Sunday, September 1, 2013

Bakal Jutawan Melayu Jangan Mudah Panik Ok

Panic!! Panic!! And Panic!!

So you guys panic.. tak tahu nak mula dari mana.. 
tak tahu nak take action dengan apa.. basically.. tak tahu nak buat apa dan macam mana nak mula correct??

Common problem.. aku tahu perasaan dia. Sebab aku dah 
lalui semuanya..

Solutionnya?? Susah nak cakap. Tak ada exact solution 
yang betul-betul sesuai untuk setiap masalah.. but ingat juga.. bahawasanya.. tiada masalah di dunia ini 
yang tiada penyelesaian yang bersesuaian smile.gif

Bagi mereka yang dah join 'Wealthy Affiliate'.. langkah 
paling pantas untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini adalah 
dengan meng'klik' button Panic yang terdapat dalam panel 
WA anda.. mcm ni rupa dia:

Bagi yang belum / tak join.. don't fret. Don't panic. 
Relax.. take a deep breath. And buat slow-slow.. kayuh 

Kali ni aku nak address satu masalah sebab apa ramai 
panic.. panic and panic when it comes to this business. 

Masalah panic dan tak tahu nak mula / nak buat macam mana 
ni.. selalunya boleh di associate kan dengan kegagalan 
korang untuk memahami sesuatu topik atau perkara itu.. 
yang mana cukup kerap terjadi bila korang terdedah dengan 
banyak maklumat. 

Most of the time.. ini terjadi bila korang di dedahkan dengan 
terlalu banyak cara buat duit sampai korang tak tahu yang mana 
korang patut pilih.. and later leads to 'Suspended Dissestence' 
atau dalam bahasa mudahnya 'Procrastination' or in Malay.. confuse.

Banyak kali kami cerita.. when someone is in confusion.. he will 
procarstinate.. and that will leads to no money being made. Not good..

Aku takkan address semua faktor-faktor ini.. tetapi secara 
specifik akan menyentuh tentang each step yang terkandung 
dalam business model ini secara general (aik?? Tadi kata spesifik??). 

Maknanya.. spesifik sentuh tentang topik ini iaitu step-step 
dalam niche marketing.. tapi general sebab dalam niche marketing 
sendiri ada banyak cara dan perspektif untuk lihat semua model-model
business attack plan yang ada.. but this time for the sake of making 
clear what is it that can be expected from this business.. kita akan 
lihat satu persatu apa yang ada secara berperingkat.. dalam niche 
marketing ini.


Basically.. tak kiralah berapa banyak pun benda atau bahan 
bacaan yang korang dah baca... most of the time untuk mula niche 
business.. korang
akan lalui phase-phase atau peringkat-peringkat 
berikut. It will always start with these.

Phase 1 - Introductory Phase

Fasa ini adalah peringkat dimana korang akan find the niche.. 
find the product to promote and test if the niche is profitable or not.

-Find a niche to promote.
-Research the niche and see if there's any demand for it.
-See if the niche is profitable or not.

One of the interesting point in this phase is 'see if the niche 
is profitable or not'. Most will wonder how.

Ada banyak cara untuk tengok samada niche itu profitable or not. 
Antaranya termasukla:

-Buat satu test landing page.. and draw traffic ke arah landing page itu.
-Buat direct linking terus ke merchant's web page.
-Set-up a Squidoo lens as a landing page.. and draw traffic masuk ke lens itu.

and many more..

However.. aku personally tak berapa buat sangat step-step berkenaan 
tengok kalau-kalau niche itu profitable atau tidak. Sebab aku malas tongue.gif

Apa yang aku buat adalah.. straight away jump into a proven niche 
that is making money.. and compete with other player straight away 
in that niche. There are times when I failed.. but when I succeed.. 
I succeed and make it big. 

The point to I'd like to make is.. even if you do it and can't see 
any results yet.. just keep on going. If you fired 100 bullets.. 
at least one is bound to hit the target (though that is very unlikely.. 
at least 30 will). 

