Sunday, September 1, 2013

Copywriting - Setiap Melayu Wajib Pelajari Skill Ni Kalo Nak Jadi Jutawan

Yuhuuu... testing the art of copywriting pulak.

While at it.. I might as well write something about it huh??

Should I?? 

I think I should..coz I can see that everyone here are lacking a lot in this aspect.. 

So here goes..

What is copywriting. Semua pernah dengar pasal copyright. Adakah ia benda yang sama??
Is it related in anyway. Huahuahua.. tidak sama sekali!

Copywriting.. as I believe every single of you know.. is the art of writing that can hook
your reader and astonish them in a way that they will literally do whatever it is you want
them to. Bahasa aku.. ia adalah satu skill yang cukup-cukup sempoi di mana ia boleh buat 
orang yang membaca tuh 'feeling' and ultimately 'find your writings to be very interesting
and easy to relate to'. 

Ada banyak gunanya copywriting skill ni.

Antaranya termasuklah untuk buat lecturer dan pensyarah tuan-tuan sekalian terpegun dengan
keindahan article / essay korang, untuk buat surat cinta yang tentunya bakal membuatkan si dia
berkelip mata dan sentiasa teringatkan anda tak kira di mana and ultimately.. untuk buat 
tulisan yang bakal membuat kita thousands of dollars per day. 

Bagi kita internet marketers.. copywriting skill is simply one of the most important skill
ever existed out there.. yes.. you read it right. It is THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL to have!!

So.. am I here to teach you all copywriting?? Ofcourse not.. aku bayar almost RM30,000 untuk 
belajar benda tuh.. takkan nak bagi free kot?? 

Then why am I writing this?? What's the purpose?? 

Sebab nya mudah.. this is simply an introduction to this very skill.. the most
expensive skill to own in the world.

Kita akan lihat beberapa perkara yang boleh di relate kepada copywriting skill.. termasuklah
skill itu sendiri.

Aku dah cover apa itu copywriting skill. Kita tgk pulak.. apa yang kena ada dan macam mana
nak buat satu artikel / karangan yang cukup-cukup compelling and menarik.


Pertama sekali.. always write with emotion. Orang yang membaca boleh kenal kalau artikel korang
tuh serius atau tidak. Make it flow with emotion.. and orang yang membaca for sure boleh relate.

Aku kasi contoh skit..

Ini ayat asal:

We truly hope you can see the big advantage of working with
Us in your project.

Yours sincerely

So.. apa korang dapat baca dari situ?? Perrgghh.. boring siot. Oh man.. oh man.. what the.. DULL!!!

Kita ubah skit.. kasi dia jadi:

I’d love to work with you. Can you see the advantage I fully explained above?
Here’s what I can do for you. I’ll hold this price for you until
midnight tonight. After that the price goes up by 30%. Your
offer is 100%, no risk, satisfaction guaranteed.
I’m waiting for your call right now. My number is 01229 229 0101.
Call right now. I’ll do the rest...

Baru layan skit... penuh emosi. I'm seriusly nak bekerja dengan company you.
Nampak tak advantage yg saya explain tu.. saya harap awak akan consider betul-betul.

Always remember.. copy with emotion sells better than dull ones.

Our target is to make sales.. lots of them... so find THAT EMOTION and attach it to
your copy. Write with emotion. Important!!

Kedua.. copywriting has no rules. It never had.. and will never had any. Apa maknanya??

Jgn korang igt bila mention copywriting.. mesti ada exact rules kena follow lah.. ada certain
things kena ada. Mengarut jer. 

It’s all about communicating in a personal level with your customer. Anggap mcm korang tgh cakap 
dengan customer ko face-to-face. Anggap mcm dia ada depan ko.. and speaking with you. And then

Artikel / essay / copy korang akan ada flow as if you are talking to them.. they will feel it..
and will most likely make a purchase.. if they can feel your presence talking to them.

Always.. always.. find a little twist to your words. Cari sinonim or whatever.. 

Customer love it.. it makes you sound a little bit different.. or sometimes a LOT different.

Ketiga.. remember. People buy people!! Aku pernah mention somewhere.. kenapa produk
yang Jessica Simpson endorse lebih laku berbanding normal product. The answer is simple..
because people buy people! Ensure yang korang sentiasa gives more value.. sounds more
understanding and so on bila menulis.

Keempat.. always emphasis about "What's In It For Me". Shortcut dia.. WIIFM. Always remember.. no 
one actually pays for a HDTV television set. They pay because they want to WATCH THEIR FAVOURITE 

Nobody also pays for a haircut. They pay simply because they want to look great. We call these 
the art of reading between the lines. We also call this.. HOT BUTTONS!

Always recognize what is the hot buttons of your customer. And always put it to good use.
Hot buttons is something that will make people tick. It can move the emotion of your customer.. make
them feel "Gosh.. I have to get this no matter what happen.." or something like that.

They will buy if they feel like that. So make them feel like that. Find that hot buttons and utilize
it to the maximum.

Kelima.. grabbing attention. Always remember.. we live in a fast society. So go straight to the point. Jangan main-main dengan perkataan berbunga lah itu lah inilah. Customer hate that. I hate that my self.
Jangan langsung main-main atau bercakap banyak benda ngarut. Just.. please.. straight to the point.
You'll make your customer less confuse.. they feel happy.. and they'll buy. Copywriting need to
encompasses the thought that we are living in a fast society. Make it so by writing straight
to the point.

Keenam.. always sell the big advantage. Kasi tahu diorang apa yang diorang dapat kalau dan apa yang 
produk korang boleh buat pada mereka.. and bagi tahu the big one first. Certain people
simpan dulu big advantage produk diorang sampai dah nak hujung baru kasi tahu. Bad move
I would say.. why?? Simple. Apa jadi kalau customer tak baca sampai ke situ pun?? You don't make 
any money then. What happens after that?? You guys jadi depressed.. you guys pun quit. So while 
Kai Kiske, Baron Engrista dan rakan-rakan diorangnaik Ferrari masing-masing.. you all masih lagi
dengan Kelisa menanti di lampu isyarat seberang sana. So.. always remember to sell the big advantage
so you all boleh kasi Kai Kiske dengan Engrista menggeletar skit dengan lamborghini baru korang.

