Wednesday, June 30, 2021

how to sell shit

The key to selling people things...

Don’t sell it to them!
Compliment your competitors!
Promote and be proud of your flaws!

That may sound idiotic, but let me explain.

You come across as desperate, when you shouldn’t be. You try to fake it till you make it thinking you’re so smart right, no, terrible advice. Everyone is smart. Value them as so. Now ur lying and there’s holes in ur story and ur stuttering and hesitating and fucking up cuz ur making shit up.

Had a client asking for some SEO services..

We talk over what he wants to ACHIEVE.
I ask questions to figure out his NEEDS & his WANTS. Where he is at and where he wants to be. This is the foundation.


I say hey, well what are your options for buying the service?

Surely I’m not the only one on the table, I understand that. Theres a ton of other great options out there, And I don’t want to mess up anything you already have going on with one of my competitors.

He tells me about my competitors, what they’ve done or what they want to do etc.



I tell him the truth.

“ Oh awesome man, that’s great, I don’t know them personally so I can’t say for sure but I bet they do great work. So I’ll be honest with you man, I’m not gonna sit here and lie to you and tell you oh mines better and I do this different blah blah blah just to sell you something man. I’m sure you get that shit all the time just like I do. There’s no crazy secret thing here, some people might say so but I mean let’s be real here. Of course theyre gonna tell you they have the best thing since sliced bread, they want you to buy it. all agencies including myself do SEO the same way really. I don’t have any problem admitting that when 90% of people don’t because I have a unique angle on the market that keeps work coming in. I’m sure you know I’m not some big agency, I’m just a single member LLC, I hire people for a few things here and there but it’s really just me. Which allows me to do the same work as everyone else like we said, but since it’s just me I’m able to put more time into it, I put in more effort to make things I’m proud of, and I can always beat big agency prices because I don’t have the overhead they do of huge office buildings, employees etc. etc.

I mean let’s be real here man, I’m running my business out of my house!

Client : oh man I hear that! I do the exact same. It’s just me running the show here too, I actually really like working with businesses like that. I appreciate you being honest with me, guys give me the run around all the time trying to sell me shit thinking I’m stupid.

** client now understands the advantage of working with me, and knows I’m honest because I’m telling him the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH, including my shortcomings! Leaving NOTHING out. Fake it till you make it in a b2b environment is shit advice. People can smell it from a mile away. **

As the conversation went on.

He kept adding on work he wanted me to do, without me offering it to him.

He went from a $500 sale, to a $3,000 sale in less than 5 minutes. Kept adding on stuff over and over. And he was EXCITED. Because he finally found someone that wasn’t bullshitting him and made him feel like the valuable person he is instead of a checkbook.

#1. Value them and treat them as the smart individual they are. No trickery, no urgency, no pushy shit.

#2. HONESTY. Admit your shortcomings UPFRONT WITHOUT THEM ASKING. Acknowledge the value of your competitors because... they have value and it’s the truth.

#3. Unique angle. Present yourself as the trustworthy, honest person you are. And tell them what makes you different. How have you been successful? I’ve been successful because I’m a small fry with years of experience, which means I do the same shit as everyone else but can work for less since I’m running my business out of my bedroom next to a hibachi container and 2 empty corona bottles I had for dinner.


For all the feminist criticism of men supposedly treating women like dogs, it is actually today’s feminism-infected women that are treating men like domesticated animals.

While the majority of women still prefer masculine men for relationships, I’ve been noticing how more and more women today are defying their biology for ideological reasons and are pursuing long-term relationship with men they’re not even attracted to just because they are supplicant and effeminate. If this trend continues unabated, I expect the entire male population to turn into weak and feckless bonobos who grovel around to serve female interests.

Observe the following comparisons to see how men are being turned into dogs for both women and the state:

1. Dogs are optional

Dogs as pets are optional. People get a dog only when they want one; it’s not a necessity. Men today are also increasingly becoming an object of utility for a woman rather than a man whom she forms a bond with for a nuclear family. She will marry a man when she wants to (if at all) and she will dump him when she feels like it.

2. Once attached, dogs offer unconditional loyalty

If you want a picture of what the feminists want from men, just imagine a world where all men are male feminists.