Remember this and you will succeed.

Phase 2 - Create Your Own Office and Shop

Now we come to the next stage which is mini-site and landing page. 

So korang dah baca 'Beating Adwords'.. dah study list marketing.. 
dah baca 'One Week Marketing'.. analisis 'Inside The List' and a 
profitable niche.

Sekarang adalah masa untuk naik ke tahap yang lebih tinggi sikit.

Construct a web site. The reason is simple. 

Kita nak sebuah web site dengan domain name yang relevent.. dan jadikan 
ia sebagai tempat untuk kita based kan semua business kita and perkara 

This means.. segalanya daripada product review and so on akan masuk 
dalam web site ini.

Selalunya.. ada dua reason kenapa orang buat web site.

Reason pertama.. untuk up-kan Quality Score sebab one page landing 
page selalunya tak efektif dalam peperangan Adwords.

Reason kedua.. mereka ini memang berniat untuk membuat web site.. 
bukan sekadar QS sahaja.. tapi supaya ia boleh serve as something 
that they can draw and take their customer into. Bagi reason kedua 
ini.. over time mereka ini akan cuba untuk jadikan web site ini 
sebagai authority site yang sekaligus membuka potensi pendapatan 
sampai USD 100,000 sebulan hanya dengan niche yang satu ini.

But kita takkan bercakap tentang benda ni sekarang.

Web site ini.. macam yang aku cakap tadi.. akan serve as an office 
or shop. Lain daripada test landing page di fasa pertama yang kita 
boleh buat main-main saja.. dalam fasa ini kita mesti buat web site kita
sesempurna yang mungkin.

Basically step ini include buying a domain name.. hosting.. research a 
little bit about what to include in your website.. and apa-apa yang 
berkaitan dgn website la.

Phase 3 - Another Research.. Analysis and Keywords Rampage

Next.. is research.. research.. and more research.

Dah terlalu kerap kita dengar the importance of research kan?

Sebab ia memang penting.

Pada tahap ini.. sebelum sambung semula market dalam niche yang korang 
pilih.. korang kena buat research lagi. This time.. a much more serious 
and expanded research.

Go to forums... sign-up and create a new persona as if you are also one
of the people within the niche. 

Go to Yahoo! Answers.. type in anything related to the niche.. and see 
what others are talking about.

Go to Wikipedia, DMOZ, Meet-up, anywhere as long as related to your 
niche. And make your research!!

Go to Google.. type in any kind of keyword related to your niche.. 
and find your competitors. See what are they doing and see how long 
they have been there. Kalau lepas seminggu korang cuba skali lagi and 
tengok diorang punya ads masih ada di sana.. that means they are making 
lots of money. Reverse engineer their site and see what can you change 
to make it better than theirs.

If you think you are rich enough.. feel free to outsource this part of 
your business to others. Pay them and let them do the research for you. 

Yang penting research!!

And then.. analyze. Tgk setiap hasil research korang and analyze. 
Cari hot buttons. Cari emotional triggers.

See what ticks your customer.. what makes them buy. Put every single 
pieces back to its place and see how you can attack the niche from 
different angle.

And then if possible re-group customer korang kepada a couple of 
new group. 

Why?? Sebab each group represents a new landing page.

After that.. research your keyword. Hehe.. how to your keyword research?

Ada banyak cara.. terlalu banyak sampai kalau aku disclosed disini.. 
boleh menyebabkan post ini panjang berjela sampai 10,000 patah. (sekarang pun 1000+ )

Dun worry.. kita akan sembang pasal keyword research at later time 
secara lebih terperinci.

But buat masa ini.. cukuplah kalau korang tahu antara tekniknya 
termasuklah finding out what customers really want (maknanya.. 
hasil research tadi korang analisis untuk dapatkan keyword).. 
read between the lines (aku pernah demonstrate technique ni dalam 
beberapa puluh page sebelum ini) and using keyword tools mcm yang 
K&C selalu tekankan itu.. yakni.. Google Keyword Tools!!

