Note: To really benefit the most out of this thread you should read the whole thread, there are further discussions and advice that will greatly help you with your business, your bank accounts, your mindset and all areas of your life, especially starting on page 4. It's long and wordy, it's in-depth and it will take you a long time to read it.. and I even encourage you to read it more than once... but I promise you that it will be worth your time and you will benefit from it... so go get your favorite beverage, pull up a comfy chair and dive in!- NC
Update for 2016 - So, I've updated the title and any mention of 2015 and simply changed it to 2016. Why? Because that's all that needs to be changed! Everything mentioned in this entire thread still stands today, this year, next year and will continue to stand pretty much indefinitely. --> YOU are what needs to change.
(Also replaced the taken down video because it's worthy of being here permanently as well!)
It's time to look back on 2015 and if you're not happy at your results... read on, re-evaluate, re-structure and get recharged because 2016 is upon you.
Ready? Let's kick you in the ass...
*Knock Knock* master time wasters
2016 is rearing its glorious head. It is going to be a fan-f.ucking-tastic year for a lot of people on BBHF!
The question of the day is- will YOU be one of them?
Are you going to sit here and continue wasting your time on useless WSO's and gimmicks or are you going to develop a strategy to quickly move your business forward over this new year?
It's time for some BBHF tough love here, Mates.
I am unapologetic about any of this. It's for your own good.
Here's a little tip for those of you caught in this stupid ring of insanity called wso shiny object syndrome.
Stop this d.amn time wasting insanity already.
Stop being a leech. Stop being mediocre. Stop being afraid. Stop pissing your life away on nonsense. Stop being an idiot and stop WASTING your time on bullshit that does nothing but hold you back.
Why the hell are you holding yourself back with this shit?
How many products and websites could you have made already if you didn't piss your time away on this bullshit?
How many new subscribers could you have added to your lists already?
Think long and hard about that. How much money could you have had if you focused on building out your own products instead of constantly downloading giant WSO turds?
You don't have time?
MANAGE your time more effectively.
Replace the time you spend on this garbage and replace it with time spent on creating your own products, services and lists.
Good god man, even if you simply cut the time you spend messing with these shit wso's in half, you will be MILES ahead of where you were this past year. MILES AHEAD!
Oooo, I know what you're thinking now. It's time for some happy blow smoke up your ass new years resolutions!
And don't even think about looking at yourself in the mirror and declaring some bullshit new years resolutions that we all know wont even make it past the first week.
Do you know why new years resolutions don't work for the large majority of people?
They are too drastic and they don't create HABIT.
They force people out of their comfort zone - and when people are forced out of their comfort zones, they quickly lose motivation and start letting fears and other negative self-talk kick their ass right back into their safe little comfort zones.
I've come to see that WSO's and endless downloading are actually an excuse people use to tell themselves they are "working" on their dreams. In reality you know this is COMPLETE UTTER BULLSHIT.
- You are spending (read wasting) your time constantly downloading all this junk because you are scared of success.
- You are scarred of change.
- You are scared of what people think.
You are so comfortable in your little safety zone that you are scared shitless of anything pushing you out of it that you'll do almost anything to hold yourself there.
Guess what?
The gold is everywhere, it's all around you. But it's not going to magically appear in your comfort zone in some WSO or next new release.
So stop doing what isn't working and start doing what will work.
What works?
Well for starters, stop doing what doesn't work.
You don't need new years resolutions. What you do need is to start creating replacement habits. Work in productive and profitable habits to replace the time wasting unproductive crap you are currently doing. Small habits will grow into life changing habits. Trust me on this. Start small and be consistent and you will make MASSIVE progress.
If you need a hand with building new productive and profitable habits, I have a few recommendations, along one note of caution, which is this-
Don't go downloading a bunch of self help shit either or you are just creating a new self-defeating loop for yourself.
Pick up the following two books, read them and take action on the info.
The Power of Habit:
The Compound Effect:
There's also audio versions of both in JAMiam47's post on "page 4" as well as in the BHT torrent. (Make sure you give him reps for finding and sharing those version for you.)
I'm giving you these two books specifically because they will put you on the right track and it will happen quickly IF YOU TAKE ACTION.
Still need motivation?
This is a great motivating speech if you really listen.
Pay attention. Lic.k your wounds, get over it and move on.
No new years resolutions needed.
This is your wake up call.
Now go kick ass and grab 2016 by the balls and squeeze them until they crack!
Own it, baby... own this dam.n year and make it your little b.itch.
- NC
And here's another reality slap to your face and kick in your ass:
Here's an update for you .
I am officially naming this disease that downloading crap WSO's is.
Informational Consumption Dysfunction
WARNING! This product may cause Informational Consumption Dysfunction. Common symptoms of this disorder are: Scattered thoughts, lost revenue, missing time, constipation, irritability, feeling helpless and/or overwhelmed, loss of appetite, vomiting, intense profanity, anger outbursts and sleeplessness followed quicky by loss of dreams and severe brainfog.
If you experience any of these symptoms, promptly proceed to a mirror, smack yourself as hard as you can in the face and snap the f.uck out of this bullshit already!
Every WSO should come with that insert and warning label.
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