Friday, August 2, 2013

Dinar Iraq : Betapa Bengongnya Melayu Yang Melabur dan Melebur

Iraqi Dinar - On the basis of the responsibility
Among Malaysian confusion or rather diper ***** right or necessarily forever want to be the victim of foul just because "I want rich"

Your money is your right and if you want to plunge into the foul pit continue because it is self-anda.Tiada do with the other person.

All human beings deserve success and also my kekayaan.begitu me who expect hard work to ease in time hadapan.Pilihan with an easy way of intrigue or certainly the right path winding and thistles berduri.Lumrah world every success requires self-sacrifice which round do not just come flat-rolled and who do not just come flying.

So many Malaysians who menghabihkan hundreds even thousands of money just to buy the Iraqi dinar equivalent who is rumored to be up one day nanti.Sekarang U.S. Dollar 1 USD = 1300 Dinar Iraq.Bayangkan if buy Rs 3000 = 1.3 million and when the dinar floated Iraqi dinar money be equivalent with the RM 1.3 million USD. That is certainly rich with Rs 1.3 million this ada.Keyakinan money faktor2 supported by the following: -
1) Iraq's new currency has changed since 2006 with remove photos saddam hussain
2) Iraq's oil production will be a maximum of 12 million barrels per day, the end of 2017
3) Political Stability
4) The situation in Kuwait one time where many who have become millionaires after independent from Iraq after 6 months of captivity.

I was 4 years old and kawan2 work commute in Iraq in exploration minyak.banyak learned here and this place is like a second home kami.Keadaan of the people we understand the economy as well as also my way of life, politics and religion have become perhatian.Kami also my mood rich as Malaysians who expect the Iraqi Dinar will rise and become rich raya.Kami can continue to purchase Iraqi Dinars in the country without having to buy the place lain.Hakikatnya all hope just stayed where it was all imaginary toy artists who use the smart *** 's ** others.

Syndicate this Iraqi Dinar print as much as possible and spread the theory Dinar will rise throughout pelusok wise dunia.Perniagaan who who sell plain paper to kaya.Mereka already wealthy by selling empty paper ini.Rakyat National china in 300 million already buy Iraqi Dinar, India 100 million people, Indonesia's 30 million people, Malaysia and Asia in the 10 million who viewed membeli.boleh poor negara2 just excited to kaya.Saya who say this is all just a farce for the rich with the explanation below: -
1) The people and the Iraqi government to use USD in transactions
2) All oil contract in USD
3) The Government of Iraq has stated Iraqi Dinar mana2 dishonored the only country in Iraq
4) Due to the american Iraq another 10 years not habih bayaq
5) If you bawak 20 thousand dinars in Iraq will be captured and viewed in the dock 20 years jail
6) Where do you want to change a lot of money who's who and who will accept
7) Of course Iraq will introduce a new currency if they want to be floated for money outside the country who would destroy its value
8) are purchasing Iraqi Dinar in Malaysia will be a banana leaf coin.
9) Government mana2 country can not take this action on Iraq's money selling syndicate for the Iraqi Dinar is certified mana2 dishonored country in the world other than Iraq.

Believe me there is no one in this world who will help others to try Ask sama.cer rich people that sell Iraqi Dinar willing itu.Orang other rich of rich want to help others if senang.Pastinya rationalize my right and who rakan2 commute every month Iraq will sell the property in Malaysia and buy their own Iraqi dinar in Bank2 in rich Iraq.Untuk Billion Air.Pastinya billion water so the world would get jealous over my love of wealth.

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