Phase 4 - Landers.. Landers.. and More Landers!

Apa itu landers?? Landers adalah terms singkat untuk merujuk 
kepada landing page.

Perasan tak ada 's' belakang perkataan 'lander' tuh?? Menjadi 
'Landers' lah kan??

Kalau kita belajar Bahasa Inggeris.. 's' bermaksud plural.

Plural ni maksudnya banyak.

Macam Cars, Dogs, Speakers, RX-8s.. paham kan so far??

Maknanya.. kalau landers.. maka itu bermakna bukan satu tapi 

Yes.. we are talking about a huge amount of landing pages.

Korang ada buat keyword research tadi kan??

Korang manage untuk find out group dalam market tuh tak??

Kalau ya.. buat landing page untuk each of them.

Contohnya aku buat niche 'magic'.

Dalam niche ni.. ada beberapa kumpulan:

- People who wants to be a professional magician.
- People who wants to be a restaurant magician.
- People who wants to just impress their girlfriends.
- People who wants to impress their boyfriend (yup.. ada jugak. Impressive kan? LOL)
- Have a friend who likes magic and planning to give the learning materials to them.


For each of this group of people.. construct a specific landing 
page yang personally address diorang. 

Kenapa aku suruh buat macam ini??

Mudah saja:

Ada seorang insan bernama Dr. Halim.. yang nak impress bini dia 
bahawa dia bukan saja pandai cakap besar dan kenal semua orang 
di muka bumi ni but at the same time pandai buat magic. Maka 
dia pun masuklah google and type 'how to impress my spouse using magic'. 

Dia jumpa dua iklan Adwords.. dan dia klik dua-dua.

Satu iklan tu adalah milik saudara ubuntu90. Dia punya headline adalah:

"Learn How To Make Your Own Magic Tricks in Only 15 Days and Perform an Astounding Performance Full of Awesomeness to Your Friends, Spouses, or simply Anyone. A Top-Secret you Must Know!!"

Satu lagi iklan adalah milik aku dengan headline yang cukup simple:

"Give me 15 Days and I will Show You How You Can Impress Your Spouse with My Top-Secret Magic Tricks!!"

Korang rasa yang mana our lovely Halim will buy?? 

Oh well.. you don't need to be a super scientist in the 
world to figure out that he will go with my ads. Why?? 
Because.. aku ada state specifically 'impress your spouse' 
and nothing more.

That creates a feel of connection to Halim and he will 
be more inclined to try out my offer instead of ubuntu's.

Phase 5 - Adwords Rampage and/or BUM Frenzy

Ini pendek jer.. 

Launch your campaign fellas. Whether you are using 
PPC or BUM.. just do it.. and see how it goes.

PPC and BUM both are a very big and large aspects of 
niche marketing and would require a much more specific 
posts to addressed them both. So aku leave this aspect 
out for now.

Cukuplah sekadar korang tahu turutan dia secara general.

Phase 6 - Split Testing & Tracking

Yuhuu.. still with me fellas??

Ke dah pengsan sebab banyak sangat?? LOL

Takpelah.. kayuh pelan-pelan.. 

Pada tahap ini.. korang akan mula split testing 
everything dalam business korang.. and track them 
like crazy.

Dah pernah ada penerangan tentang tools yang diguna 
pakai untuk tujuan split testing and tracking ni.. 
selak-selak skit page belakang.

But banyak sangat plak pagenya.. so aku list jer 
la yang aku pakai.

Dulu masa mula aku pakai Statcounter.. 
but sekarang lebih cenderung kepada Google Analytics.

Another program termasuklah:

Xtreme Conversions (dulu pakai sekejap.. lepas tu stop sebab aku confuse dengan technicalities dia.. very-very confusing and hard to understand.)
Conversion Prophet

and a couple more..