Once dogs have a human to call a master, it doesn’t care whether he is a scumbag, loser, criminal, or homeless. Dogs are faithful no matter who their master is and what he does. In fact, they’re so loyal that they’ll even remain with an owner that mistreats them. And that’s exactly what feminists want men to be.

If you observe the rhetoric of the feminists, you’ll notice two general themes: first, the desire to be free from all criticisms. And second, for men to believe them and “support” them no matter what. Feminists want their prospective low-testosterone boyfriends and husbands to fully accept them for who they are no matter how disgusting, slutty, crass, and toxic they are. They want their men to show unconditional loyalty so that they can openly cheat on them and brag about it. And men, if they don’t want to be called a misogynist, must never question their partner’s past or present behavior and remain faithful even if they’re treated like garbage.

3. Dogs do what they’re told

Once the owner has secured his dog’s loyalty, he can train it to behave on command. Some owners enjoy the power they have over their companions and they will order their dogs around for fun.

Western women today have discovered that there are truck loads of desperate men who will do just about anything for them to win an ounce of female approval. These women have successfully used men to take them out on expensive dinners (only make fun of them on their blogs afterwards), buy pizza for them for free, shovel snow for them, and so on. The women who order these men around like dogs didn’t even have to train them as they’ve already been conditioned from birth by the society to do what women tells them to do.

4. Dogs are treated for good behavior

Dogs need to be treated to reinforce good behavior; the same is true when you want to domesticate men as second-rate citizens.

Women understand just how desperate the general male population is for affection and sex. Women today are leveraging this power over men to make them behave the way they want them to, rewarding these simps with faked compliments so that they’ll continue being good boys.

5. Dogs defend their masters

One serves a man, the other serves the government and its harem of women.

Besides companionship, the main roles dogs play is to defend their masters. In spite of all the calls for equality, the reality is that women still expect men to defend and save them. The men suffering from white knight syndrome will go as far as sacrificing their own lives to rescue women they don’t even know.

Feminists also don’t mind that many men are serving the police and military force to serve their alpha boyfriend: the government. Women are innately attracted to power and the government is the new protector and provider of women that grows bigger and stronger each day while ordinary men are becoming weaker and irrelevant.

6. Dogs are neutered


Although men aren’t getting physically neutered the way dogs are, other methods are being employed to psychologically castrate men. This includes the epidemic use of ADHD drugs to tame boys, ridiculous laws aimed at controlling men’s sexual interactions with women, and the overall cultural currents to shame masculinity while promoting all sorts of degeneracy that dilute it. Today’s wives don’t even want to get sexual with their husbands.

7. Dogs that are not domesticated are pests

“Masculine men are organizing a meeting? They must be rapists!”

When a dog is not owned by a human being, it is considered a pest that needs to be controlled.

Men today who do not submit to the feminist agenda are constantly attacked as being losers, sexists, misogynists, rapists, and so on. In today’s feminist society, you either serve the female imperative or you’re a Neanderthal who is out of touch with the times. Steps are already being made to control every aspect of male behavior in public.

You should also remember that dogs are natural pack animals (think of their cousins, wolves). By being removed from the pack, they become isolated and dependent on their masters. Can you see how the same applies for today’s men?

The Differences

In addition to being dogs, men are also expected to serve as drones to keep the feminist nanny-state running.

In spite of all the similarities, there are differences that need to be addressed.

First, unlike dogs whose owners house them and feed them, men are not supported by women. Women are free to throw men away like used tampons or divorce their husbands to extract their cash. If anything, men are usually the ones who must provide for their wives.

Second, whereas dogs are under the responsibility of their owners, men are expected to be fully responsible in all their interactions with women. It is the man’s job to ensure that a woman is giving consent even if both parties are drunk; it is men who must watch over their own behavior to ensure that what they say is non-offensive and conforming; and it is men who must ensure that women feel perfectly safe and comfortable in all their interactions. If you so much as walk past a woman in the wrong manner, you’ll be accused of rape. Again, it is the man’s responsibility to ensure that he is acceptable enough to share the same space as women, not the other way around. Feminists want “equality” without accountability.

Are men becoming collectively domesticated?


