Monday, June 14, 2021

Kebodohan Penerima Vaksin

To start off with the correct tonality here=>

I do very strongly wish everyone a happier and fully healthy 2021 and beyond !!

The title here relates with how there are many folks who STILL seem to be prepping for sometime (later) when they think that the SHTF.

So if you have that POV, I ask you:
Where have you been living for most of 2020 ??

Unless you've somehow lived on a tiny isolated island without any gov't, radio, TV or internet...AND...
Whether it has struck you yet or not=>
We've all lived in the SHTF time for almost all of 2020, and here's the kicker:

It is FAR from being over.

There's loads and loads of well informed folks speaking out about this where and when they are able to, and of course the controlled MSM doesn't show that stuff, so you won't see it on your TV.

Here is one incredible presenter - Amazing Polly:

Honest Experts Are Trying to Warn You! Vaccines, Lockdowns, Masks and More

Too heavy for you, too quickly ??
OK, here's a teeny bit of lighter stuff for a few minutes then:

Better...a little...maybe ??

OK then, moving right along now=>
I dislike the sort of marketing that Jeff Berwick plugs in his videos, but aside of that he has great info, makes great points and can be a bit amusing as well:

'People Dropping Like Flies from the Vax, Empty Hospitals and Tik Tok Nurses'

Here are some of the links included below that video:

RN Gets Bell’s Palsy After Taking “Vaccine”:

75-year-old Israeli man dies 2 hours after getting Covid-19 vaccine:

Empty Hospitals in Commiefornia:

Here is a course of sorts that cost $75:

Larken Rose, Candles In The Dark

I don't have it, and would not pay for it, but if anyone shares it here it'd be good to watch to see what his ideas are.


This is just a tiny fraction of the huge amount of info that is being shared lately.

My closing note for now:
Haven't the current world economic conditions ALONE been enough to bring SHTF time to mind ??

All the suicides, destitute families, travel restrictions and on and on - yet=>
If this has been a TRUE 'pandemic' why don't we see folks just dropping dead right in public ??

In a REAL pandemic the huge number of deaths would be unavoidable and visibly all around us.

There is an explanation of this in light of actual history, here:


For anyone curious, here are the (incomplete ??) lyrics for the YT video shared up above:

Quote:We got to work out the puzzle why Babylon want us in a muzzle.
It compromise you immunity.
Can’t breathe fresh air so it’s bound to sick us .
Who they want to track and who want to trace.
We see Babylon their a big disgrace.
Who they want to hook and who they want to jook .
We see they are lie and and see they are crooks.
Like a fruit on a tree that’s how they want to pick us .
They even make law because they want to convict us .
When it’s not deception we know that it’s trickery .
They reveal themselves no more a mystery.
We not going to stop take the vitamin D .
The sunshine is the vitamin D .
Stand up in the vitamin D .
And it is Bless by the day Almighty..
From the lockdown suicide has gone up .
People can’t get no treatment that’s gone up.
Alcohol and drug addiction that’s gone up.
Domestic violence that’s gone up.
Thousands of people job get cut .
Nuff people business close down an shut.
We used to have money but our pockets is broke .
If we unite they will come unstuck.
Now their talking about isolate .
To treat us like criminal we know it’s not great.
Most politician their just like a snake.
We have a right to rebel so just hold the fate.
They want to inject Black and Asian first.
But who Jah bless no body can cause.
They want us to go forward so we reverse.
We must wake up before things get worse...
Expressing Gratitude.
It is so simple to do...Thanks
And it can so simply bring priceless rewards.

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