Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Writer Shirts Fortune

 Writer Shirts Fortune

Build a Successful Business Selling T-Shirts to Writers

Hi, I’m Verena! Thank you for investing in this report. Here, I will show you how to make money selling t-shirts to writers.

It is my sincere hope that with the information that I am going to share with you here, you will soon be running profitable t-shirt campaigns in this niche.

Before we start, I would like to inform you that this report is an add-on to my main course at UglyShirtsFortune.com

I’ll show you a couple of successful Teespring campaigns so that you can replicate them and generate a decent income selling t-shirts in this niche alone. However, you still need to refer to the main course to learn how the entire business model works.

In these reports, I do not beat around the bush. There are already hundreds of books and video courses out there – some longer than you’d care to read. Most of them look good, and promise much, but do not bring about solid results. Quantity does not equal quality. Most of the time, the more content you get, the less valuable it is.

In my reports, I go straight to the point. In fact, I purposely made them short and simple, so that you can quickly go through them, take action and make money ASAP. The best part is, they’re also full of valuable information.

I will reveal the exact Teespring campaigns that made their respective sellers rich so that you can easily replicate them. I am also going to show you how to find the best audience on Facebook to run your ads to. If you take action, you will definitely make a lot of money with it – guaranteed.

Now, let’s get started with today’s niche: writers.

Writers are people who love their craft. To them, putting words on paper is an art, it’s a way for them to share their stories and one that’s close to their heart. As such, few people are more passionate about their work than writers. As such, they make for a very good audience to market t-shirts to.

Here are a few real, and very successful campaigns on Teespring:

How much can you make with a successful campaign like these?

It depends on how much you set your selling price.

Every Teespring tee comes with a base price. You set the selling price and keep 100% of the profit.

For example, if the base price for a t-shirt is $10 and you choose to sell it for $22, you keep $12 in profit. Say you sell 300 tees at the end of your campaign, you profit will be $3600.

You get to see your base price when you work on your Teespring Launcher. If you are unsure of what a Teespring Launcher is, go to lesson 4 of the main course, I show you everything about working on the Launcher. You get to see your shirt’s base price and learn how to set your selling price there.


How To “Borrow” A Design Without Getting Into Trouble

I have just shown you some proven sellers. You may borrow their ideas and make shirts for your own campaigns.

Here is how you can “borrow” a t-shirt design without getting yourself into trouble.

A copyright exists upon the creation of something, and protects the creator from others duplicating it in an exact or “confusingly similar” form.

According to Teespring’s terms, when someone puts a completely original design on a Teespring campaign that doesn’t exist elsewhere, the seller automatically owns a copyright on that design.

In order not to get ourselves into issues regarding copyright but still enable us to replicate a successful campaign, we need to “borrow” people’s ideas the smart way.

You see, a copyright rarely protects ideas, such as “Pitbull is the best pet”. Additionally, a copyright does not protect phrases such as “I love my dog” or “I just want to drink beer”.

Similarly, generic symbols and designs such as a gun, a motorcycle, or a skull are very rarely protected.

Here’s how you would want to do it:

Do not copy designs exactly as they are. Do not copy a design directly or in a way that your design includes only a minimal modification of the original one (i.e., a font change or simply substituting a simple graphic for a similar one).

Instead, you want to take the quote on the shirt and make a new design out of it by using unique artwork. That is no longer considered copyright infringement. Teespring, in their terms explicitly declares that although the overall graphic presentation of a phrase may be protected, a phrase itself is not.

Just like what I have shared with you in my course, the key is the message on the tee, not the graphics. As long as your message can resonate with your target audience, they will say to themselves “this is me!” and take action – thus buying the shirt.

The message expresses their thoughts, their values and their beliefs, making them proud to wear the shirts that embody it. Graphics do not play a critical role. Pretty pictures are nice, but the message is the key.

Now, here is what you can do. Hire a designer on Upwork.com. Pay a rate of about $25 an hour, which is currently a pretty standard market rate.

