apa yang lelaki WEF tu nak bagtau adalah akan berlaku x lama lagi NEW ECONOMIC CRISIS (NEC) yg lagi teruk dari krisis ekonomi yang berlaku akibat lockdown pandemik ni..
(sebenarnya 3 ke 5 tahun lepas pernah 2 kali aku post dlm forum cari pasal disaster economy yg telah n sedang berlaku ni dimana solution adalah RESET aka GCR)
dari apa yg video WEF ni bgtau dgn information oleh Asymmetric Warfare Adviser for CIA n PENTAGON (Jim Rickards) melalui bukunya The Road To Ruin 2016 dan Aftermath (2019) --- NEC akan berlaku x lama lagi yg akan dipanggil Financial Panic...
Aku jangka Financial Panic akan berlaku Nov 2021 dan antara triggernya adalah global cyberattacks ke atas essential infrastructure spt grid elektrik, oil pipeline, financial infrastructure etc yang akan lumpuhkan worldwide antaranya bank2, food supply chain, stock markets, money market funds etc..
semasa Financial Panic ni.. awal2 nya semua orang akan kejar cash.. kuarkan dari bank, jual emas perak dll
So, worldwide bank2, stock markets, money market funds dll akan tutup temporary.. kita perlu bersedia dgn cash in hand n makanan at least utk 6 bulan survival...
lepas 3 ke 4 bulan Financial Panic berlaku... satu dunia akan lose of confidence dgn semua matawang utama dunia spt USD, Euro, Yen, Yuan, Pound dll...
So, solution kpd Financial Panic ni adalah Global Monetary/ Currency Reset (GCR)... di mana 40% dari matawang USD, Euro, Yuan, Ruble akan disandar dgn gold...
Saturday, July 31, 2021
realiti covid n ekonomi 2021
covid economy
Do you want to know why the elites have destroyed your lives over the last 15 months?
Well read on, I promise to explain all of it A thread.
It links nicely to this story:
Remember Gordon Brown promising to end ‘boom and bust’?
He didn’t of course, B&B are a feature of our type of monetary system.
What’s worse that system comes with a built in self-destruct mechanism and we are perilously close to that point.
The theory is during a boom you raise interest rates to cool the economy and each bust you lower them to stimulate.
BUT – each time we have boom & bust we come out if it with lower sustainable interest rates.
Remember the days you could get 8% on a regular high street bank account?
The old George Cole ‘Leeds Liquid Gold’ ad comes to mind:
If you want to understand the mechanism better there is a great video from billionaire investor Ray Dallio that walks you through the whole process, but the nub is, it’s a one way process over decades:
After 2008 we reached the end of the road, interest rates had been lowered to ZERO.
At this point you can’t lower them any further to stimulate the economy.
Normally at this point the money system will collapse and a new one emerge.
The average age of a fiat currency is only 27 years.
So the Decimalised £GBP is actually an old man just like the non-gold standard $USD which started in 1971.
It goes without saying that the rich elites very much want to stay rich as we transition to whatever comes next.
The obvious alternative in an internet age is electronic money like bitcoin.
But that’s a huge problem for the elites, because no-one controls bitcoin.
It is money independent from any State or any Central bank.
And controlling the money itself is HUGELY powerful.
Ideally, governments want to create their own Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which is linked to a national digital ID which gives government total control over their citizens.
They can track your every purchase and deduct any amount of tax without even asking.
The problem is we don’t have a national digital ID system that would be the underpinning of any such CBDC, and the old system is going to collapse, it’s only a question of when at this point.
How can we be so certain that the collapse is both imminent and unavoidable?
Interest rates are already at zero, so you can’t lower them.
So the only option left is to print new money to stimulate the stock market.
Indeed, the money printing has been absurd lately with 30% of all money having been created in the last few years.
So why not just take the pain and let the stock market collapse?
They really can’t allow that - problem is that 60% of taxes are paid by the top 5% of income earners, and the top 5% aren’t usually working really hard, their income is from the stock market in the main.
So if the stock market collapses so do taxes.
If taxes go, so does the government, pensions, welfare will all go.
People will start rioting at the same moment they don’t have money to pay police salaries or the military.
We will have a revolution.
