Thursday, May 3, 2012

Internet Marketing is bullshit

BS your way to riches internet


Whit hat, gray hat and black hat
Market and product
Psychological triggers
Technical Information
The BS Riches Tributary


I confess I am a newbie in Internet marketing. The first task that I myself was to understand what the hell is a falconry about, I have undertaken studies was. Since then I've used books internet marketing, e-books, audios and videos, until they came to my ears, including the crap about MLM, white, hypnosis, horse racing and to God what all else. The hype alone, I'd rather know the secrets of the CIA in the shade.

I do not have many secrets, though. Everything that I have some ideas, knowledge and technical information. I have several of them in an organized manner, in a kind of plan form. It's more for me, because I eventually want to make money. Use it if you think this is something interesting. I do not mind. The audience is huge and growing. Just do not spam.

I wish I could take credit for some of these things, but he came from many sources. Those of you who are white, vintage cars, to have occurred where a lot of things. Later, when this study to make some money comes, I'll throw in the sources, invited the development of a 200-page ebook, an adhesive layer 600-page loose-leaf collection, 12 CDs, a DVD-pack of six and membership site with the participation Guru and many giveaways. Oh yeah, I forgot. There will be $ 1.995, down $ 3.995 for a limited time, because I think you're something special.

I'm worried.

Whit hat, gray hat and black hat

The entire purpose of internet marketing is to sell things or people they have on things you do pay.

That's it.

There are three basic approaches. If this bothers anyone, I do not want to be offensive. I am simply stating the categories as I see it. I'll go along as I.

White Hat: Sell the best things that you know believe it, and follow the rules.
Gray hat: Do stuff white hat, but throw some bullshit and if you happen to sell a shit, take the money and run.
Black Hat: Money as much for as little as possible. Favor lot of shit on the value of quality.

We can plan out the whole go and sell services in free, but that's the mentality of the people. My focus is on entrepreneurship and become rich. If you get bankruptcy, sell something in writing or coding or flip burgers to get by, until you make it. I have not taken the trouble to study the techniques of the whole.

Another business of online promotion is useful:

Spam: There are many names for this shotgun approach, a lot of dirt to throw on the wall and see what sticks, etc. The core of this approach is to automate the crowd and not so much on profiling.
Targeting: There are colored labels for that too: laser targeting are the schools of hungry fish, niche marketing, etc. The most important aspect of this approach, the profiling of customers across different types of studies.

White Hatters goal. Black Hatters spam. Gray hatters do both.

Market and product

There are not too many aspects, such worries here:
First Find a lucrative market and products,
Second Make way for the sale and advertising, and
Third Sell ​​it and get paid for it.

To identify a lucrative market, you should see what people want to buy, to find something similar and it has to offer. Or you can be a stubborn fool and try to crap they do not want to buy. Stay broke, I'm not worried. This is one of the most important decisions in the process, and you should do it deliberately, not even if you think you need to.

If you can passionately about your market and product, all the better.But-not-a-Mist Marketing (if disciplined) are always easier to sell Fool-In-Love-With-Her-marketing dream. No exceptions. If you do not have both, you take the first. Make some money. Then you can at least be a fool, and pay for it.

People pay the most when you solve a problem. "Help needed" so search terms on Google such as "no solution" and so on. Forums are good, so you add the word "forum". See what happens. Find the ones that go back more often. a book. Then see if you can figure out or make a product that solves their problem. This is your niche product and to define a time. (Means small niche Niche.)

In addition, you can desperate people (people with significant monetary disaster, especially foreclosures, with the fear of cheating spouses, insecure people who can not get to schedule appointments, which overlooks serious diseases, fat people, etc.). It is really predatory, if you do not have value, but if you do and deliver on, you'll earn money and provide good service they most want and need. Not everyone is suitable for this category, however, and you could end up with the nerves that can not sleep at night from the guilt and empathy. Check for more inner moral compass and have immunity where it should be.

