Saturday, September 7, 2013

8 Alternatif Terbaik Selain Universiti

8 Alternatives to College

Posted by James Altucher
When I was 19 , but still some money in a chess tournament. So instead of the money for my tuition , I decided to drop out of college and buy a car. I bought a used 1982 Honda Accord. I drove for a few hours , because they let me go right out of the lot . But when I saw my friend and all of their classes I'm a little jealous. I returned the car and we stopped the test and entered my second year of college . But I regret it now .

Whenever I hit "Do not send your children to college " a lot of vey smart people again and again with the answer . " Well, what must be done " And what surprised me. I think it is really hard to understand what the people of 18-23 years of age should be for vibrant, healthy years of life when they grow up to be a child to an adult .

So I think I want to help people come up with a list and try critcisms that will surely arise even before they manage to occur . What I can do , because I have a university degree . So I learned to think and engage in repartee with other intelligent people .

1) Start a business . There are many companies begin a child may especially with the internet. In another post , I will list the possible types for the first company . But if you always focus on the maxim " buy low and sell high " , you will begin to generate ideas .

Many people say (rightly ) : " Well, everyone can be an entrepreneur . " It 's amazing to me , also , how many times I answered this question in writing and yet people continue to read the exact positions and say, " Now, to be any entrepreneur. "

First, there is no law against entrepreneur to be . In fact, anyone can be an entrepreneur . So, what they mean is : " Anyone can be a successful entrepreneur . " And as far as I know , there is no law against failure either . If someone loses a tennis match or a game of chess . how to improve it ? They study their loss. As anyone who has mastered all aspects of life know to study your losses is infinitely more valuable than studying your wins. I missed my first three attempts to be an entrepreneur , before she finally learned to spell and I finally had success (ie a company whose profits I was then able to sell ) .

Failure is part of life. Better learn 18 to 23 years or more if you have been spoiled by ivory blankets and success into thinking you were hypnotized for recording. Be baptized in the river of failure as a teenager , if you thrive in entrepreneurial blessings as an adult.

What you learn when you're young and starting a business (regardless of success or failure )

You learn to find ideas that are accepted by other
You begin to build your bullshit detector ( definitely something that does not happen at school)
You learn how to sell your idea
You learn how to build and run an idea
Meet and socialize with other people in your area. They could not all the same age, but let's be honest , that's life as an adult. They have for 18 years with kids your age. Grow up !
You could learn to delegate and manage people
You will learn to eat what you kill , a skill not taught by the College of spectators
[ Follow me on Twitter for more updates on college life , etc.]

2) to travel around the world . Here is a core task . Take $ 10,000 and you get to India. Discover a different world than ours. Do it for a year. Meet other foreign travelers . You will learn what poverty. You will learn how to stretch the value of a dollar. They are often in situations where you need to learn to survive despite the odds against you. If you throw out you might as well do it at the Ruhr as drinking at a fraternity party. You can add a little more about the Eastern religions of Western religions you grew up with . You will learn that you are not the center of the universe . Itself off .

3) Create art. Spend one years to learn to paint . Or how to play a musical instrument. Or write five novels. Learn to discipline yourself to create . Creation is not made ​​out of inspiration. Sometimes the sweat , discipline and passion . Creativity does not come from God. It is a muscle that you learn to build. Why not build , while the brain is still creating new neurons at a breathtaking pace , as learn when you are older ( and too late for many people ) .

4) Make people laugh . This is the hardest of all. Spend to get a year like standup comedy to do in front of people . That will teach you to write. How to communicate . How to sell . How to deal with people who hate you . How to deal with the psychology of failure on a daily basis . And of course , how to make people laugh . All these elements will later in life much more than 101 philosophy is to help. And, incidentally , you might even be paid along the way.

[ Follow me on Twitter for more updates on college life , etc.]

5 ) Writing a book . Believe me, you write a book at the age of 18 years, probably not good. But you do it anyway . A novel about what you take to college. They learn to observe people . Writing is a meditation on life . They live each day to interpret to write . What a good education !

6) in a charity work . Not require many charitable organizations that you have a university degree . What will serve you better in life : Take the 101 French Literature and spent a year delivering meals to the elderly with Alzheimer's disease or cure of malaria in Africa. I have an answer to this question. Maybe you have another . That's why I list here 8 alternatives instead of just 1:00 . And, incidentally , if you do any of these items for one year , two years , maybe ten , maybe go to college ? Why not you? This is your life .

7) mastering a game : What is your favorite game ? Ping Pong ? Chess? Poker ? To master a game is incredibly difficult. I wrote like , but let's start with the basics :

Study of the history of the game
current study experts in the game. Videos, books , magazines, etc. Replay , or try to somehow master mimic of the current game
Play a lot : with friends , tournaments, local associations, etc.
Take lessons from someone who has already mastered the game. This will help you avoid bad habits and immediately someone criticize your current skills .
Mastering a game builds discipline, you can socialize with other people of all ages and backgrounds, but who share the same passions , and helps you to kill someone without the instincts of a killer. Nice!

(White to move and win )
8) Master Sports : probably even better than the mastery of the game , because it is the same as all the above, but you can also bring in great shape.

If anyone can think of other alternatives , please list them in the comments. We only have the life we ​​have lived. And I always sit and dream , "and if .. " " What if .. " It is easy to do meditation and dangerous : if . Because this desire is like a breath of smoke , turn and rotate can until we disappear with him. But when I write this post , I look at these alternatives with nostalgia and I know that when I hit "publish" I'll be here to stay calm , while the sun sets, just ask " when " .

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