Purposes of tracking ni termasuklah untuk:

- Tgk keyword apa yang memberi keuntungan kepada 
korang dan keyword apa yang merugikan korang. 
Once you've found out which one yang tak menguntungkan.. 
korang boleh remove jer terus dari Adword dan 
landing page optimization korang.

- Tgk apa yang customer type untuk sampai ke page 
you all. Then korang dah ada exact keyword yang 
korang boleh nail down lagi.

- Tgk apa yang customer layan and usya-usya dalam 
page korang. What do they read and where do you lose them.

Split testing plak.. boleh membantu korang untuk:

- See which keywords perform better. Simple saja.. create a 
new ads with but with different keywords emphasis and see 
which one is better.

- Tgk ads mana lebih baik
. Remove yang kurang berkesan atau 

- Paling aku suka.. tgk landing page mana lebih baik. 
Emphasis pada group of people yang sama.. tapi dengan 
headline yang berbeza-beza... then kita boleh tahu which 
one works better.

Phase 7 - The Money is in the List!!

Phase #7.. List!

Pernah dengar ungkapan 'The Money is in the List??'

Yup.. ungkapan tu sangat-sangat betul dan tepat.

Cuba korang bayangkan..

Dalam niche korang ada lebih kurang 10,000 list. 
And each time korang hantar broadcast email.. 
450 orang akan beli.

Assuming product commission adalah USD 39. 
Maka itu bermakna untuk each broadcast email.. 
korang akan dapat buat USD 17,500. Convert duit 
Malaysia sekarang.. sama dengan RM 62,478.

Banyakkan?? Boleh buat payment bulanan Ferrari tuh.

At this stage.. korang akan start collect list 
korang. Create a special page (we call them 
pages.. squeeze page) atau.. simply buat satu 
opt-in form yang collect first name and email 
dalam landing page korang.. mcm contoh.. tgk 
Destiny Dating punya site.. belah 
kanan atas.

However.. latest statistics menunjukkan.. opt-in form 
dalam page adalah lebih berkesan kalau diletakkan 
di bahagian kiri pages.. maybe korang boleh split test 
and tgk sendiri how it goes.

Some people prefer using a squeeze page instead of 
landing page with integrated opt-in form. 

Certain people pulak lebih suka guna landing page 
dengan opt-in form sebab boleh tuju dua burung dengan 
satu batu. Maknanya.. dengan landing page with integrated 
opt-in form.. boleh buat sale dalam masa yang sama collect list.

Phase 8 - Expanding your Business Module and Start Seeing USD 1000 per day

The final stage. Expand your business. Make more.

So korang dah ada a very profitable niche business 
and are very happy with it right?? Is that the end?? 
Of course not.

Sentiasa cari peluang untuk expand lebih jauh and 
try to make more and more money.

First sekali adalah customer support. Ensure yang 
korang boleh bagi customer support yang top-notch 
pada pelanggan korang. Kalau ada customer email 
tanya apa-apa.. jangan jawab dengan marah-marah 
ke apa ke tak kira lah bodoh mcm mana pun soalan 
dia. Cuba jugak jawab.

Sentiasa jaga hubungan yang baik dengan customer.

And then.. kalau main adwords.. expand lebih jauh lagi.

Kalau adspend korang sehari adalah lebey kurang 
USD 200 and profit korang adalah USD 20.. cuba 
naikkan adspend kepada USD 400 pulak. Theoretically 
(actually.. most of the time..) korang punya profit 
juga akan menaik sehingga USD 40. Increase and 
increase bila ada peluang.

Kalau article pulak.. cuba taip dengan lebih 
banyak lagi article kalau boleh. Kalau sehari 
type 5 je.. sekarang cuba type 15 pulak if possible. 

Consistency is important.. jgn hari ni buat 
esok tak buat dah.

And then outsourcing. Now is the time to outsource 
whatever it is that you feel you want to outsource.. 
article writing especially. Macam ada member aku.. 
dia fork out more than 100 articles per day all by 
outsourcing. USD 3 per article (korang kenal siapa dia).