Ketujuh.. always.. take the lead and tell them what to do. Bukan satu idea yang baik untuk 
membiarkan customer korang menunggu.. dan tertanya-tanya.. "What am I supposed to do after this??"

Take the initiative.. let them know what you want them to do. Tell them..

"Okay.. if you ever felt like changing your life with only a push of button.. own
that dream cars you've ever wanted.. buy the dream house you've desired for so long.. then
take this chance now, own this amazing system.. and start changing your life just 2 minutes
from now!!"

Well.. not the brightest copy I've ever written (aku perah idea in only half a minute).. but
aku rasa korang faham maksud aku sekarang??

Kelapan.. headline. Always make sure your headline is something diferent and always attractive.
Tgk contoh ni:

Puvana Sinnasamy's Hair Design
We Are The Towns Top Hair Salon

So.. kita analisis skit:

Puvana Sinnasamy - Cheh.. who cares.. lantaklah kalo George Bush sekalipun.. doesn't make any

We - People don’t care about you. They just want to know what you can do for them

Top - Is that so? Proof it!! All other salon are saying they are the top ones

Kita ubah and tune skit:

I Only Went In For A Trim, I Walked Out
Looking AND Feeling Fantastic!

Sekarang banding.. which one sounds better??

Kesembilan. Sentence. Sebenarnya cara aku menulis post ni salah. But who cares.. as long as 
you all dapat informasi sudah cukup (aku bukan cuba menjual something kan??)

Cara yg betul??

Always ensure yang sentence korang pendek-pendek and straight to the point. Cuba type dan 
pastikan setiap perenggan hanya ada dua sentence if possible. That will keep the flow

Kesepuluh.. headline balik. But this time tips. 

Solution or the product, should always be in the headline. NEVER go for something mysterious, 
that will stop people from reading further into your copy. Get to the point FAST!

Hmm.. okay.. itu basic knowledge jer sebenarnya. Skang kita pergi into something a little
bit advance. Still very basic for the likes of Patric Chan.. but quite advance for most
people here (note I say most.. so kalau korang rasa cam dah tau.. then just keep quite)


- Always understand what goes through buyers mind. I can't stress this enough.

- Tumpukan 80% tumpuan korang terhadap headline.. dan 20% untuk baki copy / artikel korang.
Why?? sebab almost 90% people out there.. never go through the headline!

- Be extra careful untuk exclusion words. Makna aku disini... bila korang buat satu targetted 
landing page.. maka korang secara automatiknya akan exclude certain people.

Contoh.. Ladies.. reduce wrinkles NOW!!

Dalam contoh ni.. maknanya kita dah exclude man and so on dan hanya fokus pada ladies jer..
kalau perlu.. break down lagi contoh kepada old ladies, young ladies and teenager. Dah ada
tiga landers disitu.

- Use the word FREE! (Who can resists FREE?). Careful on this one though, it doesn’t get 
prequalified buyers. Good for opt-ins but sometimes very bad for sales. Use it wisely.

- Masukkan seberapa banyak emotional words yg boleh.. antara contoh termasuklah love, proud, 
baby, etc. Make people feel like you are their friend. Pull them into your copy.

- Brand name in headline (State the product in the headline). People doesn’t read beyond the 
headline but they want to know what you are selling.

- Avoid blind of HUCKSTER headlines. The minute people have to guess about your copy, they’ll 
move on.


- Elakkan penggunaan perkataan negative. Subconcious mind kita tend to pick only negatives 
words.. which is totally bad.

Body Copy Formula

- Cipta satu split personality dalam diri korang.. yg specilized dalam niche tuh. Korang mungkin
tak faham sekarang.. but eventually korang akan faham kelak bila dah kerap buat landing page.
Takpe kalau tak faham.

- Enthusiastic. Learn to love the topic / niche. Be passionate about it.

- Jgn menipu. Buat janji yang korang tau.. akan menjadi. Never ever hyped up on a promise.. atau 
janjikan sesuatu yang korang tau takkan terjadi.

Contoh.. "I guarantee that you will stop smoking in only 25 minutes from now.. or your money back".

Come on guys.. ada ke produk stop smoking 25 minit jer??

- Avoid Generalities. Get specific.

- Be Fascinating. Pull them in. People love to hear stories. Fascinate them.

- Testimonials. Use a testimonials that actually get results. Not something that 
writes a good stuff about us. Customers WANT to know if its WORKING or not. But.. 
kalau korang affiliate (bukan tuan punya produk.. then don't bother with this one). Artikel 
pun tak perlu testimonial.

-Short Paragraph. Keep it 3 or 4 lines per paragraph.

-Add Facts. People love facts. Works great for snapshot copy. People will read 
through when they know about the facts. But jangan over do. Sampai masuk bahasa 
saintifik.. waktu tu memang customer pun pening and bila dey all pening.. 
duit takde la.

- Tambah gambar. This will make your copy stronger and much more captivating. 

Buat masa sekarang ini sahaja. Next time aku akan tambah lagi dari masa ke semasa


  1. (1) find niche
    (2) research niche
    (3) find product and register affiliate
    (4) keyword research
    (5) determine which do you prefer, ppc or bum ways
    (6) create landing page/minisite/articles
    (7) upload and launch
    (8) split test campaign
    (9) evaluate
    (10) rinse and repeat for next niche

  2. Camne nak cari Niche yang bleh mendatangkan keuntungan..ada 6 faktor yang tidak akan gagal..

    1. factor 1 (Mind Share)
    Kaji dan selidik masalah yang selalu nya disebut2 oleh org sekurang2nya 2 kali dalam sehari..jika ada maksudnya itu adalah niche yang hungry..

