Saturday, June 12, 2021

Vaksin atau suntikan mRNA ?

Sincerest Congrats to you Bearflambe !!:

(05-26-2021 11:16 PM)bearflambe Wrote:  ...Grateful I got my shot

Please do keep us posted about your perfect health in the coming year or 2, OK ??

It must be that you know better than a Nobel prize winner and all the credentialed Dr. folks worldwide who have come out publicly advising to NOT even go near any and all of the shots.

So, why do 100,000 doctors and medical professionals oppose these 'vaccines' openly and publicly if they are so effective and safe ??


(Published way back in December 16, 2020)

Dr Andrew Kaufman is among the most level headed and calm voices in all of this, along with Dr. Tom Cowan - both of whom cite clear, well documented FACTS.

The article at the page linked above is very stimulating and worthy of a quick read through - even if the viewer does not wish to give any time in listening to Dr. Kaufman's presentation at that same page.

Quote:For those of us who still have a survival instinct, the COVID-19 vaccine has been nothing but red flags, from the start.
An experimental mRNA cocktail that re-wires your cells at the genetic level, everyone is supposed to get it.

All negative comments are censored.
Those who question it are shamed and attacked in public.
And all this, for a manufactured pandemic, created via headlines, pop culture talking points and government shutdowns.

On a certain level, the whole thing is undeniably a psychological test.
With all these blatant red flags, are you so compliant that you are willing to submit and take the shot?
Or are you driven by an independent instinct to survive?

The normal, healthy response would be to question this.

Now, we have people dying after getting the vaccine.
Painful side effects are becoming normalized and there are other side effects being reported.
Some very strange ones too.

For the folks who aren't already fully hypnotized, here is some more, recent, very relevant info to consider if you wish to:

Meet some victims who have died from these deadly mRNA injections, do you still want it? - 6 min.




Quote:Astounding that folks are still queuing up to be exterminated.
Share this video with those who haven't gotten the shot.
Those who took one and especially two, will likely die via an Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) response this fall and winter after being exposed to any of at least 6 wild corona strains -- which, without a COVID jab, are fairly harmless.
This mass extinction event will be blamed on "new variants" when in fact, the jab is the set-up to a certain and painful death via cytokine storm.

The information and facts regarding the above scenario have been well documented by mainly heavily censored sources.
These videos and abstracts are available on BitChute and a few other alternative platforms for those who care to do a bit of research.

Covid PCR tests are 100% fake and Covid-19 Virus does not exist says PHD expert David Rasnick
Short video about COVID PCR TEST ARE 100% FAKE, Says World renowned expert David Rasnick, PhD


Aside of all the above - what Rebellious says in reply #70 is so very wise and I agree with his POV 100%.

My aims in posting info is NOT to change the choices of anyone who is already fully invested into 'the shots' and all that goes with them.

What I am aiming for here is to point out helpful info for anyone who is questioning the world conditions and wishes to do their best for themselves and their families.

Lastly - once again I say:
As a man in the very highest so-called 'risk group' - and one who is out in public around other people quite regularly WITHOUT a muzzle - why is it that I haven't had so much as a sniffle since all of 2020 - and since this supposed plague began, why haven't I seen even ONE single incident of anyone just dropping down dead from it in public ??

If this is truly as advertised, I'd be long gone already and folks would be dropping visibly all over everywhere...but that isn't happening EXCEPT for at certain areas which just happen to have what seems to be a pretty good explanation - but I'll stop here so as not to inflame any shills with that opportunity to criticize more things that they've done ZERO investigation of.

Best Wishes for Happiness and Perfect Health to ALL !!

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