The domesticated cows we see on farms didn’t end up the way they are now naturally. It was through thousands of years of herding and selective breeding that they became smaller, more passive, and accepting of their conditions. But the fact is, it doesn’t take thousands of years to transform entire species. In this article which I recommend you read, a Soviet project to domesticate foxes have shown that it only takes several generations of selective breeding to transform wild foxes into effeminate and tamed versions of themselves.

The global testosterone level around the world has been mysteriously dropping for the past few decades. While chemical toxins in all the products we consume and come in contact with has been given as one possible explanation, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that we as species are gradually becoming emasculated at a genetic level through the selective breeding process. In other words, we are becoming socially engineered to be effeminate. It’s not something impossible when you consider that easily tamable beta males, the sperm donors, are usually the males women select as their mates after they themselves are done riding the cock-carousel. I think it’s a factor we should consider besides the emasculation through cultural degeneracy that we’re already familiar with.

Men are supposed to be men unleashing their primal energy through raw adventure instead of getting tamed into submission. I have no doubt that the systematic domestication efforts of today is what is causing collective male nihilism, depression, and frustrated energy. Men who are awake must allow themselves be men.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Melayu dan Vaksinasi Covid 19

Monday, June 14, 2021

Kebodohan Penerima Vaksin

To start off with the correct tonality here=>

I do very strongly wish everyone a happier and fully healthy 2021 and beyond !!

The title here relates with how there are many folks who STILL seem to be prepping for sometime (later) when they think that the SHTF.

So if you have that POV, I ask you:
Where have you been living for most of 2020 ??

Unless you've somehow lived on a tiny isolated island without any gov't, radio, TV or internet...AND...
Whether it has struck you yet or not=>
We've all lived in the SHTF time for almost all of 2020, and here's the kicker:

It is FAR from being over.

There's loads and loads of well informed folks speaking out about this where and when they are able to, and of course the controlled MSM doesn't show that stuff, so you won't see it on your TV.

Here is one incredible presenter - Amazing Polly:

Honest Experts Are Trying to Warn You! Vaccines, Lockdowns, Masks and More

Too heavy for you, too quickly ??
OK, here's a teeny bit of lighter stuff for a few minutes then:

Better...a little...maybe ??

OK then, moving right along now=>
I dislike the sort of marketing that Jeff Berwick plugs in his videos, but aside of that he has great info, makes great points and can be a bit amusing as well:

'People Dropping Like Flies from the Vax, Empty Hospitals and Tik Tok Nurses'

Here are some of the links included below that video:

RN Gets Bell’s Palsy After Taking “Vaccine”:

75-year-old Israeli man dies 2 hours after getting Covid-19 vaccine:

Empty Hospitals in Commiefornia:

Here is a course of sorts that cost $75:

Larken Rose, Candles In The Dark

I don't have it, and would not pay for it, but if anyone shares it here it'd be good to watch to see what his ideas are.


This is just a tiny fraction of the huge amount of info that is being shared lately.

My closing note for now:
Haven't the current world economic conditions ALONE been enough to bring SHTF time to mind ??

All the suicides, destitute families, travel restrictions and on and on - yet=>
If this has been a TRUE 'pandemic' why don't we see folks just dropping dead right in public ??

In a REAL pandemic the huge number of deaths would be unavoidable and visibly all around us.

There is an explanation of this in light of actual history, here:


For anyone curious, here are the (incomplete ??) lyrics for the YT video shared up above:

Quote:We got to work out the puzzle why Babylon want us in a muzzle.
It compromise you immunity.
Can’t breathe fresh air so it’s bound to sick us .
Who they want to track and who want to trace.
We see Babylon their a big disgrace.
Who they want to hook and who they want to jook .
We see they are lie and and see they are crooks.
Like a fruit on a tree that’s how they want to pick us .
They even make law because they want to convict us .
When it’s not deception we know that it’s trickery .
They reveal themselves no more a mystery.
We not going to stop take the vitamin D .
The sunshine is the vitamin D .
Stand up in the vitamin D .
And it is Bless by the day Almighty..
From the lockdown suicide has gone up .
People can’t get no treatment that’s gone up.
Alcohol and drug addiction that’s gone up.
Domestic violence that’s gone up.
Thousands of people job get cut .
Nuff people business close down an shut.
We used to have money but our pockets is broke .
If we unite they will come unstuck.
Now their talking about isolate .
To treat us like criminal we know it’s not great.
Most politician their just like a snake.
We have a right to rebel so just hold the fate.
They want to inject Black and Asian first.
But who Jah bless no body can cause.
They want us to go forward so we reverse.
We must wake up before things get worse...
Expressing Gratitude.
It is so simple to do...Thanks
And it can so simply bring priceless rewards.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