Many designers are able to make about 3 text-based t-shirt designs in an hour, together with simple graphics. So, each design will cost less than $10. This saves you a lot of time figuring out the design part. You can use the time to focus on launching new campaigns.

Here is what you can do: scroll up this page, find the design idea you want to copy. Move your cursor to the Teespring campaign image, right click, save the image file to your computer and send it to your designer.

Tell him or her to design shirts using the messages on the sample tee. Tell your designer that he or she is free to use any font type and graphics that they deem fit. Just make sure that the message/saying/quote remains the same.

If your shirt requires a front print, get your designer to design a simple front print for you. No stress. Trust me, it is not that significant at all; a simple design will do. Whenever appropriate, you can plug one of the elements from the back print to use on the front.

Alternatively, you can use text on the front – it works too. Most designers will know what to do, so just leave it to them if you don’t have a clue.

Do not waste too much time figuring out this part on your own. We, as marketers, should spend the majority of our time on the most productive activity: launching and managing campaigns.

Also, remember that you will want to upload an image to Teespring with a transparent background. Make sure that your designer sends you the finished designs in PNG file types, since PNG images are able to retain background transparency.


Research More Design Ideas

This is definitely a niche with a huge audience. You can sell a lot of t-shirts to writers.

Once you have had success with the designs that I have shown you, you may want to roll out more shirts in the same market.

Just like what I suggested in my main t-shirt business course, you may use Pinterest.com to pick up more ideas for your shirts.

Simply sign up for a free Pinterest account, login to the account, and then punch in “writer quotes” in the search box.

Spend some time studying the quotes in the search results before finally choosing the quote that you feel will be the best message that will resonate with your audience.

That’s pretty much all you have to do. Just refer to the main course for the specific steps. I share the details in the course, so I’m not going to waste valuable time repeating them here.


Facebook Ad Campaign

Now that you know the exact t-shirt design that will make you money, just follow the steps in the main course on how to set up your Teespring campaigns and how to create a Facebook page to advertise your shirts on. Then you can buy Page Post Engagement (PPE) ads from Facebook to run traffic to your post.

Remember this: the key to running a successful Facebook ad campaign is laser targeting the right audience.

Facebook allows us to target people who have “expressed an interest in or liked a page related to” a specific topic. This basically means that we can target people who liked a certain Facebook fan page.

In our case, we want to target people who have liked writer/writing fan pages. Usually, these people are writers; these are the people that we want to advertise our t-shirts to.

To do that, we’ll use the Facebook search box to find Facebook pages our target audience hangs around.

First, login to your Facebook account.

Next, we will click the magnifier icon at the top left corner; it’s just next to the Facebook logo if you are using a computer.

Upon clicking the magnifier, a search field will open up that looks like the screen capture below.

Next, we will enter our niche into the “Search Facebook” field.

In our case, since we’re selling shirts to writers, we will enter “writers” into the search field, then select “search for writers’’ from the drop down menu as suggested by Facebook.

Next, we will select on “Pages” on the left menu to filter out the search results, as we only want to look at writers related pages that are on Facebook:

Once you have done that, we will see a bunch of pages that are related to writers:

Scrolling down the page, we see a list of Facebook pages that are relevant to “writers” as suggested by Facebook. These are some of the writer pages with the largest audiences on Facebook.

You will want to collect a list of Facebook fan pages here that will allow you to target your ads later. Just remember that before you include a fan page in your list, you first need to check them out one by one to see if they are the right audience to run your Facebook ads to.

Repeat the process. Collect as many page names as you can, writing them down on a notepad. You will target these fan pages when you create your Facebook ad campaigns.



You have now seen the exact Teespring campaigns that make money. You also know how to target the right audience on Facebook.

You may now run your campaign to profit from this niche. Just remember to prune your ad sets following the rules that I lay out in my main course.

Once you have narrowed them down to the most converting ad sets, scale them up to maximize your profits. Keep on running your campaigns until you saturate the market with your shirt.

This is a huge, huge niche. One successful design can last months – possibly even years – for you.

Think about how much money you can make with multiple designs!

That’s all for this report now.


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