Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tutorial : Bagaimana membina sebuah blog yang menarik dan menari ?

Tutorial : Bagaimana membina sebuah blog yang menarik dan menari ?

Tutorial : How to Cultivate The Interesting Blog

Hello lads , gents , gays and lesbs gentlemen . I was able to a few questions regarding the blog . Mostly , newbies come in and ask about the blog . What is appropriate in particular article on the blog .

It is the entry of the most most most most most basic of how to create a blog . Therefore , some of guys came in and said he did not know anything about the blogs .

Back then , I always said worpress is best because it must reply comment and etc. . Actually , wordpress is the best , but only if korang son made ​​his own domain . If not , then blogger ( blogspot ) is the best this setakat . Moreover , if korang newish blogger is perceived that if the kid is very simple in comparison with wordpress .

The Whole Template .

Okay , for the new korang learn how to create a blog , and do not know the kid grab the template / layout of sorts where , korang may download je of websites that cool . Korang may Lepak Mamat blog ni to find the best template .

After downloading extract out the template ( script code ) tu use winzip / winrar . Open your blogger account - > Dashboard - > Design - > Edit HTML then upload the script code - > Save Template .

Then tadaaa . Korang dah own template .

Increase size room blog entry post ( post body )
And , among the most soalan that I can kid is way exaggerated article blog post roomates room is the room you are in your blog entries . How, I do not know the origin , but when I taught myself when the boy made ​​a new template green ni , I was way terbelajar edit all ni nak . how:

Dashboard - > Design - > Edit HTML - > ' Tick the' Expand Widget Templates - > Press Ctrl + F ( It will activate the search function in your web brower - Also may be used in Microsoft Office ) Write 'main - wrapper ' without commas top .

You will look like below

From there , he had a width search . It was the size blog post ( post / entry body ) you . If we look , home 500px .

When the preview , it will be kind of ni ;

I change to 1000px , it would be kind of ni .

In other words , just like korang change lah nak join any width . And , make sure there is space for the sidebar .

And if the kid korang change link color , visited link and hover ( place your mouse over the link ) , must search for the words in the image below ,

Then he got a color swap . Kod color - code her , korang should take in this blog .

So also was the one with the quote function and sidebar . Korang should learn to discover themselves . And if my son included , korang may change any objects in korang blog on one condition , contact korang understand the language code . No effort to learn what the classroom kat . Learning itself was allowed . Main somewhat - bit and play logic - logic je . Because, I had taught myself and always make try and error . I taught myself dare ni because HMTL codes , are all based on logic . Remember tu .

But , before the try and error tu , be sure korang Back up korang had first template . Kang later destroyed blog template , do not blame me kid .

Title tag improve SEO .
What is SEO ? Back then , I look at almost every day bloggers write SEO article . But now , it is hard looking kid . SEO is Search Engine Optimization . If korang good SEO , Alexa raking korang would be nice . If korang good SEO , korang blog will be filled with bustling people who search on Google , Bing and Yahoo! So , the higher the SEO korang , the easier lah nak blog korang be encountered when in search .

The easiest way to improve SEO is to change the Title tag and location .

The trick , at first

Dashboard - > Design - > Edit HTML - > ' Tick the' Expand Widget Templates - > Press Ctrl + F ( It will activate the search function in your web brower - Also may be used in Microsoft Office ) . Search for

<title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> < / title>

When dah bye , replacekannya the code below ;

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<title> <data:blog.title/> < / title>
<title> <data:blog.pageName/> < / title>
< / b : if>

After replace tu dah , Save the template right .

This code will make the blog name will not be said when in search . I think , the better SEO if we throw we got the name of the blog . After all, is not fixed and will create a tu blog name It messed SEO ? People search on the blog post , rather than the name of the blog .

The Must Have

What is required in your blog ;
Blog roll / Blog list - another blog listings you interest in reading . For example on my blog , The Other Pretty Gay . It is important that people be made ​​aware kewujudan korang blog .
Google Connects ( Followers ) - keep your customers .
Chatbox - Shoutmix (Free and there are many advantages versus other chatbox . There is an IP address for example )
Label / Tag - It is important that your blog best .
Ad - Nuffnang - If you are interested nak find money Lama . ( Please note , I re DUIT Lama . )
Counter , Referrer / Tracker - Panting for korang look aktiviti your blog traffic . Should know what the people in the world ni search to get your blog .
Google Webmaster - Also tracker . It is important to look at the traffic and keywords and trend your blog .

What should not exist in your blog is ;
Hour - your readers should look at the clock in the bottom right corner of the PC dieorang . But if a lot of porn korang blog until they terlalai to not squeeze the time in prayer .
Oh , rest , be referenced HERE .

What kind / How to make my son so that people can not copy our blog entry ?

Yes , the problem is not the best when we make that kind of best entries , is when there malaun shameless copy what we write . Kalu did not copy anything . I was not the story , but , the location was a link to a blog that korang copy . If I may , the location was the direct link. Ni no , dah He got the copy , not the location link . After tu , for he had a kind . I 've no problem ni . There is a lady ni Mamat . He made ​​kat FB note , but the contents of an entry he roundly me . I had forgotten her name . I remember that he wear face bajet pastu melayu comel .

So , how to Prevent people from stealing korang blog post is by ;

Dashboard - > Design - > Page Elements - > Add Gadget - > Add HTML / JavaScript - > Paste code below - > Save .

<script language="JavaScript">
< ! -
/ / Disable right mouse click Script
/ / By Maximus ( maximus@nsimail.com ) w / mods by DynamicDrive
/ / For full source code , visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com
var message = " Function Blocked " ;

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
clickIE4 function ( ) {
if ( event.button == 2 ) {
alert ( message ) ;
return false ;
clickNS4 function ( e ) {
if ( document.layers | | document.getElementById && ! ​​document.all ) {
if ( e.which == 2 | | e.which == 3 ) { alert ( message) ; return false ;
if ( document.layers ) {
document.captureEvents ( Event.MOUSEDOWN ) ;
document.onmousedown = clickNS4 ;
else if ( document.all && ! ​​document.getElementById ) {
document.onmousedown = clickIE4 ;
document.oncontextmenu = new Function ( " alert ( message ) ; return false " )
/ / - >
< / script >
After the save , then when a view blog , dah korang should not press the right mouse because later he would write out the error " Function Blocked " . Korang ni may exchange words to other words .

Or , more easily when korang use code below .

Dashboard - > Design - > Edit HTML - > ' Tick the' Expand Widget Templates - > Press Ctrl + F - > Search for


And replace with

<body oncontextmenu='return false;' onkeydown='return false;' onmousedown='return false;'>

Then , Save Template .

The above code will make your blog can not right click , should not be in the select ( Highlight ) and should not be in the Ctrl + C Ctrl V.

Okay dah . Hopefully there korang best blogs

I think , what the above is that the most important thing for sesebuah blog . Maybe I missed something there or whatever . What apahal , may I ask on Formspring .


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