    2. factor 2 (emotional temperature)
    Sudah semesti nya jika ada masalah yang selalu dibincangkan akan mendatangkan kita bleh drive diaorg ke high level of emotion..

    3. factor 3 (Do Do they talk about it?)
    bila ada org yang membincangkan sesuatu masalah sudah pasti ada forum2 atau discussion group..cuba cari forum2 yg dimaksudkan dan lihat sendiri kehangatan topik yg diperbincangkan..mungkin kita akan dapat idea dari sana tentang keperluan dalam niche tersebut..

    4. factor 4 (Cost of entry)
    maksudnya disini adalah berapa banyak kos yang diperlukan utk keperluan niche tsebut..Contohnya jika kita ambil "bagaimana nak menjadi pemain golf yg professional"..kos yang diperlukan amat lah tinggi tetapi permintaan masih tinggi kerana ramai org yang sanggup menghabiskan wangnya untuk mencapai kepuasan mereka sendiri..

    begitu juga dengan niche yg berkaitan dengan sanggup membeli walau setinggi mana kos yg diperlukan utk sebarang ubat/cara/penyelesaian jika ia dapat membantu..that still have hot button..

    5. factor 5 (Who else want some?)
    disini menjelaskan siapakah pesaing kita..kita bleh search pada google utk niche yg kita buat..contoh "is my husband/boyfriend cheating?" atau "find name of cell number"..resultnya both of those ARE PACKED with adword's maksudnya we got a positive niche factor 5!..

    6. factor 6 (what is their disposition)
    disini aku kurang paham perkataan tuh...kalau ada saper yg bleh jelaskan dialu2kan sgt..dan aper yg diterangkan ialah sesuatu niche adalah diibaratkan lebih bernilai dari sesuatu yg amat bharga atau berpengaruh..Contohnya; org tidak hanya mencari ubat secara online kerana mereka lebih suka merujuk kepada yg pakar iaitu doktor,

    jadi "they just want free info". so apa yg perlu disini adalah selidik ape yg mereka hendak, kenapa ia bleh berlaku n bgaimana nak selesaikan or how to deal with dengan cara merasai seperti mereka rasai dengan 3F iaitu FEEL, FELT, FOUND..
    Contohnya masalah seperti "how to repair your credit" - cara merasainya adalah, I understand how ur FEEL..I FELT the same way..But I FOUND was..lebih kurang macam tu lah..

    dari kesimpulan yang aku nampak disini kalau nak lihat potensi produk di clickbank kenelah base pada 6 factor niche that never fail nih..sebab bukan produk yang paling penting tapi the way of solution yang kita drive them in..

    itu saja buat tatapan dan perkongsian ilmu dari saya..bukan apa just nak practice buat artikel and nak blajar dari aper yg korang komen nnt..sure ada org komen nyer..kekeke..

  3. bukan pmr next week ke..?? fokus sana dulu daa... pastu dtg sini balik.. adus ko ni, seminggu 2 je exam ko tuh..

    aku suggest la, jgn copy n paste.. better ko adekan 1 buku, ko tulis.. sbb bile tulis, kite mudah ingat, mudah recall, mudah apply.. macam aku buat utk pmr.. hehehe.. tp betul ar adek, nu ha, pmr tu dulu.. sabar2 yer.. tanggungjawab sbg anak and student kene jage gak..

    ingat2kan saja...

    Yay.. ya.. ya.. aku pun ada. Yippeeee... aku kasi nama buku aku 'My Internet Diary'. Wahahaha..
    poyo kan?? But buku tu tak pernah terpisah daripada aku. Kecil jer.. mcm notepad. But aku bawa
    kemana sahaja aku pergi sebab idea aku selalu datang waktu aku tak jangka.

    Ada sekali tuh.. aku tgh main Initial D Stage 3 dekat Queensbay.. tetiba idea datang.. aku stop main
    aku bawak keluar notepad dan tulis idea dulu. And sebab itu... aku kalah that battle and winning streak
    aku habis.. terus aura pelangi hilang.. tinggal aura biasa jer kat Evo aku... sedey aku.

    QUOTE (autorave @ Oct 10 2008, 01:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    okay, aku nak tanya lak. smile.gif

    kalo tengok gambar kat atas tu, iklan yang sebelah kiri (headline biru) tu iklan dari Adwords ke?
    aku dah perati, kenapa tak ada 'Ads by Google' ..??
    Aku suspek iklan tu iklan buat sendiri, bukan Adsense/Adwords.
    Ye ke...???

    Keciknya gambar ko.. tak nampak aku.

    QUOTE (autorave @ Oct 10 2008, 01:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Pasal Article lak...

    Okay... aku dah tgk artikel Travis Sago kat ezinearticle -keyword 'how to put music on psp'.
    Dia hantar 6 artikel je bagi niche nie.
    Artikel tu dia submit tahun 2006.
    Link ke landing page dia dah tak berfungsi - Page Load Error!
    And damn..! that article still get 1st listing on Google..!! with 58,937 views...!!

    Is it because of the power of BACKLINKS...??

    Backlink ni.. istilah yg digunapakai untuk merujuk kepada berapa banyak link
    dari luar diterima oleh website / artikel tuh.

    Tapi kalau article Travis tahun dia mula tuh masih nombor #1.. maknanya article
    tuh mmg legend la.

    Ko postkan article tuh punya link ke sini dan keyword apa ko type
    untuk akses article dia?? Mmg 'how to put music on psp' atau ada keyword lain??

    QUOTE (autorave @ Oct 10 2008, 01:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


  4. Last thing...
    Keyword untuk Adwords dan Artikel ni sama penting ke?
    Sebab untuk Adwords, leh letak berpuluh2 keyword...
    tapi utk artikel ruangan tu biasanya tak banyak...
    kalo ikut Kai Kiske kata letak tak lebih 16 words saja..