The best thing is digital, because there is no overhead, but you know what you know. So if your product is physical and there is a menu to deal with it.

Then, on Amazon, eBay and other places to seek to offer the sale of statistical products. Learn how to sell the products for this problem and niche products. There are all kinds of techniques to verify this, so that the search for them in the literature. The only important part is to ensure that you are looking for closed sales statistics and not just looking for products or services.

For key words, you have to do the donkey work. Remember that when someone types a keyword in few Google or a search engine, there is little studied. You need to see him at your stuff and not someone else's things. Do what it takes. It is easy to lose sight of the fact if you study, because to start the calculation. There are some books about strategies gazillion keywords, but can you actually have the basics for free by searching Google.

Product names are the best keywords. Followed 3-5 word sentences called long tail phrases. Worst keywords are general terms "make money" and how the worst of the worst are the ones that nobody wants. You give in and nothing comes out

Again, make sure that people searching for your keywords, people who buy things are (back to Amazon, eBay, etc., if you need)."Freeware" for example, is a key word, terrible. It is the "greedy" and "free ebooks."

Niche markets are the best-selling ones, whose keywords are:
First A large number of research applications (over 200 per month on the key tool Wordtracker free), and
Second A small number of pages on the search (below 300,000 or so on a Google search).

This is just a basic rule, though. If every Wii sold and make money, then sell the Wii. If everyone does when they want to specialize in non-compete. Copying. Copy everything to sellers and put as much as you can for their traffic. Expect a modest income, no assets from it.

You can sell all sorts of things, both popular and niche providers. If you sell things fairly modest, you make a fortune.

Then you need a website to sell the stuff. Learn HTML pages to Wordpress, or create a free Web site as a blog, Squidoo or hosted Web 2.0. Learn about the possibilities. There are tons of crap out there, you have to say. For a small niche website, you will need about 5-10 pages of quality content and your offer, send it to the reader to a sales page. Look pretty to look at and that's all. You can use Adsense pepper, if sales are up.

Do not be fooled by a lot of blah blah blah about blogging. Treat blogs like niche sites or pages before backlink. At the end of the course, blogging.

You can make websites with AdSense blog farms, etc., but the products will give you more money per sale. Learn how to sell products. Then learn to AdSense websites. This is the best order, in my opinion, unless you're a real geek or math maniac.

If you can learn the shit-in-the-snake technical sales side, the better.(This means that your drive starts at the top, by a long roll, until the bottom is in and out by clicking on the order page.) Lots of hype, certificates, false high prices to discount false information, gifts, big, ugly button "Buy Now" anywhere, and other techniques. There are many things about it. They are usually used as landing pages or sales pages. They suck, but they work. That's why people use them.

If you have trouble learning techniques, find a good sales page and copy that impresses you the damn thing. Then replace the guy things with your information. Full-page ads can not be careful search engine, so you can copy a storm.

IMPORTANT. Make sure you can get receive and accept payments by credit card. Accounts set up with PayPal, ClickBank, in other places (the look). Get a merchant account (the best option, but others do too).

The timely delivery. For digital products, make sure there is a way to download. Those who are not online things other people have this problem to sell, but they need to learn their Relations Commission (usually called hoplink) to hide. It is quite technical, but it's doable.Even if you do not, you will still earn money. Sometimes they are simply demolished.

If you start with your own digital product, to protect the download page, but not too strict. It is good for black hatters and other malignant and girls in order to catch it for free to comment on them.Your name extends it grows. They are to fly anyway, do not even bother. Only a little difficult to keep for beginners. Of course it is better paid, too, but remember that if you isolate yourself completely and you're a nobody, you will get 100% of nothing.

In terms of physical products, like I said, there are shipping and we must be able to handle it. This is not rocket science, literature and so easy to find. Look for "drop shipping" and you will get all kinds of places to sell goods and let others worry about the shipment.

