Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kementerian Kewangan Semakin Tenat 2012

14 th May 2012, Cc department attended a meeting in the capital Kuala Lumpur. Normally this meeting chaired by the head of the department that morning to discuss the technical work of the project and this project, development projects were implemented throughout the state of the country. Meeting environment with comfortable and well run.

Completed a period of rest followed day around 1:30 pm in the afternoon pulak second meeting on the financial provisions to manage the state. This meeting was warm when the chairman of a broad range of questions to members about their allocation meetings but still not spent.
Questions put by the chairman of the majority can be answered and resolved, but there are also a number of warrants that provided is not spent by the respective states and the provisions had to be withdrawn.
In kerancakkan discussion and warmth on various issues raised, the chairman suddenly mentions:
"Know ye all, MOF (Ministry of Finance) is now dying" then all was silent a moment.
"I struggled fluctuations MOF to apply for funding that you can ask but when you do not spend".
For all information, allocation received by a government agency should be the maximum that can be spent on things that need to be. Among them government employees do I know these things.
"You know, now I do not have the federal government to spend money. I informed the ministry have taken steps to mortgage the country's land solely carrying my shopping, I was actually scared when I ministry official tells of things I "said the chairman.
"What the PM general for all ni tu for general information only.After the election I will be severe, we will not have the money for the government. Maybe our budget last application I will not be by now, I was leaking secret today, but not what is "added while continuing the agenda of the meeting until the end.
What is revealed by the department head is actually true. If this had many times before opposition politicians mengungkitkan this matter in every program talks Pakatan rakyat. Already foaming mouth politicians pledging to explain the measures the country's reserves of land by PM Najib as minister in charge of the Ministry of Finance now.
If people do not want to believe the information presented by the political class does not matter, but the information conveyed by the officials we do not want to believe? Do I wait for our country then we compromised and believed homeless. Rice has become porridge.
Attitude to spend lavishly, fraud, corruption and abuse of power minister in charge is the main factor causing the national accounts are the most serious ranking. Grants BR1M, annual bonus or remuneration for its settlers RM15, 000.00 which should be to end the year and a range of other remuneration, these are bait worms will dicangkuk the hook.
Although the Head of Department does not tell which land areas are victims of greed, Minister of Finance and destined If the government can not recover the dipajakgadai land, what will happen next to our country?
These disclosures are a reminder to all strata of society in order to reject the current BN government and replaced by the new Government of the People's Alliance. ~ Siasahkini

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