Monday, April 8, 2019

Demi Cinta Lautan Api Sanggup Ku Redah : Bunuh Isteri Demi ' Pakwe

Edited by Remyda at 6-12-2018 08:57 AM

SEORANG ahli farmasi berdepan hukuman penjara seumur hidup selepas didapati menjerut mati isterinya menggunakan beg plastik untuk mengaut pampasan insurans bernilai 2 juta (RM10.5 juta) supaya dapat memulakan hidup baru dengan teman lelakinya di Australia.

Mitesh Patel juga merancang memulakan keluarga dengan teman lelakinya Dr Amit Patel - yang sudah berpindah ke Sydney - menggunakan embrio dibekukan hasil proses IVF bersama mendiang isterinya, Jessica, 34, yang dikahwini atas desakan keluarga, lapor Daily Mail.

Keputusan mahkamah, semalam disambut sorakan orang ramai yang menghadiri kes itu, malah Hakim James Goss memberitahu Mitesh tidak akan dibebaskan untuk tempoh lama.

Selepas membunuh Jessica, Mitesh menyepahkan rumahnya dan membuat laporan kononnya wanita itu mati dalam rompakan ketika dia tiada di rumah.

Namun, kebenaran terbongkar apabila penyiasat memeriksa pergerakannya menggunakan aplikasi iPhone Health App yang menjejak jumlah langkah seseorang, dalam kes seumpamanya di United Kingdom.

Sejurus kematian Jessica, telefon bimbit Mitesh menunjukkan aktiviti kecoh apabila lelaki itu bergegas mengelilingi rumahnya termasuk berlari naik dan turun tangga. Sebaliknya, telefon bimbit Jessica langsung tidak bergerak.

Telefon itu hanya digerakkan 14 langkah dari mayat mangsa apabila diambil Mitesh untuk dibuang ke luar, kononnya kerana tercicir oleh perompak ketika melarikan diri.

Jessica, 34, menderita enam tahun kerana mengetahui suaminya mempunyai hubungan sulit dengan seorang lelaki, selain turut mengadakan hubungan rambang dengan pelbagai orang yang dikenali menerusi aplikasi sembang.

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Edited by Remyda at 6-12-2018 08:57 AM

A pharmacist faces a life sentence imprisonment after his wife's death tossed a plastic bag to reimburse a $ 2 million insurance to begin a new life with her boyfriend in Australia.

Mitesh Patel is also planning to start a family with her boyfriend Dr Amit Patel - who has moved to Sydney - using embryos frozen on the IVF process with her late wife, Jessica, 34, who is married to family pressure, the Daily Mail reported.

Judge James Goss told reporters that the Mitesh would not be released for a long time.

After killing Jessica, Mitesh broke his house and reported that the woman died in a robbery when he was away from home.

However, the truth is revealed when the investigator examined his movement using the iPhone Health App app that tracks the number of people's moves, in such a case in the United Kingdom.

Shortly after Jessica's death, Mitesh's mobile phone showed a spoiled activity as the man rushed around his house including running up and down the stairs. On the other hand, Jessica's mobile phone was not moving.

The phone was only moved 14 steps from the victim's body when Mitesh was taken out of the house, supposedly to be left behind by the pirates while escaping.

Jessica, 34, had six years of age knowing that her husband had an affair with a man, as well as having sex with a variety of people known through chat app.

This article was posted on: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 @ 10:54 PM
This thread was moderated (Push to Articles) by CARI-MRO at 6-12-2018 10:57 AM
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