They do not want this.
Of course you can only prop up the market with printed money for so long before inflation turns our money into toilet paper.
I think the elites realised the sh*t they were in in the mid-2010s.
The next big 2008 style collapse was going to be their comeuppance.
So how do you transition to a new money system that retains the power of government and the elite?
The logical alternative of bitcoin is stateless, and in that future if government don’t control the money you only pay for government services you actually want.
Fortunately (for them) the Chinese figured out the answer.
You create your own digital money.
Linked to their existing national digital ID system that goes the other way entirely from free money, indeed, it massively expands the power of government.
The elites were in a desperate race to solve 2 big problems.
1) How to make the population accept a digital ID system?
2) In the background come up with their own CBDC.
And the clock was very much ticking down.
Everyone reading this knows how they solved problem 1!
So is it too late? - Have the Davos elites won the day and we are heading into the Brave New World.
With a social credit system underpinning a government that monitors and score every purchase you make, and scores your value to them?
Not necessarily no, because as I mentioned the alternative is bitcoin, not controlled by anyone.
It would represent a new stateless era of money, and a massive reduction of power of the state and a new paradigm of freedom.
The problem is governments are seriously behind the curve on this.
China is almost a decade out front.
Which is why China recently banned bitcoin, because their CBDC was almost ready to go live.
Indeed, China has been planning to seize control of the worlds ‘Reserve Currency Status’, (currently held by the US), for decades.
China is the world’s largest Gold producer, and every ounce is bought by the government and placed in a vault. Has been or years.
For decades they have been waiting for the $USD to get to the end of the road so they could assume the mantle of Global reserve currency and the exchange for all oil transactions.
A colossal market and the root of much of the US power.
The emergence of digital money, dovetailed with the CCPs social credit system beautifully so a new China CBDC backed by an enormous gold reserve was a perfect opportunity to smash dominance of the $USD and achieve their own.
You see why western elites are so frantic!
A very big BUT.
Western elites want their own CBDC.
BUT, they will take the stateless bitcoin if the only alternative is a China digital Yuan as the new global reserve currency.
This is why China has banned bitcoin, but the West don’t dare yet.
It’s their plan B
So we face 2 futures.
One freedom, one Chinese style social credit and CBDC in the West as well.
But remember that the existing money system is going to collapse soon and the West is not ready to make the transition, yet!
Important: If we want to be free all we need do is become ungovernable, and resist long enough for the house of cards to come down by itself.
But make no mistake we are in a race, and governments are following a Davos plan.
Its why they act in such a coordinated way around the world.
If we want to be free, we simply need slow them down long enough.
Good luck!
Finally, you ask what a bitcoin could be worth in these 2 futures?
My jottings (Do your own research) suggest in the CBDC future bitcoin won’t be worth much at all.
But in the freedom future where Bitcoin becomes the global reserve it would be something like $14m each.
Thursday, July 22, 2021
youtube formula
Wan Faizol Wan Mat, [22 Jul 2021 at 9:07:41 PM]:
watchmojo and the talko
I blocked India, Pakistan, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Morocco, Tunisia, Nepal Philippines.
Wan Faizol Wan Mat, [22 Jul 2021 at 9:23:40 PM]:
The Scenist channel
yes this is monetizable. it falls under fairuse which involves only using clips and snippets of the actual video and then adding your own voiceover. So keep in mind that copyright strikes and copyright claims are the two main things people run into with this model of youtube.
You NEVER want a copyright strike. If you ever get one, i would just ditch the channel/ niche and start a new one because these are a very harsh penalty. Get 3 and you can lose ALL your channels associated with the copyright striked one.
Copyright claims on the other hand are very easy to fix and much less harsh. Whenever i get one, i take down the video, re-edit it, then reupload it.
-Short engaging intros,
- Top 10 style
- Count downwards
- Grammar error free
When i get a copyright claim, i take the video down, and re-edit it, then reupload it. YouTube will tell you what portion of your video is copyright claimed so if you receive a copyright claim from 2:13-2:44, you only need to re-edit that portion.
