Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Ingin kami kongsi berikut ssatu senarai nama kumpulan-kumpulan atau geng-geng kongsi Gelap bawah naungan puak Puak Hung Men (洪門).

Elok sekali Omar Ong - yang hanya Mat Liberal tahu teori, baca buku sekolah saja tau, tak tahu apa-apa yang sedang berlaku di bumi bawah dan dah perasan [pandai nak nasihat macam-macam hingga nak block pandangan orang lain yang lebih mengetahui - tahu bahawa senarai panjang kumpulan kongsi gelap ini hanya yang berpayung bawah puak ini saja.

Ada ratusan puak-puak dan kumpulan bawah mereka.

(01) 【金】【兰】【社】叁八廿壹 (3821)
(02) 鳳凰山 (The Phoenix Hill)
(03) 五指山 (The Fiv0e Fingers Mountain)
(04) 五色旗 (The Five colours Flag)
(05) 洪順堂 (Hong Shun Tang)
(06) 三百六 (306)
(07) 老君 (The Old Gentlemen)
(08) 君聯 (The United Gentlemen)
(09) 龍虎堂 (The Hall of the Dragons and Tigers)
(10) 百龍虎 (The Hundred Dragons and Tigers)
(11) 廿一 (21)
(12) 廿四 (24)
(13) 馬來洪門 (The Malay Hong Men)
(14) 九六九 (969)
(15) 馬來零八 (The Malay 08)
(16) 印度黑豹 (The Indian Black Panther)
(17) 印人一條心 (The Indian One Heart or The Indian Satu Hati)
(18) 馬來一條心 (The Malay Satu Hati or The Malay One Heart)
(19) 紅金龍 (The Red Dragon)
(20) 紅雙堂 (The Hall of Double Red)
(21) 紅花 (The Red Flower)
(22) 零八 (08)
(23) 小零八 (The Little 08)
(24) 卅二黨 (The Gang of 32)
(25) 二龍虎 (The Two Dragons and Tigers)
(26) 廿一海 (The 21 Seas)
(27) 義洪山 (The Righteousness of Hong Mountain)
(28) 紅虎 (The Red Tiger)
(29) 零一 (01)
(30) 小零一 (The Little 01)
(31) 小三王 (The Little Three Kings)
(32) 印人黑鷹 (The Indian People's Black Eagle)
(33) 洪金龍 (The Hong Golden Dragon)
(34) 洪盟會 (The Hong Alliance Association)
(35) 紅日山 (The Red Day Mountain)
(36) 二零四 (204)
(37) 合和堂 (The Hall of Combined Harmony)
(38) 興聯會 (The Association of United Prosperity)
(39) 黑籠(The Black Dragon)
(40) 海山 (The Sea and the Mountain [Note: Yap Ah Loy's Branch] )
(41) 義興黨 (The Gang of Righteousness and Prosperity)
(42) 王虎山 (The Wang Tiger Hill)
(43) 小白虎 (The Little White Tiger)
(44) 二零 (20)
(45) 小白雄 (The Little White Male)
(46) 仁義堂 (The Hall of Benevolence and Justice)
(47) 小金龍 (The Little Golden Dragon)
(48) 小龍虎 (The Little Dragons and Tigers)
(49) 五龍 (The Five Dragons)
(50) 小三六 (The Little 36)
(51) 一點紅 (The One Red Dot)
(52) 洪花黨 (The Flowery Gang of Hong)

Kumpulan-kumpulan ini buat duit dari kegiatan-kegiatan haram dan dipercayai ekonomi bawah tanah ini sampai RM400 billion setahun. Duit ini disalurkan dan dicuci melalui process money laundering ke dalam night club, pool hall, refleksoloji centre yang mahal-mahal, rumah urut, kedai-kedai runcit, kontraktor, pembina kapal di sibu, used car dan hingga korporat-korparat.