I did not want to say too much on one aspect of selling your product.You can try stuff to other people, your own things or do things to them such as Ad-click, fill out forms or sell the programs installed on their computers. I did not say much on purpose. There are tons of ideas, technical and supposedly secret there. Find out what tickles your fancy, you can find the instructions to get it or do a Google search and do it.

But none of this is almost as important as ensure that buy your product or information solves the problem of human things. Or it tickles their dreams or they think it's cool. If you get them and they want to offer them, you sell. This is the only real mystery, and every child can tell you that the mother.

Be sure to choose decent profit. At least $ 15-20 a sale. Otherwise, you will not waste your time.

On advertising, so I will address below.

White Hatters fall in love with their product and market, regardless of sales. Hatters gray donkey work to do market research and to sell what people want. Black Hatters sell home loans and penis enlargement spam or so without research, or trying to get people to do things they often encouraged.

Because remember, the profile of the customer with respect, not that it's easier to sell someone on a 2000 (and dreams) for $ 2,000 to get 2,000 people to be something to buy for a dollar. You only need to set some shit to get the first, but you need a bunch of crap to get the money and the second is the same. There is much literature on this so get used to it. I'll go a little lower on BS Riches tributary.

Psychological triggers

I like the concept of psychological triggers. There are many things written about them, but I did not read the literature on Internet marketing on the dark side. Positive triggers are not without him.Let us look first on the light.

There are six standard psychological triggers that will be discussed again and again:

First Reciprocity: If you give someone something for nothing, he feels the need to give something back to you. Therefore, you should give freebies. That's why you're constantly being told over-supply in the marketing literature on the Internet.

Second Stability and commitment: If someone does something once it is more likely to do it again under the same circumstances as it is to do something else. Therefore, you should take to get him to do the first click or to accept that the first e-mail, etc. This sometimes try as baby steps.

Third Social Proof: If many people is something good or bad, to hear the person, or be seen, say, they must go together. Why all the testimony is here. Mass psychology is based on the trigger social proof.

4th Like: People are more inclined to give someone who loves the benefit of the doubt to someone he does not like. That's why you try to be human, show your weaknesses with a charming modesty about your problems and dreams, etc. As soon as he likes to talk, he read your sales copy.

5th Authority: Another word for this is that credibility. If a person thinks you are an expert, it will often be your word to check on another person without it. If you have problems indeed, this is the best way to have received long-term credibility, stupid people often find that you are an expert. Many people believe that you are blind.

6th Rarity: Our client like something others do not have to. It makes them feel special. Countdown and "left" only 23 types of messages pull this trigger.

There are many studies about sales techniques, and this one. There are people who have other triggers. But the 6 above are the most important, especially in internet marketing materials that I saw used.

Now to the dark side. The ugly fact is that it is difficult to trigger this work, without lying or deceiving people receive. You have to refrain, at best. If that bothers you, just be yourself and remember to use them. The white hatters will not like this comment, but if you do it right all the time to play, could be called a hell of a nice guy, but you will not sell jack.

Well, here is the very dark side. There are some other triggers that nobody talks about it, except for the fighters of worship. I'll give you six reasons of symmetry, but there's more.

First Vanity: If a person believes it is more important than others for superficial reasons, it will make a lot of stupid things. Flattery works.He pounded into the sales copy. And you present your call to action immediately after. You will often get it.

Second Laziness: People generally like to automate things so that they can not think. They are lazy. They would rather push a button and feel like they are masters of the universe to do the study and things. All you have to do is tell them they will learn a secret or just to find out just that nobody knows how technical, they have to do it once, he repeated, without thinking about it more as a result of nominal income and they will pay good money for this mystery. Use the phrase "rinse and repeat" often when pulling the trigger.

Third Thief inside: Almost everyone will be flying on the Internet, if he find out he can get away with it, and nobody thinks. Everyone. Then he promised, if he buys your thing, you fly it, other things in secret, and no one will be wiser to teach. Use words and pretty euphemisms such as "secret weapon" and "special technique" and "loopholes" and "reporting" and "page", etc.. Do not say steal. In this way, he can not lie to yourself and pretend that it is not to steal.