23 Idea Bisnes Online Yang Anda Boleh Mula Semasa PKP

23 Idea Bisnes Online Yang Anda Boleh Mula Semasa PKP

  1. Dropship

Memulakan perniagaan dropshipping adalah langkah pertama yang baik untuk berjinak dalam dunia perniagaan.

Anda akan dapat menjual produk kepada pelanggan dan menetapkan harga produk.

Yang paling menarik anda tidak perlu membayar inventori sehingga dijual kepada pelanggan sebenar. 

  1. Review Produk di Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

Adakah seorang yang selesa bercakap dengan kamera dan kreatif dalam menghasilkan video?

Jika ya, inilah peluang anda untuk menonjolkan bakat anda dan mendapat bayaran.

Terdapat bisnes-bisnes di luar sana yang sanggup membayar individu seperti anda untuk memberi review produk mereka. 

  1. Menjual makanan atau minuman

Anda juga boleh berniaga makanan dan minuman secara online.

Makanan sedia dimakan, makanan sejuk beku dan lain-lain antara pilihan anda boleh pertimbangkan.

Selain itu, menjual air buah dalam botol juga menjadi tren dalam waktu-waktu sebegini.

Inilah peluang anda untuk menjual makanan dan minuman online dengan kreatif. Mungkin dengan pembukusan yang menarik, anda boleh tarik perhatian orang ramai.

  1. Menjadi penterjemah

Inilah masa untuk anda gunakan kebolehan bahasa anda. Jika anda mahir dan fasih 2 atau lebih bahasa, anda boleh cuba mencari kerja sambilan menjadi penterjemah.

Negara Malaysia ini memang kaya dengan bahasa. Oleh itu, bidang terjemahan ini memang sentiasa memerlukan orang-orang yang berkebolehan.

Anda boleh cuba cari kerja-kerja seperti ini di media sosial atau Google.

  1. Pereka grafik

Suka dan mahir dalam mereka grafik yang mampu memukau mata?

Anda boleh melakukan bisnes ini secara sambilan untuk bisnes-bisnes di luar sana.

Grafik memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam memasarkan produk.

  1. Penulis konten website atau media sosial

Pemasaran konten adalah bidang yang sedang berkembang dengan cepat.

Jika anda mempunyai kemahiran menulis dari sudut pandangan bisnes, ini sangat sesuai untuk anda.

Kandungan di web mempunyai pelbagai bentuk: blog, posting media sosial, rakaman video dan audio, laman web, dan banyak lagi.

  1. Fesyen

Produk seperti baju, seluar, tudung dan lain-lain boleh anda jual secara online.

Anda boleh pilih sama ada mahu menjual pakaian lelaki, perempuan, kanak-kanak ataupun bayi.

Peluang untuk berjaya dalam menjual barang fesyen ini agak tinggi kerana memang ada permintaannya.

  1. Menjual aksesori telefon

Kebiasaannya, orang pasti akan mencari aksesori untuk telefon setelah membeli telefon.

Anda boleh menjual aksesori dengan grafik yang menarik ataupun aksesori yang tahan lasak.

Pasti akan ada orang yang mahu membeli. 

  1. Produk kecantikan atau kesihatan

Ini merupakan bisnes yang anda patut ceburi jika berminat.

Salah satu sebab utama orang masuk ke perniagaan jenis ini adalah kerana keuntungan dan kebolehpasaran margin yang tinggi.

  1. Tuisyen Online

Sekiranya anda pakar dalam seni, matematik, atau subjek lain, anda boleh memulakan perniagaan tuisyen online.

Anda boleh mengajar pelajar sekolah rendah atau sekolah menengah. Jika anda mampu, anda boleh mengajar kedua-dua kategori ini sekali.

Melalui platform seperti Zoom, Skype dan lain-lain, anda boleh menjalankan kelas tuisyen.