    Wau.. dahsyat.. aku punya adword tak pernah lebih 5 keyword (tak termasuk "" dgn [] )

    Sebenarnya adword mmg boleh taruk berapa banyak keyword pun... but kita bukan
    main malaysian-scene.. kita main antarabangsa.. so certain technique kena implement
    untuk ensure yg kita sentiasa buat duit. Salah satunya adalah relevancy.

    Untuk capai relevancy tahap dewa yang Wunan pun gagal nak capai (haa.. Wunan
    pun sebelum jadi Maharaja Bumi main adword tau.. tapi bankrup.. tu yg dia emo dia
    bunuh bapak dia Paichow dan adik dia Bu-er. Rakan-rakan.. jgn jadi mcm Wunan ye)...

    kita kena ensure kita punya adgroup are... well.. tighly grouped and super targetted. Sebab
    aku tak buat kerja gila mcm Kai Kiske and Phoenixwunin buat (spend almost USD 100 to USD 150
    just to know the market).. so pada aku.. relevancy is everything.

    Kawan-kawan.. jgn makan aku ye...

    Selalunya aku akan pisahkan keyword based on 3+ common keyword..
    and they each akan dimasukkan dalam diorang punya respective adgroup.. even if it means only
    2 keywords in that adgroup.

    QUOTE (SliCePinDaze @ Oct 10 2008, 03:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Hmm..kalau ikut apa yg korang terangkan tu..mengikut fahaman akulah dari cite korang..try kay..jika aku do way in BUM Marketing, split testing aku adalah ibarat lakukan artikel yg berlainan bagi setiap produk la....dan tgk result artikel mana yg lebih mguntungkan akan aku teruskan dan yg tidak aku scratchkan..begitu ?? tapi tak bleh ker kalau aku just buat split testing aku pada landing page dan minisite aku???

    You are talking based on rules. But.. there are no rules in this business.. so ko
    skang tgh kena bound dan membuatkan pemikiran ko.. kurang kreatif LOL.

    Ko nak split testing apa pun.. tak yah pikir banyak.. buat jer. Kalau rasa
    do-able.. then do it. Experience the flow and concept.. experiment and
    who knows.. ko mungkin akan jadi someone else yang membuat konsep
    baru kelak.

    Split testing in terms of article. Kita tgk dari beberapa aspek.

    Ko mungkin boleh buat testing group of keyword.. taip 10 artikel
    untuk first group and another 10 for second group. And then tgk..
    yg mana lebih berkesan in terms of SEO.. or maybe sales??

    But then.. aku sendiri mengaku aku tak pernah buat split testing
    article.. tak tau apa yg nak di split testing kan


  5. Last thing...
    Keyword untuk Adwords dan Artikel ni sama penting ke?
    Sebab untuk Adwords, leh letak berpuluh2 keyword...
    tapi utk artikel ruangan tu biasanya tak banyak...
    kalo ikut Kai Kiske kata letak tak lebih 16 words saja..

    Wau.. dahsyat.. aku punya adword tak pernah lebih 5 keyword (tak termasuk "" dgn [] )

    Sebenarnya adword mmg boleh taruk berapa banyak keyword pun... but kita bukan
    main malaysian-scene.. kita main antarabangsa.. so certain technique kena implement
    untuk ensure yg kita sentiasa buat duit. Salah satunya adalah relevancy.

    Untuk capai relevancy tahap dewa yang Wunan pun gagal nak capai (haa.. Wunan
    pun sebelum jadi Maharaja Bumi main adword tau.. tapi bankrup.. tu yg dia emo dia
    bunuh bapak dia Paichow dan adik dia Bu-er. Rakan-rakan.. jgn jadi mcm Wunan ye)...

    kita kena ensure kita punya adgroup are... well.. tighly grouped and super targetted. Sebab
    aku tak buat kerja gila mcm Kai Kiske and Phoenixwunin buat (spend almost USD 100 to USD 150
    just to know the market).. so pada aku.. relevancy is everything.

    Kawan-kawan.. jgn makan aku ye...

    Selalunya aku akan pisahkan keyword based on 3+ common keyword..
    and they each akan dimasukkan dalam diorang punya respective adgroup.. even if it means only
    2 keywords in that adgroup.


  6. QUOTE (SliCePinDaze @ Oct 10 2008, 03:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Hmm..kalau ikut apa yg korang terangkan tu..mengikut fahaman akulah dari cite korang..try kay..jika aku do way in BUM Marketing, split testing aku adalah ibarat lakukan artikel yg berlainan bagi setiap produk la....dan tgk result artikel mana yg lebih mguntungkan akan aku teruskan dan yg tidak aku scratchkan..begitu ?? tapi tak bleh ker kalau aku just buat split testing aku pada landing page dan minisite aku???

    You are talking based on rules. But.. there are no rules in this business.. so ko
    skang tgh kena bound dan membuatkan pemikiran ko.. kurang kreatif LOL.

    Ko nak split testing apa pun.. tak yah pikir banyak.. buat jer. Kalau rasa
    do-able.. then do it. Experience the flow and concept.. experiment and
    who knows.. ko mungkin akan jadi someone else yang membuat konsep
    baru kelak.

    Split testing in terms of article. Kita tgk dari beberapa aspek.

    Ko mungkin boleh buat testing group of keyword.. taip 10 artikel
    untuk first group and another 10 for second group. And then tgk..
    yg mana lebih berkesan in terms of SEO.. or maybe sales??

    But then.. aku sendiri mengaku aku tak pernah buat split testing
    article.. tak tau apa yg nak di split testing kan

  7. Orait.. kita semua tahu akan kewujudan satu blueprint pasal $1 million dollar blueprint yang K&C release kepada umum dalam Wealthy Affiliate.

