Sunday, September 1, 2013

Budak Bachok Kelantan Sempoi Aje Main PPC Masyukkk

Mcm mana kalau aku guna approach B??

Aku akan cari produk dulu. Masuk dalam Clickbank tgk pada section berkaitan language ke.. and then suddenly aku nampak.. satu ebook berjudul "Learn Spanish in 7 Days".

Interesting.. and then aku ambil produk itu dan promote.

Disinilah banyak kesilapan yang newbie buat.

Sebab pencarian niche adalah berdasarkan pemilihan produk... mereka just assume market yang general terus tanpa melakukan kajian yang mencukupi.

Mcm ni contoh.. ada orang PM aku pasal ni. Dia cari produk dulu.. for example "Spanish Language" nih. And then dia ambil produk tuh so aku tanya dia... "siapa target sasaran ko dgn produk ni??"

Dia jawab.. "Tentulah orang yang nak belajar spanish."

Well.. mmg betul.. tapi kalau dia buat PPC advertisement and promote.. potential buat sales hanyalah sikit.

Dia target as a whole... people who wants to learn spanish. Dia tak hyper-target. Dia tak cari apa itu hot buttons.. dan dia tak segment kan dia punya pasaran.

Aku pula on the other hand dah buat semua research and ada data yang accurate.. so aku promote kepada satu segment dulu.. iaitu orang yang nak berkahwin dengan spanish people.

Aku buat a couple of ten sales. Mamat sorang lagi tak dapat even satu sales pun.

Apa sebabnya?? Sebab bila approach melalui produk dulu.. kita akan cenderung untuk meninggalkan banyak aspect penting dalam niche tuh. Sebab kita akan melihat sesuatu melalui produk itu sendiri.. sebagai contoh:

Apa yang produk ini ingin capai? = Untuk mengajar spanish.

That's it!! No more research.. sebab itu potensi gagal bila search produk dulu adalah tinggi.

But kalau guna method WA..:

Niche apa?? = Spanish Language
Micro Niche?? = Learn Spanish Language
Target Audience?? = a) People moving to spain / mexico. cool.gif People marrying spanish / mexican people.
Product Availability?? = Yes!!
Hot Buttons?? = Having problems communication with spouse. Shopkeeper can't speak don't understand what I'm talking about.

and more...

So kalau newbie and masih rasa tak yakin.. approach this using method A.

But method B tak salah... aku sendiri guna method B lebih kerap sekarang. Cari produk dulu baru cari niche.

Apa yang aku cadangkan disini.. bila guna method B.. korang akan lebih kerap miss out banyak important things and factor dalam niche itu sendiri. Potential untuk missed out something important almost 80%.

But kalau guna method A.. korang akan search something secara detail.. trust me I know.. sbb aku mula dgn method A jugak masa baru start.. and then build the basic foundation of knowledge within that niche.. baru cari product. Potential untuk miss something hanya 20% to 30% jer.

Itu saja dulu...


  1. Provoke?lol...

    Asik gadoh2 je, tak bestlah finix start to teach about monetization???lets see...

    Monetization ada beberapa option...check this

    Now you can publish what you know and love... and monetize it. Together with a blend of affiliate programs and referral deals, AdSense anchors the generation of extra thousands of dollars per month to your online, niche-oriented SBI! business.

    SOHOs & Work-From-Home
    Thinking about starting a work-from-home business? Run a genuine business, your business, from home, full- or part-time. No "biz opp" here -- this is real...hahaha

    Service Businesses
    Offer a service related to your niche. Build a client base, whether clients are local (ex., magician for house parties) or global (ex., JAVA programmer). (Or start a completely new service business.)

    E-goods Creators/Sellers
    Are you a programmer (or hire one!) with an idea for a needed niche-filling software? Or perhaps you have an idea for an e-book? Maybe a photographer with collections of e-photos (the e-photo sales market will boom!). Anything can be digitized nowadays -- sell it.

    Hard Goods Creators/Sellers
    Are you a small business or a craftsman that creates/manufactures/retails your own hard goods (i.e., products that you can actually touch and that you ship -- non-digital products)? Put up (copy-and-paste HTML) your own store and sell direct, without Yahoo! Stores, eBay, etc... or with. No products of your own -- you can still add a wonderful store, sourced from thousands of manufacturers that drop-ship for you (no need for you to hold inventory, nor pick-pack-and-ship)

    Sales and Rental Agents/Reps/Distributors
    It's your traffic -- sell or rent what you want, how you want. Do you represent great products, either for sale (from medical equipment to ice cream makers) and/or rent (from apartments to heavy equipment)? See how SBI! can boost your sales by millions (literally).

    Add hundreds-to-thousands of dollars per month to your diversified monetization plan, without having a product of your own -- no warehousing, packaging, shipping, etc. And if you do sell a product of your own, simply choose merchants that complement your product line.

    Another great "add-on" monetizer. This model is as classic as business itself... get paid a referrer or finder's fee by an offline business for finding a customer (or a "lead") for it. The Net, though, makes it far more cost-effective.

    Existing Online Businesses/E-commerce Sites
    Already have an existing online business or e-commerce sites? Do you need an ongoing stream of free, targeted traffic... motivated, interested buyers? Use SBI! as a traffic-funnel, for a tiny fraction of the cost of your primary site.


  2. Network Marketers/Multi-Level Marketers (Yang korang Tgh
    Forget those spammy online lead-generators. Imagine if you could build your own unique site that attracted and PREsold warm leads to call YOU all day long? No more "you chasing them." That is exactly what you and SBI! can achieve together.

    Net Auction Sellers
    Put eBay to work for you, instead of vice-versa. Use them as a supplemental source of income to auction a product that relates to your theme. Especially useful for local businesses or vendors that sell hard goods, and even for service-sellers. And obviously, for those who want to start an online auction business.

    Local Offline Businesses
    If you own an offline business with local clientele, a Web site is a must. Use it to grow your business locally and, in many cases, to extend your market globally (yes, you!)

    Web Professionals
    Your design work is sharp and creative. Your clients like your sites. But they ask... "So how do I get traffic?" It's time to convert your satisfied clients into raving fans, while simultaneously boosting productivity by 1000%.

    just some tips wanna share for all of u,

    Start at the beginning... CONTENT.

    Do not start at the end... MONETIZATION.

    So many people spend time and energy setting up a shopping cart and a merchant account or some other way of "collecting the money." That's putting the (shopping) cart before the e-horse of PREsold traffic.

    MONETIZATION comes last... it's the final result of doing everything else (C==>T==>P) correctly.

    The easiest part of any small business site is mix and matching the most appropriate blend of Monetization models into your traffic-generating site.

    The key is to eliminate "offline thinking." Recognize the fundamental reality of how people use the Web. Online, people look for Content.

    Start there by delivering Content, which builds Traffic, which is PREsold. Then and only then, are you ready to Monetize?

    and some opinion about putera user...

    When finix start to talking about new skill or new method, start to using google search engine, do not wait finix explanation coz its just make him "suffer" jadi pemalas...haha...

    just my 2 cent...(<== ayat si CS)

