Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mantap tutorial nih

(1) Open the image in Photoshop original.
Go to Layer> New Fill Layer> Solid Color,
Click "gray fill" and then click OK.

In the Color Picker, select a light gray color.
(2) Click "Create a new fill or adjustment layer" icon at the bottom of the Layers palette and choose Pattern from the list.
Click the Pattern Swatch dialog box, click the right arrow, and then select grayscale paper.
Choose one of the fiber sample.
Increase the scale model of 340% and click OK. Set this layer
Soft Light and Opacity to 35%.
(3) Right-click/Ctrl-click the background layer and choose Duplicate Layer, call the plane "Glowing Edges".
Drag this new layer at the top of the stack and go to
Filter> Stylize> Glowing Edges.
Use these values:
3 Wide Edge, Edge Brightness 11, Smoothness 10th
(4) Turn the Glowing Edges layer
Image> Adjustments> Invert (Ctrl / Cmd + I).
This layer must be black and white, then go
Image> Adjustments> Saturation (Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + U).
Set the blending mode of the layer to multiply with an opacity of 15%.
(5) Duplicate the background layer again, calling it a "Sketch Layer", then drag the copy to the top of the stack.
Desaturate the image using the layer
> Adjustments> Saturation (Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + U).
Use the base layer development, the contrast increased slightly, going to the
Image> Adjustments> Brightness and Contrast. Drag the Contrast slider to the right to a value of 22
Now, set the blending mode of the layer to Darken and leave the game to 100% opacity.
(6) We need to add some noise to this layer to break the image a bit to go in
Filter> Noise Filter> Add Noise.
Use an amount of 12%, choose Gaussian distribution, and check monochromatic.
(7) Add a layer mask to hide all layer with a layer mask layer >> Hide All.
To make the drawing, just scribble on the layer mask with a special brush.
(8) Select the Brush tool and click on the brush selector.
Click on the right arrow in the selection and choose Dry Brush media. Scroll through the thumbnails and double-click on pastel paper coal.
(9) Press the F5 key to display the Brush Options.
Click the Other Dynamics and set the Opacity Jitter Control Area Pen Pressure.
Click on the form and dynamics of the size variation Pen Pressure.
Set minimum diameter to 70%.
Note that if you do not have a tablet, you need to check the opacity with the Opacity slider in the options bar.
10) Now you can start drawing ...
Make sure that the sample of foreground color is white.
Increase in the options bar, the brush size to 20 to 25 pixels. Now begin to scribble on a layer mask layer Sketch. At first, to focus only on the most important features of the face in the image. Use only a little pressure on the pen or a very low opacity brush.
Scribble free all required parts of the image that are looking to change direction often create a hand-shaded.
(11) With a lot of crosshatching, scribble where the strokes overlap in opposite directions. Remember, there is no real drawing skill that is necessary here, we simply scribbling to reveal the layer below the layer mask.
(12) Increase the size of the brush. Slightly in a right hook to the face on the keyboard
Continued scribbling on the picture, do not forget to keep the brush nice and loose constitution tones around the face. In hair and around the outside of the image, with a brush to a larger size and purchasing incomplete.
(13) Finally, you can reduce the size of the brush and re-use with full opacity white scribble more on the essential features, adding some really dark shots.
See "Before and After" comparison with a rolling work to the original photo
Tip feel the pressure!
In such exercises with a pressure sensitive tablet has huge advantages over the use of a mouse. Most special brushes in Photoshop, how we use here have properties that respond directly to the pressure can be. Can during this exercise ended with a traditional mouse, the opacity of the brush to be controlled manually in the options bar. If you use a graphics tablet, we can just create more pressure with the stylus dark. Graphics tablets are relatively cheap these days, and amazing results can be achieved even with the most fuel-efficient models.
Good luck and keep Photoshopping!

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