  1. Menjual Hasil Seni 

Sekiranya anda mampu menghasilkan hasil seni yang baik tidak kira melalui lukisan atau membuat anyaman, anda boleh menjualnya secara online.

Kreativiti anda boleh menghasilkan keuntungan.

  1. Bisnes Pencetakan T-shirt 

Pelbagai jenis pencetakan pakaian yang anda boleh buat.

Contohnya, ada orang yang mahu membuat t-shirt ‘Hari Keluarga’. 

Selain itu, ada juga syarikat yang mahukan t-shirt tertentu untuk majlis tertentu.

  1. Penjual Kereta Komersial

Zaman sekarang ini, banyak platform untuk menjual kereta.

Contohnya,, Facebook dan lain-lain.

  1. Penulis Resume

Tidak semua orang yang mencari pekerjaan adalah penulis resume yang baik.

Dengan kepakaran anda dalam menulis, anda dapat menjana sejumlah wang dan juga mengubah kehidupan seseorang.

  1. Jurugambar ‘Stok’
bisnes online

Berkemampuan untuk menangkap momen-momen ​​yang hebat atau gambar potrait?

Anda boleh menjadi jurugambar dengan mendaftarkan hak milik tunggal di bawah nama anda.

Syarikat-syarikat seperti Shutterstock, Adobe Stock dan sebagainya sentiasa mencari gambar-gambar yang menarik.

  1. Servis Profesional

Terdapat perniagaan memerlukan bantuan akauntan dan profesional lain untuk menguruskan urusan mereka secara sambilan.

Anda boleh mula menjana wang dengan menawarkan perkhidmatan tersebut.

  1. Pereka Website
bisnes online

Memperbaiki struktur dan reka bentuk laman web adalah perkhidmatan yang sangat diperlukan.

Jika anda pereka website yang berpengalaman, anda boleh berikan klien anda website yang mampu meningkatkan jualan.

  1. Pembeli Peribadi
bisnes online

Lebih dikenali sebagai ‘Personal Shopper’, ini merupakan satu perkhidmatan yang anda boleh sediakan dalam waktu PKP sekarang ini.

Anda boleh sediakan perkhidmatan membeli barang runcit, membeli makanan dan lain-lain untuk pelanggan anda.

  1. Mengadakan Kursus Online
bisnes online

Jika anda mempunyai kepakaran dalam sesuatu bidang, inilah masalah untuk mengajar dan berkongsi ilmu.

Mereka yang berminat perlu membayar yuran dalam jumlah yang tertentu.

  1. Perkhidmatan Digital Marketing
bisnes online

Sekiranya anda mahir dalam bidang ini, anda boleh cari perniagaan yang memerlukan perkhidmatan ini.

Digital Marketing telah menjadi satu elemen yang penting dalam dunia perniagaan pada masa kini.

Anda boleh membantu perniagaan-perniagaan di luar sana.

  1. Editorial
bisnes online

Terdapat perkhidmatan seperti copyediting, proofreading, copywriting dan banyak lagi. 

Anda boleh mendapatkan wang dengan menggunakan kemahiran menulis anda.

  1. Membaiki Telefon dan Komputer
bisnes online

Sekiranya anda mempunyai kemahiran untuk membaiki, anda mempunyai peluang luar biasa untuk memulakan perniagaan anda sendiri.

Terdapat banyak orang di luar sana yang mahukan alat mereka yang rosak dibaiki daripada dibuang.

  1. Kaunseling
bisnes online

Sekiranya anda mempunyai kelayakan dalam bidang psikologi atau psikiatri, anda boleh membantu orang menangani masalah.

Waktu-waktu sebegini ada yang kehilangan pekerjaan, perniagaan dan sebagainya.

Jadi, perkhidmatan ini bukan sahaja membolehkan anda menjana pendapatan, anda juga akan membantu memperbaiki kesihatan mental klien anda.


Memang tidak dinafikan, PKP kali ini akan memberi impak yang besar terhadap kehidupan orang ramai tidak kira sama ada yang berniaga ataupun mereka yang makan gaji.

Diharapkan 23 idea yang telah kami kongsikan akan dapat membantu anda memulakan bisnes online.