    Apa dia blueprint tu??

    Blueprint itu sebenarnya di buat oleh Kyle & Carson untuk jadi panduan bagi semua warga Wealthy Affiliate untuk dive into the most expensive and lucrative industry out there... "Weight Loss" industry.

    Blueprint tu dah outline kan a lot of research information dan sebagainya dalam itu.. dari beribu-ribu keywords dah sedia untuk di gunakan saja (more than 7000++ to be exact).. a lot of sales angle perspective ready to be tackled.. information within about possible niches on that industry.. dan cukup banyak maklumat berkenaan hot buttons tentang 'weight loss'.

    Memang tempting kan??? Cukup-cukup mengkagumkan.. sebab dengan hanya menggunakan this particular '$1 Million Dollar Blueprint'.. maka semua warga WA dah literally eliminate the full need of research. Semua maklumat dalam blueprint tu hanya boleh diperolehi kalau you all spend more than a month researching.. atau at least a week of super focussed and extensive researched (especially the keywords).

    Yes.. very tempting.

    A brief comment on this so called blueprint from me...

    Walaupun nampak sangat super-tempting dan seolah-olah jalan terbaik untuk mulakan perjalanan you all semua ke arah kejayaan... DON'T EVER DIVE INTO "WEIGHT LOSS" industry dan guna blueprint itu.

    Purpose utama $1 million blueprint adalah untuk promote produk milik K&C sendiri.. iaitu 'Strip That Fat'. Memang ok tak ada masalah.. tapi ia jadi masalah bila more than 400++ are promoting the same stuff.

    Korang dalam ni... takkan buat satu sen pun duit kalau buat Weight Loss sekarang.

    Walaupun maklumat yang K&C bagi dah lengkap... tapi it IS used by literally hundreds or perhaps thousands of others outside.. not to mention the leakage to non-WA members (promote kpd kawan lah bagi free kat member etc.. these guys are hopeless).

    Basically to say... sales angle dalam tu dah terlampau saturated.. and always.. it is never a good idea to do what millions of other people out there do.

    Unless korang dah ada sales angle and perspective korang sendiri.. which I believe is simply amazing kalau you all ada (maksud nya.. mustahil untuk korang ada sales angle and aim sendiri sebab you all semua ramai yang belum buat first sale pun.. dalam erti kata lain.. NO EXPERIENCE!!)

    Guna $1 million dollar blueprint by K&C tu takkan jadikan korang berjaya. You have to at least earn a steady income from another niche using the method taught in WA first supaya korang ada ilmu yang sepatutnya untuk beat those other hopeless marketers yang dependent pada '$1 Million Blueprint' untuk buat niche mereka.

    Macam aku kata di atas... you all boleh promote dalam niche weight loss dan guna '$1 Million Dollar Blueprint' itu kalau you all get a little bit creative.. dan attack niche ni dari different perspective.

    But even so... aku sangat-sangat tak rekomen untuk jadikan niche weight loss sebagai niche newbie. Maksudnya.. tak newbie friendly.


  8. Ada tiga niche yang aku literally doesn't allow my student untuk sentuh masa dia bermula.. that is:

    1) Money Making Niche
    2) Weight Loss
    3) Dating

    Tiga niche ni adalah killer niche.. yang cukup banyak duit di habiskan dalam ini.. tapi juga killer.. sebab banyak membunuh newbie yang baru bermula.

    Most newbie yang tak cukup creative.. atau tak ada pengalaman macam ana nak tackle 3 niche ni.. kerap end-up frustrated dengan duit habis banyak (bila guna PPC).

    These three niches memang aku tak galakkan langsung untuk newbies mula...

    Kalau serius.. mula dengan niche lain...

    Ada berjuta-juta niche lain di dunia ni yang you all boleh target. Cukup banyak. Jangan limitkan perspective korang pada weight loss / make money / dating.

    Kalau nak buat juga... boleh.. tapi amount tracking dan research yang you all akan employ dan perlu belajar membuatkan ia menjadi cabaran yang teramat besar buat anda... so baik mula dari bawah. Buat niche lain dulu sebelum dive into weight loss / make money / dating.

    Heed my words and you all will be fine on your journey to millions of dollars.

    Another thing...

    Aku sangat-sangat recommend you all untuk tidak mula niche marketing guna PPC. Buat guna free method dulu. Study dan fahamkan betul-betul free method macam mana nak buat.. dan guna free method.

    Jangan terus jump kepada PPC.. 90% newbie marketers loss a hell lot of money bila mereka decide untuk terus jump PPC.

    Yes aku tahu... Phoenixwunin jump terus PPC masa dia mula... well.. dia adalah antara 10% yang succeed terus masa buat PPC first time. It can be you all as well.. but if I were you guys.. aku akan buat BUM Marketing dulu sebab:

    1) FREE METHOD!!! Who doesn't like free.. laugh.gif
    2) Early revelation on a lot of things and knowledge within this business model.. with literally nothing to lose yet a lot to gain.
    3) Banyak ilmu boleh belajar.. and bila korang mula PPC kelak.. everything will be a breeze.

    Mungkin ada yang bertanya.. kalau you all decide untuk dengar cakap aku dan buat BUM.. berapa lama baru boleh main PPC.. atau berapa lama baru sesuai untuk main PPC??

    Average around 3 months lepas korang mula BUM Marketing. At least itu yang murid aku achieve (not the brightest person as well... dia 19 tahun.. tapi exam di sekolah dia sucks.. budak England.. memang aku berani jamin.. korang lagi pandai daripada dia.. tapi sekarang earn USD 750 average per day all using BUM.. all because of his effort to learn and do things).

    Dia mula dengan BUM.. earn first sale selepas 29 hari menulis artikel sebanyak 5 per day... dan selepas 3 bulan aku suruh dia main PPC.. dan dia berjaya.. dengan jayanya.

