Monday, April 8, 2019

Suami Bunuh Isteri Baru Bersalin 40 Hari & Bayi Baru Lahir

BANTEN - INDONESIA. Akibat menolak ajakan suami untuk bersama, seorang ibu yang baru bersalin 40 hari dan bayinya mati dibunuh suami sendiri.

Menerusi laporan Tribunnews, Ap, 25, dan bayinya meninggal dunia dipercayai dibunuh suaminya AR, ekoran menolak ajakan untuk berhubungan intim memandangkan dia baru 40 hari melahirkan bayi mereka.

Difahamkan, suspek dan mangsa bekerja sebagai pegawai di Hospital Krakatau Medika (RSKM).
Kedua-dua mayat ibu dan anak itu ditemukan di rumahnya di Kampung Kotasari, Daerah Grogol, Kota Cilegon, pada Isnin pagi.

Ketika ditemukan keluarga, kedua-duanya sudah tidak bernyawa dengan luka lebam di sekitar kepala.
Dari pemeriksaan awal mendapati, mangsa mengalami luka akibat dihentak benda tumpul.

"Kita masih dalam proses, tapi yang sudah terlihat adalah luka-luka akibat kekerasan benda tumpul," kata Dr Budi Suhendar, dari Unit Forensik Hospital Dradjat Prawiranegara.

Suami mangsa sudah menyerahkan diri kepada pihak polis selepas melakukan perbuatan zalim itu.

BANTEN - INDONESIA. As a result of rejecting a husband's request to co-exist, a mother who had just delivered 40 days and her baby was killed by her own husband. According to reports Tribunnews, Ap, 25, and her baby died believed to have been murdered by her husband AR, following rejecting an intimate relationship because she had only 40 days to give birth to their baby. It is learned that the suspect and victim work as an officer at Krakatau Hospital Medika (RSKM). Both the mother and child were found at her home in Kampung Kotasari, Grogol District, Cilegon City, on Monday morning. When a family is found, both have no lifesaving bruises around the head. From the preliminary examination, the victim was injured due to a dumped blunt. "We are still in the process, but the ones already seen are injuries due to blunt violence," said Dr Budi Suhendar, from the Hospital Forensic Unit of Dradjat Prawiranegara. The victim's husband has been surrendered to the police after committing the wrongdoing. Rate

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