Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Melayu, Anjing dan .....

The Prophet Muhammad Prophet and that means:, When a dog drinking water or (lick) on water containers belong to one of you, let the water container was washed seven times (tan) one of them to the ground. (Narrated by Muslim)

The meaning of the above Hadith is that if a dog lick our water containers, water containers should be washed 7 times with one of them to the ground. Indeed get tanning. Saliva has a dog belonging to a variety of germs that can cause harm to humans. That is why He says that all the sites or containers exposed to dog saliva should be washed and tanned.

If your dog would salivate be tanning. What's more if you hold or touch a dog? Dogs if touched skin and the hair when wet, we will dikuatiri same infected dog saliva.

Law relating to dog feces is not relied upon in the Quran but pledged to Nabawiyah Sunnah. If you are looking for in the Quran, will not find his decree. For Muslims, Islamic sources other than the Quran Sunnah iaitulah Nabawiyah, Qias and Ijmaà ¢ â, ¬ â "¢ Ulamaà ¢ â, ¬ â" ¢. Nabawiyah Sunnah are all acts, words and things hushed up by the Prophet. Nabawiyah Sunnah position is the same as the Quran because the fact is the revelation of God also, the Law prescribed by the Qur'an, Hadith, and Ijmaà Qias ¢ â, ¬ â "¢ is a valid and necessary law adopted sharia side Islam.

Particularly in the Quran does not mention the duty of praying five times a day and 17 cycles. Al-Quran does not mention the unforgivable associated with feces, human waste and urine. Although the Qur'an does not mention it, we say it is soiled with stool fixed and can not eat or drink. That's also when someone finished urinating or large indirect prayers despite the Quran does not mention his uncleanness. This is because the stool so Nabawiyah mentioned in the Sunnah.
In understanding the Islamic sharia, we banned only argues the Quran Sunnah and without looking at the Nabawiyah. Nabawiyah Sunnah rejected as blasphemous to the Quran. Because the Sunnah Nabawiyah revelation came from God too.
As to arguments from tradition Nabawiyah received all scholars of dog feces saliva is as follows:
From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said, 'When a dog drinking from a container owned by you, then wash 7 times.
From Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah said, `His Holy former dog mouth you entered is to wash 7 times." According to Ahmad and Muslim narrated mentioned salahsatunya the land. "
And all scholars agree that dog saliva is unclean, even the position of the heavy stools are stools (mughallazhah), as to purify water using seven times and one of them using ground water, just as stool ****.

Al-Maliki Syafia ¢ â, ¬ â "¢ Yeah and Al-Hanabilah consensus that not only the soiled with stool saliva alone, but the whole body weight of the dog feces ruling, including water and sweat. Other animals even marry a dog, will follow the same law (ie heavy shit). In view Syafia ¢ â, ¬ â "¢ Yeah body and mouth dog saliva is unclean because saliva source is from the body. But the body is also the source of the stool. Includes water that comes out of the body's own dog as urine, faeces and sweat.

Opinions about dog feces throughout the body is also strengthened by other traditions such as: That Allah's Messenger Muhammad invited in to the house of one race and he came to the invitation. Host of others at the time, other people and he does not come before inviting him. When asked him why he did not come to the second invitation, he said, "In the second house when the dog there in the first house only cats. And the cat is not unclean." (Narrated by Al-Hakim and Ad-Daruquthuny). Clear to us this hadith shows that the cat is not unclean, while the dog is unclean.

What diseases carried by dogs? The most well-known disease of dogs carrying rabies is caused by the rabies virus that can be found through the saliva of dogs. When you receive a dog bites, the virus in dog saliva seeps last will attack the nervous system of our body. With rosaknya nervous system, then your body will not function properly, especially in terms of neuromotor function. Islam did not invent the law because the dog is indeed ngadakan health hazard. That is why when dogs touched the wet skin condition, we must cleanse ourselves with 7 times washing with one of these is to use the land (tanning)

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