Bila ada *****-***** kata kita perlu persaingan untuk naikkan keupayaan ekonomi orang Melayu. Dengan bersaing di pasaran terbuka orang Melayu akan akhirnya berjaya.

Mereka semu ini bermimpi. EKonomi dari hasil jenayah tidak akan membolehkan sesiapa yang berupaya bersaing dalam apa perniagaan sekali.

Perkara ini lumrah dalam hampir semua perniagaan yang melibatkan kaum-kaum pendatang hingga mereka berjaya kuasai ekonomi negara mereka tumpang.

One of the famous triad name is Heaven and Earth Society.Nama-other name is as Hung League and the Three United Association.Freemason have always been interested in these secret societies and even some members of the Freemasons has made deep research and write a book about it including G. Schlegel (The Hung League. 1866) and JSM Ward (The Hung Society. 1925). History of China is a history of the dynasties that ruled the underworld and the establishment of many to menentangnya.Merentasi Chinese history, the only way to oppose the king and the central government through the dark gelap.Kongsi partner is the answer to those who do not have power, marginalized or oppressed, to resist oppression or whatever cause sorrow and disaster to their lives.

They never lack triad members and also the lack of reason to persuade the poor and oppressed to join the secret gelap.Berbeza with 'secret societies' in Europe which generally consisted of middle class and elite secret societies Chinese is made up of poor people and people of China bawahan.Bilangan the public is the main reason 'The Hidden Hand' would use Cina.Mereka people became 'Pawn of the game' in order to 'The Hidden Hand' want to set up base in Singapore.


If war happens, the Chinese people will be killed first by the machete FLYING Melayu.Bangsa amok and The Hidden Hand beloved, beloved servant of the Zionist and Christian Zionist (Freemasons for example) would have been spared from the rampage of the Malays and managed escape while stepping on the corpses of the Chinese people before designing various plans to make a 'counter attack'.
The Malays are a people who love their RASA.Sikap harbored no love mystery and creates havoc pendiam.Mereka immediately if they are interrupted, provoked or teased mereka.TETAPI sensitivity THEY WILL harbored feelings of resentment FOR THEM up to a critical level and 'psycho'.

Upon reaching a certain level, they will meletus.Inilah ALTER batty trying every colonial mereka.Dari avoided where the word 'amok' in English taken? Look, the English had to borrow the word 'amok' in the Malay language to describe this phenomenon because they do not have the exact connotation of their language to explain this kind of psychology.

Alter amok is seemingly exclusive to the Malay race even if all men were raging at tertentu.JIka level we see in the West, has become a trend for students who are bullied or feeling severe pressure to bear arms firing randomly towards student- lain.Tetapi students every pure Malay dangerous alter ini.Istimewanya general store, they know how to control and menggunakannya.Jika not, of course, no Chinese or Indian person kauvinis racist and live in their land.


Remember, people love the diplomacy of Malay kekerasan.Inilah one of the results concluded Francis Light, Stamford Raffles or Frank Swettenham from their experience in Malaya.

Secret societies are becoming increasingly popular among the Chinese people in the Land Melayu.Pertamanya, the majority of the Chinese people brought to Malaya made and people who are poor and destitute lower, so blinded shared their hopes for their lives complaining about the problem when the roaming.

They can share the joy and sorrow together and the same problem in ini.Keduanya secret societies, who became a British agent in China for business supplying the Chinese people to the archipelago (keep in mind in other places in the Malay Archipelago for example in Indonesia also face the same situation), especially in Malaya?

They are also INI.Merekalah secret societies of agents who work collecting Chinese people from impoverished regions who do not have hope for their country full of chaos and rebellion to crammed into heaven junks to trade in Singapore and Malaya.

All this goes well even more so after the Chinese government had signed an agreement with the British to allow Illuiminati English 'kidnap' the Chinese people to break the racial composition in Malaya and Jews set up base in Singapore.