  9. Ada tiga niche yang aku literally doesn't allow my student untuk sentuh masa dia bermula.. that is:

    1) Money Making Niche
    2) Weight Loss
    3) Dating

    Tiga niche ni adalah killer niche.. yang cukup banyak duit di habiskan dalam ini.. tapi juga killer.. sebab banyak membunuh newbie yang baru bermula.

    Most newbie yang tak cukup creative.. atau tak ada pengalaman macam ana nak tackle 3 niche ni.. kerap end-up frustrated dengan duit habis banyak (bila guna PPC).

    These three niches memang aku tak galakkan langsung untuk newbies mula...

    Kalau serius.. mula dengan niche lain...

    Ada berjuta-juta niche lain di dunia ni yang you all boleh target. Cukup banyak. Jangan limitkan perspective korang pada weight loss / make money / dating.

    Another thing...

    Aku sangat-sangat recommend you all untuk tidak mula niche marketing guna PPC. Buat guna free method dulu. Study dan fahamkan betul-betul free method macam mana nak buat.. dan guna free method.

    Jangan terus jump kepada PPC.. 90% newbie marketers loss a hell lot of money bila mereka decide untuk terus jump PPC.

    Yes aku tahu... Phoenixwunin jump terus PPC masa dia mula... well.. dia adalah antara 10% yang succeed terus masa buat PPC first time. It can be you all as well.. but if I were you guys.. aku akan buat BUM Marketing dulu sebab:

    1) FREE METHOD!!! Who doesn't like free.. laugh.gif
    2) Early revelation on a lot of things and knowledge within this business model.. with literally nothing to lose yet a lot to gain.
    3) Banyak ilmu boleh belajar.. and bila korang mula PPC kelak.. everything will be a breeze.

    Mungkin ada yang bertanya.. kalau you all decide untuk dengar cakap aku dan buat BUM.. berapa lama baru boleh main PPC.. atau berapa lama baru sesuai untuk main PPC??

  10. Average around 3 months lepas korang mula BUM Marketing. At least itu yang murid aku achieve (not the brightest person as well... dia 19 tahun.. tapi exam di sekolah dia sucks.. budak England.. memang aku berani jamin.. korang lagi pandai daripada dia.. tapi sekarang earn USD 750 average per day all using BUM.. all because of his effort to learn and do things).

    Dia mula dengan BUM.. earn first sale selepas 29 hari menulis artikel sebanyak 5 per day... dan selepas 3 bulan aku suruh dia main PPC.. dan dia berjaya.. dengan jayanya.

    Dia mula dengan BUM.. earn first sale selepas 29 hari menulis artikel sebanyak 5 per day... dan selepas 3 bulan aku suruh dia main PPC.. dan dia berjaya.. dengan jayanya.

    betul2, aku setuju dengan baron. sbb aku pun ngah buat BUM marketing. bagi pendapat aku kelebihan BUM ni adalah.. (walaupun lambat tp still worth it ryt?)
    2.masa yg diambil utk dpt 1st sale melalui bum ni leyh gune utk dpt knowlge lain.dpt serap btul2 ilmu tu.tak lah kecamuk nak buat tu la nak buat ni la.
    3.effect yg agak lame sbb klu artikel kite stay dlm listing google, lagi lame la kite dipromote,secara free,so dah takpayah wat keje sgt dah. tp klu PPC, walaupun result cepat, tp kalau 1 hari die tak iklankan ads die, die tak dpt buat sale pun.

    itu yg paling aku suke bab BUM marketing nih.

    baron, nak tanye sikit,
    1.budak tu submit 5 artikel per day tu utk niche yg same ke?
    2.lpas 29 hari tu,lpas start dpt sales tu, die still submit 5 artikel setiap hari lagi ke atau pun boleh pakai teori no 3 aku kt atas tu??

    *alang2 nk tanye, kalau kite hantar 1 artikel yg same(yg kite wat sendiri lah) ke banyak2 web yg page rank tinggi, boleh ke..? sbb time aku wat adsense dulu, itu yg aku buat. cepat gak di index.ade 1 tuh pernah dlm 24 jam diindex, seingat aku lah. tapi nape aku cm dgr2 kene wat artikel2 yg berlainan utk setiap web2 tuh..? web2 tuh mcm digg,ezinearticle,propeller,reddit,squidoo n etc.

    bukan ape bro, sbb cmni tau. dulu aku wat adsense, 1 artikel je, tp submit kat bnyk tmpat. 1 lagi, ade software yg ley submit kan artikel kite tu kat bnyk2 tempat klu malas sgt. even sape name tu, otai adsense tu, mat cellen ape tah lupe name die. brad callen. aduh, lupe, die ade buat software article submitter. software2 cmtu mcm ni je, buat 1 artikel then submit kat 100,200 ke bape web tah.

    satu lagi, klu kite ubah2 sikit structure die pun, still not worth it unless kite ubah artikel kite dalam 30%. barulah artikel kite jadi unique and seo akan detect kite nyer tuh as a new and unique content. tu ape yg aku belajar time buat adsense dulu la. even time buat artikel kat AC pun, klu aku tak ubah dalam 30%, mesti AC dapat detect article tu aku amek dari website mane and aku nyer artikel xdpt byrn.

    so, bg pendapat aku la, tak yah ubah ape2 pun takpe dalam artikel tu asalkan at the first place, kite kene pastikan kite artikel tu unique, new and kite wat sendiri la.

    ape pendapat2 korang sekalian..? ade org2 yg pernah buat adsense tak dulu..? bukan ni ke care nye utk submit artikel?

    kalau betul (and aku rase betul), mudah sikit keje kite, sbb lpas wat artikel, dah msk link affiliate dlm tu, kite just submit artikel tu ke bnyk2 web atau pakai je artikel submitter.