4th Member of the tribe: The most common trigger is pulled is this a "us vs. them" concept easy to create with the words "other gurus teach, blah blah blah for most people, but it's a lie." You make your potential customers to a certain part of the minority who strikes a blow against an enemy of the truth, and, as the feeling of "unsought" This will get filthy stinking rich be so virtuous. You can also reinforce this by setting up something just to learn the insider jargon for common approaches and the use of such words and phrases often in your presentation, always with a smile, a subtle (change this with a nod knowingly). Also, if you established a contact group with your customers, and cool yourself as a guru of wealth expert, except for special praise to the group. This mix of tribal feelings with vanity.Then he will dig deep into his pockets and fork over him whenever you need it.

5th Debt: If your client is lazy, it's easy to do on the debt. He knows deep down he does not know Jack, you remember him from time to time on this issue. Shortly after, he probably feels that he is an insider and must not be rich think they just press a button or other crazy, remember that the stupid idiots "out there" Always try the easy route and not the work to be done. Therefore, they are to remain poor. A little thunder here. This makes him feel guilty and panicked. Then they offer a different "secret" show for him to push the light and the other button for only $ XXXX.

6th Greed: This is my favorite. Recommend that it is not to be greedy, but must seek a balance within. Then you say, because he is very specific and informed, you know him to make millions. Hit him with the visualization. Make him think that the millions arrive tomorrow or the next day. Show him pictures of money and the beaches and luxury cars and mansions, saying that her only to ask.Spend some time shows, bank statements. (If you do not have a graphics program and make it.) Make it really works, and drool, then hit him with your product. As soon as he bites and he forks over when he, that his wealth came not complain, then raise the stakes.Tell him to forget the old stuff. There is more to this new secret to come (to do something, be it at the time). The customer will fall for him again and again, because large quantities to satisfy his greed.This is not the only form of use of these triggers, but it is generally used Sun

If you want to know more about the study of cults and cult-fighters.There are lots of free information on the Internet, so all you have to do is do a Google search. Cult leaders are masters of psychological triggers with dark.

I do not know about Hatters with mental triggers, except for some light stuff of standard gurus taught. You may think this kind of manipulation is dishonest. Hatters will be ruthless and gray I see as the biggest user group. Ironically, I do not see Black Hatters, which they use, except for special projects, and spam texts. Then I see them on without mercy.

The real danger is that the line between the use of psychological triggers and is pretty slim for a crook. A person must be emotionally balanced and very disciplined, they wisely put, without a total bastard. The best way to avoid this is to always have a value on your side.

Technical Information

If you want to work in Internet marketing, you have to bite the bullet on learning technical skills. There are many, too. Fortunately, there are many automated things that are used to earn money while you learn the other stuff.

One of the most important skills you need technical all the way from beginner, I've never discussed is the production and operation of the alias. You have to learn how people, and when you act them.The only person who does not need to do, who strives to be an authority, and that the work in this area. If you sell a lot of things, but want and you are not Wal-Mart, you need to use different names, so you do not blow that your authority work. He would never sell for an expert in nutrition and weight loss sweets do.

I will not go into many details, but keep in broad terms how I've done so far.

If you have any problems with the idea that there is a small resort called Fake Name Generator (looks up). It will give you the name, address, telephone number, credit card number, etc., all wrong, but in the correct format. (Of course, the credit card does not work.) This is a good start. Get a real phone number from free online K7, if you think you need it (looks up). Otherwise, you get a Google account (or similar), an e-mail account, and so on. Then you start signing up for a My Space account and other Web 2.0 sites. The more things you get, the more credible your new alias.

You should also have a certain kind of documents, perhaps a spreadsheet file for each alias. Otherwise, will be difficult to maintain, after he / she grows, and you take off other aliases.

I'm not suggesting taking this concept for many to get a SSN for your alias or real things like that. You do not need the authorities after you. All they want to do is to make money and offer value in return, do not break laws by falsifying official documents.

