpa something. Ada orang dalam Yahoo! Answer tanya soalan mcm mana nak learn spanish dengan berkesan? Aku dapat idea... spanish language. So aku nak buat niche itu.
Lepas itu aku kena lakukan research dulu.. tengok mcm mana niche ni dan apa yang berlaku dalam niche ini. Adakah ia akan menguntungkan atau tidak.
So aku pergi lah beberapa tempat.. search for forums.. guna google type - learn spanish. Tgk apa yang keluar.
And then aku cuba segment kan customer aku berdasarkan sebab kenapa dia nak belajar spanish.
Ada beberapa segment:
- Dia nak belajar sebab dia nak pindah ke Spain.
- Dia nak belajar sebab dia nak kahwin dengan orang Spain or Mexico.
sekadar contoh. kalau betul research banyak lagi boleh dapat.
Kemudian tengok...
Apa masalah mereka ada?
Apa benda yang membuatkan mereka jadi frust?
Apa matlamat akhir mereka?
From here on aku akan dapat banyak hot buttons atau result kepada research yang sangat accurate dan boleh digunakan untuk mula promote niche aku.
Selepas itu barulah aku cari produk yang bersesuaian. Maybe go to Clickbank first.. atau just type "learn spanish + affiliate" dalam google (without quotation mark).
Mudah kan kalau guna approach A??
ReplyDeleteMcm mana kalau aku guna approach B??
Aku akan cari produk dulu. Masuk dalam Clickbank tgk pada section berkaitan language ke.. and then suddenly aku nampak.. satu ebook berjudul "Learn Spanish in 7 Days".
Interesting.. and then aku ambil produk itu dan promote.
Disinilah banyak kesilapan yang newbie buat.
Sebab pencarian niche adalah berdasarkan pemilihan produk... mereka just assume market yang general terus tanpa melakukan kajian yang mencukupi.
Mcm ni contoh.. ada orang PM aku pasal ni. Dia cari produk dulu.. for example "Spanish Language" nih. And then dia ambil produk tuh so aku tanya dia... "siapa target sasaran ko dgn produk ni??"
Dia jawab.. "Tentulah orang yang nak belajar spanish."
Well.. mmg betul.. tapi kalau dia buat PPC advertisement and promote.. potential buat sales hanyalah sikit.
Dia target as a whole... people who wants to learn spanish. Dia tak hyper-target. Dia tak cari apa itu hot buttons.. dan dia tak segment kan dia punya pasaran.
Aku pula on the other hand dah buat semua research and ada data yang accurate.. so aku promote kepada satu segment dulu.. iaitu orang yang nak berkahwin dengan spanish people.
Aku buat a couple of ten sales. Mamat sorang lagi tak dapat even satu sales pun.
Apa sebabnya?? Sebab bila approach melalui produk dulu.. kita akan cenderung untuk meninggalkan banyak aspect penting dalam niche tuh. Sebab kita akan melihat sesuatu melalui produk itu sendiri.. sebagai contoh:
Apa yang produk ini ingin capai? = Untuk mengajar spanish.
That's it!! No more research.. sebab itu potensi gagal bila search produk dulu adalah tinggi.
But kalau guna method WA..:
Niche apa?? = Spanish Language
Micro Niche?? = Learn Spanish Language
Target Audience?? = a) People moving to spain / mexico. cool.gif People marrying spanish / mexican people.
Product Availability?? = Yes!!
Hot Buttons?? = Having problems communication with spouse. Shopkeeper can't speak don't understand what I'm talking about.
and more...
So kalau newbie and masih rasa tak yakin.. approach this using method A.
But method B tak salah... aku sendiri guna method B lebih kerap sekarang. Cari produk dulu baru cari niche.
Apa yang aku cadangkan disini.. bila guna method B.. korang akan lebih kerap miss out banyak important things and factor dalam niche itu sendiri. Potential untuk missed out something important almost 80%.
But kalau guna method A.. korang akan search something secara detail.. trust me I know.. sbb aku mula dgn method A jugak masa baru start.. and then build the basic foundation of knowledge within that niche.. baru cari product. Potential untuk miss something hanya 20% to 30% jer.
Itu saja dulu...