Poor Chinese people 'innocent' does not know anything Jewish and Christian Zionist plans for the Chinese mereka.Orang most unfortunate is involved in the May 13 tragedy, become easy victims of the Illuminati and Zionists, die confused and sad. Also emperor and his courtiers who have been sniffing Western tactics, also not guilty in this case they were also a victim of the Illuminati devil worshipers.

Communism cultures also try the insert in the military struggle fisabillah. Tentanglah this from spreading Communism in our fight! Do not divided back to the basics ... the white road that way. Money is the god of the underworld used, why should follow the Chinese communist culture while we are more powerful than them?

We fight for Allah not for money.

"And among the people who we speed up, there is a community who guide with the truth, and do justice."
Surah Al-A'araf verse 181

Word of God stands;
"And instead anyone who is in this world (under the circumstances) blind (wander), then it is also blind in the hereafter, and most astray from the Path."
Surah Al-Isra 'verse 72

God's Word-meaning;

"Accept what's forgiveness, and enjoin good with the self, and turn away (Do not forget) those who are ignorant (who with stubborn ignorance)."
Surah Al-A'araf verse 199

Chinese secret societies in the Straits comes from the Triad. Triad Group is a secret society established in China in the year 1674. The purpose of Triad is to overthrow the Manchu government and replace it with the Ming Dynasty. Triad Group also known as names like Hung League and Thian Ti Hui (League of Heaven and Earth). The Chinese have set up secret societies soon after the British occupied Penang (1786) and Singapore (1819). Since 1799 more Chinese secret societies began against the British administration in Penang. Among the secret societies known is the Ghee Hin (Cantonese) and Hai San (Hakka). L.A. Mills considers Chinese secret societies in the Straits Settlements as the Pirates and Robbers Co-operative Association. A large number of members of the secret societies composed of Chinese criminals.

Struggle for power and the colony has produced a variety of names and code numbers as the Three Emperors, Temple of Five Sisters, 13 Sword, Red Dragon, 03,04,07,08,21,24,36,38,18,360,367,368,369 and more. It is also believed that originally only a few groups headed and staffed by Chinese people have led and staffed by other nations and other 08,18,24,36,77,99. Triad also make certain symbols such as their group icon wild animals, firearms myths and symbolizes violence and cruelty to them.

As in other societies around the world, Malaysia is believed to make the triad societies in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan as examples establishment, operation and still make Guan Yu / Kuan Yee (God of War) as a revered idol. Even Arrangements are in the oath of allegiance, they still use the confession into "Red Army".

The reasons for the establishment of the Chinese secret societies

1. The existence of secret societies in South China

Most Chinese people who migrated from the crowd to the Straits Settlements in the 19th century was a member of the secret societies in China. Secret societies tradition is carried on by the Chinese in the Straits Settlements.

2. Organizational requirements for protection and mutual assistance

Chinese people who migrated to the Straits originating from different regions in China and is made up of various tribes. They also have language and different customs. These factors and circumstances surrounding the cause of the Chinese new triad of collateral to enter for the purpose of self-protection and mutual aid. Apart from carrying out criminal activities, secret societies is the social welfare association. They assist members who are in trouble, care of the burial of members who died and help members find jobs.

3. The existence of opportunities for wealth and power

Secret societies have been established with the purpose of mastering the tin mines, coolie trade, gambling and prostitution.

4. Government apathy Straits

Government apathy Straits has encouraged the establishment of the Chinese secret societies. Public officials and the police force is not sufficient to control the activities of secret societies. In 1831, there were only 18 police for a population of only about 16,000 people in Singapore. In fact, there is no officer shall before 1867 who could speak Chinese or understand Chinese customs. There is no pre-1877 government machinery for dealing with matters related to the Chinese in the Straits Settlements. In fact, there are no adequate judicial staff to solve criminal cases. Until 1856 there was only one judge in the Straits Settlements. This situation has encouraged the development of Chinese secret societies.

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