But playing with this, for example, you get your photo banks photo public domain, so that an avatar, etc., can be a blast. Another advantage is that money is really hot to draw using an alias in your community to join together and begin to focus attention on the products. The field can be hilarious.

Now to your other skills. Here is what you should learn at least in broad terms. I suggest you learn something superficial in these matters (outline or overview of the type of thing) before continuing.This is not all-inclusive, but it will be a good base.

How to Register for the e-mail, you are using a browser and all the basics Sun
(Paypal and Clickbank to start) cash accounts
Affiliate accounts
The financial statements of the free site: Google, Blogger, Squidoo, Weebly, etc.
Free Web 2.0: My Space accounts, Facebook, Flickr, Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, etc.
Craigslist and other classifieds
Yahoo! Answers and other
Marketing Forum
Website for the niche market basic concepts and Site Review
Keyword Research
Basic HTML (text formatting and text href anchor)
Backlink Strategies
Basic Web Graphics
Adwords and PPC
Article writing and submission
Sales letter
Press Release Marketing
PDF files

Other HTML
FTP and CPanel
Link Cloaking
WordPress as a blog site and niche, including plug-ins
Creating a website (and the program of creating a web site)
Creating a sales site, including the squeeze page and pop-ups, pop-unders, etc.
Autoresponders, List Building opt-in forms and message tracking emissions
SEO in general
Audio (and Audacity, including the concepts Podcasting)
Video (screen casting recording, editing, codecs and download)
Development of digital products
Net site and interconnection strategies
More Web 2.0

Blog farms and website
Proxies, and IP filtering
Exhibition programs and shows the link
Content scraping and image editing programs
Advanced HTML, PHP, Perl, etc.
Other techniques of Black-Hat-

At this point the person will have a really good idea of ​​what he needs more of what it does well and what hurts. The good thing about the Internet is that it so quickly that no one needs to learn is all that is. You can in, say, Squidoo and Wordpress have specialized as a major marketing platform, do not use audio or video or black hat techniques, and still make a bundle on things only white hat.

Internet marketing is hard to do right, even if you want your way to the top bullshit. You have to work hard anyway, you look, do not bullshit you. Bullshit, if you want other bullshit. You can choose what you want to do, but you have to learn to perform the skills to be able to. No exceptions.


I read to write so much crap that I have to say a few words. Most of what I read is not worth the paper it is written, but I have some good things and I have some thoughts.

About 90% of Internet marketing is about writing, and spam. It is not realistic to say that you do not want to learn to write, but want to make money on the Internet. It's like saying you want to go swimming, but you can not stand water. If you hate writing and refuse to learn to do something else. All you do is waste your time looking for money on the Internet.

The most important part is to understand about writing, why you do it.

Spam backlink. This is the simplest form of business writing in existence. Write on the link and nothing else. Move on. If you have a comment to have something to say, without a commitment as a "Great job!" "Nice forum!" And so on., And put the link in. Of course, the more relevant the comment, the less likely it is the way of all spam.

Blogs contents of a page or pages for the Web 2.0 backlinks for a mini-site for the niche market. Use anchor text with the keyword in your link and write something relevant to that keyword and your website. In this way, search engines will not punish him, as they do with spam. Rework an article minisite and you're done.

Article to the article directory. These elements are used for content sites, blogs, e-zines, etc., to people who can not write or do not know what they need. The article contains an author's box, with the article that the price users pay for using it are released. Box of the author includes a link to a website that you own, preferably money locally.
The whole purpose of writing an article for the directory is to bring the reader to keep moving down the page about the author and click on the link. It is a very good formula I came across this.

All products are niche products, by definition. The most important point is set to give the reader enough information about his interest in playing him, but not enough to satisfy him (or was it).

You can use this system for editing content scratched, but I will give the system only when the article was written from scratch.

Prior to the research: Make a list of three keywords or keyword phrases that you want to use throughout the article.