To protect yourself from copyright claims:
1. Use only 15 second or less segments of video clips (if copyrighted)
2. Use royalty free stock footage if possible
3. NEVER use copyright music- this gets flagged instantly
4. Use screen recordings when possible (these always pass copyright check)
Wan Faizol Wan Mat, [22 Jul 2021 at 9:41:04 PM]:
Respectively though:
Voiceovers- $20-$30
Scriptwriters- $20-$30
Video Editors- $50+
This is a lengthy, lengthy process. But basically it comes down to a few princicles:
- Do what's worked before in the past.
- Understand your audiience
- Don't try and reinvent the wheel.
With a new channel, I may post like 10 different niche videos just to see what bites and then slowly double down.
Thanks so much! Length is always 10 min+
10 min usually equates to about 1700+ word scripts.
Keyword phrase in the:
1. Title
2. Description
3. Tags
But there's more to it than that though. You've gotta make your title engaging.. Like not click baity but actually engaging.
Here's a nugget: on youtube people can always buy comments, likes, subscribers. But what's more difficult to buy it click through rate. By having an engaging title/ thumbnail, your click through rate will increase, and then get picked up by YT. A lot of people think it's always an SEO problem- I sometimes think it's a "maybe you're not so creative with your titles/ thumbnails" problem đ Hope this helps!
ery inspiring journey thus far! What is your criteria for finding scriptwriter/video editors for your team and do you have any tips on this aspect? I outsource some things for my ventures, but sometimes the mark is off in terms of quality.
I look forward to hearing more from your journey and I'm sorry to hear about your loss bro.
I actually have SOP's and hiring templates my project managers uses for script writers/ video editors.
Essentially though: make sure they're communicative, and I make sure their work is quality of course. Im not posting garbage videos on YouTube so I do want quality scriptwriters/ video editors. I want to be more helpful so let me add some more:
For script writers, they have written youtube scripts before- this is usually a must unless they can convince me otherwise.
For video editors, ask if they can create a video like WatchMojos. I always instantly hire video editors who have created video compilatons/ Top 10s before.
You have to understand that this model of YouTube isn't a "subs" game. It's a views+ niche game. Gain massive amount of views, choose the right niche= make bank. Let me put it more into perspective.
A channel that has 1M+ subscribers but only averages 100k views a day at a $6 CPM
A channel that has 10k subscribers, but one of their videos went viral, gained 6M+ views and is now at 150k views a day at a $4 CPM.
My point is- subs dont matter or in other words, there's no correlation between #of subs and how much you can make. What I care about is creating quality videos, getting views, going viral, and making money.
I am now at 140k subs, and ~80 videos uploaded.
The Goals:
[x] Monetization enabled// Goal achieved by partnering with an individual.
[x] $100 per month // Goal achieved 2/15/20
[x] $1,000 per month// Goal achieved 2/23/20
[] $10,000 per month// In progress: March: I made $9.4k but that's because CPMs are down due to the virus đ
[] $30,000 per month
[] Cover my parents' rent
[] Buy my brother a new iPad
The Plan:
Here's what im currently doing:
Channel 1 (niche= WatchMojo)
Between my partner and I, we're uploading videos now every other day since CPMs have taken a hit.
The channel is currently sitting at $20,000 in revenue only up til the end of APRIL.
I now have about 5 videos ringing in the cash registers:
- VIDEO 5 has 600k views.
- VIDEO 4 has 500k views
- VIDEO 3 has 700k views.
- VIDEO 2 has 2 million views
- VIDEO 1 has 6.5 MILLION views guys, truly such a great start.
Insane amount of views but unfortunately cause of COVID, im only averaging about $150- but hey, it's better than nothing!
Channel 2
Because of our 2 problems on our first channel, the commitment to this one wasn't as intense.
This channel has a total of 9 videos in it. Nothing groundbreaking yet.
Most viewed video= 200 views.
Channel 3
This is the channel that we were gonna launch in the first week of July, but my partner and I have basically discussed that we might as well get to work on it too. We plan on launching this one next week.
Channel will launch in the first week of July.
Channel 4
This is gonna be a new channel that i will be working on with a very nice guy here from BHW. He reached out to me, told me his background story, and continued to reach out to me despite my lack of communication with him. This showed hunger and drive- and in addition, he had something to bring to the table. My hope is that I can help him and his family out within 3 months- the earlier the better. A tip for everyone out there shooting me messages: his proposal was top of the line. I get PMs in my inbox weekly about if I want to partner with people, I should reach out to them--- but why would I reach out to them if they have nothing to offer?