Contact competitors korang kalau ada.. request JV 
dengan diorang.

The main point is.. expand your business and start 
seeking opportunity of expanding.


OK.. aku rasa itu jer kot untuk hari ni. Dah 
banyak sangat dah ni.. meletup pulak kepala 
nak digest nanti. (fuhh.. 2497 patah perkataan.. 
kalau type artikel dah dapat 5.. LOL)

Yang penting.. jgn panic.. itu saja. 

Good luck and all the best.


  1. Oh.. I guess I just made it sound complicated LOL..


    Adspend = USD 200
    Return On Investment = USD 220

    Profit = USD 20

    that means profit is only USD 20. We don't count USD 200 as
    profit as it is the same amount money we spend for our ads.

    In other words.. you invest USD 200.. and managed to get
    USD 220.. so since the initial investment is USD 200.. we
    deduct that amount from our return on investment... which
    is (USD 220 - USD 200 = USD 20).

    So the profit is USD 20.

    But then.. I guess this is one heck of a terrible example LOL..

    But the results always vary.. depending on the person's creativity
    and how he approaches his niches.. he might gained or might
    lose more money.

    There are people who spend USD 200 and lose all of it without
    any return on investment at all.

    There are people who managed to get an average results like
    the example I've shown you above.

    But most of the time if you attack the niche correctly.. then a
    Return on Investment (from now on will be referred as ROI)
    of 100% is very possible.

    This means.. you spend USD 200 and you gained back USD 400..
    minus the initial investment and there you go... USD 200 of
    pure profit.

    Well.. regarding the potential of ROI.. most people would be more
    than happy when they managed to gain profit.. but some people won't
    sit comfortably until they have gotten at least 300% of ROI which
    is the lowest limit for them.

    What does this imply?? Simple..

    This means that getting more than 200% and above ROI is easy.. that is as
    long as you've done your research correctly and gives real value to your

    Anything else.. feel free to ask and I'd be more than happy to help out.

    P.S: And yes.. it does feel good having Halim as my customer..
    though he likes to talk gibberish.. lucky me he didn't claim to know
    David Blaine personally..

    P.SS: @ BrainDeadAngel... ko nak buat apa.. buat jer.. laugh.gif
    Ko nak compile jadi ebook satu thread ni pun tak apa. Boleh jual
    kat LOL. BTW.. good guide you have there pal..

  2. This one's EPIC... I REALLY mean it.

    Those inside Alan Forrest Smith's list should already have this inside their Inbox.. but anyway.. let's share them here:


    Big Fat Eyes Can Destroy You or Your Business. How? Let me start with a short but true story.

    Please listen up

    So here I am a 45 year old guy that wants to lose some weight. No, that's not true; I want to look like Adonis or some other kind of immortalized bronzed Greek God with muscles rippling in places I never knew muscles existed. Sadly this is battle of epic proportions that only a Churchill-esque mind or good training can win.

    Now I don't have Churchill to hand so looks like I have to settle for the training side of things for now.

    Only yesterday I was at the Gym again. Now what you need to understand it I have been going for 11 months now. Has it made a difference? Of course but I still don't have the look of a fat free bronzed God, more the look of a slightly overweight Scotsman!

    Anyway back to the Gym. I was in the dumbbell corner on my own when this tattooed Nephalim type guy walked over. He was huge I mean like a big tree with just two branches and a head at the top.

    Now I think I am doing well at losing weight and changing my shape. I have seen all the faces in this gym for months now. When a new person comes in you know. So this giant walks over to the dumbbells with one of the trainers. As he is new she shows him what to do.

    I am picking up 32lb dumbbells with each arm. He walks over and picks up the 55lb dumbbells ... one on each arm. As you can imagine I feel a bit intimidated I mean this is the monsters first visit so eventually I leave in an almost rejected fashion from the place where men enter and Gods exit.