Search: Use keywords in a Google search and open multiple locations on the first page. (Or use scraped content, PLR, etc.) to read quickly, partially or superficially, to have a general idea of ​​a point. Write down this show. Get a point of your article from any source and make a list of 3-5 points. Do not copy content from others, but keep the site open to check facts when writing the article.

Title, destination:
First Curiosity ("secret", "hidden", etc.),
Second Shock Value
Third Delivery ("how" "discover", "7 Ways", etc.) or
4th Ask a question.
Each of them is. You do not need more than one use. Include your main keyword.

Paragraphs: In the figure below, each number should be a sentence or two, maximum three.

First paragraph:
First General presentation of the subject.
Second An abbreviated list of your points.
Third Explanation of the purpose of the article ("explore", "compare", "discuss", etc.)

Paragraphs point (3-5):
First Enter the period (in other words).
Second Two or three sentences informative on this point.
Third Completion and transition to the next point. Note: The mention in the last paragraph, that the points are gone.

Last paragraph:
First General explanation of what has been presented.
Second Summarize the points covered (briefly), but talk about things that do not cover. Concentrate on things that the reader wants to know.
Third Summarize the article on the given target in the first paragraph is based.

Author of the box:
First Give a little, but minimal information about the author. The fewer the better. This annoys people. The picture is OK.
Second Use anchor text in links to your site or sites.
Third Give an idea of ​​what to expect on your site or sites.
4th Give a good reason (benefit) to go to your website. Note that the article in the article here. Suppose you have a foolproof system solutions or secret and shit (but they have something up when they get there). Offer freebies.

Notice how these readers to the page in a logical and pressing it firmly until you click on the link.

The article must be about 500-1000 words. If you are shorter, the reader feels cheated or have the information was too shallow for him to click on your link, and if you make more, it could put the item before you get your link. Do your keyword density of about 3%.

Review article. This followed more or less the principles of marketing article directory, but there are some differences. There are three types of criticism and all aim to get the reader on a link to the page, click a product to sell. Always use the anchor text in links.Period. No exceptions. A banner or two on the side of the check is OK (or up or down). A picture of the product is good, including in the reveiew.

Articles in scientific journals are used by more than learn about mini-sites test somewhere else. This is really going minisites niche sites in drag. If you look back as a guest in a foreign blog or publication, a link to your website for the niche market and not to promote directly to the sales letter for less headaches with the website / publication owners.

First Normal examination. Product and give some basic functions.Mention problems than it solves. Bullshit a personal story (or stories) about how you or someone you know has a problem, helping the more personal the better, and the product to solve or the person is rich or whatever. Give a little problem or two, that the product does not solve for you to appear objective. Note that there are other great benefits (minor), you hear, to think, but still. So strongly support the product as a problem solver. Click here. You are done.

Second Comparative criticism. It is actually three or more reviews of products with a similar type of rating system. Do not make more of five products at once. Use the normal review system, but give more information about the product you want to sell. Make sure that second place is very close and there is at least one with a relatively poor rating, third, fourth or fifth.

Third Rate Scam. Two. Most words are searched for in the search engines "assessment" and "fraud", so use this traffic (bonus is also high.) Sounding like a hard-hitting journalist in the beginning. Want bloody facts and nothing more. You're an idiot. Suppose you hear a lot of rumors about the product being a scam, and you will go to the ground. So bullshit a personal story about you or someone you know about the topic "I was lost but now I find myself." The life was hell before the product. Someone mentioned that to help. They were suspicious that all out. You have tried the product. Here. Problem solved. Life is not rosy, but you are no longer a victim and you'll be damned if you never speak negatively about this new product. And yada yada yada ... click here ...

Content of articles and books normally. Go to school to learn how to do this, or use the things of others. Blog posts and posts the contents are almost the same. You do these things because you love, not to sell things. This is beyond my discussion.