  11. progress aku hari ni:
    15. hantar borang PB visa elektron beserta IC fotostat pakai poslaju
    16. baca beberapa contoh sales copy alan forrest smith
    17. belajar buat landing page part HEADLINE

    ni aktiviti latihan aku membuat headline

    Headline asal -->

    (nama produk) - A New Way to Cure (nama penyakit)

    Headline selepas bagi weight (pemberat) -->

    A Phenomenally Easy New Way of (nama produk) You Can Use To Forever Cure Your (nama penyakit) That nearly Ruined Your Precious Happy Life

    Can I tell you about this (nama produk)? Well, before that...

    I want to tell you about MY own story first. Yep, I am also a ( nama penyakit) sufferer. Just about 4 month ago, I am feeling as painful as you, suffering almost every night calling out loud OH G*D PLEASE TAKE AWAY THIS (nama penyakit) AWAY FROM ME. Believe me, you really know how I feel about all this (nama penyakit). My head is bla bla bla, I can't breath without taking my medicine. My body is too sick of this (nama penyakit) and the side effect of the horribly tasted medicine that only hide the symptoms of (nama penyakit) temporarily really sucks.

    Have you ever done this? Seeking help from self help program only to find out you need to take hundred years of time before it shows only a little progress...

    after all of this madness I have been through, I said enuf is enuf! I nearly killed myself when suddenly just like an angel have whispered to my ears that(4 month ago) monday morning, I stumbled upon this one particular website that claim to teach new stuff to cure my (nama penyakit) then... the rest is history. I cured myself just by learning the (nama produk). In fact I can give you prove after this.

    buy (nama produk) now
    ---konon2 ni link suruh beli, kepada mod ini bukan link betul, saje2 je---


    Can this (nama produk) also cure you? Lets look at what (nama produk) can give you

    1. benefit
    2. benefit
    3. benefit
    4. lebih banyak benefit.. etc etc

    and so on...

    one time offer/bonus/discount


    call for action


  12. a sales letter aimed at lawyers and doctors would contain very different language to one aimed at car mechanics or pizza delivery people.You see how the language would have to be different?
    Always research your target market and find out about them. It’s no good using long words and flowery sentences if your target audience will not understand them. Likewise, it won’t help yoursales if you are condescending towards highly intelligent, high paid professional

  13. for me,better masukkan sedikit picture atau apa yg related to the product

    picture speaks 1000 words,and customer yang datang akan lebih tertarik,the less explaination the best,tapi make sure its compact,put some evidence yang boleh di cari dari end usage of the product,example acne treatment,put some pic of the user yang have acne treatment to compare the result using the product

    my 10 cents opinions

    im going to make an advertise about :

    1.How to choose your baby's gender

    target market is for couple or marriage couple,the hit is kinda impresive and the research i've been made show that alot of couple like to decide the gender of the baby

    this is only my newbie statement and im going to develop a site using blogspot which blogspot also have their own domain,it's only cot usd10 per/year and the good thing about blogspot is..its related to google and its easier to 'catch' the traffic..

    can i ask something?can we just copy the template from the product website?its legal for us to do so?

    once again,this is my 10 cents opinions..please do critics me or give me an idea so i can make an improvement

    Halu Sacred_Hunter... lama tak dengar
    khabar. Pekabar bro??

    Nak guna template boleh.. no problem.
    But kalau ko promote ko nyer website
    through PPC.. then tak boleh.

    Sebab Google nak unique content
    dan ini termasuklah template sendiri.

    Aku dah pernah kena sound dgn google
    yg mengatakan aku copy bulat-bulat
    product owner punya website walaupun
    ayat adalah aku sendiri punya.

    But.. at the same time.. aku banyak kali
    terserempak dengan affiliate yg guna
    template product owner dan dengan selamba
    hatinya promote di PPC tanpa sebarang

    Tak pasti samada kes terpencil atau
    google ter'overlook' ke hapa ke. But to
    be on the safe side.. better ko jgn buatlah.

    Tapi.. kalau ko nak buat article marketing
    aka BUM.. then takde masalah. Asalkan
    product owner izinkan.. then you are good
    to go (most of the time diorang akan izinkan..
    sebab niat kita adalah untuk bring in more
    sales for them.

    How to choose your baby gender mmg unique..
    aku suka idea tuh.

    But pastikan betul-betul yang memang ada orang
    spend duit dalam niche tuh. Kalau tak rugi.

    And.. kalau betul ada orang spend duit dalam tuh..
    aku rasa ko baru jer stumble dgn goldmine engko..
    pasal niche tu boleh tahan specific and unique nya.

    Aku igt lagi.. salah satu niche Dominant Star yang
    buat dia banyak gila duit.. adalah niche yg unique
    dan tak siapa jangka boleh jadi lombong emas
    mcm ni la.. exactly mcm ko punya.. cuma beza
    skit jer.. tapi under industry 'Pet' la.

    QUOTE (KeH @ Oct 17 2008, 12:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    ewww sacred hunter pon ade la hehe

    blogspot vs wordpress

    aku rasa better wordpress(domain sendiri) since bnyk plugin2 yg ko leh guna spt seo opt etc. rasanya google love wordpress more thn any other blogs


  14. sacred hunter sapa tak kenal..

    veteren tuh..

    welcome bro.. apa-apa kami boleh tolong..
    for sure kami akan tolong.

    QUOTE (Looi @ Oct 17 2008, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Thanks for the suggestion
    I was not promoting anything
    just sharing the technique of getting rid negative thinking in us..
    can't find that product in Clickbank...LOL laugh.gif

    If you can't find any products related to your
    niche in Clickbank.. you might want to try
    searching for independent niche program for it.

    Just type in:

    affiliate + niche

    affiliate program + niche

    or put the niche in front as in:

    niche + affiliate

    niche + affiliate program

    For example.. if I'm doing law of attraction..
    I will type in:

    affiliate + law of attraction

    affiliate program + law of attraction

    law of attraction + affiliate

    law of attraction + affiliate program

    Additionally.. you might want to put your niche
    in quote marks as this will ensure that google
    will search for the words exactly as it is.. meaning..
    it will scan the page for the exact words of
    law of attraction.

