Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tempat Makan Best Di Melaka Part 1

Indeed, if pi Malacca void if not stopped in Umbai to enjoy seafood-based cuisine, one of the interesting places in Malacca. Kat this Umbai approximately 13 kilometers from the city. Over here is a lot of restaurants selling grilled fish but most large and many visitors were Ikan Bakar Parameswara. It is located at the end of all.

Ni le menu available and also the price of food down here. On the whole it was much cheaper than in Kuala Lumpur or in Bagan Lalang, about half the price.

First choose a fish or marine life in the heart consented to my tu pass both of them to be weighed and also order dishes what we want.

By the way, going in for a meal at this Umbai, parking fee of RM1.

After food passes tu order both of them for the number of objects to be placed allergic tu iron on the table. Then order a drink le.

To know Annals address? It is located in Medan Ikan Bakar, Pernu Base, Umbai, 75450 Melaka. Can call 06-261 6106 or e-mail can

Last order water and rice, both of them do not want to ask some fruit. If you want both of them will be parking on the table. For this fruit it is priced at RM4.00. It's OK, there are some watermelon, guava and apple.

Kitaorang order tomyam@RM9.00. My rating of 7.5, did not feel very kind but the kind of soup tomyam then. But OK gak cause allergic Afiqah enjoy eating this thing.

As usual, fried squid was my favorite. Munity squids without doubt look good, not like some places where the shape cekodok sorts. Kitaorang take a whim, a medium. After all meals for two adults and one child. Danish Prefer eating more of other foods. This squid is very crisp powders maybe not to avoid so chewy squid. I give this one 8.3 out of 10 rating. Not believe this price is only RM3.80 squid?

Tu pas kitaorang order sweet and sour seabass cooked. This medium sized fish, it's full right to feed two people. Maybe next time come here kitaorang order, squid, shrimp and crab. Fish was crisp and the taste is delicious, do not feel like the ground. Yes some kinds of fish taste aja land, but that this can be said to be perfect. My Rating of 8.1 out of 10. The price is RM23.40, less than a kilo.

Ni sauce, choose whichever one pleased.

It is full to eat over here, the street was going to feel lazy then.

All in all, including water, fruit and naasi is RM51. It's OK. Other times it comes Malacca, son dropping by Fish Grill located in Umbai Annals.

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