First Use a conversational tone for internet marketing. If a reader needs to look up a word, he will not buy and can not read fast.
Second Speaking of your audience. If the market demographic profiles of your girl, you do not macho. If religious people do not speak jive. You get the idea.
Third If you get stuck, ask a question and answer. ("Why do you want to do this? Well ...")
4th Perform a "most people" bullshit story. Can ("Most people say that ..." or "Most gurus say that ..." followed by "But the truth is ...") There is no way on earth you know what most people say, but it makes a big bullshit. As you enter the hidden truth, you are the hero of the day and the reader is happy to know you.
5th Downloading content different style of literature, or in Google searches. There are a ton of you out there.

White Hatters learn this stuff down cold. Hatters do is gray, but often using prepared content and rewriting of programs to help. Black Hatters content is scraped, using content-rewriting programs almost exclusively. But they can use these techniques to improve their content and also to check for gibberish.

The BS Riches Tributary

BS Riches Tributary? What is a sentence? I get all my jargon already.

The idea is that you start with a net and it grows and develops as it moves along, until it becomes a raging river that flows into the sea.I'm talking about money, of course, and on the pocket of a person moves within you.

I'm going to discuss this in terms of Internet marketing and your own product, but it can be applied to any location with a reasonable traffic and sales.

Remember, it's easier to get one in 2000 to pay over two grand at all plunk down money for every 2,000 people.

While most people see you hyping bullshit, do not worry. (But you can value the quality and hype. Tip quality and two sell crap. Remember, no shit.) The spotter would never be caught in your bullshit BS Riches Tributary, anyway, it do not worry.

You first hear about the people. Try "Permission Marketing". This means that to them free stuff and they give you permission to send them your playing. This is the concept behind the opt-in marketing forms and autoresponders.

But you can depend on the sales pages and minisites niche presales, too. It does not matter where. The more hooks you can not interfere, the better. The most important thing is to bite it and buy that first whomp-ti-do-ebook or software.

I must be here to open parenthesis. How can you convince someone to buy something, and you accept as an expert if you have previously never sold anything and have not taken?


You do not mention your name on the first in bright light. Focus on the system. When you talk about yourself (or "different" about you), you are in jail for 5 or more years, during which you have been working to perfect this system and top-secret. Only now he felt that she could be released to the public. Say you tried first and made a fortune with her, so now you want to spread around the good times and share with others. Talk about the virtue of giving something back for your blessing. Have stuff, texts, photos, videos, etc., about how much money you have and show.

So begin your aliases to work. Did they want the way you (for approval, the sales page of pure criticism, "is it a scam?", Etc.), but the final message should be: "Oh Wow This Is It" Mix It Up and have a ball. Other people start jumping on the band-wagon for a while.

Once you start to make money, get together with another guru (or more) and offer him a cup or the money to immediately connect to their customers and plug it in general. His name brings to others and all that stuff is on the way into the side valleys BS Riches.

The current average price for an ebook is about $ 47 and it's pretty good. If a lot cheaper, and you lose the image of the target market.A guy who forks over 47 smackeroonies for a piece of shit as a PDF eBook that can print, if it can go up in the bookstore and buy a new book attractive company for $ 25 to dig well-prepared, deeply for the other shit makes him look like an insider.

In addition, you can use the perceived value of your products by saying that the real price is $ 97 increase, but for a limited time, yada yada yada ...

Once your fish takes the bait and hook, start reeling him in. It is much less than 1% of people watch your stuff, but this small group is where your OS resides empires. Sell ​​your dream customers. Sell ​​the sizzle it. Tell him he is rich beyond decency and are among the world elite of insiders. Sell ​​him on his special destiny in order.

Do not think that's a totally stupid, though. It could be because of the 47 smackeroonies be initiated, but wants to say he did a good job and he wants to be some insider information.

So the ebook pepper (or software manual) with phrases like "Congratulations!" "You did it!" "Get ready for a rich make-over!" "It will blow your mind!" And so on. Be generous. Finally, the man paid for them. Do you believe him, he has money in the bank.