    Example of this would be:

    "law of attraction" + affiliate program


    affiliate program + "law of attraction"

    QUOTE (BrainDeadAngel @ Oct 17 2008, 02:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    bro looi...
    i think you might find that concept relatively similar to that of the Law of Attraction.
    try finding the product for that.

    Law of attraction it self boleh dikategorikan
    sebagai industry sekarang ni.

    Dulu ia adalah niche under mind power or
    whatever jer la.. tapi sekarang dah terlalu
    banyak pula niche yang muncul within it..
    membuatkan ia seolah-olah dah jadi a
    whole new industry by itself.

    Sebagai contoh.. kita ada:

    Mind Movie
    Law of attraction to attract wealth
    Attract Love
    Attract health
    Attract successful business


  15. yada.. yada..

    Banyaklah. So kalau nak target or pick
    law of attraction.. pastikan you guys
    are on the right track untuk ensure
    yg customer boleh relate dgn korang.

    Aku juga suka nak kategorikan
    'Law of attraction' sebagai
    salah satu daripada recession
    proof niche.

    Maybe ramai otai might disagree
    dgn aku... but tgk dari perspektif ini:

    Law of attraction promises help in
    finding abundance and happiness in

    Also.. if looked from a broad
    and general perspective.. law of
    attraction simply promises human
    beings happiness if they practice it
    (as in.. when we finally get what we
    wish for.. we feel satisfied and HAPPY).

    Kalau korang study Aristotle punya
    falsafah... dia banyak kali mention
    dalam buku dia yang human is
    constantly looking for happiness.

    Everything they do and strive for..
    all revolve around their search for
    the ultimate satisfaction and happiness.

    Be it helping others to succeed.. or
    scamming others to gain more money..
    or perhaps just a simple act of playing

    All of these revolves around happiness.

    So.. assuming teori encik Aristotle adalah
    betul.. then this can be a very valuable
    information for those doing niche marketing.


    Simply because it has provided us with
    a new means of looking for the ultimate
    hot buttons and emotional triggers there
    is within human beings.. that WILL make
    them tick and buy.

    Happiness mcm aku cakap tadi penting
    sebab based on Aristotle.. most manusia..
    hidup nya revolve around this.

    Which means.. search for happiness can be
    categorized as another 'recession proof niche'
    where people WILL spend money no matter
    how thin their wallet will be.

    Law of attraction and all its sub-niches..
    most of the time.. provide happiness
    to the person within the niche.

    Which means Law of attraction is a recession
    proof niche in my humblest opinion.

    Of course la.. jgn gatal pergi tulis dalam
    landing page:

    "Are you a person looking for happiness?? Struggling to make yourself happy and problem free?? If yes.. then checkout what I have to offer you!!

    Jgn buat kerja mcm ni (although aku masih
    rasa nak test jugak landing page yang based
    on happiness.. silap-silap ada juga sales
    siapa tahu kan??)

    Just based search for emotional trigger tuh
    and relate them to happiness.


  16. Another example of my method would be:

    - A successfull business owners. What makes them
    so happy?? The answer is more sales.

    - A depressed man with no job. What makes him
    so happy?? His life back!!

    And yada.. and yada.. and yada.. lalala.

    OK lah.. byk sgt merepek. Saja nak share
    approach aku.. tu jer.

    Padahal awalnya nak explain pasal possibilities
    law of attraction jer.. tak sangka boleh melalut
    ke tahap ni.. LOL..

    QUOTE (Looi @ Oct 17 2008, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    bro BrainDeadAngel, I m not bro

    I think it's more related to yoga n stuff like that...

    Yea, trying to find. thanx o!

    Yoga and stuff like that seems to be a good
    idea.. though I'm not sure how recession
    proof it is.. but it can be considered under
    'natural health' industry.. the one that brings
    in more than USD 20 million in Canada alone
    through internet (which means.. people like us
    Internet marketers).

    Might be worth it for you to try..

    Wish you luck.. smile.gif

    QUOTE (Uwais Al-Qarani @ Oct 17 2008, 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Salam,hehe,kenal ek korang ngan aku,terharu jugak,aku nie bukan sapo2..huhu,just someone that trying hard to change my old life..

    wordpress aku x berapa mahir nak menggunakan nya,nanti aku minta adik aku tlong develope website,bnyk site yg company owner tu(ebooks owner) aku nampak simple tapi memang menyakinkan,contoh macam side choose baby gender tu,sehinggakan aku pun sanggup untuk membelinya,dengan jaminan 100% guaranteed kita akan dapat memilih gender baby,aku rasa peluang market agak cerah(x taw lar apa pandangan otai)lagipun aku x berapa mahir menggunakan BUM and untuk mencari hit tu

    sekarang nie plan aku untuk research,maybe take a month for the research before aku start develope side,kalau develope pun mungkin just dummy site untuk testing market plan aku,insyaAllah

    *menunggu pandangan dari otai2..finixwin,Crimson star kei and others master...aku perlukan mentor,real life mentor face to face

    Sebulan lama sangat.. ko dah boleh
    buat produk sendiri kalau research
    sampai sebulan.

    Try it this way instead.. siapkan jer mini-site
    while at the same time research.

    Mini-site tak memerlukan research sgt.. just sedikit
    pengetahuan berkenaan niche tu dah mencukupi.

    Apa yang penting for research adalah landing
    page. Itu jgn construct lagi. Research kasi cukup

    Buat mini site dan tentukan hala tuju mini-site
    ko dulu (ko nak offer free content ke.. authority
    site terhadap a couple more mini-site ko ke.. or
    simply a site for Quality Score purpose??)

    And then baru mula dgn landing page.
