Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How to put NO FOLLOW link to external link on our blog

Hi if you have read the article above in one example they illustrate the following link
<a href="" rel="nofollow">wordpress!</a>
That shows you how to add a nofollow attribute to any link on your blog. When ever you create a link on your blog, edit the link and add the rel="nofollow" attribute to the URL link.

By default your link look like this
<a href="">How to Blog</a>
To make it nofollow, simply add an attribute Nofollow to the link
<a href="" rel="nofollow">How to blog</a>
When writing in WordPress or Blogger, you can go to Edit HTML mode and add rel=” nofollow” in front of links to make it nofollow. For WordPress, there are many plugins like this that do this task for you. Many plugins also help you to make all external links as nofollow, but I don’t find it as White has SEO technique. One should not be afraid of passing link juice to any reliable source.

Nofollow tag is used in meta tag robots which tell search engine to stop crawling external links. And you can also use Nofollow tag in hyperlinks. You just need to add rel=”nofollow” in the structure of URL. Here is the example of simple and Nofollow URL

URL with Nofollow attribute You just need to add rel=”nofollow” in the URL to stop search engine crawler to stop the crawling of specific URL.

What is the purpose of rel=”nofollow” attribute

rel=”nofollow” is used when you are doubtful about destination URL. In other words, I can say that it is used when you don’t fully trust the content of the linked site. So you just need to add Nofollow attribute to the external hyperlink. When Google search crawlers start crawling your web pages this attribute stops them to focus the content of the destination URL.

How to make external links Nofollow manually

It is very simple and easy to add Nofollow tag to external links manually. You just need to open your required post or start a new post for this purpose. Now select your required keyword from the content and select Link option from the post editor. Enter your required title and URL in the given options. And check the option Open this link in a new window and Add ‘rel=nofollow’. It will add Nofollow attribute to the destination URL and your will link will be open in the new tab. Checking this box means that you don’t want this link to be considered when web crawlers are searching for information they’ll use to index your page.

How to Make All External Links Nofollow automatically

  • Login to your Blogger Dashboard >> Template.
  • Click on the Edit HTML button.
  • Find the </head> tag by pressing ctrl+f  and typing </head> in the search box.
  • Now add the following code above the </head> tag :

You can also use this code instead of the above code
You just need to replace with your blogger’s blog URL and save your template. Now this plugin would automatically add Nofollow attribution as well as target=”_blank” to your all external links except your own domain.

Add Nofollow Tags To all Blogger Label Links

It is necessary to add Nofollow tags to all blogger label links whether they are category label or tags labels. Categories and tags labels come under low-quality web pages and it is recommended to not to index them in Google search engine. A website with a lot of useless tags and category labels should prepare itself to face the penalty by Google Panda algorithm. It will decrease your blogger traffic and earning too. So you just need to add Nofollow attributes with tags and category labels. So all of the labels under your post title and the tags in the tag cloud will be Nofollow.
You just need to follow the following steps to nofollow all the category and tags labels:
  1. Login To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Check the “Expand widget templates” box
  4. Search for this,
Add nofollow tag to this like:
After this press save template button to save your settings. Now you have successfully saved your blogger from the penalty of Google Panda algorithm update.
Now you need to correct the Label Cloud Links also. You just need to search for this in your blogger template
And replace it with that piece of code.

Check nofollow tags proper working in the blogger

Simply highlight a label link or cloud link on your blog and then right click and choose “view selection source“. You will find you label links having the rel=”nofollow” tag attach to it like this,
post label link
and for label cloud it will look like this,
label cloud
I hope your blogs may grow even more and may stay protected from tech errors.

How to add rel=”nofollow” in blogger comments

Follow the simple steps to make nofollow  comments.
  • Login to blogger.
  • Go to template>Edit HTML>Proceed.
  • Tick on Expand Widget Template.
  • Now search for this code by pressing Ctrl+f.
  • Now add rel=”external nofollow” just after the above code like this.

Now you have successfully add nofollow attribute the comments in your blogger.


To conclude, I can say that it is recommended to Nofollow all the external links of your blogger. It is important for both ON page and OFF page SEO of the blogger’s blog. It will save your BlogSpot website from being penalized by Google Panda algorithm updates. You just need to follow the above-mentioned steps and add Nofollow tag to all external links, labels and comments in blogger.

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