Show her your rich-dude stuff as evidence (young beautiful women, luxury cars, yachts, houses, etc.) If you are a beginner and have no outlet, have this kind of thing. There are pictures all over the internet and if you can not copy and paste, he hangs up. What are you reading this?

Tell him to change his mindset to think about how he spend his new wealth and wants to pay all his debts. Give him a generous umbrella of mental images bullshit his woman, smiling, laughing friends, "debt-free" signs, said from his boss, cars, houses, jewelry, one hundred dollar bills in circulation, the works. Beat go hard, but not too far. Even a fool is a bullshit meter wrong and you never want to go into the red zone.

Now that you have to offer to a certain value. Most of the time telling him how to do things and how to sell traffic selling to retailers.Maybe you want to tell him how to sell things or how do you get other people's belongings. There are tons and tons of "Secrets" are so use your imagination. If you're really, to focus on a small point, like a book Adwords for example. Cradle of literature, but use your own words. 7 pages to write, how to make the title if you have a call to action or a question mark or any other bullshit you can imagine can be used. Use big words, if you know of one for statistics, but keep the insider jargon that flows in abundance.

There is another angle. A person who is reading a PDF he paid $ 47 dollars to pay attention. You have a captive audience, so make a sales pitch. Tell him he can increase his profits, "a notch" or "take it to the next level," or another phrase that sounds good shit. Then offer him other things. Sure your argument about his imaginary wealth, it will take for the next level, too, he thinks, he becomes even richer than before.

I read somewhere that the ratio of the value of information to be observed by 20%, 40% of the dream and the sale of 40% sales pitch for new things. This does not appear correctly on the things I've seen, but the categories are correct. To estimate offhand, I saw it more as information value 50%, 30% of the dream and the sale of 20% sales pitch for new clothes or something like that. This should be tested and modified based on the results.

The next step (the new substance, that you stick to it) is signed in order to do a membership site, where it remains for downloading videos, mp3, free transcripts and other things from other people. A fee of $ 100-200 and a monthly fee of $ 20-40.

Once inside, it can also buy a special course for $ 497 or more DVDs. Or it can all multimedia home-study course (including a loose-leaf text of 600 pages) to get for $ 1997th

Do not change these prices if they do not work or if you think you can do more.

Write student (he is now a student) and more mysteries start in the Black Hat information dissemination. But keep the jargon and the flow of shit. Remember, this is a wealthy and you are in the river. So flooding the crap. There is now an insider, and it must be treated as such.

Then shoot for the moon: a couple of one-on-one coaching sessions with membership in a club environment with special group coaching and workshops. Make sure to find your club in the first insider-membership site with aggressive "Members Only"-type bridges.Here you will receive $ 20,000 or so a pop.

What about traffic for all this shit?

Well, it's the normal stuff you are teaching (SEO, backlinks, PPC, etc.), but there are a whole lot more.

Take an aggressive campaign affiliate recruitment. As I mentioned, you put your work first as an alias for your partner. Blades can be, how they sold the hell of your product. Make it easier to sign new members. Free training and to teach new members how to spam the living daylights out of the internet, websites, blogs, forums, audio, video, works. But always tell their own sales materials that you are "100% against spam and condemn unreservedly the practice."

Enter the new text specified subsidiaries everything they do is good to say about you all over the place. Give them the banners and buttons, and sales models. Cape HopLinks her for it. Offer them a 75% commission. Keep your alias pump right alongside them, and if an affiliated company starts to sell well, do you copy the entire marketing business to one of your aliases and the same.

You will meet many people along the way and other bullshit artists.Use them for ideas. It should not be difficult to find a long list of new products and campaigns. It was not long be a name as an Internet guru, you will be invited to speak at seminars and conferences are prestigious, you will be a world-class authority and your trip to the BS Riches Tributary reaches the ocean.

At the moment it does not matter whether you are white hat, gray hat or black hat. You are the king.


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