Saturday, June 12, 2021

Vaksin Covid Hoax

How completely revealing !!:

(06-04-2021 01:40 PM)bearflambe Wrote:  So I spent a whole 3 minutes looking into your quote. Easy to find its source. The organization that originally came up with these statistics is a joke. Plus I couldn't find any information to back up their death facts. This post sounds like Fox news.
My last comment here. Finding your fact to be fake is too easy.
Have a Great day.

Quote:June 3, 2021
“VAERS [US] data released today showed 227,805 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 4,201 deaths and 18,528 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 14, 2021.”

Here is a member since 2011 - who has ONLY ever made ONE share here at BBHF in 2014 - no wonder this coincides with a total of 170 Reps, and=>
His single share only has a link for stuff posted by others on a domain that is now long gone.

Aside of these easily seen FACTS - he utterly denies that VAERS is an official gov. site of the CDC - here:

Now, moving right along to the nature of the flaming comment=>
Yes, it is obvious that in all, this member has spent a total of just a few minutes in his dismissals of a thread which is 8 pages long and loaded with credible info.

Instead he ONLY posts flaming replies - which confirms this portion of his chosen nick here:
Which actually means "flamed" in French.

IMO that is a close sidestep from shill and troll - which also fit this NPC quite well.

Obliviousness to the obvious is a CHOICE - which is actually 100% fine if desired - but insisting that such a refusal of credible FACTS is correct merely points to foolishness on a grand scale.

Perhaps a look at this chart may be helpful:

[Image: vaers-vaccine-injury-june-4-1024x757.jpg]

Anyone who is willing to make the effort can get these reports, here:

Quote:Of the 5,165 deaths reported as of May 28, 24% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

There is such an amazing number of people who have made an effort to learn of the dangers posed by the (MRNA) non-vaxx and are refusing it thereby;
There's also an amazing amount of credible info posted here at BBHF as well as much, much more available to anyone who chooses to open their mind and eyes.

Volunteering for what is often now called the 'death jab' or 'the depop shot' along with its very possibly winning raffle ticket for euthanasia.

If that is someone's CHOICE - great for them - and PLEASE:
Allow others their own choices just as well.

Wishing ALL people Happiness, Prosperity and Perfect Health !!

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