This channel here is one that im working with a very nice guy here from BHW. He's really patient with me and i do guarantee that im gonna get this one to go viral real soon.
Currently has only 5 videos posted.
Most viewed video= 100 views.
Channel 5
This is my own gaming niche channel. Again, because of the problems in april, there wasn't much dedication given to it unfortunately.
It's currently got just 5 videos posted.
Most viewed video= 1k views.
My hopes is that by July the numbers on channels 2-5 will be better:). Im gonna make it more of a commitment to stay on top of the replies on this thread. I had one message asking me if I could please not end this journey. Unfortunately, I cant fulfill that request because once i hit 30k/ month on adsense and achieve my goals, im gonna end the journey.... but then start a new one aimming for 100k/ month on adsense:)
As per usual, here's a valuable tip:
It's a repeat one but it really makes me think how people think of YouTube not wrongly, but so incorrectly at times. It's regarding the discussion of subscribers vs amount of money to be made.
There is no correlation between the # of subs and the money you can make regarding this model of YouTube.
You see this all the time guys where there are DEAD 500k+ sub channels literally making pennies, yet there's a channel with 20k subs whose video goes viral and nets them 10k and $100/ day passively afterwards. For people who have 100k subs and are wondering why you're not receiving the same amount of money as me, it's probably because you're not getting the same amount of views as me and your niche is different as well.
That's it folks! Again as always. thanks so much for reading!
My method is as follows:
0) Research videos myself
1) Hire a script writer
2) Hire a voiceover artist
3) Hire a video editor
4) hire a thumbnail artist and description writer
5) Video goes down the assembly line
6) I upload the video to my YouTube channel.
best books for champ
The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class, by Keith Cameron Smith
(2) Zero to One Million..., by Ryan Allis
Ready, Fire, Aim: Zero to $100 Million in No Time Flat, by Michael Masterson
Gold: The Once and Future Money, by Nathan Lewis
(2) The Richest Man in Babylon, George Clason
(3) RDPD, by Robert Kioysaki
(2) Cash Flow Quadrant, by Robert Kiyosaki
(2) Guide to Investing, by Robert Kiyosaki
Success Stories, by Robert Kiyosaki
Retire Young, Retire Rich, by Kiyosaki
Free File Hosting - File Dropper: File Host for Mp3, Videos, Music, Documents.
(5) How To Get Rich, by Felix Dennis.
How to Get Rich, by Donald Trump
(2) Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
The Teenage Investor
Internet Riches
Your idea can make you rich
The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles
Who took my Money,
(2) The Millionaire Maker, by Loral Langemeier
Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, by Van Tharp
The Millionaire Mind, by Thomas Stanley
Getting Started with Options,
(2) Why We Want You To Be Rich,
Rich Dad Prophecy, by Robert Kiyosaki
Million Dollar Habits, by Brian Tracy
Intelligent Investor,
The One Minute Millionaire,
Million bucks by 30, by Alan Corey
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, by Edwin Lefèvre
Trading for a Living, by Alexander Elder
Trend Following, by Michael W. Covel
How I Trade for a Living, by Gary Smith
The Little Book That Beats the Market, by Joel Greenblatt
Cracking the Millionaire Code, by Mark Victor Hansen/Robert G. Allen
The Warren Buffet Way, by Robert G. Hagstrom, JR.