    Today my exit was that of a man!!!

    I jumped into my faithful custom VW orange Beetle and drove into the local village to buy some bread. As I drove I thought about my waistline as it slightly hung over my belt and how I could put that right. However, here's the thing you really need to take note of.

    I walked in to the local store and as I walked past the magazine shelf I spotted the Holy Grail on the middle shelf. It was of course ... Men's Fitness Magazine. Was this about to be my salvation?

    On the cover it said... The Lazy Way to the Perfect 6 Pack in 6 Weeks or Less. And was of course accompanied with a photo of ... you guessed it... a Bronzed God packed to the rim with muscles.

    I picked it up, stood there blocking the aisle as I read it from page to page. Well actually I didn't go from page to page, I immediately went to the page where the cover story was featured.

    Did I read it? NO! I looked at the pictures thinking... can I look like this? I thought, yes I can so I then put the magazine (about $8) into my shopping basket and walked around the corner to buy some groceries.

    As I walked I was thinking about this magazine, I was also thinking about would it work for me, I was also thinking about the price and I was also thinking about... ALL THE OTHER magazines covering the same subjects I already had in my home.

    YES, I already owed a stack of magazines at home covering the same subject but the point is this ..

    YOU MUST READ THIS TWICE: I already had the information but had done nothing with it! And because I had done nothing with it I feet the solution was to buy more.

    Read that again... I thought the solution was for me to buy more!

    This thought stopped me in my tracks. You see I began to relate this thought to business, any business, your business, my business and the thought that despite having the solutions at home already sellers ALREADY KNOW I won't do it so I will keep buying.

    Why is that?

    Why is it we at times have what we need but insist on buying more?

    I thought about this and came up with this little answer.

    I think it's correct.


  3. You see when I am at the gym I know what to do but I don't do it.

    But when I do it it's when this one single thing takes place. Shall I share it with you? Okay here it is.

    When I hire the... PERSONAL TRAINER... at a session I lose weight and gain muscle and do what it is I am supposed to do at the gym.

    When I don't do that; it isn't long before I go off the rails again.

    So back to why do I/we keep buying what we already have?

    The reason is this. It's so simply obvious. I am actually buying ...

    The magazine had every single trigger built into it for me personally on its cover. It hit every switch and pressed my "buy me" buttons.

    I nearly bought what I already had, I simply wanted someone to take the lead.

    Can I ask you this without you taking any offence... is your business doing as well as it should be or could be?

    Is your life going in a direction you feel happy about and comfortable with?

    Do you already have what you need and yet still look for what you feel you need?

    It could be you are like me and suffer from Big Fat Eyes. In other words.... They want more.

    Yet the actual reality is we don't want or need more. We probably have what we already need; maybe we just need strong leadership right now?

    It's interesting that big sellers understand this human principle to sell endless junk. Interesting some internet marketers also use it to sell utter re-hashed garbage time and time again.

    They understand that me/you, they see us as dummies.

    They sell us the same old stuff time and time again. Why? Because they understand that we will buy time and time again.

    So what can we do about this?
    We can spend time with ourselves and re-train our eyes, our minds, our hearts, our bodies to see what we already have. Use what we already have. Be grateful for what we already have.

    But in the meantime you need to be careful.

    You Big Fat Eyes could easily be your downfall. I care. You care. MOST sellers don't.

    What can you do about this?

    Can you do anything about this for you?

    I hope so.

    Alan Forrest Smith


    37 Churchfields, Croft
    Warrington, Cheshire
    WA3 7JR


    We also have another name for this.. which we called 'Syndrome Mengkayakan Guru'.

    The point to made is.. stop buying all other piece of crap and just stick with one leader.. which is Wealthy Affiliate for me. It could be something else for you but just stick with one. Only one!

    Otherwise you all will find a hard time dictating a direction to follows which.. as I have stated before.. will results in procrastination.

    Mark that one fellas.. and be careful.