Real Estate
Investing in Commercial RE, by Trump University
Investing in Real Estate for Dummies
(4) The Millionaire Real Estate Investor, by Keller
Real Estate 101, By Trump University
The Complete Guide to Flipping Properties, by Steve Burgess
Grow Rich with the Property Cycle, by Kieran Trass
(2) Nothing Down for the 2000's, by Steve Allen
The Pre-foreclosure Real Estate Handbook, by Frankie Orlando
Dictionary of Real Estate Terms, by Barrons
Real-estate Advantages
(3) ABC's to Realestate
The Landlord's Troubleshooter
(3) The Complete Guide to Buying and Selling Apartment Buildings, by Steve Burgess
(4) How to Buy and Sell Apartment Buildings, by Vollucci's
Landlording: A Handy manual for Scrupulous Landlords and Landladies Who Do It Themselves
Real Estate Investing in Canada, by Don R. Campbell
How I turned $1,000 into Five Million in Real Estate, by William Nickerson
How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing, by Robert Irwin
Tips & Tricks When Mortgage Hunting, by Robert Irwin
Tips & Tricks When Negotiating Real Estate, by Robert Irwin
(2) Every Landlords Tax Deduction Guide, by Stephen Fishman
Home Inspection Handbook, John E. Traister
The Complete Landlording Handbook, Socartes
Buying Real Estate Foreclosures, by Melissa S. Kollen-Rice
The Pre-Foreclosure Property Investor’s Kit, by Thomas J. Lucier
(2) The Art of the Start, by Guy Kawasaki
(4) How To Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
Rule #1, by Phil Town
The Big Idea, by Donny Deutsch
The Greatest Salesman In The World, by Og Mandino
Mavericks At Work, by William Taylor and Polly Labarre
(2) 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey
Selling the Dream, by Guy Kawasaki
Negotiating for dummies,
The ultimate sales letter, by Dan Kennedy
(2) Getting everything you can out of all you've got, by Jay Abraham
Art of The Comeback,
21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform, and Out-Earn the Competition,
100 ways to motivate yourself,
(4) Awaken the Giant Within, by Tony Robbins
How life imitates chess , by Gary Kasparov
Successfull Interpersonal Communication - Another handbook
How to have kick-a$$ ideas, by Chris Barez-Brown
Succeed on Your Own Terms, by Herb Greenberg and Patrick Sweeney
Instant Systems, by Bradley J. Sugars
(2) Sales Dogs, by RD advisor
Plug Your Book, by Steve Weber
Raising the Bar,
The Tipping point, by Malcom Gladwell
Integrity-The Courage To Meet The Demands Of Reality, by Henry Cloud
The 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene
The Power of Focus, by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Les Hewitt
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, by David Allen
Stop Procrastination Now!,
(2) Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive, by Harvey Mackay
3 Steps to Yes, by Gene Bedell
The MavHERick Mind, by Liz Pabon
Blue Ocean Strategy,
Coach Yourself to Success, by Talane Meander
The Law of Attraction, by Esther & Jerry Hicks
(2) Think Big and Kick a$$, by Donald Trump
Every Business Is A Growth Business, by Ram Charan
Before You Quit Your Job, by RK
Smartest Guys in the Room, and on Idealized Design,
(3) Internet Riches, by Scott Fox
Start Your Own e-Business, by McGarve (old library book)
When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management, by Roger Lowenstein
(5) The 4-Hour Workweek, by Timothy Ferris
(2) Guerrilla Marketing For Writers, by Jay Conrad Levinson
The Forgotten 500,
Marketing, by Trump University
The Birth of Plenty : How the Prosperity of the Modern World was Created, by William Bernstein
Gold and Iron, by Fritz Stern
Beating the Street, by Peter Lynch
Hold'em Wisdom For All Players, by Daniel Negreanu
e book. http://www.robbooker.com/books/Mirac...Discipline.pdf
Ulysses, by James Joyce
The Naked Gentleman, by Sally MacKenzie
(2) The Secret,
Chain of Blame,
The E-Myth Revisited, by Michael Gerber
Panzer Battles, by F.W. Von Mellenthin
On War, By General Carl von Clausewitz
An Introduction to Psychology
(2) Harry Potter
Spook Country, by William Gibson
Writing Non-Fiction, by Dan Poynter
Self-Publishing Manual, by Dan Poynter
Animal Farm , by George Orwell
Culture Warrior, by Bill O'reilly
Parenting the Hurt Child,
(2) World is flat, by Thomas L Friedman,
THE DIP, by Seth Godin
Big Russ and Me: Father and Son: Lessons of Life, By Tim Russert
The Age of Turbulence,
The Long Tail,
Interred with their Bones,
The Driver, by Alex Roy
(2) Atlas Shrugged,
The Fountainhead,
The Bridal Quest, by Candace Camp